No wick candlesОпис коду:
Цей скрипт для Pine Script v6 аналізує свічки на графіку і визначає свічки, що не мають фітіля знизу або згори. Він позначає їх відповідними маркерами та змінює колір свічок на помаранчевий для покращення видимості. Цей індикатор допомагає трейдерам ідентифікувати важливі зони на графіку, де свічки мають специфічні риси (без фітіля), і використовується для виявлення потенційних точок для подальших торгівельних рішень.
Що робить цей індикатор:
Зелені свічки без фітіля знизу: Це свічки, у яких ціна відкриття дорівнює мінімуму свічки. Вони позначаються зеленими стрілками під свічкою.
Червоні свічки без фітіля згори: Це свічки, у яких ціна відкриття дорівнює максимуму свічки. Вони позначаються червоними стрілками над свічкою.
Зміна кольору свічок: Свічки, що відповідають умовам (без фітіля знизу або згори), змінюють свій колір на помаранчевий для підвищення видимості та чіткого виділення важливих зон.
Як використовувати:
Цей індикатор допомагає вам ідентифікувати зони, де ціна не має фітіля знизу (для зелених свічок) або згори (для червоних свічок). Ці свічки можуть бути важливими для трейдерів, оскільки вони часто сигналізують про сильні рівні підтримки або опору, де ймовірно відбудеться ретест.
Чекати ретест зони: Після появи таких свічок (особливо у зонах підтримки або опору) можна очікувати, що ці рівні будуть перевірені ще раз. Якщо ціни повертаються до цих зон, це може бути сигналом для входу в ринок.
Торгівля на ретестах: Якщо ціна після першого відскоку знову наближається до цієї зони (де була свічка без фітіля), можна очікувати відскок або продовження тренду, що створює можливість для вхідної позиції.
This Pine Script v6 indicator analyzes the candles on the chart and identifies those that have no lower or upper wicks. It marks these candles with appropriate markers and changes the candle colors to orange for better visibility. This indicator helps traders identify important zones on the chart where candles exhibit specific characteristics (no wicks), which can be used to spot potential trading opportunities.
What this indicator does:
Green candles with no lower wick: These are candles where the opening price equals the low of the candle. They are marked with a green arrow below the candle.
Red candles with no upper wick: These are candles where the opening price equals the high of the candle. They are marked with a red arrow above the candle.
Candle color change: Candles that meet the conditions (no lower or upper wick) change their color to orange for better visibility and to clearly highlight important zones.
How to use:
This indicator helps you identify zones where prices have no lower wick (for green candles) or no upper wick (for red candles). These candles may be important for traders, as they often indicate strong support or resistance levels where a retest is likely to occur.
Wait for a zone retest: After these candles appear (especially at support or resistance zones), you can expect these levels to be tested again. If the price returns to these zones, it could signal an opportunity to enter the market.
Trading on retests: If the price approaches the zone (where a wickless candle occurred) again, it may indicate a bounce or trend continuation, which provides a potential entry point.
Indicators and strategies
_matrixLibrary "_matrix"
Library helps visualize matrix as array of arrays and enables users to use array methods such as push, pop, shift, unshift etc along with cleanup activities on drawing objects wherever required
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
deletes row from a matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of objects
rowNumber (int) : row index to be deleted
Returns: void
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method delete(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
remove row from a matrix and returns them to caller
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of objects
rowNumber (int) : row index to be deleted
Returns: type
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method remove(mtx, rowNumber)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
rowNumber (int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
unshift array of lines to first row of the matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines
row (array) : array of lines to be inserted in row
maxItems (simple int)
Returns: resulting matrix of type
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method unshift(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
push array of lines to end of the matrix row
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines
row (array) : array of lines to be inserted in row
maxItems (simple int)
Returns: resulting matrix of lines
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method push(mtx, row, maxItems)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
row (array)
maxItems (simple int)
method shift(mtx)
shift removes first row from matrix of lines
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the shift operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method shift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
rshift removes first row from matrix of lines and returns them as array
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the rshift operation need to be performed
Returns: type
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rshift(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
pop removes last row from matrix of lines
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the pop operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method pop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
rpop removes last row from matrix of lines and reutnrs the array to caller
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines from which the rpop operation need to be performed
Returns: void
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method rpop(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
clear clears the matrix
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method clear(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
clear clears the matrix but retains the drawing objects
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix) : matrix of lines which needs to be cleared
Returns: void
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
method flush(mtx)
Namespace types: matrix
mtx (matrix)
Supertrend and Fast and Slow EMA StrategyThis strategy combines Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and Average True Range (ATR) to create a simple, yet effective, trend-following approach. The strategy filters out fake or sideways signals by incorporating the ATR as a volatility filter, ensuring that trades are only taken during trending conditions. The key idea is to buy when the short-term trend (Fast EMA) aligns with the long-term trend (Slow EMA), and to avoid trades during low volatility periods.
How It Works:
EMA Crossover:
1). Buy Signal: When the Fast EMA (shorter-term, e.g., 20-period) crosses above the Slow EMA (longer-term, e.g., 50-period), this indicates a potential uptrend.
2). Sell Signal: When the Fast EMA crosses below the Slow EMA, this indicates a potential downtrend.
ATR Filter:
1). The ATR (Average True Range) is used to measure market volatility.
2). Trending Market: If the ATR is above a certain threshold, it indicates high volatility and a trending market. Only when ATR is above the threshold will the strategy generate buy/sell signals.
3). Sideways Market: If ATR is low (sideways or choppy market), the strategy will suppress signals to avoid entering during non-trending conditions.
When to Buy:
1). Condition 1: The Fast EMA crosses above the Slow EMA.
2). Condition 2: The ATR is above the defined threshold, indicating that the market is trending (not sideways or choppy).
When to Sell:
1). Condition 1: The Fast EMA crosses below the Slow EMA.
2). Condition 2: The ATR is above the defined threshold, confirming that the market is in a downtrend.
When Not to Enter the Trade:
1). Sideways Market: If the ATR is below the threshold, signaling low volatility and sideways or choppy market conditions, the strategy will not trigger any buy or sell signals.
2). False Crossovers: In low volatility conditions, price action tends to be noisy, which could lead to false signals. Therefore, avoiding trades during these periods reduces the risk of false breakouts.
Additional Factors to Consider Adding:
=> RSI (Relative Strength Index): Adding an RSI filter can help confirm overbought or oversold conditions to avoid buying into overextended moves or selling too low.
