FinandyHookLibLibrary "FinandyHookLib"
TODO: add library description here
createOrderJson(model, hook_secret, options)
model (orderModel type from Hamster-Coder/OrderLib/7)
hook_secret (string)
options (textFormatOptions)
price_format (series__string)
percent_format (series__string)
Indicators and strategies
KernelFunctionsFiltersLibrary "KernelFunctionsFilters"
This library provides filters for non-repainting kernel functions for Nadaraya-Watson estimator implementations made by @jdehorty. Filters include a smoothing formula and zero lag formula. You can find examples in the code. For more information check out the original library KernelFunctions.
rationalQuadratic(_src, _lookback, _relativeWeight, startAtBar, _filter)
_src (float)
_lookback (simple int)
_relativeWeight (simple float)
startAtBar (simple int)
_filter (simple string)
gaussian(_src, _lookback, startAtBar, _filter)
_src (float)
_lookback (simple int)
startAtBar (simple int)
_filter (simple string)
periodic(_src, _lookback, _period, startAtBar, _filter)
_src (float)
_lookback (simple int)
_period (simple int)
startAtBar (simple int)
_filter (simple string)
locallyPeriodic(_src, _lookback, _period, startAtBar, _filter)
_src (float)
_lookback (simple int)
_period (simple int)
startAtBar (simple int)
_filter (simple string)
j(line1, line2)
line1 (float)
line2 (float)
MyCandleLibraryLibrary "MyCandleLibrary"
TODO: Candle Pattern Library
IsEngulfingCandle(n, trendRule)
TODO: Identify Bullish Engulfing Candle
n (int) : TODO: Candle Number
trendRule (string)
Returns: TODO: If Identify Bullish Engulfing candle return True otherwise False
HelperTALibrary "HelperTA"
This library contains useful technical indicators that I use regularly in my charts.
`stockRSI` is not mine, but included because used often and referenced by internal functions.
`DCO` is a normalisation of the donchian channels; the price relative to the donchian channels, on a range.
`MarketCycle` is a weighted aggregate of RSI, Stochastic RSI & DCO (demo on the chart)
stockRSI(src, K, D, rsiPeriod, stochPeriod)
src (float)
K (int)
D (int)
rsiPeriod (simple int)
stochPeriod (int)
DCO(price, donchianPeriod, smaPeriod)
price (float)
donchianPeriod (int)
smaPeriod (int)
MarketCycle(donchianPrice, rsiPrice, srsiPrice, donchianPeriod, donchianSmoothing, rsiPeriod, rsiSmoothing, srsiPeriod, srsiSmoothing, srsiK, srsiD, rsiWeight, srsiWeight, dcoWeight)
donchianPrice (float)
rsiPrice (float)
srsiPrice (float)
donchianPeriod (simple int)
donchianSmoothing (simple int)
rsiPeriod (simple int)
rsiSmoothing (int)
srsiPeriod (simple int)
srsiSmoothing (simple int)
srsiK (simple int)
srsiD (simple int)
rsiWeight (simple float)
srsiWeight (simple float)
dcoWeight (simple float)
Vector3Library "Vector3"
Representation of 3D vectors and points.
This structure is used to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also contains functions for doing common vector operations.
Besides the functions listed below, other classes can be used to manipulate vectors and points as well.
For example the Quaternion and the Matrix4x4 classes are useful for rotating or transforming vectors and points.
new(x, y, z)
Create a new `Vector3`.
x (float) : `float` Property `x` value, (optional, default=na).
y (float) : `float` Property `y` value, (optional, default=na).
z (float) : `float` Property `z` value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.new(1.1, 1, 1)
Create a new `Vector3` from a single value.
value (float) : `float` Properties positional value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
from_Array(values, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values, only reads up to the third item.
values (float ) : `array` Vector property values.
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, fill_na=33))
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, 2, 3))
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Vector2`.
values (Vector2 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector2` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from:Vector2(, 2.0))
- Type `Vector2` from CommonTypesMath library.
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Quaternion`'s `x, y, z` properties.
values (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Quaternion` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from_Quaternion(, 2, 3, 4))
- Type `Quaternion` from CommonTypesMath library.
from_String(expression, separator, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values in a formated string.
expression (string) : `array` String with the list of vector properties.
separator (string) : `string` Separator between entries, (optional, default=`","`).
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
- `",,"` Empty fields will be ignored.
.from_String("1.1", fill_na=33))
.from_String("(1.1,, 3)") // 1.1 , 3.0, NaN // empty field will be ignored!!
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, -1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 1, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, -1, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(na, na, na)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
random(max, min)
Generate a vector with random properties.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.random(.from(math.pi), .from(-math.pi))
Generate a vector with random properties (min set to 0.0).
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
method copy(this)
Copy a existing `Vector3`
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().copy()
method i_add(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(.up())
method i_add(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(3.2)
method i_subtract(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(.down())
method i_subtract(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(3)
method i_multiply(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(.left())
method i_multiply(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(3)
method i_divide(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(.forward())
method i_divide(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(3)
method i_mod(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(.back())
method i_mod(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(3)
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Exponent Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(.up())
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` Exponent Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(2)
method length_squared(this)
Squared length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1)
Returns: `float` The squared length of this vector.
a = .one().length_squared()
method magnitude_squared(this)
Squared magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length squared of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude_squared()
method length(this)
Length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length of this vector.
a = .one().length()
method magnitude(this)
Magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The Length of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude()
method normalize(this, magnitude, eps)
Normalize a vector with a magnitude of 1(optional).
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization, (optional, default=1.0).
eps (float)
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize() // (x=0.283, y=0.429, z=0.858)
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize(2) // (x=0.142, y=0.214, z=0.429)
method to_String(this, precision)
Converts source vector to a string format, in the form `"(x, y, z)"`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (string) : `string` Precision format to apply to values (optional, default='').
Returns: `string` Formated string in a `"(x, y, z)"` format.
a = .one().to_String("#.###")
method to_Array(this)
Converts source vector to a array format.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `array` List of the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).to_Array()
method to_Vector2(this)
Converts source vector to a Vector2 in the form `x, y`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Vector2()
method to_Quaternion(this, w)
Converts source vector to a Quaternion in the form `x, y, z, w`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Sorce vector.
w (float) : `float` Property of `w` new value.
