HYE Trend Hunter [Indicator]*** İndikatörün Türkçe ve İngilizce açıklaması aşağıya eklenmiştir.
HYE Trend Hunter
In this indicator, two of the most basic data (price and volume) necessary for detecting trends as early as possible and entering the trade on time are used. In this context, the approaches of some classical and new generation indicators using price and volume have been taken into account.
The indicator is prepared to generate buy signals only. The following steps were followed to generate the buy and exit signals.
1-) First of all, the two most basic data of the indicator, “slow leading line” and “fast leading line” need to be calculated. For this, we use the formula of the “senkou span A” line of the indicator known as the Ichimoku Cloud. We also need to calculate lines known as tenkan sen and kijun sen in ichimoku because they are used in the calculation of this formula.
The high and low values of the candles are taken into account when calculating the Tenkansen, Kijunsen and Senkou Span A lines in the Ichimoku cloud. In this indicator, the highest and lowest values of the periodic VWAP are taken into account when calculating the "slow leading line" and "fast leading line". (The periodic vwap formula was coded and made available by @neolao on tradingviev). Also, in the ichimoku cloud, while the Senkou Span A line is plotted 26 periods into the future, we consider the values of the fast and slow leading lines in the last candle in this indicator.
Tenkansen = (Highest high of the last 9 candles + Lowest low of the last 9 candles) / 2
Kijunsen = (Highest high of the last 26 candles + Lowest low of the last 26 candles) / 2
Senkou Span A = Tenkansen + Kijunsen / 2
Tenkansen = (Highest VWAP of the last 9 candles + Lowest VWAP of the last 9 candles) / 2
Kijunsen = (Highest VWAP of the last 26 candles + Lowest VWAP of the last 26 candles) / 2
Senkou Span A = Tenkansen + Kijunsen / 2
* We use the original ichimoku values 9 and 26 for the slow line, and 5 and 13 for the fast line. These settings can be changed from the indicator settings.
2-) At this stage, we have 2 lines that we obtained by using the formula of the ichimoku cloud, one of the most classical trend indicators, and by including the volume-weighted average price.
a-) Fast Leading Line (5-13)
b-) Slow Leading Line (9-26)
For the calculation we will do soon, we get a new value by taking the average of these two lines. Using this value, which is the average of the fast and slow leading lines, we plot the Bollinger Bands indicator, which is known as one of the most classic volatility indicators of technical analysis. Thus, we are trying to understand whether there is a volatility change in the market, which may mean the presence of a trend start. We will use this data in the calculation of buy-sell signals.
In the classical Bollinger Bands calculation, the standard deviation is calculated by applying a multiplier at the rate determined by the user (2 is used in the original settings) to the moving average calculated with the “closing price”, and this value is added or subtracted from the moving average and upper band and lower band lines are drawn.
In the HYE Trend Hunter indicator, instead of the moving average calculated with the closing price in the Bollinger Band calculation, we consider the average of the fast and slow leading lines calculated in the 1st step and draw the Bollinger upper and lower bands accordingly. We use the values of 2 and 20 as the standard deviation and period, as in the original settings. These settings can also be changed from the indicator settings.
3-) At this stage, we have fast and slow leading lines trying to understand the trend direction using VWAP, and Bollinger lower and upper bands calculated by the average of these lines.
In this step, we will use another tool that will help us understand whether the invested market (forex, crypto, stocks) is gaining momentum in volume. The Time Segmented Volume indicator was created by the Worden Brothers Inc. and coded by @liw0 and @vitelot on tradingview. The TSV indicator segments the price and volume of an investment instrument according to certain time periods and makes calculations on comparing these price and volume data to reveal the buying and selling periods.
To trade in the buy direction on the HYE Trend Hunter indicator, we look for the TSV indicator to be above 0 and above its exponential moving average value. TSV period and exponential moving average period settings (13 and 7) can also be changed in the indicator settings.
1-) Fast Leading Line value should be higher than the Fast Leading Line value in the previous candle.
2-) Slow Leading Line value should be higher than the Slow Leading Line value in the previous candle.
3-) Candle Closing value must be higher than the Upper Bollinger Band.
4-) TSV value must be greater than 0.
5-) TSV value must be greater than TSVEMA value.
1-) Fast Leading Line value should be lower than the Fast Leading Line value in the previous candle.
2-) Slow Leading Line value should be lower than the Slow Leading Line value in the previous candle.
1-) The standard settings of the indicator work better in higher timeframes (4-hour, daily, etc.). For lower timeframes, you should change the indicator settings and find the best value for yourself.
2-) All lines (fast and slow leading lines and Bollinger bands) except TSV are displayed on the indicator. For a simpler view, you can hide these lines in the indicator settings.
3-) You can see the color changes of the fast and slow leading lines as well as you can specify a single color for these lines in the Indicator settings.
4-) Alarms have been added for Buy and Exit. When setting up the alarm, you should set it to be triggered at "every bar close". Otherwise it may repaint. There is no repaint after the candle closes.
5-) It is an indicator for educational and experimental purposes. It cannot be considered as investment advice. You should be careful and make your own risk assessment when opening real market trades using this indicator.
HYE Trend Avcısı
Bu indikatörde, trendlerin olabildiğince erken tespit edilebilmesi ve zamanında işleme girilebilmesi için gerekli olan en temel iki veriden (fiyat ve hacim) yararlanılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda, fiyat ve hacim kullanan bazı klasik ve yeni nesil indikatörlerin yaklaşımları dikkate alınmıştır.
İndikatör yalnızca alış yönlü sinyaller üretecek şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Alış ve çıkış sinyallerinin üretilmesi için aşağıdaki adımlar izlenmiştir.
1-) Öncelikle, indikatörün en temel iki verisi olan “yavaş öncü çizgi” ve “hızlı öncü çizgi” hesaplamasının yapılması gerekiyor. Bunun için de Ichimoku Bulutu olarak bilinen indikatörün “senkou span A” çizgisinin formülünü kullanıyoruz. Bu formülün hesaplamasında kullanılmaları nedeniyle ichimoku’da tenkan sen ve kijun sen olarak bilinen çizgileri de hesaplamamız gerekiyor.
Ichimoku bulutunda Tenkansen, Kijunsen ve Senkou Span A çizgileri hesaplanırken mumların yüksek ve düşük değerleri dikkate alınıyor. Bu indikatörde ise “yavaş öncü çizgi” ve “hızlı öncü çizgi” hesaplanırken periyodik VWAP’ın en yüksek ve en düşük değerleri dikkate alınıyor. (Periyodik vwap formülü, tradingviev’de @neolao tarafından kodlanmış ve kullanıma açılmış). Ayrıca, ichimoku bulutunda Senkou Span A çizgisi geleceğe yönelik çizilirken (26 mum ileriye dönük) biz bu indikatörde öncü çizgilerin son mumdaki değerlerini dikkate alıyoruz.
Tenkansen = (Son 9 mumun en yüksek değeri + Son 9 mumun en düşük değeri) / 2
Kijunsen = (Son 26 mumun en yüksek değeri + Son 26 mumun en düşük değeri) / 2
Senkou Span A = Tenkansen + Kijunsen / 2
Tenkansen = (Son 9 mumun en yüksek VWAP değeri + Son 9 mumun en düşük VWAP değeri) / 2
Kijunsen = (Son 26 mumun en yüksek VWAP değeri + Son 26 mumun en düşük VWAP değeri) / 2
Senkou Span A = Tenkansen + Kijunsen / 2
* Yavaş çizgi için orijinal ichimoku değerleri olan 9 ve 26’yı kullanırken, hızlı çizgi için 5 ve 13’ü kullanıyoruz. Bu ayarlar, indikatör ayarlarından değiştirilebiliyor.
2-) Bu aşamada, elimizde en klasik trend indikatörlerinden birisi olan ichimoku bulutunun formülünden faydalanarak, işin içinde hacim ağırlıklı ortalama fiyatı da sokmak suretiyle elde ettiğimiz 2 çizgimiz var.
a-) Hızlı Öncü Çizgi (5-13)
b-) Yavaş Öncü Çizgi (9-26)
Birazdan yapacağımız hesaplama için bu iki çizginin de ortalamasını alarak yeni bir değer elde ediyoruz. Hızlı ve yavaş öncü çizgilerin ortalaması olan bu değeri kullanarak, teknik analizin en klasik volatilite indikatörlerinden birisi olarak bilinen Bollinger Bantları indikatörünü çizdiriyoruz. Böylelikle piyasada bir trend başlangıcının varlığı anlamına gelebilecek volatilite değişikliği var mı yok mu anlamaya çalışıyoruz. Bu veriyi al-sat sinyallerinin hesaplamasında kullanacağız.