1). RSI Buy Filter: Only take buy signals when RSI is below 70 (avoiding overbought conditions).
2). RSI Sell Filter: Only take sell signals when RSI is above 30 (avoiding oversold conditions).
=> MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): Using MACD can help validate the strength of the trend.
1). Buy when the MACD histogram is above the zero line and the Fast EMA crosses above the Slow EMA.
2). Sell when the MACD histogram is below the zero line and the Fast EMA crosses below the Slow EMA.
=> Support/Resistance Levels: Adding support and resistance levels can help you understand market structure and decide whether to enter or exit a trade.
1). Buy when price breaks above a significant resistance level (after a valid buy signal).
2). Sell when price breaks below a major support level (after a valid sell signal).
=> Volume: Consider adding a volume filter to ensure that buy/sell signals are supported by strong market participation. You could only take signals if the volume is above the moving average of volume over a certain period.
=> Trailing Stop Loss: Instead of a fixed stop loss, use a trailing stop based on a percentage or ATR to lock in profits as the trade moves in your favor.
=> Exit Signals: Besides the EMA crossover, consider adding Take Profit or Stop Loss levels, or even using a secondary indicator like RSI to signal an overbought/oversold condition and exit the trade.
Example Usage:
=> Buy Example:
1). Fast EMA (20-period) crosses above the Slow EMA (50-period).
2). The ATR is above the threshold, confirming that the market is trending.
3). Optionally, if RSI is below 70, the buy signal is further confirmed as not being overbought.
=> Sell Example:
1). Fast EMA (20-period) crosses below the Slow EMA (50-period).
2). The ATR is above the threshold, confirming that the market is trending.
3). Optionally, if RSI is above 30, the sell signal is further confirmed as not being oversold.
This strategy helps to identify trending markets and filters out sideways or choppy market conditions. By using Fast and Slow EMAs combined with the ATR volatility filter, it provides a reliable approach to catching trending moves while avoiding false signals during low-volatility, sideways markets.
Smoothed EMA LinesThe "Smoothed EMA Lines" script is a technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify trends and potential support/resistance levels in financial markets. The script plots exponential moving averages (EMAs) of the closing price for five commonly used time periods: 8, 13, 21, 55, and 200.
Key features of the script include:
Overlay: The EMAs are plotted directly on the price chart, making it easy to analyze the relationship between the moving averages and price action.
Smoothing: The script applies an additional smoothing function to each EMA, using a simple moving average (SMA) of a user-defined length. This helps to reduce noise and provide a clearer picture of the trend.
Customizable lengths: Users can easily adjust the length of each EMA and the smoothing period through the script's input parameters.
Color-coded plots: Each EMA is assigned a unique color (8: blue, 13: green, 21: orange, 55: red, 200: purple) for easy identification on the chart.
Traders can use the "Smoothed EMA Lines" script to:
Identify the overall trend direction (bullish, bearish, or neutral) based on the arrangement of the EMAs.
Spot potential support and resistance levels where the price may interact with the EMAs.
Look for crossovers between EMAs as potential entry or exit signals.
Combine the EMA analysis with other technical indicators and price action patterns for a more comprehensive trading strategy.
The "Smoothed EMA Lines" script provides a clear, customizable, and easy-to-interpret visualization of key exponential moving averages, helping traders make informed decisions based on trend analysis.
Oracle Fear and GreedCustom Fear and Greed Oscillator with Movement Table
This indicator provides a unique perspective on market sentiment by calculating a custom fear/greed oscillator based on Heikin-Ashi candles. The oscillator is centered at 50, with values above 50 suggesting bullish sentiment ("greed") and below 50 indicating bearish sentiment ("fear"). The calculation incorporates candle body size, range, and a custom "candle strength" measure, providing an innovative approach to understanding market behavior.
Key Features:
Heikin-Ashi Based Oscillator:
Utilizes Heikin-Ashi candles to compute a custom oscillator. The value is centered at 50, with deviations indicating the prevailing market sentiment.
Dynamic Gradient Coloring:
The oscillator line is dynamically colored with a smooth gradient—from blue (representing fear) at lower values to pink (representing greed) at higher values—making it visually intuitive.
Horizontal Levels:
Two additional horizontal lines are drawn at 40.62 ("Bottom") and 60.74 ("Top"), which may serve as potential oversold and overbought boundaries respectively.
Fast Movement Metrics:
Every 5 bars, the indicator calculates the percentage change in the Heikin-Ashi close. This fast movement analysis distinguishes rapid downward moves (fast fear) from rapid upward moves (fast greed), helping to capture sudden market shifts.
Information Table:
A table in the top-right corner displays the most recent fast movement values for both fear and greed, offering quick insights into short-term market dynamics.
Usage Tips:
Adjust the smoothing period to match your preferred trading timeframe.
Use the oscillator alongside other analysis tools for more robust trading decisions.
Ideal for those looking to experiment with new approaches to sentiment analysis and momentum detection.
This indicator is intended for educational and experimental purposes. It should not be used as the sole basis for any trading decisions. Always combine with comprehensive market analysis and risk management strategies.
You can add this description when publishing your indicator on TradingView to help other users understand its features and intended use.
Double Top/Bottom Fractals DetectorDouble Top/Bottom Detector with Williams Fractals (Extended + Early Signal)
This indicator combines the classic Williams Fractals methodology with an enhanced mechanism to detect potential reversal patterns—namely, double tops and double bottoms. It does so by using two separate detection schemes:
Confirmed Fractals for Pattern Formation:
The indicator calculates confirmed fractals using the traditional Williams Fractals rules. A fractal is confirmed if a bar’s high (for an up fractal) or low (for a down fractal) is the highest or lowest compared to a specified number of bars on both sides (default: 2 bars on the left and 2 on the right).
Once a confirmed fractal is identified, its price (high for tops, low for bottoms) and bar index are stored in an internal array (up to the 10 most recent confirmed fractals).
When a new confirmed fractal appears, the indicator compares it with previous confirmed fractals. If the new fractal is within a user-defined maximum bar distance (e.g., 20 bars) and the price difference is within a specified tolerance (default: 0.8%), the indicator assumes that a double top (if comparing highs) or a double bottom (if comparing lows) pattern is forming.
A signal is then generated by placing a label on the chart—SELL for a double top and BUY for a double bottom.