Returns: `Quaternion` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Quaternion(w=1)
method add(this, other)
Add a vector to source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(.unit_z())
method add(this, value)
Add a value to each property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(2.0)
add(value, other)
Add each property of a vector to a base value as a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2) , b = .add(1.0, a)
method subtract(this, other)
Subtract vector from source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(.left())
method subtract(this, value)
Subtract a value from each property in source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(2.0)
subtract(value, other)
Subtract each property in a vector from a base value and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .subtract(1.0, .right())
method multiply(this, other)
Multiply a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(.up())
method multiply(this, value)
Multiply each element in source vector with a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(2.0)
multiply(value, other)
Multiply a value with each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .multiply(1.0, .new(1, 2, 1))
method divide(this, other)
Divide a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(.from(2))
method divide(this, value)
Divide each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(2.0)
divide(value, other)
Divide a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .divide(1.0, .from(2))
method mod(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(.from(2))
method mod(this, value)
Modulo each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(2.0)
mod(value, other)
Modulo a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .mod(1.0, .from(2))
method negate(this)
Negate a vector in the form `(zero - this)`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().negate()
method pow(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2).pow(.from(3))
method pow(this, exponent)
Raise the vector elements by a exponent.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` The exponent to raise the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).pow(2.0)
pow(value, exponent)
Raise value into a vector raised by the elements in exponent vector.
value (float) : `float` Base value.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The exponent to raise the vector of base value by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .pow(1.0, .from(2))
method sqrt(this)
Square root of the elements in a vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sqrt()
method abs(this)
Absolute properties of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).abs()
method max(this)
Highest property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Highest value amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).max()
method min(this)
Lowest element of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Lowest values amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).min()
method floor(this)
Floor of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).floor()
method ceil(this)
Ceil of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).ceil()
method round(this)
Round of vector elements.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round()
method round(this, precision)
Round of vector elements to n digits.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (int) : `int` Number of digits to round the vector elements.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round(1) // 1.3, 1.7, 2
method fractional(this)
Fractional parts of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1.337).fractional() // 0.337
method dot_product(this, other)
Dot product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `float` Dot product.
a = .from(2).dot_product(.left())
method cross_product(this, other)
Cross product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cross_produc(.right())
method scale(this, scalar)
Scale vector by a scalar value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
scalar (float) : `float` Value to scale the the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).scale(2)
method rescale(this, magnitude)
Rescale a vector to a new magnitude.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(20).rescale(1)
method equals(this, other)
Compares two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).equals(.one())
method sin(this)
Sine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sin()
method cos(this)
Cosine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cos()
method tan(this)
Tangent of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).tan()
vmax(a, b)
Highest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.one(), .from(2))
vmax(a, b, c)
Highest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.new(0.1, 2.5, 3.4), .from(2), .from(3))
vmin(a, b)
Lowest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2))
vmin(a, b, c)
Lowest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2), .new(3.3, 2.2, 0.5))
distance(a, b)
Distance between vector `a` and `b`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = distance(.from(3), .unit_z())
clamp(a, min, max)
Restrict a vector between a min and max vector.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum boundary vector.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum boundary vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp(, 1.5, 3.9), min=.from(2),, 3.0, 3.5))
clamp_magnitude(a, radius)
Vector with its magnitude clamped to a radius.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.object, vector with properties that should be restricted to a radius.
radius (float) : `float` Maximum radius to restrict magnitude of vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp_magnitude(.from(21), 7)
lerp_unclamped(a, b, rate)
`Unclamped` linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .lerp_unclamped(.from(1), .from(2), 1.2)
lerp(a, b, rate)
Linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = lerp(.one(), .from(2), 0.2)
herp(start, start_tangent, end, end_tangent, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
start (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector.
start_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector tangent.
end (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector.
end_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector tangent.
rate (int) : `float` Rate of the movement from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
s = .new(0, 0, 0) , st = .new(0, 1, 1)
e = .new(1, 2, 2) , et = .new(-1, -1, 3)
h = .herp(s, st, e, et, 0.3)
herp_2(a, b, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Rate of the movement per component from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
h = .herp_2(.one(), .new(0.1, 3, 2), 0.6)
3D Noise based on Morgan McGuire @morgan3d
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = noise(.one())
rotate(a, axis, angle)
Rotate a vector around a axis.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
axis (string) : `string` The plane to rotate around, `option="x", "y", "z"`.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate(.from(3), 'y', math.toradians(45.0))
rotate_x(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `x`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_x(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_y(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `y`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_y(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_yaw_pitch(a, yaw, pitch)
Rotate a vector by yaw and pitch values.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
yaw (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
pitch (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_yaw_pitch(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0), math.toradians(45.0))
project(a, normal, eps)
Project a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project(.one(), .down())
project_on_plane(a, normal, eps)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project_on_plane(.one(), .left())
project_to_2d(a, camera_position, camera_target)
Project a vector onto a two dimensions plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
camera_position (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera position.
camera_target (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera target plane position.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .project_to_2d(.one(), .new(2, 2, 3), .zero())
reflect(a, normal)
Reflects a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .reflect(.one(), .right())
angle(a, b, eps)
Angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=1.0e-15).
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle(.one(), .up())
angle_signed(a, b, axis)
Signed angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
axis (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Axis vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle_signed(.one(), .left(), .down())
- The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never
be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees.
- If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point,
then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper.
- The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an
anti-clockwise direction.
angle2d(a, b)
2D angle between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle2d(.one(), .left())
transform_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_normal_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_normal_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_normal_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_normal_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_Array(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (float ) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Array(.one(), array.from(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
transform_Quaternion(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Quaternion(.one(),, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
- Type `Quaternion` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
Mad_MATHLibrary "MAD_MATH"
This is a mathematical library where I store useful kernels, filters and selectors for the different types of computations.
This library also contains opensource code from other scripters.
Future extensions are very likely, there are some functions I would like to add, but I have to wait for approvals so i can include them.
Ehlers_EMA(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Exponential Moving Average (Ehlers_EMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers EMA
Returns: The Ehlers EMA value
Ehlers_Gaussian(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Gaussian Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Gaussian Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Gaussian Filter value
Ehlers_supersmoother(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Supersmoother
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Supersmoother
Returns: The Ehlers Supersmoother value
Ehlers_SMA_fast(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Simple Moving Average (SMA) Fast
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers SMA Fast
Returns: The Ehlers SMA Fast value
Ehlers_EMA_fast(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Fast
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers EMA Fast
Returns: The Ehlers EMA Fast value
Ehlers_RSI_fast(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Relative Strength Index (RSI) Fast
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers RSI Fast
Returns: The Ehlers RSI Fast value
Ehlers_Band_Pass_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers BandPass Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers BandPass Filter
Returns: The Ehlers BandPass Filter value
Ehlers_Butterworth(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Butterworth Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Butterworth Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Butterworth Filter value
Ehlers_Two_Pole_Gaussian_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Two-Pole Gaussian Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Two-Pole Gaussian Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Two-Pole Gaussian Filter value
Ehlers_Two_Pole_Butterworth_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Two-Pole Butterworth Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Two-Pole Butterworth Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Two-Pole Butterworth Filter value
Ehlers_Band_Stop_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Band Stop Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Band Stop Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Band Stop Filter value
Calculates the Ehlers Smoother
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
Returns: The Ehlers Smoother value
Ehlers_High_Pass_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers High Pass Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers High Pass Filter
Returns: The Ehlers High Pass Filter value
Ehlers_2_Pole_High_Pass_Filter(_src, _length)
Calculates the Ehlers Two-Pole High Pass Filter
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the Ehlers Two-Pole High Pass Filter
Returns: The Ehlers Two-Pole High Pass Filter value
pr(_src, _length)
pr Calculates the percentage rank (PR) of a value within a range.