Klasik Bollinger Bantları hesaplamasında, “kapanış fiyatıyla” hesaplanan hareketli ortalamaya, kullanıcı olarak belirlenen oranda (orijinal ayarlarında 2 kullanılır) bir çarpan uygulanarak standart sapma hesaplanıyor ve bu değer hareketli ortalamaya eklenip çıkartılarak üst bant ve alt bant çizgileri çiziliyor.
HYE Trend Avcısı indikatöründe, Bollinger Bandı hesaplamasında kapanış fiyatıyla hesaplanan hareketli ortalama yerine, 1. adımda hesapladığımız hızlı ve yavaş öncü çizgilerin ortalamasını dikkate alıyoruz ve buna göre bollinger üst ve alt bantlarını çizdiriyoruz. Standart sapma ve periyot olarak yine orijinal ayarlarında olduğu gibi 2 ve 20 değerlerini kullanıyoruz. Bu ayarlar da indikatör ayarlarından değiştirilebiliyor.
3-) Bu aşamada, elimizde VWAP kullanarak trend yönünü anlamaya çalışan hızlı ve yavaş öncü çizgilerimiz ile bu çizgilerin ortalaması ile hesaplanan bollinger alt ve üst bantlarımız var.
Bu adımda, yatırım yapılan piyasanın (forex, kripto, hisse senedi) hacimsel olarak ivme kazanıp kazanmadığını anlamamıza yarayacak bir araç daha kullanacağız. Time Segmented Volume indikatörü, Worden Kardeşler şirketi tarafından oluşturulmuş ve tradingview’de @liw0 ve @vitelot tarafından kodlanarak kullanıma açılmış. TSV indikatörü, bir yatırım aracının fiyatını ve hacmini belirli zaman aralıklarına göre bölümlere ayırarak, bu fiyat ve hacim verilerini, alış ve satış dönemlerini ortaya çıkarmak için karşılaştırmak üzerine hesaplamalar yapar.
HYE Trend Avcısı indikatöründe alış yönünde işlem yapmak için, TSV indikatörünün 0’ın üzerinde olmasını ve kendi üstel hareketli ortalama değerinin üzerinde olmasını arıyoruz. TSV periyodu ve üstel hareketli ortalama periyodu ayarları da (13 ve 7) indikatör ayarlarından değiştirilebiliyor.
1-) Hızlı Öncü Çizgi değeri bir önceki mumdaki Hızlı Öncü Çizgi değerinden yüksek olmalı.
2-) Yavaş Öncü Çizgi değeri bir önceki mumdaki Yavaş Öncü Çizgi değerinden yüksek olmalı.
3-) Kapanış Değeri, Üst Bollinger Bandı değerinden yüksek olmalı.
4-) TSV değeri 0’dan büyük olmalı.
5-) TSV değeri TSVEMA değerinden büyük olmalı.
1-) Hızlı Öncü Çizgi değeri bir önceki mumdaki Hızlı Öncü Çizgi değerinden düşük olmalı.
2-) Yavaş Öncü Çizgi değeri bir önceki mumdaki Yavaş Öncü Çizgi değerinden düşük olmalı.
1-) İndikatörün standart ayarları, yüksek zaman dilimlerinde (4 saatlik, günlük vs.) daha iyi çalışıyor. Düşük zaman dilimleri için indikatör ayarlarını değiştirmeli ve kendiniz için en iyi değeri bulmalısınız.
2-) İndikatörde tüm çizgiler (hızlı ve yavaş öncü çizgiler ile bollinger bantları) -TSV dışında- açık olarak gelmektedir. Daha sade bir görüntü için bu çizgilerin görünürlüğünü indikatör ayarlarından gizleyebilirsiniz.
3-) Hızlı ve yavaş öncü çizgilerin renk değişimlerini görebileceğiniz gibi bu çizgiler için tek bir renk olarak da İndikatör ayarlarında belirleme yapabilirsiniz.
4-) Alış ve Çıkış için alarmlar eklenmiştir. Alarm kurulumu yaparken “Her çubuk kapanışında” tetiklenecek şekilde ayarlama yapmalısınız. Aksi takdirde repaint yapabilir. Mum kapanışından sonra repaint söz konusu değildir.
5-) Eğitim ve deneysel amaçlı bir indikatördür. Yatırım tavsiyesi olarak değerlendirilemez. Bu indikatörü kullanarak gerçek piyasa işlem açarken dikkatli olmalı ve kendi risk değerlendirmenizi yapmalısınız.
Search in scripts for "vwap"
Trend Heuristics (+Signals)Trend Heuristics - Enhanced Rolling VWAP with Smart Signals
This indicator is an enhanced version of the Rolling VWAP (RVWAP) concept, originally based on PineCoders' ConditionalAverages library. It combines volume-weighted average price analysis with advanced signal detection for both sweeps and breakouts.
Core Features
1. Rolling VWAP System
- Implements a dynamic rolling VWAP that adapts to different timeframes
- Includes standard deviation bands for volatility measurement
- Offers flexible time period settings (fixed or auto-adjusting)
- Provides customizable visual elements including bands and fills
2. Dual Signal System
Sweep Signals
Detects high-probability reversal points with these conditions:
- Bullish Sweep:
- Opens above upper band
- Tests below upper band (low)
- Closes above upper band
- Shows stronger lower wick
- Closes above previous high
- Has favorable close position (upper 50% of candle)
- Bearish Sweep:
- Opens below lower band
- Tests above lower band (high)
- Closes below lower band
- Shows stronger upper wick
- Closes below previous low
- Has favorable close position (lower 50% of candle)
Breakout Signals
Identifies potential trend changes with these conditions:
- Bullish Breakout:
- Opens below VWAP
- Closes above upper band
- Indicates strong momentum shift upward
- Bearish Breakout:
- Opens above VWAP
- Closes below lower band
- Indicates strong momentum shift downward
Technical Details
Base Components
- Built upon PineCoders' ConditionalAverages library
- Incorporates custom alert system via CustomAlertLib
- Uses standard deviation for band calculations
Customization Options
- Adjustable standard deviation multiplier
- Flexible time period settings
- Independent controls for sweep and breakout signals
- Customizable visual elements (colors, sizes, positions)
- Custom alert message formatting
Use Cases
1. Trend Following:
- Use VWAP as dynamic support/resistance
- Monitor breakout signals for trend changes
2. Mean Reversion:
- Use sweep signals for counter-trend opportunities
- Standard deviation bands for range identification
3. Volume Analysis:
- VWAP provides volume-weighted price levels
- Helps identify significant price levels
- Best performed on liquid instruments with consistent volume
- Most effective on timeframes from 1hours to 4 hours and 1D, anything greater isn't very good
- Recommended to use in conjunction with other technical analysis tools
- Signals can be filtered based on higher timeframe trends
- Original Rolling VWAP concept by PineCoders
DOW 30 - Market BreadthDOW 30 indicator is intended for short-term intraday analysis and should not be used solely alone. Best to use this indicator in a combination with technical and fundamental analysis.
This indicator is calculated from all stocks in the DJI as of 8/9/2022;
- Evaluating VWAP,
- 9 EMA,
- 20 EMA.
Vwap Calculations;
Stock above Vwap = 1 (Vwap Bull),
Stock below Vwap = 1 (Vwap Bear),
As there are 30 stocks in the DJI, there is a max value of 30 Vwap Bulls/ Vwap Bears.
Ema Calculation;
Stock above 9 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bulls),
Stock below 9 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bears),
Stock above 20 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bulls),
Stock below 20 EMA = 0.5 (EMA Bears),
For the EMA Bulls to reach 30 all stocks must be trading above both the 9 EMA and 20 EMA to reach a Max Value of 30.
The reasoning for this calculation is to suggest the current strength and speed of the current turn in the market.
Horizontal Lines:
There are three horizontal lines, MAX, MIN & Neutral;
Resides at the 30 & 0 levels suggesting the market is currently at an extreme. Representing all stocks are moving in the same direction together.
When the MAX or MIN are represented in the VWAP Line this represents directional conviction in the underlining DJI.
Neutral resides at the 15 level and represents that the market is either about to make a decision or is choppy.
Below are some examples of how the DOW 30 indicator is able to represent the current market conditions.
Understand Current Market Conditions, either being Bullish, Neutral, or Bearish.
See live Market Mechanics, and understand the current market direction on a short-term timeframe.