Early Signal Generation:
To capture potential reversals sooner, the indicator also includes an “early signal” mechanism. This uses asymmetric offsets different from the confirmed fractal calculation:
Signal Right Offset: Defines the candidate bar used for early signal detection (default is 1 bar).
Signal Left Offset: Defines the number of bars to the left of the candidate that must confirm the candidate’s price is the extreme (default is 2 bars).
For an early top candidate, the candidate bar’s high must be greater than the highs of the bars specified by the left offset and also higher than the bar immediately to its right. For an early bottom candidate, the corresponding condition applies for lows.
If the early candidate’s price level is within the acceptable tolerance when compared to any of the previously stored confirmed fractals (again, within the allowed bar distance), an early signal is generated—displayed as SELL_EARLY or BUY_EARLY.
The early signal block can be enabled or disabled via a checkbox input, allowing traders to choose whether to use these proactive signals.
Key Parameters:
The number of bars used to confirm a fractal. The fractal is considered valid if the bar’s high (or low) is higher (or lower) than the highs (or lows) of the preceding and following n bars.
The maximum number of bars allowed between two fractals for them to be considered part of the same double top or bottom pattern.
The maximum allowed percentage difference (default: 0.8%) between the high (or low) values of two fractals to qualify them as matching for the pattern.
signalLeftOffset & signalRightOffset:
These parameters define the asymmetric offsets for early signal detection. The left offset (default: 2) specifies how many bars to look back, while the right offset (default: 1) specifies the candidate bar’s position.
A checkbox option that allows users to enable or disable early signal generation. When disabled, the indicator only uses confirmed fractal signals.
How It Works:
Fractal Calculation and Plotting:
The confirmed fractals are calculated using the traditional method, ensuring robust identification by verifying the pattern with a symmetrical offset. These confirmed fractals are plotted on the chart using triangle shapes (upwards for potential double bottoms and downwards for potential double tops).
Pattern Detection:
Upon detection of a new confirmed fractal, the indicator checks up to 10 previous fractals stored in internal arrays. If the new fractal’s high or low is within the tolerance range and close enough in terms of bars to one of the stored fractals, it signifies the formation of a double top or double bottom. A corresponding SELL or BUY label is then placed on the chart.
Early Signal Feature:
If enabled, the early signal block checks for candidate bars based on the defined asymmetric offsets. These candidates are evaluated to see if their high/low levels meet the early confirmation criteria relative to nearby bars. If they also match one of the confirmed fractal levels (within tolerance and bar distance), an early signal is issued with a label (SELL_EARLY or BUY_EARLY) on the chart.
Benefits for Traders:
Timely Alerts:
By combining both confirmed and early signals, the indicator offers a proactive approach to detect reversals sooner, potentially improving entry and exit timing.
With adjustable parameters (including the option to disable early signals), traders can fine-tune the indicator to better suit different markets, timeframes, and trading styles.
Enhanced Pattern Recognition:
The dual-layered approach (confirmed fractals plus early detection) helps filter out false signals and captures the essential formation of double tops and bottoms more reliably.
EMA Alignment & Spread Monitor (Sang Youn)Overview
The EMA Alignment & Spread Monitor is a dynamic trading script designed to monitor EMA (Exponential Moving Average) alignments, track spread deviations, and provide real-time alerts when significant conditions are met. This script allows traders to customize their EMA periods, analyze market trends based on EMA positioning, and receive visual and audio alerts when key spread conditions occur.
🔹 Key Features
✅ Customizable EMA Periods – Users can input their own EMA lengths to adapt the script to various market conditions. (Default: 5, 10, 20, 60, 120)
✅ EMA Alignment Detection – Identifies bullish alignment (all EMAs in ascending order) and bearish alignment (all EMAs in descending order).
✅ Spread Calculation & Monitoring – Computes the spread difference between each EMA and tracks the average spread over a user-defined period.
✅ Deviation Alerts – Notifies traders when:
Bullish Trend: The spread exceeds its average, indicating a potential strong uptrend.
Bearish Trend: The spread falls below its average, signaling a possible downtrend.
✅ Chart Annotations – Displays 📈 (green triangle) when bullish spread exceeds average and 📉 (red triangle) when bearish spread drops below average for easy visualization.
✅ Real-time Alerts – Sends alerts when spread conditions are met, helping traders react to market shifts efficiently.
✅ Spread Histogram – Visual representation of bullish and bearish spread levels for trend analysis.
🔹 How It Works
1️⃣ Set your EMA periods in the script settings (default: 5, 10, 20, 60, 120).
2️⃣ Define the spread average calculation length (default: 50 candles).
3️⃣ The script tracks EMA alignment to determine bullish or bearish trends.
4️⃣ If the spread deviates significantly from its average, the script:
Places a 📈 green triangle above candles in a bullish trend when spread > average.
Places a 📉 red triangle below candles in a bearish trend when spread < average.
Triggers an alert for timely decision-making.
5️⃣ Use the histogram & real-time alerts to stay ahead of market movements.
Moving Average and Pearson LevelsMoving Average and Pearson Levels Indicator
This Pine Script indicator combines a customizable moving average (MA) with Pearson correlation analysis to provide traders with deeper insights into trends and key reference levels. It overlays a Pearson-adjusted moving average on price charts and highlights levels based on correlation for potential trading opportunities. With flexible parameters, it adapts to various trading styles.
Key Features
Pearson-Adjusted Moving Average
Combines a basic MA (SMA, EMA, WMA, or VWMA) with a Pearson correlation adjustment to reflect trend strength.
Adjustable: MA length, price source, smoothing, and line thickness.
Optional color changes based on trends (positive/negative).
Pearson Correlation Levels
Plots smoothed Pearson correlation with upper/lower thresholds to signal strong or weak trends.
Marks entry levels with price labels and dynamic colors when thresholds are crossed.
Customizable: Pearson length, smoothing, thresholds, and colors.
Reference Levels and Alerts
Optional dotted lines for upper, lower, and zero correlation thresholds.
Alerts for bullish MA signals (crossing the lower threshold) and bearish signals (crossing below the upper threshold).
How It Works
Moving Average: Calculates a standard moving average enhanced by a Pearson adjustment based on price trends over a given period.
Pearson Levels: Computes the strength of correlation, smoothed for better readability, and plots price lines at threshold crossings.
Visualization: Displays the MA and levels with trend-reactive colors and optional reference lines.
Ideal for traders who combine traditional MAs with statistical trend analysis.
Adjust the MA type and Pearson length for short-term or long-term strategies.
Use correlation levels for reversal signals or trend confirmation.