_src (float) : The source value for which the percentage rank is calculated. It represents the value to be ranked within the range.
_length (simple int) : The _length of the range over which the percentage rank is calculated. It determines the number of bars considered for the calculation.
Returns: The percentage rank (PR) of the source value within the range, adjusted by adding 50 to the result.
smma(_src, _length)
Calculates the SMMA (Smoothed Moving Average)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int)
Returns: The SMMA value
hullma(_src, _length)
Calculates the Hull Moving Average (HullMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the HullMA
Returns: The HullMA value
tma(_src, _length)
Calculates the Triple Moving Average (TMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the TMA
Returns: The TMA value
dema(_src, _length)
Calculates the Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the DEMA
Returns: The DEMA value
tema(_src, _length)
Calculates the Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the TEMA
Returns: The TEMA value
w2ma(_src, _length)
Calculates the Normalized Double Moving Average (N2MA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the N2MA
Returns: The N2MA value
wma(_src, _length)
Calculates the Normalized Moving Average (NMA)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The _length of the NMA
Returns: The NMA value
nma(_open, _close, _length)
Calculates the Normalized Moving Average (NMA)
_open (float) : The open price series
_close (float) : The close price series
_length (simple int) : The _length for finding the highest and lowest values
Returns: The NMA value
lma(_src, _length)
_src (float)
_length (simple int)
zero_lag(_src, _length, gamma1, zl)
Calculates the Zero Lag Moving Average (ZeroLag)
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the moving average
gamma1 (simple int) : The coefficient for calculating 'd'
zl (simple bool) : Boolean flag for applying Zero Lag
Returns: An array containing the ZeroLag Moving Average and a boolean flag indicating if it's flat
copyright HPotter, thanks for that great function
chebyshevI(src, len, ripple)
Calculates the Chebyshev Type I Filter
src (float) : The source series for calculation
len (int) : The length of the filter
ripple (float) : The ripple factor for the filter
Returns: The output of the Chebyshev Type I Filter
math from Pafnuti Lwowitsch Tschebyschow (1821–1894)
Thanks peacefulLizard50262 for the find and translation
chebyshevII(src, len, ripple)
Calculates the Chebyshev Type II Filter
src (float) : The source series for calculation
len (int) : The length of the filter
ripple (float) : The ripple factor for the filter
Returns: The output of the Chebyshev Type II Filter
math from Pafnuti Lwowitsch Tschebyschow (1821–1894)
Thanks peacefulLizard50262 for the find
wavetrend(_src, _n1, _n2)
Calculates the WaveTrend indicator
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_n1 (simple int) : The period for the first EMA calculation
_n2 (simple int) : The period for the second EMA calculation
Returns: The WaveTrend value
f_getma(_type, _src, _length, ripple)
Calculates various types of moving averages
_type (simple string) : The type of indicator to calculate
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the moving average or indicator
ripple (simple float)
Returns: The calculated moving average or indicator value
f_getfilter(_type, _src, _length)
Calculates various types of filters
_type (simple string) : The type of indicator to calculate
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the moving average or indicator
Returns: The filtered value
f_getoszillator(_type, _src, _length)
Calculates various types of Deviations and other indicators
_type (simple string) : The type of indicator to calculate
_src (float) : The source series for calculation
_length (simple int) : The length for the moving average or indicator
Returns: The calculated moving average or indicator value
arraybrowser█ ARRAY BROWSER
Add you arrays to the array browser window and scroll them away left and right.
Flexible formatting options (see below).
Many thanks to @kaigouthro for his beautiful matrixautotable library. (import kaigouthro/matrixautotable/14)
How to use
Copy the "ARRAY BROWSER" commented code section below to your script and uncomment.
See DEMO section in the library for usage examples.
Basically: add() your arrays and draw() on barstate.islast.
If your script adds the arrays every calculation do not forget to clear() before adding.
Otherwise, since the arrays are added by reference, no need to add them on every bar, every time you draw() the actual values are retrieved.
Up to 10 arrays of each type (float/string/line/label/box) are supported (total 50 arrays).
Change offset in the input settings to scroll left/right.
Usage example:
import moebius1977/arraybrowser/1 as arraybrowser // this alias is used in the copied section, so better keep it
arbr.clear() // clears all rows and deletes the table
arbr.add(arrayFloat, format = "0.00") // adds an array with title
arbr.add(arrayInt) // adds an array without title
arbr.add(arrayTimes, "array of times 1", "date time") // format date and time so as to fit in the cell.
arbr.add(arrayTimes, "array of times 2", "{0, time, HH:mm}") // format date and time so as to fit in the cell.
arbr.add(arrayString) //
arbr.add(arrayLine, "arrayLines", "(x1, y1) (x2,y2)") // use your own format combining "x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"
arbr.add(arrayLabel, "arrayLabel", "txt") // only print label text, no coordinates
arbr.add(arrayBox, showIds = true) // show ID's for this array if input setting is "individually"
arbr.draw() // shows the table with arrays, use on barstate.islast
Formatting options
For float/int you can always use format string like "{0, time, HH:mm:ss}" or "{0.00}".
Additional options are
- --- Number formats ---
- "number"
- "0"
- "0.0"
- "0.00"
- "0.000"
- "0.0000"
- "0.00000"
- "0.000000"
- "0.0000000"
- --- Date formats ---
- "date"
- "date : time"
- "dd.MM"
- "dd"
- --- Time formats ---
- "time"
- "HH:mm"
- "mm:ss"
- "date time"
- "date, time"
- "date,time"
- "date\time"
For line and box : Empty `format` returns coordinates as "(x1, y1) - (x2, y2)". Otherwise "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(line, "x1, x2") will only return x1 and x2 separated by comma).
For label : Empty `format` returns coordinates and text as "(x, y): text = text". Otherwise "x1", "y1", "txt" in `format` string are replaced by values. (e.g. toS(label, "txt") will only return text of the label)
JavaScript-style Debug ConsoleThis library provides a JavaScript-style debug console to Pine Coders. It supports the most commonly used utilities from the WHATWG Console Standard including the following:
• console.log
• console.debug
• console.warn
• console.error
• console.assert
• console.count
• console.countReset
• console.groupEnd
• console.clear
In addition to the WHATWG standard, this library also supports the following methods:
• console.hide
• Follows the WHATWG Console Standard, which is widely adopted by all major JavaScript runtimes including browsers and Node.js.
• Provides an out-of-box UI with pre-configured theming, ensuring a clean and professional-looking console.
• Allows for easy UI customizations to fit your personal preferences.