DOW 30 indicator is intended for short-term intraday analysis and should not be used solely alone. Best to use this indicator in a combination with technical and fundamental analysis.
If there are any additional requests to the indicator feel free to leave a comment or privet message.
Best of luck trading.
Volume Weighted Average Price Ratio (log) [ilyaQwerty]The VWAP Ratio indicator is a valuable tool for traders aiming to assess market trends and price movements in relation to the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). Volume Weighted Average Price Ratio represents the ratio of the price of the asset compared to total traded volume in US Dollars. In a context of Bitcoin, VWAP ratio helps traders assess the market state, if it is overvalued or undervalued. High values of the indicator can suggest that the market is highly overvalued and low values can indicate a great buying opportunity.
Ratio Calculation: The VWAP Ratio is computed by dividing the current price by the VWAP (Price / VWAP). VWAP represents a ratio between a cumulative sum of a traded value (price multiplied by the volume) and a cumulative traded volume.
BTC-Specific Optimization: Although the indicator can be applied to various assets, the VWAP Ratio indicator is particularly useful for Bitcoin (BTC) due to its significant trading volume and unique market behaviour.
Timeframe PivotsUse this tool to plot open prices from any timeframe as a pivot level with the option to go advanced and turn on extensions (instructions below), which review the relationship between previous and current open prices to build range extensions up to six levels wide.
Please be aware extensions, nor vwap are not enabled by default! It is up to the user to determine how they wish to setup this indicator. Please read the full description for utilizing this indicator so that it's well known the complete feature set and understanding of how to enable additional plots, complete instruction is provided for all users below.
Default configuration example:
To enable extensions the user must open the indicator configuration by clicking the gear icon for "Timeframe Pivots", depending on screen resolution scrolling with mouse may need to occur in order to find the section labeled "Extensions", use the mouse or equivalent human interface device to check the checkbox to the right of the color plots and line type drop down.
Extensions enabled example:
Timeframe Selection
Timeframes available to the indicator are any timeframe the platform makes available to the user by default, or also if the TradingView user has higher tier plan to create custom timeframes - those should be available as well. To adjust timeframe the user must open the indicator configuration by clicking the gear icon for "Timeframe Pivots", depending on screen resolution scrolling with mouse may need to occur in order to find the input labeled "Timeframe", use the mouse or equivalent human interface device select the drop down and select timeframe suitable to users application.
How the extension width and extensions are calculated:
The exact process takes the new timeframe change open price calculates the difference between prior open, once that has been completed then it's divided in half to build extensions.
Code example:
Extension Width = (Open - Open ) / 2
How the extensions are calculated:
// +1 for positive extension, -1 for negative extension
(Extension Width * (Configured Multiplier * 1)) + Pivot Open Price
+1 Extension:
$5 * (1.0 * 1) + $400 = $405
-1 Extension:
$5 * (1.0 * -1) + $400 = $395
So it should be established how each projected extension, either positive or negative, is created.
Range bound market detection and notes:
One note regarding the ranges, sometimes the open prices of each period can be close in proximity to their predecessor, there's not enough range to build meaningful projections. In these situations this means the market is most likely range bound and prior range data is utilized to continue providing guidance. This addresses an issue with other pivot indicators that will instead blindly follow price and present useless pivot ranges.
It does this through detection of average half range widths, the last 14 ranges to be exact, if the current, (open - open / 2), half range width is smaller than the average, prior half range width will be used.
Code example:
// assume past half range widths are 10, 8, 9, 5, 14, 7, 7, 9, 10, 10, 4, 7, 7, 8
float v_halfRangeWidthToUseForExtensions = na
v_priorHalfRangeWidth = 10
v_avgHalfRangeWidth = 8.2 // past range widths sum = 115 / 14
v_newHalfRangeWidthToUseForExtensions = 2 // new open - open is tiny compared to avg
if v_newHalfRangeWidthToUseForExtensions < v_avgHalfRangeWidth
// replace new half range width with previous one
v_newHalfRangeWidthToUseForExtensions := v_priorHalfRangeWidth
In the code example above if the new half range width was above or equal to the rolling average, no adjustment would be made by the indicator.
Additional feature of showing vwap, anchored to the same timeframe as the pivot, provides a trend and volume analysis within the confines of the pivots range.
The user must open the indicator configuration by clicking the gear icon for "Timeframe Pivots", scroll using mouse to the "VWAP" section and click the checkbox next to the "Source" field, past the color plots. They are not enabled by default!
The user can also add the bands for VWAP by clicking the checkbox next to the "Bands" field, past the color plots. They are not enabled by default!
VWAP calculations begin from open price of new timeframe change, then afterwards the "Source" set is utilized, the default is HLC3 which is standard for VWAP indicators.
Multiple Timeframe Analysis (MTFA)
It's simple to create a unique combination of favored timeframes for multiple timeframe analysis, consider daily, weekly and monthly combined analysis for powerful indications of market sentiment and directional bias.
Example MTFA demonstration:
Why was this created?
I created this while investigating the efficacy of open price ranges, it became apparent that these pivot ranges are some of the more price respecting pivots I've ever observed. I also grew tired of lack of price adherence to other pivot indicators widely available.
There exists a relationship between each timeframes open price in comparison to prior open price, if the market is willing to navigate to a prior lower open price from higher open price, it could be perceived as bearish and the extensions (if enabled as instructed above), could be suitable range based projections for future price movements.
Example comparison:
As can be seen, and there are many examples, where Timeframe Pivots provides more discreet levels and potential explanations for price movements.
DEVPRO TradingDEVPRO Trading system comprises of the following:
D - Double (EMA and VWAP)
V - VWAP (current and previous day ending VWAP level)
P - Standard Pivot Point
R - RSI (Multi-time frame table is added at the top and traders can add standard RSI 14 as an additional non-overlay indicator)
O - OI data (not available for options trading in TV but trader can always check in their broker terminal)
Double EMA have been color coded in red and green for bullish and bearish trends.
Candles are colored for bullish (green), sideways (grey) and bearish (red) phases.
Setup to be traded with monthly options for stocks and weekly options for indices.
Bullish Setup:
RSI greater than 50
Current candle close above VWAP and previous day closing VWAP
Current candle close above daily Pivot
For option buying (Call option OI should be falling below its moving average 20 meaning short covering)
For option selling (Put option OI should be rising above its moving average 20 meaning Put writers confidence is increasing)
Book partial qty profits at R1/R2/R3 and/or exit completely on Doji candle low break
Bearish Setup:
RSI less than 50
Current candle close below VWAP and previous day closing VWAP
Current candle close below daily Pivot
For option buying (Put option OI should be falling below its moving average 20 meaning short covering)
For option selling (Call option OI should be rising above its moving average 20 meaning Call writers confidence is increasing)
Book partial qty profits at S1/S2/S3 and/or exit completely on Doji candle high break
RSI Reborn [New Formula]A unique non-standard RSI formula with my extensions.
The indicator is displayed without delays and repaints, immediately after the close of the candle.
This formula allows me to correctly include the moving average in the calculation. The calculation allows me to display RSI with any type of MA.
By default I use EMA, with this type of MA my RSI is not visually different from a regular RSI.
I have 11 types of RSI to choose from:
You also have a choice of RSI display:
As candlesticks and as a simple line.
You can adjust the colors in the Style tab.
When you select 'Candles' type, you can make the wicks transparent if they bother you.
I also added a source selection. By default, any RSI uses the Close source.
But you can choose any of 15:
VWAP, Close, Open, HL2, HLC3, OHLC4, Volume, High, Low, vwap(Close), vwap(Open), vwap(High), vwap(Low), AVG(vwap(H,L)), AVG(vwap(O,C)).
Additional extensions:
Additional RSI added.
By default, the extra RSI is twice as long as the regular RSI. Despite the value of 14. The "Multiple of Current TF" function allows calling RSI from a timeframe twice as long as the current one, if it is equal to 2. If it is equal to 3, then it will be 3 times longer than the current timeframe. And so on.
An additional moving average has been added.
You can use it as an ordinary additional line. Or leave it as Cloud by default.
A unique oversold/oversold formula in the form of small red/green dots has been added.
Bolinger Bands feature has also been added.