Customization Options
MA Parameters: Select the type, length, and smoothing of the MA; toggle visibility and color changes.
Pearson Levels: Adjust thresholds, line thickness, and label colors.
Display Options: Show/hide reference lines and the standard MA for comparison purposes.
Example Settings
MA Length: 20
Type: EMA
Pearson Length: 15
Thresholds: 0.7/-0.7
Colors: Positive (black), Negative (green), Levels (gray)
Optimize based on your preferred timeframe.
Adjust smoothing to balance responsiveness and clarity.
Try it out, customize it to your needs, and enhance your trading setup! Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Bollinger Bands + EMA 200 + EMA 50This indicator combines three technical analysis tools: the Bollinger Bands (BB), and two Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) with periods of 200 and 50.
Bollinger Bands (BB): This indicator consists of three lines—the middle line being a simple moving average (SMA), and the upper and lower bands representing two standard deviations above and below the SMA. The width of the bands indicates market volatility, with wider bands signifying higher volatility and narrower bands indicating lower volatility.
Exponential Moving Averages (EMA 200 and EMA 50): The EMA is a type of moving average that gives more weight to recent prices, making it more responsive to price changes than the simple moving average. The EMA 200 is considered a long-term trend indicator, often used to identify the overall direction of the market. The EMA 50 is a medium-term trend indicator, helping to spot more immediate market trends. Crossovers between these two EMAs (such as when EMA 50 crosses above EMA 200) are commonly used as buy or sell signals, with the idea that a short-term trend shift is occurring.
By combining these three indicators, this custom Pine Script aims to give a comprehensive view of the market conditions, helping traders to understand both the volatility (via BB), the long-term market trend (via EMA 200), and the medium-term trend (via EMA 50). The interaction between the price and these indicators, along with crossovers, can be used to identify potential entry and exit points.
200 EMA AlertHow It Works:
The 200 EMA calculates the average price over the last 200 periods, giving more weight to recent price movements for a smoother and more responsive trend line.
It helps traders determine whether the market is in a bullish (above 200 EMA) or bearish (below 200 EMA) phase.
Why Traders Use the 200 EMA:
✅ Trend Confirmation – If the price is above the 200 EMA, the trend is bullish; if below, the trend is bearish.
✅ Dynamic Support & Resistance – Price often reacts around the 200 EMA, making it a key level for entries and exits.
✅ Works on All Timeframes – Whether on the 1-minute chart or the daily timeframe, the 200 EMA is effective for scalping, swing trading, and long-term investing.
✅ Easy to Combine with Other Indicators – Traders pair it with RSI, MACD, or price action for stronger confirmation.
How to Use It in Trading:
📌 Trend Trading – Buy when price pulls back to the 200 EMA in an uptrend; sell when price retests it in a downtrend.
📌 Breakout Strategy – A strong candle breaking above/below the 200 EMA signals a possible trend reversal.
📌 Filtering Trades – Many traders only take long trades above and short trades below the 200 EMA to align with the overall market trend.
The 200 EMA is an essential indicator for traders of all levels, offering clear trend direction, strong support/resistance zones, and trade filtering for better decision-making. Whether you're trading forex, stocks, or crypto, mastering the 200 EMA can give you a significant edge in the markets. 🚀📈
Double Numbered Triangle Chart Progression | RegressionThe Double-Numbered Triangle Progression | Regression Indicator enables forecasting of support and resistance levels by progressing or regressing on the Triangle Chart from a user-selected pivot price. The indicator also plots adjustable pivots on both the chart and the Triangle Price and Time Chart.
How to use to forecast support and resistance levels:
1. Select a Pivot Point: Set the correct price to the pivot by selecting High or Low in the indicator.
2. Set Price Increment: Choose a price increment to adjust the starting price on the Triangle Chart (e.g., 1 or -0.01).
3. Rotate to adjust the number of levels on the Triangle Chart.
4. Plot Levels: Choose the Left Edge, Center, or Right Edge of the Triangle Chart to plot support and resistance levels. These levels automatically expand or decrease depending on the number of levels in step 3. The selected angle's price values are applied to the chart with labels on both sides. The left labels represent the time variable, and the right labels indicate the price. The time variable is used in conjunction with my other indicator "Price and Longitude Angles." The same goes for the Double Numbered Square of Nine indicator.
5. Review Levels: Examine the plotted support and resistance levels with recent market pivots.
6. Identify Correlations: Find the Triangle edge or center that aligns with the most market pivots.
7. The indicator plots user-adjustable pivots on both candles/bars and shows their placement on the Triangle Chart in both Progression and Regression. This visualization helps users identify which angles the highs and lows favor from the selected pivot. Pivot levels' colors can be customized. The close price is plotted on the Triangle Chart in real time with a white background.
Each market has its tendencies, favoring specific angles from the Triangle Chart. The basic idea is to choose between the Left edge, Center, or Right edge of the Triangle to forecast support and resistance levels.
Example of Forecasting Support and resistance level using this indicator:
In the image above, I am regressing from the significant high at a rate of $-0.008 per cell as shown on the main info label. Based on the plotted pivots, I have chosen the right edge of the triangle as it aligns with these recent pivots. I have drawn a lime green vertical line to indicate that as we add layers to the triangle chart, we introduce support and resistance levels based on the identified angle that aligns with these early pivots from the high.
In the image below, I've moved forward in time to illustrate how the initial angle chosen based on the early pivots forecasted support and resistance levels on $DOGE. Do not expect the price to turn sharply at the levels the indicator generates. As P. Mikula mentions in his work, and I apply the same with the Triangle Chart, " The Square of Nine successfully defines market price swings but does not cause the market to form pivots. "
This indicator is inspired by the methodologies detailed by Patrick Mikula in his book, The Definitive Guide to Forecasting using W.D Gann's Square of Nine. I recommend checking it out. He also mentions another use case as a Triangle Price and Time chart in his book, Gann Scientific Method Unveiled, Volume 2, where you can use my open-source indicator "Price and Longitude Angle" alongside both the Doubled Numbered Square of Nine and this Triangle Chart indicator.
FYI, I am not affiliated with Patrick Mikula in any way.
Planned improvements include adding two more angles: Left Center column and Right Center column as additional options to select.
FYI: Please ensure you select the high when regressing from a high. Also, make sure to add enough layers on the Triangle to see all the pivots. Once you've identified an angle, you can hide the table to gain back space on the chart. Use rounding precision for lower prices.