• Has extremely simple import and initialization, making it easy to integrate with your existing codebase.
1. Import this library:
import algotraderdev/Console/1
2. Initialize the console object:
var console =
// You can also specify optional params to customize the look & feel.
var console =
position = position.bottom_right,
max_rows = 50,
width = 0,
text_size = size.normal,
background_color = #000000CC,
timestamp_color = #AAAAAA,
info_message_color = #DDDDDD,
debug_message_color = #AAAAAA,
warn_message_color = #FFEB3B,
error_message_color = #ff3c00)
3. Use the console object to debug your code. Here are some examples:
// Basic logging
console.log('hello world!') // prints 'hello world'
console.warn('warn') // prints 'warn' in yellow
console.error('error') // prints 'error' in red
console.clear() // clears the console
// Assertion
console.assert(a.isEmpty(), 'array should be empty') // prints 'assertion failed: array should be empty' if the array is not empty
// Counter
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 1'
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 2'
console.countReset('fooFunction') // resets the counter
console.count('fooFunction') // prints 'fooFunction: 1'
// Group
// prints
// A
// B
// C
// D
// E
// F
// Hide and show
biased_price_targetLibrary "biased_price_target"
Collection of functions that can be used for the calculation of biased price targets like stop loss and
take profit from a reference price using several methods that are already provided by the "distance_ratio" library plus
the 'HHLL'. Methods supported are percentagewise (PERC), atr-based (ATR), fixed profit (PROF), tick-based (TICKS),
risk reward ratio (RR), and highest high/lowest low (HHLL)
Position_controlLibrary "Position_control"
This is a library for defining positions and working with them.
f_calculateLeverage(_Leverage, _maintenance, _value, _direction)
Calculate the leverage used in a trade.
@description This function calculates the leverage used in a trade, based on the value of the trade, the maintenance margin, and the direction of the trade.
_Leverage (float) : The leverage used in the trade, as a floating point number.
_maintenance (float) : The maintenance margin percentage, as a floating point number.
_value (float) : The value of the trade, as a floating point number.
_direction (string) : The direction of the trade, either "long" or "short".
Returns: The leverage used in the trade, as a floating point number.
f_calculate_PL(_Position, _max_TP, _Position_index, _show_profit, _i_decimals_contracts, _i_decimals_prercent)
Calculate the profit or loss for a given trade.
@description This function calculates the profit or loss for a given trade, based on the position type, maximum take profit, position index, and whether to show the profit as a percentage or a value.
_Position (t_Position_type ) : An array of position types for the trade.
_max_TP (int) : The maximum take profit for the trade, as an integer value.
_Position_index (int) : The index of the position in the array, as an integer value.
_show_profit (bool) : A boolean value indicating whether to show the profit as a percentage or a value.
_i_decimals_contracts (int)
_i_decimals_prercent (int)
Returns: The profit or loss for the trade, as a floating point number.
f_drawposition(_Position, _Parameters, _Position_index)
draws a position on the chart
@description via sending in a typo of Position this function is able to drawout Stoploss, Entrybox, Takeprofits and the required labels with information
_Position (t_Position_type ) : array of type t_Position_type containing the position information.
_Parameters (t_drawing_parameters)
_Position_index (int) : the index of the current position.
Returns: None but boxes / lines / labels on the chart itself
TP_Type (series__string)
TP_Parameter_1 (series__integer)
TP_Parameter_2 (series__integer)
TP_Parameter_3 (series__float)
TP_Parameter_4 (series__float)
TP_Price (series__float)
TP_Lot (series__float)
TP_Variant (|t_TP_Variant|#OBJ)
TP_Active (series__bool)
SL_Price (series__float)
SL_Lot (series__float)
SL_Active (series__bool)
Lot (series__float)
Leverage (series__float)
Maintenance (series__float)
Starttime (series__integer)
Entry_Start (series__float)
Stoptime (series__integer)
Entry_Stop (series__float)
Entryprice (series__float)
TPs (array__|t_TPs|#OBJ)
SLs (array__|t_SLs|#OBJ)
ShowPos (series__bool)
ShowLIQ (series__bool)
A_Colors (array__color)
Prolong_lines (series__bool)
Str_fontsize (series__string)
Textshift (series__integer)
Decimals_contracts (series__integer)
Decimals_price (series__integer)
Decimals_percent (series__integer)
bartime (series__integer)
Mad_StandardpartsLibrary "Mad_Standardparts"
This are my Standardparts used in upcoming scipts
roundTo(_value, _decimals)
Round a floating point value to a specified number of decimal places.
@description This function takes a floating point value and rounds it to a specified number of decimal places.
_value (float) : The floating point value to be rounded.
_decimals (int) : The number of decimal places to round to. Must be a non-negative integer.
Returns: The rounded value, as a floating point number.
Delete all drawings on the chart.
@description This function deletes all drawings on the chart, including lines, boxes, and labels.
Returns: None.
Create a string of spaces to shift text over by a specified amount.
@description This function takes an integer value and returns a string consisting of that many spaces, which can be used to shift text over in a PineScript chart.
_value (int) : The number of spaces to create in the output string.
Returns: A string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Convert a linear value to a logarithmic value.
@description This function takes a linear value and converts it to a logarithmic value, using the formula specified in the code.
_value (float)
Returns: The corresponding logarithmic value, as a floating point number.
Convert a logarithmic value to a linear value.
@description This function takes a logarithmic value and converts it to a linear value, using the formula specified in the code.
_value (float)
Returns: The corresponding linear value, as a floating point number.
Calculate the time per bar on the chart.
@description This function calculates the time per bar on the chart based on the first 100 bars.
Returns: The time per bar, as an integer value.
Metrics using Alternative Portfolio TheoryLibrary "APT_Metrics"
Portfolio metrics using alternative portfolio theory
metrics(init, cur, start, end, alpha)
Calculates APT metrics
init (float) : Starting Equity (strategy.initial)
cur (float)
start (int) : Start date (UNIX)
end (int) : End Date (UNIX)
alpha (float) : Confidence interval for DaR/CDaR. Defval = 0.05
Returns: Plots table with APT metrics
The metrics are shown in the bottom pane being applied to a buy-and-hold strategy.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the first draft of the library. Some calculations may be incorrect. If you spot any mistakes then please let me know and I will correct them as soon as possible. I am also open to suggestions on how to improve this.
At the moment this only works on the daily timeframe until I can find a way to universally calculate annualized volatility.
WebhookJsonMsgLibrary "WebhookJsonMsg"
This webhook json message library provides convenient functions for building JSON messages
Used to manage automatic transaction orders and positions
method buildWebhookJson(msg)
Builds the final JSON payload from a WebhookMessage type.
Namespace types: WebhookMessage
msg (WebhookMessage)
Returns: A JSON Payload.