Moving Averages ProxyLibrary "MovingAveragesProxy"
Moving Averages Proxy - Library of all moving averages spread out in different libraries
rvwap(_src, fixedTfInput, minsInput, hoursInput, daysInput, minBarsInput)
Calculates the Rolling VWAP (customized VWAP developed by the team of TradingView)
_src : (float) Source. Default: close
fixedTfInput : (bool) Use a fixed time period. Default: false
minsInput : (int) Minutes. Default: 0
hoursInput : (int) Hours. Default: 0
daysInput : (int) Days. Default: 1
minBarsInput : (int) Bars. Default: 10
Returns: (float) Rolling VWAP
correlationMa(src, len, factor)
Correlation Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
factor : (float) Factor. Default: 1.7
Returns: (float) Correlation Moving Average
regma(src, len, lambda)
Regularized Exponential Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
lambda : (float) Lambda. Default: 0.5
Returns: (float) Regularized Exponential Moving Average
repma(src, len)
Repulsion Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Repulsion Moving Average
epma(src, length, offset)
End Point Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
offset : (float) Offset. Default: 4
Returns: (float) End Point Moving Average
lc_lsma(src, length)
1LC-LSMA (1 line code lsma with 3 functions)
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) 1LC-LSMA Moving Average
aarma(src, length)
Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
alsma(src, length)
Adaptive Least Squares
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Adaptive Least Squares
ahma(src, length)
Ahrens Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Ahrens Moving Average
Ahrens Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
Returns: (float) Moving Average
autol(src, lenDev)
src : (float) Source. Default: close
lenDev : (int) Length for standard deviation
Returns: (float) Auto-Line
fibowma(src, length)
Fibonacci Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
fisherlsma(src, length)
Fisher Least Squares Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
leoma(src, length)
Leo Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
linwma(src, period, weight)
Linear Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
period : (int) Length
weight : (int) Weight
Returns: (float) Moving Average
mcma(src, length)
McNicholl Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
srwma(src, length)
Square Root Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
EDSMA(src, len)
Ehlers Dynamic Smoothed Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: EDSMA smoothing.
dema(x, t)
Double Exponential Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: DEMA smoothing.
tema(src, len)
Triple Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: TEMA smoothing.
smma(src, len)
Smoothed Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: SMMA smoothing.
hullma(src, len)
Hull Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Hull smoothing.
frama(x, t)
Fractal Reactive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: FRAMA smoothing.
kama(x, t)
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: KAMA smoothing.
vama(src, len)
Volatility Adjusted Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: VAMA smoothing.
Donchian Calculation.
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Average of the highest price and the lowest price for the specified look-back period.
Jurik(src, len)
Jurik Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: JMA smoothing.
xema(src, len)
Optimized Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: XEMA smoothing.
ehma(src, len)
EHMA - Exponential Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Hull Moving Average (EHMA)
covwema(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
covwma(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
eframa(src, len, FC, SC)
Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
FC : Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
Returns: Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
etma(src, len)
Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
rma(src, len)
RMA - RSI Moving average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: RSI Moving average (RMA)
thma(src, len)
THMA - Triple Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Hull Moving Average (THMA)
vidya(src, len)
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
zsma(src, len)
Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
zema(src, len)
Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
evwma(src, len)
EVWMA - Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average (EVWMA)
tt3(src, len, a1_t3)
Tillson T3
src : Source
len : Period
a1_t3 : Tillson T3 Volume Factor
Returns: Tillson T3
gma(src, len)
GMA - Geometric Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Moving Average (GMA)
wwma(src, len)
WWMA - Welles Wilder Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Welles Wilder Moving Average (WWMA)
cma(src, len)
Corrective Moving average (CMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Corrective Moving average (CMA)
edma(src, len)
Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
rema(src, len)
Range EMA (REMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Range EMA (REMA)
sw_ma(src, len)
Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
mama(src, len)
MAMA - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA)
fama(src, len)
FAMA - Following Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Following Adaptive Moving Average (FAMA)
hkama(src, len)
HKAMA - Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (HKAMA)
getMovingAverage(type, src, len, lsmaOffset, inputAlmaOffset, inputAlmaSigma, FC, SC, a1_t3, fixedTfInput, daysInput, hoursInput, minsInput, minBarsInput, lambda, volumeWeighted, gamma_aarma, smooth, linweight, volatility_lookback, jurik_phase, jurik_power)
Abstract proxy function that invokes the calculation of a moving average according to type
type : (string) Type of moving average
src : (float) Source of series (close, high, low, etc.)
len : (int) Period of loopback to calculate the average
lsmaOffset : (int) Offset for Least Squares MA
inputAlmaOffset : (float) Offset for ALMA
inputAlmaSigma : (float) Sigma for ALMA
FC : (int) Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : (int) Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
a1_t3 : (float) Tillson T3 Volume Factor
fixedTfInput : (bool) Use a fixed time period in Rolling VWAP
daysInput : (int) Days in Rolling VWAP
hoursInput : (int) Hours in Rolling VWAP
minsInput : (int) Minutrs in Rolling VWAP
minBarsInput : (int) Bars in Rolling VWAP
lambda : (float) Regularization Constant in Regularized EMA
volumeWeighted : (bool) Apply volume weighted calculation in selected moving average
gamma_aarma : (float) Gamma for Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
smooth : (float) Smooth for Adaptive Least Squares
linweight : (float) Weight for Volume Weighted Moving Average
volatility_lookback : (int) Loopback for Volatility Adjusted Moving Average
jurik_phase : (int) Phase for Jurik Moving Average
jurik_power : (int) Power for Jurik Moving Average
Returns: (float) Moving average
Multi-Indicator by johntradingwickThe Multi-Indicator includes the functionality of the following indicators:
1. Market Structure
2. Support and Resistance
4. Simple Moving Average
5. Exponential Moving Average
Functionality of the Multi-Indicator:
Market Structure
As we already know, the market structure is one of the most important things in trading. If we are able to identify the trend correctly, it takes away a huge burden. For this, I have used the Zig Zag indicator to identify price trends. It plots points on the chart whenever the prices reverse by a larger percentage than a predetermined variable. The points are then connected by straight lines that will help you to identify the swing high and low.
This will help you to filter out any small price movements, making it easier to identify the trend, its direction, and its strength levels. You can change the period in consideration and the deviation by changing the deviation % and the depth.
Support and Resistance
The indicator provides the functionality to add support and resistance levels. If you want more levels just change the timeframe it looks at in the settings. It will pull the SR levels off the timeframe specified in the settings.
You can select the timeframe for support and resistance levels. The default time frame is “same as the chart”.
You can also extend lines to the right and change the width and colour of the lines. There is also an option to change the criteria to select the lines as valid support or resistance. You can extend the S/R level or use the horizontal lines to mark the level when there is a change in polarity.
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) is used to measure the average price weighted by volume. VWAP is typically used with intraday charts as a way to determine the general direction of intraday prices. It's similar to a moving average in that when the price is above VWAP, prices are rising and when the price is below VWAP, prices are falling. VWAP is primarily used by technical analysts to identify market trend.
Simple Moving Average
A simple Moving Average is an unweighted Moving Average. This means that each day in the data set has equal importance and is weighted equally. As each new day ends, the oldest data point is dropped and the newest one is added to the beginning.
The multi-indicator has the ability to provide 5 moving averages. This is particularly helpful if you want to use various time periods such as 20, 50, 100, and 200. Although this is just basic functionality, it comes in handy if you are using a free account.
Exponential Moving Average
An exponential moving average (EMA) is a type of moving average (MA) that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. An exponentially weighted moving average reacts more significantly to recent price changes than a simple moving average. The multi-indicator provides 5 exponential moving averages. This is particularly helpful if you want to use various time periods such as 20, 50, 100, and 200.
CryptoCipher Free (CCF)CryptoCipher Free (CCF) – User Guide
📌 Version: Open-Source | Educational Use Only
🚀 What is CryptoCipher Free (CCF)?
CryptoCipher Free (CCF) is a momentum and divergence-based indicator designed to help traders identify:
✅ Trend Reversals (WaveTrend & VWAP)
✅ Divergences (Bullish & Bearish)
✅ Money Flow Strength (Capital Inflows/Outflows)
✅ Momentum Shifts (Trigger Waves & RSI Signals)
Inspired by VuManChu Cipher B & Market Cipher, but fully custom-built, CCF combines key market indicators into one easy-to-use tool for crypto traders.
📈 Key Features & How to Use Them
🔹 1. WaveTrend Oscillator (WT) – Tracks Momentum
Green & Red Lines: Show momentum shifts.
Crossover Strategy:
Buy Signal = Green WT line crosses above Red WT line while oversold.
Sell Signal = Green WT line crosses below Red WT line while overbought.
🔹 2. Divergence Detection – Identifies Strengthening & Weakening Trends
Bullish Divergence (Green Label): Price is making lower lows, but momentum is rising → Potential Uptrend Reversal.
Bearish Divergence (Red Label): Price is making higher highs, but momentum is weakening → Potential Downtrend Reversal.