NFP High/Low Levels PlusNFP High/Low Levels Plus
This indicator stores the 12 most recent NFP (Non-Farm-Payroll) days and their values.
Values are captured from 0830 (NFP Release) until close of market
The High and Low values for each NFP month are drawn on the chart with horizontal lines.
- Labels indicating the month's high or low line are placed after the line
- Optionally the high/low price can be displayed additionally
Support and Resistance boxes can be drawn at the closest NFP level above and below the
current price.
- Boxes will automatically update as prices cross the NFP value
Macro Indicator
- This option displays a small table in the top right corner that says "Up" or " Down"
- The Macro Indicator can be used to judge the potential direction for the current month
- Macro direction is calculated by the following:
- UP: If two consecutive days both open and close above the most recent NFP High level
- DOWN: If two consecutive days both open and close below the most recent NFP Low level
Micro Indicator
- This option displays a small table in the top right corner that says "Up" or " Down"
- The Micro Indicator can be used to judge the potential direction for low timeframes 1H or
- Micro direction is calculated by the following:
- UP: If two consecutive 10m candles close above the 20EMA
- DOWN: If two consecutive 10m candles close below the 20EMA
NFP Session Bars
- This feature draws an arrow at the bottom of the chart for each candle that falls within the
NFP session day
- This is useful for identifying NFP Days
Support / Resistance Table
- This displays a table bottom center showing the nearest high and low NFP line level
What is an NFP Day and why is it useful to add to my chart?
- NFP Days are one of the most important data releases monthly
- NFP (Non-Farm-Payroll) is the official release of 80% of the US workforce employed in
manufacturing, construction, and goods
- It does not include those who work on farms, private households, non-profit and
government workers
- Historically these high/low levels for the day create strong support and resistance levels
- Having them displayed on the chart can help identify potential strong levels and pivot points
Full Indicator with all options enabled and identified
Easily update NFP Release Days in the indicator settings
Modify various options: Show/Hide lines, labels, directional indicator tables, values tables
Adjust line width, offsets, colors, font sizes, box widths
Enable individual Directional Indicators and modify colors
Example of full indicator enabled
You can find a list of the NFP Release Schedule on the official US Bureau of Labor Statistics website. This is useful for updating the indicator settings with the correct dates
Cumulative Volume Delta with SignalThis premium-grade technical indicator provides deep insights into market sentiment by tracking the difference between buying and selling pressure through volume analysis. SCVD offers a sophisticated approach to volume profile analysis, helping traders identify potential trend reversals and momentum shifts before price action confirms them.
Key Features:
Real-Time Volume Delta Analysis: Visualizes buying vs. selling pressure through color-coded candles
Smart Signal Line Integration: EMA-based signal line helps identify trend changes and trading opportunities
Multi-Timeframe Capabilities: Automatically selects optimal lower timeframes for precision or can be customized
Daily Reset Option: Anchor period functionality for intraday delta analysis
Professional Visualization: Clean, color-coded display with zero reference line
Trading Applications:
Identify divergences between price action and volume delta for potential reversals
Spot accumulation/distribution patterns through delta behavior
Use signal line crossovers for entry/exit timing
Confirm trend strength by analyzing delta momentum
Detect potential false breakouts through volume confirmation
Perfect for day traders, swing traders, and institutional investors who rely on volume analysis for decision-making. This indicator combines sophisticated volume delta metrics with an intuitive interface to provide actionable trading insights across all markets and timeframes.
EMA Cross CounterEMA Cross Counter – Trend & Crossover Analyzer
🔥 Description
The EMA Cross Counter is an advanced indicator designed to detect price crossovers with the EMA 200 and provide insightful trend analysis. It highlights valid signals and displays success statistics directly on the chart.
🎯 Key Features
✅ Crossover Detection: Identifies moments when the price crosses the EMA 200 upward or downward.
✅ Signal Filtering: Valid signals (leading to sustained trends) are shown in blue, while invalid signals are faded.
✅ Performance Analysis: A statistics table shows the number of crossovers and their success rate.
✅ Dynamic EMA Coloring:
🟢 Green when the trend is bullish
🔴 Red when the trend is bearish
⚪ Gray when the market is in a range
✅ Range Detection: If the price remains within a narrow range for 30 candles, the EMA turns gray to indicate trend uncertainty.
✅ Stop-Loss (SL) Display: A dashed red line appears below sell signals and above buy signals (adjustable in pips).
✅ Automatic Alerts: Get notified when a significant crossover occurs.
📈 How to Use It?
1️⃣ Look for blue signals as potential trade entries.
2️⃣ Avoid trading when the EMA is gray (ranging market).
3️⃣ Use success rate statistics to evaluate crossover reliability.
4️⃣ Adjust SL distance in the settings to match your risk management strategy.
🛠 Customization Options
Adjustable EMA period
Configurable range threshold
SL distance customizable in pips
Enable/Disable alerts
💡 Ideal for scalping and swing trading, this indicator offers clear trend insights to enhance your decision-making process!
💬 Try it out and share your feedback! 🚀
ICT Session by LasinsName: ICT Session by Lasins
Purpose: To visually identify and differentiate between the Asian, London, and New York trading sessions on the chart.
Highlights the background of the chart during each session.
Includes a mini dashboard in the top-right corner to show the active session.
Allows customization of time zones (exchange timezone or UTC).
Displays copyright and author information.
Key Components
useExchangeTimezone: A boolean input to toggle between using the exchange timezone or UTC for session times.
showDashboard: A boolean input to toggle the visibility of the mini dashboard.
Session Times:
The script defines three trading sessions:
Asian Session: 2000-0000 UTC (or adjusted for exchange timezone).
London Session: 0200-0500 UTC (or adjusted for exchange timezone).
New York Session: 0700-1000 UTC (or adjusted for exchange timezone).
Session Detection:
The is_session function checks if the current time falls within a specified session using the time function.
Background Coloring:
The bgcolor function is used to highlight the chart background during each session:
Asian Session: Red background.
London Session: Green background.
New York Session: Blue background.
Mini Dashboard:
A table is created in the top-right corner of the chart to display the active session and its corresponding color.
The dashboard includes:
A header row with "Session" and "Color".
Rows for each session (Asian, London, New York) with their respective colors.
Copyright and Author Information:
A label is added to the chart to display the copyright and author information ("© ICT Session by Lasins Raj").
How It Works
The script checks the current time and compares it to the predefined session times.