Define some constant values
OPEN_LONG (series string)
OPEN_SHORT (series string)
CLOSE_LONG (series string)
CLOSE_SHORT (series string)
LIMIT (series string)
MARKET (series string)
U_MARGIN (series string)
C_MARGIN (series string)
SPOT (series string)
Webhook message structure.
strategyId (series string)
signalNo (series string)
symbol (series string)
symbolType (series string)
orderSide (series string)
price (series string)
orderType (series string)
takeProfitPrice (series string)
stopLossPrice (series string)
timestamp (series string)
accessKey (series string)
loggerLibrary "logger"
◼ Overview
A dual logging library for developers. Tradingview lacks logging capability. This library provides logging while developing your scripts and is to be used by developers when developing and debugging their scripts.
Using this library would potentially slow down you scripts. Hence, use this for debugging only. Once your code is as you would like it to be, remove the logging code.
◼︎ Usage (Console):
Console = A sleek single cell logging with a limit of 4096 characters. When you dont need a large logging capability.
indicator("demo.Console", overlay=true)
import GETpacman/logger/1 as logger
var console =
console.init() // init() should be called as first line after variable declaration
console.log(' ')
console.log(' ')
console.log('Hello World')
console.log(' ')
console.log(' ')
console.StatusBarAtBottom:=true //settings can be changed anytime before show method is called. Even twice. The last call will set the final value
console.ShowHeader:=false //this wont throw error but is not used for console //this should be the last line of your code, after all methods and settings have been dealt with.
◼︎ Usage (Logx):
Logx = Multiple columns logging with a limit of 4096 characters each message. When you need to log large number of messages.
indicator("demo.Logx", overlay=true)
import GETpacman/logger/1 as logger
var logx =
logx.init() // init() should be called as first line after variable declaration
logx.log(' ')
logx.log(' ')
logx.log('Hello World')
logx.log(' ')
logx.log(' ')
logx.FrameColor:=color.olive //settings can be changed anytime before show method is called. Even twice. The last call will set the final value //this should be the last line of your code, after all methods and settings have been dealt with.
◼︎ Fields (with default settings)
▶︎ IsConsole = True Log will act as Console if true, otherwise it will act as Logx
▶︎ ShowHeader = True (Log only) Will show a header at top or bottom of logx.
▶︎ HeaderAtTop = True (Log only) Will show the header at the top, or bottom if false, if ShowHeader is true.
▶︎ ShowStatusBar = True Will show a status bar at the bottom
▶︎ StatusBarAtBottom = True Will show the status bar at the bottom, or top if false, if ShowHeader is true.
▶︎ ShowMetaStatus = True Will show the meta info within status bar (Current Bar, characters left in console, Paging On Every Bar, Console dumped data etc)
▶︎ ShowBarIndex = True Logx will show column for Bar Index when the message was logged. Console will add Bar index at the front of logged messages
▶︎ ShowDateTime = True Logx will show column for Date/Time passed with the logged message logged. Console will add Date/Time at the front of logged messages
▶︎ ShowLogLevels = True Logx will show column for Log levels corresponding to error codes. Console will log levels in the status bar
▶︎ ReplaceWithErrorCodes = True (Log only) Logx will show error codes instead of log levels, if ShowLogLevels is switched on
▶︎ RestrictLevelsToKey7 = True Log levels will be restricted to Ley 7 codes - TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL
▶︎ ShowQ1 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q1
▶︎ ShowQ2 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q2
▶︎ ShowQ3 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q3
▶︎ ShowQ4 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q4
▶︎ ShowQ5 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q5
▶︎ ShowQ6 = True (Log only) Show the column for Q6
▶︎ ColorText = True Log/Console will color text as per error codes
▶︎ HighlightText = True Log/Console will highlight text (like denoting) as per error codes
▶︎ AutoMerge = True (Log only) Merge the queues towards the right if there is no data in those queues.
▶︎ PageOnEveryBar = True Clear data from previous bars on each new bar, in conjuction with PageHistory setting.
▶︎ MoveLogUp = True Move log in up direction. Setting to false will push logs down.
▶︎ MarkNewBar = True On each change of bar, add a marker to show the bar has changed
▶︎ PrefixLogLevel = True (Console only) Prefix all messages with the log level corresponding to error code.
▶︎ MinWidth = 40 Set the minimum width needed to be seen. Prevents logx/console shrinking below these number of characters.
▶︎ TabSizeQ1 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q1 or Console messages will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ2 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ3 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ4 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ5 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ TabSizeQ6 = 0 If set to more than one, the messages on Q2 will indent by this size based on error code (Max 4 used)
▶︎ PageHistory = 0 Used with PageOnEveryBar. Determines how many historial pages to keep.
▶︎ HeaderQbarIndex = 'Bar#' (Logx only) The header to show for Bar Index
▶︎ HeaderQdateTime = 'Date' (Logx only) The header to show for Date/Time
▶︎ HeaderQerrorCode = 'eCode' (Logx only) The header to show for Error Codes
▶︎ HeaderQlogLevel = 'State' (Logx only) The header to show for Log Level
▶︎ HeaderQ1 = 'h.Q1' (Logx only) The header to show for Q1
▶︎ HeaderQ2 = 'h.Q2' (Logx only) The header to show for Q2
▶︎ HeaderQ3 = 'h.Q3' (Logx only) The header to show for Q3
▶︎ HeaderQ4 = 'h.Q4' (Logx only) The header to show for Q4
▶︎ HeaderQ5 = 'h.Q5' (Logx only) The header to show for Q5
▶︎ HeaderQ6 = 'h.Q6' (Logx only) The header to show for Q6
▶︎ Status = '' Set the status to this text.
▶︎ HeaderColor Set the color for the header
▶︎ HeaderColorBG Set the background color for the header
▶︎ StatusColor Set the color for the status bar
▶︎ StatusColorBG Set the background color for the status bar
▶︎ TextColor Set the color for the text used without error code or code 0.
▶︎ TextColorBG Set the background color for the text used without error code or code 0.
▶︎ FrameColor Set the color for the frame around Logx/Console
▶︎ FrameSize = 1 Set the size of the frame around Logx/Console
▶︎ CellBorderSize = 0 Set the size of the border around cells.
▶︎ CellBorderColor Set the color for the border around cells within Logx/Console
▶︎ SeparatorColor = gray Set the color of separate in between Console/Logx Attachment
◼︎ Methods (summary)
● init ▶︎ Initialise the log
● log ▶︎ Log the messages. Use method show to display the messages
● page ▶︎ Clear messages from previous bar while logging messages on this bar.
● show ▶︎ Shows a table displaying the logged messages
● clear ▶︎ Clears the log of all messages
● resize ▶︎ Resizes the log. If size is for reduction then oldest messages are lost first.
● turnPage ▶︎ When called, all messages marked with previous page, or from start are cleared
● dateTimeFormat ▶︎ Sets the date time format to be used when displaying date/time info.