🔹 3. Money Flow Index (MFI) – Detects Market Pressure
Green Waves = Positive Money Flow (More Buying Pressure).
Red Waves = Negative Money Flow (More Selling Pressure).
Stronger & Wider Waves → Stronger Market Pressure.
🔹 4. VWAP Oscillator – Identifies Fair Value Zones
VWAP Above Zero = Overvalued Zone (Potential Reversal Down).
VWAP Below Zero = Undervalued Zone (Potential Reversal Up).
🔹 5. RSI & Stochastic RSI – Confirms Trend Strength
RSI Above 70 = Overbought (Potential Drop).
RSI Below 30 = Oversold (Potential Bounce).
Color-Coded for Quick Reading:
🔴 Red = Overbought
🟢 Green = Oversold
⚪ White = Neutral
🎯 Recommended Settings for Different Trading Styles
💰 Scalpers & Day Traders:
Lower Divergence Threshold (20-30) for more frequent but noisier signals.
Focus on VWAP & MFI confirmation for short-term trades.
📊 Swing Traders (Default Settings):
Keep Divergence Threshold at 30-35 for more reliable signals.
Look for WaveTrend crossovers & MFI waves aligning before entering trades.
⏳ Long-Term Investors (Higher Timeframes):
Increase Divergence Threshold (40-45) to filter out smaller moves.
Use VWAP & RSI for trend confirmations over larger periods (Daily/Weekly charts).
⚠️ Important Notes & Risk Management
No indicator is 100% accurate – always combine CCF with other analysis methods.
Use Stop-Loss & Risk Management to avoid unnecessary losses.
Crypto markets are highly volatile – adjust settings based on market conditions.CryptoCipher Free (CCF) is a powerful, all-in-one tool for momentum and divergence trading.
✅ Easy to Use – Designed for traders of all levels.
✅ Fully Customizable – Adjust sensitivity, colors, and alerts.
✅ Open-Source & Free – Use it, modify it, and learn from it.
Trade Quality Rating: signal rating from 1 to 5 starsOverview
The indicator is built to generate trading signals based on a combination of technical indicators and then assign each signal a quality rating from 1 to 5 stars. The idea is that the more filters that are met, the stronger (or higher quality) the signal is assumed to be. You can then use these quality ratings to decide which signals to act upon, keeping in mind that a higher-rated signal has more confirming factors.
Components of the Indicator
Simple Moving Averages (SMAs):
SMA9 and SMA20:
These two moving averages are used to detect short-term trend changes via crossovers. A bullish signal is generated when the SMA9 crosses above the SMA20, and a bearish signal when it crosses below.
SMA200 (on the current timeframe) & Daily SMA200:
The SMA200 on your current chart helps smooth out the price action.
The Daily SMA200 serves as a long-term trend filter. For a valid long signal, the price must be above the Daily SMA200, and vice versa for a short signal.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence):
The MACD is calculated using standard parameters (12, 26, 9).
It adds momentum confirmation to the signal. For a long trade, the MACD line should be above its signal line, and for a short trade, below.
RSI (Relative Strength Index):
Calculated with a 14-period setting.
For long signals, the RSI must be above 50 (indicating upward momentum), while for short signals, it should be below 50.
This filter is one of the additional conditions that add to the quality rating.
Volume Filter:
A 20-period moving average of volume is computed.
The current volume must exceed this average, suggesting that there is enough market participation backing the move.
This is another extra filter that adds to the overall quality score.
ADX (Average Directional Index):
The ADX is manually calculated in the script (using a 14-period setting) to gauge the strength of the trend.
A value above 25 is considered to confirm that a strong trend is in place, making the signal more reliable.
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price):
The session VWAP is computed on a daily basis.
For long trades, the price should be above the VWAP, and for short trades, below.
This serves as a confirmation that the current price is moving in the right direction relative to the volume-weighted average.
Signal Generation and Quality Rating
Base Signal (1 Star):
The fundamental trade signal is generated when the SMA9/SMA20 crossover occurs, in combination with the MACD confirmation and the condition that the price is on the correct side of the Daily SMA200. This base signal provides a 1-star quality rating.
Additional Filters (Adding Extra Stars):
RSI Filter: Adds 1 extra star if the RSI condition is met (RSI > 50 for long or RSI < 50 for short).
Volume Filter: Adds 1 extra star if the current volume exceeds its 20-period moving average.
ADX Filter: Adds 1 extra star if the ADX value is above 25, confirming a strong trend.
VWAP Filter: Adds 1 extra star if the price is above the VWAP for long trades (or below for short trades).
When all filters are met, you get a 5-star rating (1 star base + 4 extra stars).
Display and Alerts:
The indicator plots your SMAs on the chart.
When a signal occurs, it places a label on the chart showing the trade direction ("BUY" or "SELL") along with the quality rating in stars.
Additionally, alert conditions are set up so that you can receive notifications when a valid signal (based on the base criteria) is generated.
How to Use This Indicator
Filtering Trades:
Use the quality rating as a visual guide. For instance, if you want to only act on the most reliable setups, you might decide to trade only signals that are rated 4 or 5 stars.
Manual Confirmation:
Even with a high star rating, you can perform your own final checks (e.g., checking price action or additional chart patterns) before entering a trade.
Backtesting and Adjustment:
Because market conditions differ, it’s advisable to backtest the indicator on your instrument of choice and adjust the parameters (such as the ADX threshold or the period for volume averaging) to better suit your trading style.
This 5-star system indicator is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of trade quality by integrating multiple technical filters into one visual signal. It helps filter out noise by ensuring that a trade signal not only meets a basic SMA and MACD condition but also aligns with volume, trend strength (ADX), and VWAP criteria. This multi-layered approach can lead to fewer but higher quality trades, allowing you to focus on setups that have more confluence.
Happy trading!
CBC Strategy with Trend Confirmation & Separate Stop LossCBC Flip Strategy with Trend Confirmation and ATR-Based Targets
This strategy is based on the CBC Flip concept taught by MapleStax and inspired by the original CBC Flip indicator by AsiaRoo. It focuses on identifying potential reversals or trend continuation points using a combination of candlestick patterns (CBC Flips), trend filters, and a time-based entry window. This approach helps traders avoid false signals and increase trade accuracy.
What is a CBC Flip?
The CBC Flip is a candlestick-based pattern that identifies moments when the market is likely to change direction or strengthen its trend. It checks for a shift in price behavior between consecutive candles, signaling a bullish (upward) or bearish (downward) move.
However, not all flips are created equal! This strategy differentiates between Strong Flips and All Flips, allowing traders to choose between a more conservative or aggressive approach.
Strong Flips vs. All Flips
Strong Flips
A Strong Flip is a high-probability setup that occurs only after liquidity is swept from the previous candle’s high or low.
What is a liquidity sweep? This happens when the price briefly moves beyond the high or low of the previous candle, triggering stop-losses and trapping traders in the wrong direction. These sweeps often create fuel for the next move, making them powerful reversal signals.
Long Setup: The price dips below the previous candle’s low (sweeping liquidity) and then closes higher, signaling a potential bullish move.
Short Setup: The price moves above the previous candle’s high and then closes lower, signaling a potential bearish move.
Why Use Strong Flips?
They provide fewer signals, but the accuracy is generally higher.
Ideal for trending markets where liquidity sweeps often mark key turning points.
All Flips
All Flips are less selective, offering both Strong Flips and additional signals without requiring a liquidity sweep.
This approach gives traders more frequent opportunities but comes with a higher risk of false signals, especially in sideways markets.
Long Setup: A CBC flip occurs without sweeping the previous low, but the trend direction is confirmed (slow EMA is still above VWAP).
Short Setup: A CBC flip occurs without sweeping the previous high, but the trend is still bearish (slow EMA below VWAP).
Why Use All Flips?
Provides more frequent entries for active or aggressive traders.
Works well in trending markets but requires caution during consolidation periods.
How This Strategy Works
The strategy combines CBC Flips with multiple filters to ensure better trade quality:
Trend Confirmation: The slow EMA (20-period) must be positioned relative to the VWAP to confirm the overall trend direction.
Long Trades: Slow EMA must be above VWAP (upward trend).
Short Trades: Slow EMA must be below VWAP (downward trend).
Time-Based Filter: Traders can specify trading hours to limit entries to a particular time window, helping avoid low-volume or high-volatility periods.
Profit Target and Stop-Loss:
Profit Target: Defined as a multiple of the 14-period ATR (Average True Range). For example, if the ATR is 10 points and the profit target multiplier is set to 1.5, the strategy aims for a 15-point profit.