If the current time falls within a session, the chart background is highlighted with the corresponding color.
The mini dashboard updates to reflect the active session.
The copyright and author information is displayed at the bottom of the chart.
You can adjust the session times in the script to match your preferred timezone or trading hours.
The useExchangeTimezone input allows you to switch between UTC and the exchange timezone.
The showDashboard input lets you toggle the visibility of the mini dashboard.
Example Use Case
Traders who follow the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) methodology can use this indicator to identify key trading sessions and plan their trades accordingly.
The visual representation of sessions helps traders quickly recognize when major markets are open and active.
Volume Pressure Histogram (Normalized)Overview
The Volume Pressure Histogram is designed to help traders analyze buying and selling pressure using real volume data.
Unlike traditional momentum indicators that rely solely on price movements, VPH measures the strength of bullish and bearish volume, providing insights into market participation.
How It Works
The histogram represents the difference between buying and selling volume over a selected period.
Green bars indicate strong buying pressure, while red bars signal strong selling pressure.
Lime and orange bars (if enabled) represent moderate buying and selling activity.
A white signal line smooths volume data to track momentum shifts over time.
How to Use It
Trend Confirmation: When price is rising and green bars increase, the trend is supported by real buying pressure.
Reversal Detection: If price makes a new high but green bars shrink, buyers may be losing strength.
Breakout Strength: A breakout with rising volume pressure confirms strong participation, while weak volume pressure suggests a potential fake move.
Divergence Signals: If price moves higher, but volume pressure declines, the move may lack conviction and could reverse.
Customization Options
Threshold Multiplier (default = 20) controls when green and red bars appear, filtering out weaker signals.
Log Scale Option helps normalize extreme volume spikes.
Adjustable Smoothing Length for both the histogram and signal line.
Why Use This Indicator
Provides a volume-based approach to analyzing market trends.
Can confirm or contradict price movements, helping identify strong or weak trends.
Works across multiple markets, including stocks, forex, crypto, and indices.
This indicator is designed for educational and informational purposes only and does not provide financial advice.
Ragi's Divergence HelperThis is Ragi's Divergence Helper is a TradingView indicator designed to track bullish and bearish divergences across multiple timeframes. It provides a clear, structured dashboard that remains fixed in a chosen corner of the chart for easy visibility.
Put dashboard on lower left corner is less obstructive.
Use along with any RSI indicator for confirmations of bullish and bearish divergences.
Key Features:
✅ Timeframe Coverage: Monitors 5m, 10m, 15m, 30m, 1H, 2H, 4H, and Daily timeframes.
✅ Divergence Detection: Identifies whether a bullish (green) or bearish (red) divergence is present on each timeframe, displaying "None" if no divergence is detected.
✅ Divergence Lineup: Summarizes the overall market direction by checking if multiple timeframes align bullish or bearish.
✅ Customizable Settings: Users can adjust colors, panel position (Top Right, Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Top Left), and background color for better chart integration.
✅ Fixed & Readable Panel: Ensures the information is always visible without interfering with price action analysis.
How to Use It:
If multiple timeframes show bullish divergences, it may indicate a potential trend reversal or continuation to the upside.
If multiple timeframes show bearish divergences, it may signal a possible price drop or reversal downward.
When no divergences are present, it suggests no immediate divergence-based trading opportunity.
This indicator is ideal for traders looking for quick divergence insights across different timeframes without needing to analyze multiple indicators manually. 🚀
Yearly Percentage ChangeThe "Yearly Percentage Change" indicator analyzes the long-term performance of an asset over the past year (252 trading days). It helps traders identify the strength of an asset at first glance by the color of the drawing.
It calculates two key values:
The percentage change from the closing price 252 days ago (Year-over-Year performance).
The percentage change from the lowest price of the last 252 days.
These values are visualized with colored lines and a performance label.
📊 Features & Benefits
1️⃣ Yearly Percentage Change (YoY)
Compares the current closing price with the closing price from 252 days ago.
Draws a solid line from the previous year’s close to the current price.
Line color indicates market performance:
🔴 Red → Price increased up to 100%.
🟡 Yellow → Price increased between 100% and 200%.
🟢 Green → Price increased more than 200%.
2️⃣ 252-Day Low & Its Performance
Identifies the lowest price in the last 252 days.
Draws a dashed line from this low to the current price.
Line color reflects the performance since the low:
🔴 Red → Price increased up to 100%.
🟡 Yellow → Price increased between 100% and 200%.
🟢 Green → Price increased more than 200%.
3️⃣ Informative Performance Label
Displays two key values:
"YoY" → Percentage change from the closing price 252 days ago.
"Low252" → Percentage change from the lowest price in the past 252 days.
Label color depends on the YoY movement.
Volume Stack US Top 40 [Pt]█ Overview
Volume Stack US Top 40 is a versatile TradingView indicator designed to give you an at-a-glance view of market sentiment and volume dynamics across the top 40 U.S. large-cap stocks. Inspired by the popular Saty Volume Stack, this enhanced version aggregates essential volume and price strength data from major tickers on both the NYSE and NASDAQ, and works seamlessly on all timeframes.
█ Key Features
Dynamic Buy / Sell Volume Stack: This indicator dynamically stacks the volume bars so that the side with higher volume appears on top. For example, green over red signals more buy-side volume, while red over green indicates greater sell-side volume.
Cross-Market Analysis: Easily toggle between NYSE and NASDAQ to analyze the most influential U.S. stocks. The indicator automatically loads the correct set of tickers based on your selection.
Flexible Coverage: Choose from Top 10, Top 20, Top 30, or Top 40 tickers to tailor the tool to your desired scope of analysis.
Dynamic Table Display: A neat on-chart table lists the selected ticker symbols along with visual cues that reflect each stock’s strength. You can even remove exchange prefixes for a cleaner look.
█ Inputs & Settings
Market Selector: Choose whether to view data from the NYSE or NASDAQ; the indicator automatically loads the corresponding list of top tickers.
Number of Tickers: Select from ‘Top 10’, ‘Top 20’, ‘Top 30’, or ‘Top 40’ stocks to define the breadth of your analysis.
Color Options: Customize the colors for bullish and bearish histogram bars to suit your personal style.
Table Preferences: Adjust the on-chart table’s display style (grid or one row), text size, and decide whether to show exchange information alongside ticker symbols.
█ Usage & Benefits
Volume Stack US Top 40 is ideal for traders and investors who need a clear yet powerful tool to gauge overall market strength. By combining volume and price action data across multiple major stocks, it helps you:
Quickly assess whether the market sentiment is bullish or bearish.