● resetTextColor ▶︎ Reset Text Color to library default
● resetTextBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Text BG Color to library default
● resetHeaderColor ▶︎ Reset Header Color to library default
● resetHeaderBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Header BG Color to library default
● resetStatusColor ▶︎ Reset Status Color to library default
● resetStatusBGcolor ▶︎ Reset Status BG Color to library default
● setColors ▶︎ Sets the colors to be used for corresponding error codes
● setColorsBG ▶︎ Sets the background colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If not match of error code, then text color used.
● setColorsHC ▶︎ Sets the highlight colors to be used for corresponding error codes.If not match of error code, then text bg color used.
● resetColors ▶︎ Reset the colors to library default (Total 36, not including error code 0)
● resetColorsBG ▶︎ Reset the background colors to library default
● resetColorsHC ▶︎ Reset the highlight colors to library default
● setLevelNames ▶︎ Set the log level names to be used for corresponding error codes. If not match of error code, then empty string used.
● resetLevelNames ▶︎ Reset the log level names to library default. (Total 36) 1=TRACE, 2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=CRITICAL, 7=FATAL
● attach ▶︎ Attaches a console to an existing Logx, allowing to have dual logging system independent of each other
● detach ▶︎ Detaches an already attached console from Logx
method clear(this)
Clears all the queue, including bar_index and time queues, of existing messages
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resize(this, rows)
Resizes the message queues. If size is decreased then removes the oldest messages
Namespace types: log
this (log)
rows (int) : The new size needed for the queues. Default value is 40.
method dateTimeFormat(this, format)
Re/set the date time format used for displaying date and time. Default resets to dd.MMM.yy HH:mm
Namespace types: log
this (log)
format (string)
method resetTextColor(this)
Resets the text color of the log to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetTextColorBG(this)
Resets the background color of the log to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetHeaderColor(this)
Resets the color used for Headers, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetHeaderColorBG(this)
Resets the background color used for Headers, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetStatusColor(this)
Resets the text color of the status row, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetStatusColorBG(this)
Resets the background color of the status row, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetFrameColor(this)
Resets the color used for the frame around the log table, to library default.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColorsHC(this)
Resets the color used for the highlighting when Highlight Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColorsBG(this)
Resets the background color used for setting the background color, when the Color Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method resetColors(this)
Resets the color used for respective error codes, when the Color Text option is used, to library default
Namespace types: log
this (log)
method setColors(this, c)
Sets the colors corresponding to error codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color is used
method setColorsHC(this, c)
Sets the highlight colors corresponding to error codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of highlight colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color BG is used
method setColorsBG(this, c)
Sets the highlight colors corresponding to debug codes
Index 0 of input array c is color is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array c is color for debug code 1.
Index 2 of input array c is color for debug code 2.
There are 2 modes of coloring
1 . Using the Foreground color
2 . Using the Foreground color as background color and a white/black/gray color as foreground color
This is denoting or highlighting. Which effectively puts the foreground color as background color
Namespace types: log
this (log)
c (color ) : Array of background colors to be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then text color BG is used
method resetLevelNames(this, prefix, suffix)
Resets the log level names used for corresponding error codes
With prefix/suffix, the default Level name will be like => prefix + Code + suffix
Namespace types: log
this (log)
prefix (string) : Prefix to use when resetting level names
suffix (string) : Suffix to use when resetting level names
method setLevelNames(this, names)
Resets the log level names used for corresponding error codes
Index 0 of input array names is reserved for future use.
Index 1 of input array names is name used for error code 1.
Index 2 of input array names is name used for error code 2.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
names (string ) : Array of log level names be used for corresponding error codes. If the corresponding code is not found, then an empty string is used
method init(this, rows, isConsole)
Sets up data for logging. It consists of 6 separate message queues, and 3 additional queues for bar index, time and log level/error code. Do not directly alter the contents, as library could break.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
rows (int) : Log size, excluding the header/status. Default value is 50.
isConsole (bool) : Whether to init the log as console or logx. True= as console, False = as Logx. Default is true, hence init as console.
method log(this, ec, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, tv, log)
Logs messages to the queues , including, time/date, bar_index, and error code
Namespace types: log
this (log)
ec (int) : Error/Code to be assigned.
m1 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q1, or for console.
m2 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q2. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m3 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q3. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m4 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q4. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m5 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q5. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m6 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q6. Not used/ignored when in console mode
tv (int) : Time to be used. Default value is time, which logs the start time of bar.
log (bool) : Whether to log the message or not. Default is true.
method page(this, ec, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, tv, page)
Logs messages to the queues , including, time/date, bar_index, and error code. All messages from previous bars are cleared
Namespace types: log
this (log)
ec (int) : Error/Code to be assigned.
m1 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q1, or for console.
m2 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q2. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m3 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q3. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m4 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q4. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m5 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q5. Not used/ignored when in console mode
m6 (string) : Message needed to be logged to Q6. Not used/ignored when in console mode
tv (int) : Time to be used. Default value is time, which logs the start time of bar.
page (bool) : Whether to log the message or not. Default is true.
method turnPage(this, turn)
Set the messages to be on a new page, clearing messages from previous page.
This is not dependent on PageHisotry option, as this method simply just clears all the messages, like turning old pages to a new page.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
turn (bool)
method show(this, position, hhalign, hvalign, hsize, thalign, tvalign, tsize, show, attach)
Display Message Q, Index Q, Time Q, and Log Levels
All options for postion/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
position (string) : Position of the table used for displaying the messages. Default is Bottom Right.
hhalign (string) : Horizontal alignment of Header columns
hvalign (string) : Vertical alignment of Header columns
hsize (string) : Size of Header text Options
thalign (string) : Horizontal alignment of all messages
tvalign (string) : Vertical alignment of all messages
tsize (string) : Size of text across the table
show (bool) : Whether to display the logs or not. Default is true.
attach (log) : Console that has been attached via attach method. If na then console will not be shown
method attach(this, attach, position)
Attaches a console to Logx, or moves already attached console around Logx
All options for position/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
attach (log) : Console object that has been previously attached.
position (string) : Position of Console in relation to Logx. Can be Top, Right, Bottom, Left. Default is Bottom. If unknown specified then defaults to bottom.
method detach(this, attach)
Detaches the attached console from Logx.
All options for position/alignment accept TV values, such as position.bottom_right, text.align_left, etc.
Namespace types: log
this (log)
attach (log) : Console object that has been previously attached.
libhs_td5Library "libhs_td5"
td5 Test Data Library for Logx Testing
fill(dbus, fillData)
dbus (matrix)
fillData (bool)
libhs_td4Library "libhs_td4"
td4 Test Data Library for Console Testing
fill(dbus, fillData)
dbus (matrix)
fillData (bool)
Cleaner Screeners LibraryLibrary "cleanscreens"
Screener Panel.
This indicator displays a panel with a list of symbols and their indications.
It can be used as a screener for multiple timess and symbols
in any timeframe and with any indication in any combination.