Stop-Loss: Uses a dynamic, candle-based stop-loss:
Long Trades: The trade closes if the market closes below the low of two candles ago.
Short Trades: The trade closes if the market closes above the high of two candles ago.
This approach adapts to recent price behavior and protects against unexpected reversals.
Customizable Settings
Strong Flips vs. All Flips: Choose between a more selective or aggressive entry style.
Profit Target Multiplier: Adjust the ATR multiplier to control the distance for profit targets.
Entry Time Range: Define specific trading hours for the strategy.
Indicators and Visuals
Fast EMA (10-Period) – Black Line
Slow EMA (20-Period) – Red Line
VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price) – Orange Line
Visual Labels:
▵ (Triangle Up) – Marks long entries (buy signals).
▿ (Triangle Down) – Marks short entries (sell signals).
CBC Flip Concept: Inspired by MapleStax, who teaches this concept.
Original Indicator: Developed by AsiaRoo, this strategy builds on the CBC Flip framework with additional features for improved trade management.
Risks and Disclaimer
This strategy is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.
Trading involves significant risk and may result in the loss of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Use this strategy in a simulated environment before applying it to live trading.
1 (or) 5-Minute Scalping Strategy - KGP1-Minute Scalping Strategy - KGP
Overview: This indicator is designed for short-term traders who engage in 1 (or) 5-minute scalping. It combines several technical analysis tools to provide buy and sell signals, helping traders make informed decisions quickly.
Key Features:
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price):
Purpose: VWAP provides the average price a security has traded at throughout the day, based on both volume and price.
Usage: Helps identify the overall trend and potential entry points. When the price is above VWAP, it indicates a bullish trend; when below, it indicates a bearish trend.
RSI (Relative Strength Index):
Purpose: RSI measures the speed and change of price movements, indicating overbought or oversold conditions.
Usage: The RSI values between 30 and 70 are used to filter trades. A value above 70 indicates overbought conditions, while below 30 indicates oversold conditions.
Custom OBV (On Balance Volume):
Purpose: OBV uses volume flow to predict changes in stock price.
Usage: Helps confirm the strength of a trend. Increasing OBV indicates accumulation (buying pressure), while decreasing OBV indicates distribution (selling pressure).
Multi-Timeframe Analysis:
Purpose: Confirms signals by analyzing RSI on a higher timeframe (5-minute chart).
Usage: Ensures that signals on the 1-minute chart align with the broader trend on the 5-minute chart, reducing false signals.
Buy Signal:
Triggered when the price crosses above the VWAP, and the RSI is between 50 and 70 on both the 1-minute and 5-minute charts.
Visual Cue: A green “BUY” label appears below the bar.'
Sell Signal:
Triggered when the price crosses below the VWAP, and the RSI is between 30 and 50 on both the 1-minute and 5-minute charts.
Visual Cue: A red “SELL” label appears above the bar.
Buy Alert: Notifies you when a buy signal is detected.
Sell Alert: Notifies you when a sell signal is detected.
Additional Visuals:
VWAP Line: Plotted in blue to show the average price based on volume.
OBV Line: Plotted in purple to indicate volume flow.
RSI Line: Plotted in orange with horizontal lines at 70 (overbought) and 30 (oversold) levels.
VXD SupercycleVXD is a brand new indicator and still developing. to minimize stop losses and overcome sideways market conditions, Higher Timeframe are recommended
Trend lines
-using Rolling VWAP as trend line to determined if Volume related to a certain price.
-you can switch RVWAP to EMA in the setting
-trailing 12*ATR and 2.4 Mutiplier
Pivot point and Rejected Block
Pivot show last High and low of a price in past bars
Rejected Block show when that High or Low price are important level to determined if it's Hidden Divergence or Divergence
Symbols on chart show Premium and Discount Prices
X-Cross - show potential reversal trend with weak volume .
O-circle - show potential reversal trend with strong volume .
Momentum: RSI = 25 , RSI MA = 14
Trend: Rolling VWAP and ATR and Subhag
Trailing STOP: ATR 12 x 2.4
Highlight Bars color when volume is above SMA 6
SMA200 act as TP Line
Risk:Reward Calculation
if Buy your Stoploss will be previous Pivot low
if Sell your Stoploss will be previous Pivot high and will be calculated form there, then show TP in Orange color line
VXD เป็นระบบเทรดที่ผมทดลองเอาหลาย ๆ ไอเดีย ทั้งจาก Youtube facebook และกลุ่มคนต่าง ๆ มารวบรวมไว้ แล้วตกผลึกขึ้นมาเป็นระบบนี้ ใน Timeframe ใหญ่ ๆ สามารถลากได้ทั้ง Cycle กันเลย
Trend lines
-ใช้ Rolling VWAP ของแอพ Tradingview (สามารถตั้งแค่าเป็น EMA ได้)
-ใช้ค่า ATR 12 Mutiplier 2.4
Pivot point and Rejected Block
Pivot โชว์เส้น High low และมีผลกับออเดอร์ หากแท่งเทียนปิดทะลุเส้นนี้
Rejected Block วาดแนวรับ-ต้าน อัตโนมัติ ใช้ประกอบ RSI ว่ามี Divergence หรือไม่
สัญลักษณ์ต่าง ๆ
X-Cross - แท่งกลืนกิน วอลุ่มน้อย
O-circle - แท่งกลืนกิน มีวอลุ่ม
Momentum: RSI = 25 , RSI MA = 14
Trend: Rolling VWAP and ATR and Subhag
Trailing STOP: ATR 12 x 2.4
Highlight Bars color when volume is above SMA 6
SMA200 act as TP Line
Risk:Reward Calculation
หาก Buy จุด SL จะอยู่ที่ Pivot low
หาก Sell จุด SL จะอยู่ที่ Pivot high และระบบจะคำนวณจากตรงนั้น จากนั้นแสดงเป็นเส้น TP สีส้ม
This Strategy Combined the following indicators and conditioning by me
Rolling VWAP - /script/ZU2UUu9T-Rolling-VWAP/
Regression Lines - Subhag form Subhag Ghosh /script/LHHBVpQu-Subhag-Ghosh-Algo-Version-for-banknifty/
Rejection Block , Pivots , High Volume Bars and PPDD form Super OrderBlock / FVG / BoS Tools by makuchaku & eFe /script/aZACDmTC-Super-OrderBlock-FVG-BoS-Tools-by-makuchaku-eFe/
EMVWAPAdded Exponential Smoothing to The Original Built-in VWAP Calculation.
Best used with original VWAP indicator to identify trend reversal.
- VWAP CrossUp EMVWAP identify bullish reversal
- VWAP CrossDown EMVWAP identify bearish reversal
All inputs are the same as the original VWAP with one addition.
Average Length: Identify the the number of historic bar to calculate the exponential moving average of VWAP
CC - Macro Consolidated Interval Display (MCID)Ever wish you didn't have to rapidly flip between 6 different tickers to get the full picture?
Yeah, me too. Do you also wish that you kind of understood how the shift / unshift function works for arrays?
Yeah, I did too. Both of those birds are taken care of with one stone!
The Macro Consolidated Interval Display uses the new Array structure and security to display data for VIX, GLD, TLT, QQQ, SPY and IWM (at a 1D interval) SIMUTANEOUSLY! Regardless of which ticker you're looking at you can get the full picture of macro futures data without flipping around to get it.
This is my first script trying to use arrays. It basically shows the following a 1d interval:
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for VIX.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for GLD.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for TLT.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for QQQ.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for SPY.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP for IWM
To make it more or less busy, I've allowed you to toggle off any of the levels you wish. I've also chosen to leave this as open source, as it's nothing too experimental, and I hope that it can gain some traction as an Array example that the public can use! If you don't like the different values that are shown, use this source code example as a spring-board to put values that you do care about onto the labels.
If this code has helped you at all please drop me a like or some constructive criticism if you do not think it's worth a like.
Good luck and happy trading friends. This should be compatible with my CID as well:
If this gets traction, I will post something similar for a dynamic combination of tickers and intervals that you can set yourself.
CC - Consolidated Interval Display (CID)Ever wish you didn't have to rapidly flip between 6 different intervals to get the full picture?
Yeah, me too. Do you also wish that you kind of understood how the shift / unshift function works for arrays?
Yeah, I did too. Both of those birds are taken care of with one stone!
The Consolidated Interval Display uses the new Array structure and security to display data for 5m, 15m, 45m, 1h, 4h and 1d intervals SIMUTANEOUSLY! Regardless of which interval you're looking at you can get the full picture of numerical data without flipping around to get it.