Confirm trends by comparing volume patterns against intraday price movements.
Enhance your trading decisions with a visual representation of market breadth and dynamic buy/sell volume stacking.
Its intuitive design means you spend less time adjusting complex settings and more time making confident, informed decisions.
Asset Allocation CalculatorOverview
This script is a tool that automatically calculates asset allocation for your investment portfolio. Users can set the weight of multiple assets and monitor the portfolio value in real time based on price fluctuations.
Key Features
Supports input of asset allocation percentages
Dynamic allocation calculation based on real-time price data
Automatically calculates allocated amounts for each asset based on the total investment amount
User-friendly interface with intuitive visual feedback
Total Capital : Enter the total capital, including the value of assets.
Quantity rounding : Using the rounding function may cause the target allocation to exceed 100%.
Tickers, Weight, Holdings :
To retrieve accurate asset prices, specify both the exchange and the ticker.
If you want to include cash in your portfolio, use $.
Ensure that the total allocation sums to 100%.
Refer to the pre-filled example for the correct format.
Table Settings : You can adjust the table's position, height, font size, and background color.
How to Use
By buying or selling the quantity shown in the Buy column, you can continuously maintain your target allocation.
Hold - Current holdings
Buy - Quantity to buy or sell to reach the target allocation
Target - Quantity aimed for after buying or selling
It can only calculate for a single currency, so do not mix multiple currency markets.
자산 배분 계산기
이 스크립트는 투자 포트폴리오의 자산 배분을 자동으로 계산해주는 도구입니다. 사용자는 여러 자산의 비중을 설정할 수 있으며, 가격 변동에 따라 포트폴리오 가치를 실시간으로 모니터링할 수 있습니다.
주요 기능
자산 배분 비율 입력 지원
실시간 가격 데이터를 기반으로 한 동적 배분 계산
총 투자 금액을 기준으로 각 자산에 할당된 금액 자동 계산
직관적인 시각적 피드백을 제공하는 사용자 친화적인 인터페이스
Total Capital : 자산 가치를 포함한 총 자본금을 입력하세요.
Quantity rounding : 반올림 기능을 사용하면 목표 비중이 100%를 초과할 수 있습니다.
Tickers, Weight, Holdings :
정확한 자산 가격을 불러오기 위해 거래소와 티커를 함께 입력하세요.
포트폴리오에 현금을 포함하려면 '$'를 사용하세요.
비중 합계가 반드시 100%가 되도록 설정하세요.
예제 형식을 참고하여 올바르게 입력하세요.
한국(원화) 시장을 위한 입력 예시입니다.
KRX:360750, 17.5, 100
KRX:310960, 17.5, 120
KRX:148070, 25, 20
KRX:305080, 25, 10
KRX:139320, 10, 150
UPBIT:BTCKRW, 5, 0.002
Table Settings : 테이블의 위치, 높이, 글자 크기 및 배경색을 조정할 수 있습니다.
사용 방법
Buy 열에 표시된 수량만큼 매수 또는 매도하면 목표 비중을 지속적으로 유지할 수 있습니다.
Hold - 현재 보유 수량
Buy - 목표 비중을 맞추기 위해 매수 또는 매도해야 하는 수량
Target - 매수, 매도 후 목표로 하는 수량
한 가지 통화로만 계산할 수 있으니 여러 통화 시장을 혼용하지 마세요.
TALibrary "TA"
Technical analysis library that provides convenience functions and overrides for tradingview's own ta.* functions in order to work around various limitations.
sma(src, length)
Override for ta.sma that allows you to provide series values
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
Returns: float The moving average
ema(src, length)
Override for ta.ema that allows you to provide series values
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
Returns: float The moving average
rma(src, length)
Override for ta.rma that allows you to provide series values
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
Returns: float The moving average
wma(src, length)
Override for ta.wma that allows you to provide series values
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
Returns: float The moving average
vwma(src, length)
Override for ta.vwma that allows you to provide series values
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
Returns: float The moving average
ma(src, length, maType)
Provide the requested moving average
src (float) : The source values to process
length (int) : The length of the source to evaluate for the moving average
maType (string) : The type of moving average to return: SMA (default), EMA, SMMA (RMA), WMA, VWMA
Returns: float The moving average
Fractal Breakout Trend Following System█ OVERVIEW
The Fractal Breakout Trend Following System is a custom technical analysis tool designed to pinpoint significant fractal pivot points and breakout levels. By analyzing price action through configurable pivot parameters, this indicator dynamically identifies key support and resistance zones. It not only marks crucial highs and lows on the chart but also signals potential trend reversals through real-time breakout detections, helping traders capture shifts in market momentum.
Fractal Pivot Detection
Utilizes user-defined left and right pivot lengths to detect local highs (pivot highs) and lows (pivot lows). This fractal-based approach ensures that only meaningful price moves are considered, effectively filtering out minor market noise.
Dynamic Line Visualization
Upon confirmation of a pivot, the system draws a dynamic line representing resistance (from pivot highs) or support (from pivot lows). These lines extend across the chart until a breakout occurs, offering a continuous visual guide to key levels.
Trend Breakout Signals
Monitors for price crossovers relative to the drawn pivot lines. A crossover above a resistance line signals a bullish breakout, while a crossunder below a support line indicates a bearish move, thus updating the prevailing trend.
Pivot Labelling
Assigns labels such as "HH", "LH", "LL", or "HL" to detected pivots based on their relative values.
It uses the following designations:
HH (Higher High) : Indicates that the current pivot high is greater than the previous pivot high, suggesting continued upward momentum.
LH (Lower High) : Signals that the current pivot high is lower than the previous pivot high, which may hint at a potential reversal within an uptrend.
LL (Lower Low) : Shows that the current pivot low is lower than the previous pivot low, confirming sustained downward pressure.
HL (Higher Low) : Reveals that the current pivot low is higher than the previous pivot low, potentially indicating the beginning of an upward reversal in a downtrend.
These labels provide traders with immediate insight into the market structure and recent price behavior.
Customizable Visual Settings
Offers various customization options:
• Adjust pivot sensitivity via left/right pivot inputs.
• Toggle pivot labels on or off.
• Enable background color changes to reflect bullish or bearish trends.
• Choose preferred colors for bullish (e.g., green) and bearish (e.g., red) signals.