#### Features
Multiple timeframes
Multiple symbols
Multiple indications per group
Vertical or horizontal layouts
Acceepts External Inputs
Customizable colors with 170 presets included (dark and light)
Customizable icons
Customizable text size and font
Customizable cell size width and height
Customizable frame width and border width
Customizable position
Customizable strong and weak values
Accepts any indicator as input
Only 4 functions to call, easy to use
#### Usage
Initialize the panel with _paneel = cleanscreens.init()
Add groupd with _screener = cleanscreens.Screener(_paneel, "Group Name")
Add indicators to screeener groups with cleanscreens.Indicator(_screener, "Indicator Name", _source)
Update the panel with cleanscreens.display(_paneel)
Thanks @ PineCoders , and the Group members for setting the bar high.
# local setup for methods on our script
import kaigouthro/cleanscreen/1
method Screener ( panel p, string _name) => cleanscreens.Screener ( p, _name)
method Indicator ( screener s , string _tf, string name, float val) => cleanscreens.Indicator ( s , _tf, name, val)
method display ( panel p ) => cleanscreens.display ( p )
init(_themein, loc)
# Panel init
> init a panel for all the screens
_themein (string) : string: Theme Preset Name
loc (int) : int :
1 = left top,
2 = middle top,
3 = right top,
4 = left middle,
5 = middle middle,
6 = right middle,
7 = left bottom,
8 = middle bottom,
9 = right bottom
Returns: panel
method Screener(p, _name)
# Screener - Create a new screener
### Example:, 'Crpyto Screeners')
Namespace types: panel
p (panel)
_name (string)
method Indicator(s, _tf, name, val)
# Indicator - Create a new Indicator
### Example:
cleanscreens.Inidcator('1h', 'RSI', ta.rsi(close, 14))
Namespace types: screener
s (screener)
_tf (string)
name (string)
val (float)
method display(p)
# Display - Display the Panel
### Example:
Namespace types: panel
p (panel)
single indication for a symbol screener
name (series string)
icon (series string)
rating (series string)
value (series float)
col (series color)
tf (series string)
tooltip (series string)
normalized (series float)
init (series bool)
single symbol screener
ticker (series string)
icon (series string)
rating (series string)
value (series float)
bg (series color)
fg (series color)
items (indication )
init (series bool)
screener configuration
strong (series float)
weak (series float)
theme (series string)
vert (series bool)
cellwidth (series float)
cellheight (series float)
textsize (series string)
font (series int)
framewidth (series int)
borders (series int)
position (series string)
screener Icons
buy (series string)
sell (series string)
strong (series string)
screener panel object
items (screener )
table (series table)
config (config)
theme (theme type from kaigouthro/theme_engine/1)
icons (icons)
typeandcastLibrary "typeandcast"
Contains the following methods:
_type() - Returns the type of the variable in the forms "int", "array", "matrix"
_type_item() - Returns the type of the variable or of the element (for array/matrix). (e.g. `arrayFloat._type_item()` returns 'float').
_type_struct() - Returns the type of the structure only (i.e. "array" or "matrix"), for simple types (like e.g. `int`) returns "simple". (e.g. `arrayFloat._type_struct()` returns 'array').
_tona() - Casts na to the type of the parent object. (e.g. for an `int x` calling `x.tona()` returns `int(na)`
(inspired by the works of @kaigouthro and @faiyaz7283)
The _type() / _type_item() / _type_struct() methods are available for the following types:
The `tona()' method is available only for the simple types (except `linefill`, coundn't make it work for it)
Please see the descriptions in the script.
Boxes_PlotIn the world of data visualization, heatmaps are an invaluable tool for understanding complex datasets. They use color gradients to represent the values of individual data points, allowing users to quickly identify patterns, trends, and outliers in their data. In this post, we will delve into the history of heatmaps, and then discuss how its implemented.
The "Boxes_Plot" library is a powerful and versatile tool for visualizing multiple indicators on a trading chart using colored boxes, commonly known as heatmaps. These heatmaps provide a user-friendly and efficient method for analyzing the performance and trends of various indicators simultaneously. The library can be customized to display multiple charts, adjust the number of rows, and set the appropriate offset for proper spacing. This allows traders to gain insights into the market and make informed decisions.
Heatmaps with cells are interesting and useful for several reasons. Firstly, they allow for the visualization of large datasets in a compact and organized manner. This is especially beneficial when working with multiple indicators, as it enables traders to easily compare and contrast their performance. Secondly, heatmaps provide a clear and intuitive representation of the data, making it easier for traders to identify trends and patterns. Finally, heatmaps offer a visually appealing way to present complex information, which can help to engage and maintain the interest of traders.
History of Heatmaps
The concept of heatmaps can be traced back to the 19th century when French cartographer and sociologist Charles Joseph Minard used color gradients to visualize statistical data. He is well-known for his 1869 map, which depicted Napoleon's disastrous Russian campaign of 1812 using a color gradient to represent the dwindling size of Napoleon's army.
In the 20th century, heatmaps gained popularity in the fields of biology and genetics, where they were used to visualize gene expression data. In the early 2000s, heatmaps found their way into the world of finance, where they are now used to display stock market data, such as price, volume, and performance.
The boxes_plot function in the library expects a normalized value from 0 to 100 as input. Normalizing the data ensures that all values are on a consistent scale, making it easier to compare different indicators. The function also allows for easy customization, enabling users to adjust the number of rows displayed, the size of the boxes, and the offset for proper spacing.
One of the key features of the library is its ability to automatically scale the chart to the screen. This ensures that the heatmap remains clear and visible, regardless of the size or resolution of the user's monitor. This functionality is essential for traders who may be using various devices and screen sizes, as it enables them to easily access and interpret the heatmap without needing to make manual adjustments.
In order to create a heatmap using the boxes_plot function, users need to supply several parameters:
1. Source: An array of floating-point values representing the indicator values to display.
2. Name: An array of strings representing the names of the indicators.
3. Boxes_per_row: The number of boxes to display per row.
4. Offset (optional): An integer to offset the boxes horizontally (default: 0).
5. Scale (optional): A floating-point value to scale the size of the boxes (default: 1).
The library also includes a gradient function (grad) that is used to generate the colors for the heatmap. This function is responsible for determining the appropriate color based on the value of the indicator, with higher values typically represented by warmer colors such as red and lower values by cooler colors such as blue.
Implementing Heatmaps as a Pine Script Library
In this section, we'll explore how to create a Pine Script library that can be used to generate heatmaps for various indicators on the TradingView platform. The library utilizes colored boxes to represent the values of multiple indicators, making it simple to visualize complex data.