This is my first script trying to use arrays. It basically shows the following for the given ticker:
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 5 minute level.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 15 minute level.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 45 minute level.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 1 hour level.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 4 hour level.
ATR14, RSI7, RSI14, SMA50, SMA200 and VWAP at the 1 day level.
To make it more or less busy, I've allowed you to toggle off any of the levels you wish. I've also chosen to leave this as open source, as it's nothing too experimental, and I hope that it can gain some traction as an Array example that the public can use! If you don't like the different values that are shown, use this source code example as a spring-board to put values that you do care about onto the labels.
If this code has helped you at all please drop me a like or some constructive criticism if you do not think it's worth a like.
Good luck and happy trading friends.
If this gets traction, I will post something similar for a combination of SPY, VIX, GOLD, QQQ, IWM and TLT.
Scrodinger IndicatorProjetado para auxiliar traders na identificação de probabilidades de breakouts, análise estatística de movimentos de preço, além de fornecer suporte através de VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) com bandas de desvio padrão e médias móveis exponenciais (EMAs).
Ele combina estatísticas de rompimentos, alertas dinâmicos, análise de tendência e indicadores de momentum, oferecendo uma abordagem quantitativa para a tomada de decisões no mercado.
🛠️ Funcionalidades Principais
🔹 1. Breakout Probability (Probabilidade de Rompimento)
Calcula a probabilidade de o preço atingir determinados níveis de alta e baixa com base no histórico de candles.
Exibe níveis de resistência e suporte dinâmicos usando um fator percentual ajustável.
Indica estatísticas de win/loss baseadas na frequência dos rompimentos anteriores.
Alertas personalizáveis para notificações quando o preço atinge níveis críticos.
🔹 2. VWAP + Bandas de Desvio Padrão
VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) como referência para o preço médio ponderado pelo volume.
Bandas de desvio padrão ajudam a identificar regiões de sobrecompra e sobrevenda.
Suporte a múltiplos desvios-padrão configuráveis pelo usuário.
Opção de exibir o VWAP da sessão anterior para análise de continuidade.
🔹 3. Médias Móveis Exponenciais (EMAs) e MACD
EMA rápida e EMA lenta para detectar tendências de curto e longo prazo.
Indica cruzamentos entre as EMAs, fornecendo sinais de compra e venda.
MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) com histograma para medir força e direção da tendência.
🔹 4. Sistema de Alertas Avançado
Notificações para rompimentos de suporte/resistência.
Alertas configuráveis para mudanças de tendência (Bullish/Bearish).
Opção de incluir detalhes como ticker, preço, viés direcional e porcentagem de probabilidade.
📊 Como Utilizar o Scrodinger Indicator?
Ajuste a porcentagem de nível (%) para definir a distância entre os níveis de breakout.
Configure a quantidade de linhas de suporte e resistência desejadas no gráfico.
Habilite ou desabilite estatísticas para visualizar dados quantitativos sobre rompimentos.
Ative o VWAP e suas bandas para visualizar regiões de interesse baseadas em volume.
Monitore os cruzamentos das EMAs e MACD para confirmações de tendência.
Auto Last Earnings AVWAP
This script provides an automated approach to tracking critical post-earnings price levels. You can add it to a chart and then flip through your watchlist to see the anchored AVWAPs without the need to do it manually one by one.
Core Features:
Automatically detects earnings dates and anchors VWAP calculations without manual input
Calculates volume-weighted average price specifically from the last earnings release
Identifies and visualizes significant earnings gaps between reporting periods
Volume-Based Signal Detection:
Monitors VWAP crosses with volume confirmation (requires 1.5x normal volume)
Labels high-volume breakouts with clear directional signals
Uses a 6-bar adaptive volume baseline to filter out noise
Practical Applications:
AVWAP anchored at earnings offers a great price support level that should be considered when deciding to buy/sell the stock. This script eliminates manual VWAP anchoring and reduces chart management time
Key Differentiators:
First note: coding VWAP anchoring in pine is more challenging that one would think. The source code is open to help other users and hopefully inspire different applications.
No need to manually anchor the VWAP
Draws earnings gap from earnings to earnings (if auto mode)
Detects breakouts through the AVWAP line
Internals Elite NYSE [Beta]Overview:
This indicator is designed to provide traders with a quick overview of key market internals and metrics in a single, easy-to-read table displayed directly on the chart. It incorporates a variety of metrics that help gauge market sentiment, momentum, and overall market conditions.
The table dynamically updates in real-time and uses color-coding to highlight significant changes or thresholds, allowing traders to quickly interpret the data and make informed trading decisions.
Market Internals:
TICK: Measures the difference between the number of stocks ticking up versus those ticking down on the NYSE. Green or red background indicates if it crosses a user-defined threshold.
Advance/Decline (ADD): Shows the net number of advancing versus declining stocks on the NYSE. Color-coded to show positive, negative, or neutral conditions.
Volatility Metrics:
VIX Change (%): Displays the percentage change in the Volatility Index (VIX), a key gauge of market fear or complacency. Color-coded for direction.
VIX Price: Displays the current VIX price with thresholds to indicate low, medium, or high volatility.
Other Market Metrics:
DXY Change (%): Percentage change in the US Dollar Index (DXY), indicating dollar strength or weakness.
VWAP Deviation (%): Percentage of stocks above VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), helping traders assess intraday buying and selling pressure.
Asset-Specific Metrics:
BTCUSD Change (%): Percentage change in Bitcoin (BTC) price, useful for monitoring cryptocurrency sentiment.
SPY Change (%): Percentage change in the S&P 500 ETF (SPY), a proxy for the overall stock market.
Current Ticker Change (%): Percentage change in the currently selected ticker on the chart.
US10Y Change (%): Percentage change in the yield of the 10-Year US Treasury Note (TVC:US10Y), an important macroeconomic indicator.
Customizable Appearance:
Adjustable text size to suit your chart layout.
User-defined thresholds for key metrics (e.g., TICK, ADD, VWAP, VIX).
Dynamic Table Placement:
You can position the table anywhere on the chart: top-right, top-left, bottom-right, bottom-left, middle-right, or middle-left.
How to Use:
Add the Indicator to Your Chart:
Apply the indicator to your chart from the Pine Script editor in TradingView.
Customize the Inputs:
Adjust the thresholds for TICK, ADD, VWAP, and VIX according to your trading style.
Enable or disable the metrics you want to see in the table by toggling the display options for each metric (e.g., Show TICK, Show BTC, Show SPY).
Set the table placement to your preferred position on the chart.
Interpret the Table:
Look for color-coded cells to quickly identify significant changes or breaches of thresholds.
Positive values are typically shown in green, negative values in red, and neutral/insignificant changes in gray.
Use metrics like TICK and ADD to gauge market breadth and momentum.
Refer to VWAP deviation to assess intraday buying or selling pressure.
Monitor the VIX and US10Y changes to stay aware of macroeconomic and volatility shifts.
Incorporate Into Your Strategy:
Use the indicator alongside technical analysis to confirm setups or identify areas of caution.
Keep an eye on correlated metrics (e.g., VIX and SPY) for broader market context.
Use BTCUSD or DXY as additional indicators of risk-on/risk-off sentiment.
Ideal Users:
Day Traders: Quickly gauge intraday market conditions and momentum.
Swing Traders: Identify broader sentiment shifts using metrics like ADD, DXY, and US10Y.
Macro Investors: Stay updated on key macroeconomic indicators like the 10-Year Treasury yield (US10Y) and the US Dollar Index (DXY).
This indicator serves as a comprehensive tool for understanding market conditions at a glance, enabling traders to act decisively based on the latest data.
SecretSauceByVipz is a sophisticated trading indicator designed to help traders identify high-probability buy and sell signals by integrating multiple technical analysis tools. By combining Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs), Average True Range (ATR) buffer zones, Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), and Relative Strength Index (RSI) momentum confirmation, this indicator aims to reduce false signals and enhance trading decisions.
Key Features:
Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs):
200-period EMA (Long EMA): Serves as a long-term trend indicator.
8-period EMA (Fast EMA): Captures short-term price movements.
21-period EMA (Slow EMA): Reflects medium-term price trends.
EMA Crossovers: Generates initial buy/sell signals when the fast EMA crosses over or under the slow EMA.
ATR-Based Buffer Zones:
ATR Calculation: Utilizes a 14-period ATR to measure market volatility.
Buffer Zone Multiplier: User-adjustable multiplier (default 1.0) applied to the ATR to create dynamic buffer zones around the 200 EMA.