Fractal Pivot Calculation
The script employs a sliding window technique using configurable left and right parameters to identify local highs and lows. Detected pivot values are sanitized to ensure consistency in subsequent calculations.
Dynamic Line Plotting
When a new pivot is detected, a corresponding line is drawn from the pivot point. This line extends until the price breaks the level, at which point it is reset. This method provides a continuous reference for support and resistance.
Trend Breakout Identification
By continuously monitoring price interactions with the pivot lines, the indicator identifies breakouts. A price crossover above a resistance line suggests a bullish breakout, while a crossunder below a support line indicates a bearish shift. The current trend is updated accordingly.
Pivot Label Assignment
The system compares the current pivot with the previous one to determine if the move represents a higher high, lower high, higher low, or lower low. This classification helps traders understand the underlying market momentum.
1 — Apply the Indicator
• Add the Fractal Breakout Trend Following System to your chart to begin visualizing dynamic pivot points and breakout signals.
2 — Adjust Settings for Your Market
• Pivot Detection – Configure the left and right pivot lengths for both highs and lows to suit your desired sensitivity:
- Use shorter lengths for more responsive signals in fast-moving markets.
- Use longer lengths to filter out minor fluctuations in volatile conditions.
• Visual Customization – Toggle the display of pivot labels and background color changes. Select your preferred colors for bullish and bearish trends.
3 — Interpret the Signals
• Support & Resistance Lines – Observe the dynamically drawn lines that represent key pivot levels.
• Pivot Labels – Look for labels like "HH", "LH", "LL", and "HL" to quickly assess market structure and trend behavior.
• Trend Signals – Watch for price crossovers and corresponding background color shifts to gauge bullish or bearish breakouts.
4 — Integrate with Your Trading Strategy
• Use the identified pivot points as potential support and resistance levels.
• Combine breakout signals with other technical indicators for comprehensive trade confirmation.
• Adjust the sensitivity settings to tailor the indicator to various instruments and market conditions.
The Fractal Breakout Trend Following System offers a robust framework for identifying critical fractal pivot points and potential breakout opportunities. With its dynamic line plotting, clear pivot labeling, and customizable visual settings, this indicator equips traders with actionable insights to enhance decision-making and optimize entry and exit strategies.
RSI & EMA IndicatorMulti-Timeframe EMA & RSI Analysis with Trend Merging Detection
This script provides traders with a multi-timeframe analysis tool that simplifies trend detection, momentum confirmation, and potential trend shifts. It integrates Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) across Daily, Weekly, and Monthly timeframes, helping traders assess both long-term and short-term market conditions at a glance.
This script is a simplification and modification of the EMA Cheatsheet by MarketMoves, reducing chart clutter while adding EMA merging detection to highlight potential trend reversals or breakouts.
Originality and Usefulness
Unlike traditional indicators, which focus on a single timeframe, this script combines multiple timeframes in a single view to offer a comprehensive market outlook.
What Makes This Indicator Unique?
This Indicator to Combine RSI and EMA Clouds for Multiple Timeframes
Multi-Timeframe Trend Analysis in One Visual Tool
EMA Merging Detection to Spot Trend Shifts Early
Momentum Validation Using RSI Across Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Timeframes
Reduces Chart Clutter While Providing Actionable Trade Signals
I couldn't find a TradingView indicator that displayed RSI and EMA clouds together across Daily, Weekly, and Monthly timeframes. This tool bridges that gap, allowing traders to see trend strength and momentum shifts across key timeframes without switching charts.
How the Script Works
1. Trend Direction via EMAs
The script tracks Short-term (5 & 12-period), Medium-term (34 & 50-period), and Long-term (72 & 89-period) EMAs across Daily, Weekly, and Monthly timeframes.
Bullish trend: When faster EMAs are above slower EMAs.
Bearish trend: When faster EMAs are below slower EMAs.
A visual table simplifies trend recognition with:
Green cells for bullish alignment.
Red cells for bearish alignment.
This color-coded system allows traders to quickly assess market momentum across different timeframes without excessive manual analysis.
2. Momentum Confirmation with RSI
The RSI(14) values for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly timeframes are displayed alongside the EMAs.
RSI above 70 suggests overbought conditions.
RSI below 30 suggests oversold conditions.
By combining RSI with EMA trends, traders can confirm whether momentum supports the trend direction or if the market is losing strength.
3. Trend Shift Detection (EMA Merging Mechanism)
A unique feature of this script is EMA merging detection, which occurs when:
The short, medium, and long-term EMAs come within 0.5% of the price.
This often signals trend reversals, breakouts, or consolidations.
When this condition is met, a warning signal appears, alerting traders to potential market shifts.
Who This Indicator Is For?
This script is designed for traders who want to track trends across multiple timeframes while keeping a clean and simplified chart.
Swing & Position Traders – Identify strong trends and potential momentum shifts for longer-term trades.
Trend Followers – Stay aligned with major market trends and avoid trading against momentum.
Day Traders – Use the Daily timeframe for entries while referencing higher timeframes for confirmation.
How to Use the Indicator
Add the indicator to any chart.
Check the trend table in the top-right corner:
Green cells indicate a bullish trend.
Red cells indicate a bearish trend.
Look at RSI values to confirm momentum:
RSI above 70 = Overbought.
RSI below 30 = Oversold.
Watch for the "Merge" alert to spot potential reversals or consolidations.
Combine signals from multiple timeframes for stronger trade decisions.
Why This Indicator is Unique on TradingView?
Before this script, no TradingView indicator displayed RSI and EMA clouds together across multiple timeframes (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).
This tool eliminates the need to:
Manually check multiple timeframes for trend alignment.
Add multiple EMA and RSI indicators to the same chart, creating clutter.
Constantly switch between different timeframes to confirm momentum and trend direction.
With this indicator, traders can see trend strength and momentum shifts instantly, improving their decision-making process.
Chart Guidelines
The script is designed for use on a clean chart to maximize clarity.
The trend alignment table is displayed in a non-intrusive manner so traders can focus on price action.
No additional indicators are required, but users may combine this script with volume-based indicators for further confirmation.
The script name and timeframe should always be visible on published charts to help traders understand the analysis.
Final Notes
This script is a simplification and modification of the EMA Cheatsheet by MarketMoves, improving trend detection, momentum confirmation, and EMA merging detection.
It is designed to help traders quickly identify trend direction, confirm momentum, and detect potential trend shifts, reducing the need for excessive manual analysis.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Trading involves risk; always use proper risk management when applying this tool in live markets.