We'll now go over the key components of the code:
grad(src) function: This function takes an integer input 'src' and returns a color based on a predefined color gradient. The gradient ranges from dark blue (#1500FF) for low values to dark red (#FF0000) for high values.
boxes_plot() function: This is the main function of the library, and it takes the following parameters:
source: an array of floating-point values representing the indicator values to display
name: an array of strings representing the names of the indicators
boxes_per_row: the number of boxes to display per row
offset (optional): an integer to offset the boxes horizontally (default: 0)
scale (optional): a floating-point value to scale the size of the boxes (default: 1)
The function first calculates the screen size and unit size based on the visible chart area. Then, it creates an array of box objects representing each data point. Each box is assigned a color based on the value of the data point using the grad() function. The boxes are then plotted on the chart using the function.
Example Usage:
In the example provided in the source code, we use the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and the Stochastic Oscillator as the input data for the heatmap. We create two arrays, 'data_1' containing the RSI and Stochastic Oscillator values, and 'data_names_1' containing the names of the indicators. We then call the 'boxes_plot()' function with these arrays, specifying the desired number of boxes per row, offset, and scale.
Heatmaps are a versatile and powerful data visualization tool with a rich history, spanning multiple fields of study. By implementing a heatmap library in Pine Script, we can enhance the capabilities of the TradingView platform, making it easier for users to visualize and understand complex financial data. The provided library can be easily customized and extended to suit various use cases and can be a valuable addition to any trader's toolbox.
Library "Boxes_Plot"
boxes_plot(source, name, boxes_per_row, offset, scale)
source (float ) : - an array of floating-point values representing the indicator values to display
name (string ) : - an array of strings representing the names of the indicators
boxes_per_row (int) : - the number of boxes to display per row
offset (int) : - an optional integer to offset the boxes horizontally (default: 0)
scale (float) : - an optional floating-point value to scale the size of the boxes (default: 1)
BenfordsLawLibrary "BenfordsLaw"
Methods to deal with Benford's law which states that a distribution of first and higher order digits
of numerical strings has a characteristic pattern.
"Benford's law is an observation about the leading digits of the numbers found in real-world data sets.
Intuitively, one might expect that the leading digits of these numbers would be uniformly distributed so that
each of the digits from 1 to 9 is equally likely to appear. In fact, it is often the case that 1 occurs more
frequently than 2, 2 more frequently than 3, and so on. This observation is a simplified version of Benford's law.
More precisely, the law gives a prediction of the frequency of leading digits using base-10 logarithms that
predicts specific frequencies which decrease as the digits increase from 1 to 9." ~(2)
- 1:
- 2:
- 4:
cumsum_difference(a, b)
Calculate the cumulative sum difference of two arrays of same size.
a (float ) : `array` List of values.
b (float ) : `array` List of values.
Returns: List with CumSum Difference between arrays.
Transform a floating number including its fractional part to integer form ex:. `1.2345 -> 12345`.
number (float) : `float` The number to transform.
Returns: Transformed number.
split_to_digits(number, reverse)
Transforms a integer number into a list of its digits.
number (int) : `int` Number to transform.
reverse (bool) : `bool` `default=true`, Reverse the order of the digits, if true, last will be first.
Returns: Transformed number digits list.
digit_in(number, digit)
Digit at index.
number (int) : `int` Number to parse.
digit (int) : `int` `default=0`, Index of digit.
Returns: Digit found at the index.
digits_from(data, dindex)
Process a list of `int` values and get the list of digits.
data (int ) : `array` List of numbers.
dindex (int) : `int` `default=0`, Index of digit.
Returns: List of digits at the index.
Score digits.
digits (int ) : `array` List of digits.
Returns: List of counters per digit (1-9).
Calculates the frequency distribution based on counters provided.
counters (int ) : `array` List of counters, must have size(9).
Returns: Distribution of the frequency of the digits.
Expected probability for digit according to Benford.
digit (int) : `int` Digit number reference in range `1 -> 9`.
Returns: Probability of digit according to Benford's law.
Calculated Expected distribution per digit according to Benford's Law.
Returns: List with the expected distribution.
Aproximate Expected distribution per digit according to Benford's Law.
Returns: List with the expected distribution.
test_benfords(digits, calculate_benfords)
Tests Benford's Law on provided list of digits.
digits (int ) : `array` List of digits.
calculate_benfords (bool)
Returns: Tuple with:
- Counters: Score of each digit.
- Sample distribution: Frequency for each digit.
- Expected distribution: Expected frequency according to Benford's.
- Cumulative Sum of difference:
to_table(digits, _text_color, _border_color, _frame_color)
digits (int )
_text_color (color)
_border_color (color)
_frame_color (color)
CurrentlyPositionIndicatorLibrary "CurrentlyPositionIndicator"
Currently position indicator
run(_index, _price, _stoploss, _high, _low, _side, _is_entered, _colors, _position_left, _box_width)
Currently positions indicator
_index (int) : entry index
_price (float) : entry price
_stoploss (float) : stoploss price
_high (float) : range high
_low (float) : range low
_side (int)
_is_entered (bool) : is entered
_colors (color ) : color array
_position_left (int) : Left position
_box_width (int) : box's width
Returns: TODO: add what function returns
Strategy UtilitiesThis library comprises valuable functions for implementing strategies on TradingView, articulated in a professional writing style.
The initial version features a monthly Profit & Loss table with percentage variations, utilizing a modified version of the script by @QuantNomad.
Library "strategy_utilities"
monthly_table(results_prec, results_dark)
monthly_table prints the Monthly Returns table, modified from QuantNomad. Please put calc_on_every_tick = true to plot it.
results_prec (int) : for the precision for decimals
results_dark (bool) : true or false to print the table in dark mode
Returns: nothing (void), but prints the monthly equity table
Sample Usage
import TheSocialCryptoClub/strategy_utilities/1 as su
results_prec = input(2, title = "Precision", group="Results Table")
results_dark = input.bool(defval=true, title="Dark Mode", group="Results Table")
su.monthly_table(results_prec, results_dark)
Uptrend Downtrend Loopback Candle Identification LibThis library is for identifying uptrends and downtrends using a loopback candle analysis method. Which contains two functions:
uptrendLoopbackCandleIdentification() and downtrendLoopbackCandleIdentification() . These functions check if the current candle is part of an uptrend or downtrend, respectively, based on the specified lookback period.
The uptrendLoopbackCandleIdentification() takes two arguments: index , which is the index of the current bar, and lookbackPeriod , which is the number of previous candles to check for an uptrend. The function returns false if the index is less than the lookback period. Otherwise, it initializes a boolean variable isHigherHigh as true and loops through the previous candles. If any of the previous candles have a higher high than the current candle, isHigherHigh is set to false , and the loop breaks. Finally, the function returns the value of isHigherHigh .
The downtrendLoopbackCandleIdentification() takes the same arguments and returns false if the index is less than the lookback period. The function initializes a boolean variable isHigherLow as true and loops through the previous candles. If any of the previous candles have a higher low than the current candle, isHigherLow is set to false , and the loop breaks. The function returns the value of isHigherLow .