Buffer Zones: Helps filter out false signals by requiring price to move beyond these zones for certain signals.
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP):
VWAP Plotting: Provides an average price weighted by volume, useful for identifying fair value areas and potential support/resistance levels.
Signal Confirmation Logic:
Confirmation Candle: Requires the next candle after a crossover to close in the signal's direction for added reliability.
Early Signals: Triggers when price crosses the 200 EMA and moves beyond the buffer zone, indicating potential early trend changes.
Strong Signals: Occur when both the price crosses the fast EMA and the fast EMA crosses the slow EMA simultaneously.
RSI Momentum Confirmation:
RSI Calculation: Uses a 14-period RSI to gauge market momentum.
Momentum Filter: Confirms signals only when RSI aligns with the trend (above 50 for bullish, below 50 for bearish signals).
Visual Aids:
EMA and VWAP Plots: Overlays the EMAs and VWAP directly on the price chart for easy visualization.
Buffer Zone Lines: Plots the upper and lower buffer zones around the 200 EMA.
Signal Labels:
Buy Signals: Displayed as green "BUY" labels below the bars.
Sell Signals: Displayed as red "SELL" labels above the bars.
How to Use:
Trend Identification:
Use the 200 EMA to determine the overall market trend.
Price above the 200 EMA suggests a bullish trend; below indicates a bearish trend.
Signal Generation:
Confirmed Signals: Wait for the confirmation candle after an EMA crossover before considering entry.
Early Signals: Consider early entries when price crosses the 200 EMA and moves beyond the buffer zone.
Strong Signals: Pay attention to strong signals where both price and EMAs are crossing over, indicating robust trend momentum.
Momentum Confirmation:
Ensure the RSI aligns with the signal direction:
Buy Signals: RSI should be above 50.
Sell Signals: RSI should be below 50.
Adjusting Sensitivity:
Modify the ATR Multiplier and Buffer Multiplier to suit different market conditions and personal trading styles.
A higher multiplier may reduce signal frequency but increase reliability.
Customization Parameters:
ATR Multiplier for Distance Filter (Default: 1.5):
Adjusts the sensitivity of the distance filter based on ATR.
Buffer Multiplier for 200 EMA (Default: 1.0):
Alters the width of the buffer zones around the 200 EMA.
Reduces False Signals: The combination of confirmation candles and buffer zones helps filter out noise.
Enhances Trend Detection: Multiple EMA crossovers provide insights into short-term and medium-term trends.
Incorporates Volatility and Momentum: ATR and RSI ensure signals consider market volatility and momentum.
This indicator is a tool to assist in technical analysis and should not be used as the sole basis for trading decisions. Always conduct thorough analysis and consider risk management strategies before executing trades. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Developed by Vipink1203.
Pine Script Version 5
ToxicJ3ster - Day Trading SignalsThis Pine Script™ indicator, "ToxicJ3ster - Signals for Day Trading," is designed to assist traders in identifying key trading signals for day trading. It employs a combination of Moving Averages, RSI, Volume, ATR, ADX, Bollinger Bands, and VWAP to generate buy and sell signals. The script also incorporates multiple timeframe analysis to enhance signal accuracy. It is optimized for use on the 5-minute chart.
This script uniquely combines various technical indicators to create a comprehensive and reliable day trading strategy. Each indicator serves a specific purpose, and their integration is designed to provide multiple layers of confirmation for trading signals, reducing false signals and increasing trading accuracy.
1. Moving Averages: These are used to identify the overall trend direction. By calculating short and long period Moving Averages, the script can detect bullish and bearish crossovers, which are key signals for entering and exiting trades.
2. RSI Filtering: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) helps filter signals by ensuring trades are only taken in favorable market conditions. It detects overbought and oversold levels and trends within the RSI to confirm market momentum.
3. Volume and ATR Conditions: Volume and ATR multipliers are used to identify significant market activity. The script checks for volume spikes and volatility to confirm the strength of trends and avoid false signals.
4. ADX Filtering: The ADX is used to confirm the strength of a trend. By filtering out weak trends, the script focuses on strong and reliable signals, enhancing the accuracy of trade entries and exits.
5. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands provide additional context for the trend and help identify potential reversal points. The script uses Bollinger Bands to avoid false signals and ensure trades are taken in trending markets.
6. Higher Timeframe Analysis: This feature ensures that signals align with broader market trends by using higher timeframe Moving Averages for trend confirmation. It adds a layer of robustness to the signals generated on the 5-minute chart.
7. VWAP Integration: VWAP is used for intraday trading signals. By calculating the VWAP and generating buy and sell signals based on its crossover with the price, the script provides additional confirmation for trade entries.
8. MACD Analysis: The MACD line, signal line, and histogram are calculated to generate additional buy/sell signals. The MACD is used to detect changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend.
9. Alert System: Custom alerts are integrated to notify traders of potential trading opportunities based on the signals generated by the script.
How It Works:
- Trend Detection: The script calculates short and long period Moving Averages and identifies bullish and bearish crossovers to determine the trend direction.
- Signal Filtering: RSI, Volume, ATR, and ADX are used to filter and confirm signals, ensuring trades are taken in strong and favorable market conditions.
- Multiple Timeframe Analysis: The script uses higher timeframe Moving Averages to confirm trends, aligning signals with broader market movements.
- Additional Confirmations: VWAP, MACD, and Bollinger Bands provide multiple layers of confirmation for buy and sell signals, enhancing the reliability of the trading strategy.
- Customize the input parameters to suit your trading strategy and preferences.
- Monitor the generated signals and alerts to make informed trading decisions.
- This script is made to work best on the 5-minute chart.
This indicator is not perfect and can generate false signals. It is up to the trader to determine how they would like to proceed with their trades. Always conduct thorough research and consider seeking advice from a financial professional before making trading decisions. Use this script at your own risk.
Price and Volume Stochastic Divergence [MW]Introduction
This indicator creates signals of interest for entering and exiting long and short positions on equities. It primarily uses up and down trends defined by the change in cumulative volume with some filtering provided by a short period exponential moving average (9 EMA by default).
Moving Average Period : The moving average over which the cumulative volume delta is calculated. Default: 14
Short Period EMA : The EMA used to represent price action, and is used to generate the EMA Delta line. Default: 27 (3*3*3)
Long Period EMA : The second EMA used to calculate the EMA Delta line. Default: 108 (2*2*3*3*3)
Stochastic K Value : The value used for stochastic curve smoothing. Default: 3
Dot Size : The diameter of the larger indicator. Default: 10
Dot Transparency : The transparency level of the outer ring of the primary BUY/SELL signal. Default: 50 (0 is opaque, 100 is transparent)
Band Distance from 0 to 100 : The upper and lower band distance. Default: 20
The cumulative volume delta (CVD) is calculated using candle bodies and wicks. For a red candle, buying volume is calculated by multiplying the volume by the spread percentage of the average of the top and bottom wicks, while Selling Volume is calculated multiplying the volume by the spread percentage of the average of the top and bottom wicks - in addition to the spread percentage of the candle body.
For a green candle, buying volume is calculated by multiplying the volume by the spread percentage of the average of the top and bottom wicks - plus the spread percentage of the candle body - while Selling Volume is calculated using only the spread percentage average of the top and bottom wicks.
Once we have the CVD, we can then perform a stochastic calculation of the CVD value.
stochastic calculation = (current value - lowest value in period) / (highest value in period - lowest value in period)
We’ll do the same stochastic calculation for the short term EMA (27 EMA default) as well as for the difference between the short term and long term EMA.
When the stochastic CVD value is rising from zero and the short term EMA stochastic value equals 100, then it’s a major bullish signal. When the stochastic CVD value is falling from 100 and the short term EMA stochastic value equals 0, then it’s a major bearish signal.
Sometimes, after a bullish or bearish signal, the stochastic CVD will reverse direction triggering a new opposing signal.
How to Interpret
The CVD indicates when there is either more buying than selling or vice versa. A value over 50 for the stochastic CVD curve represents more buying taking place. A value below 50 represents more selling. One might intuitively believe that when there is more buying volume than selling volume that the price would follow suit. This is not always the case.
Most of the time buying volume will precede consistent price movement upwards, and selling volume will precede consistent price movement downwards. When this divergence occurs, the indicator generates a signal. When this divergence begins to fail, and buying or selling volume reverses, then another signal is generated indicating that the buying/selling impulse is headed back into the direction of price action.
These interactions are visually represented on the chart with the coral line that represents CVD, and the yellow line that represents the EMA, or the average price. When the coral line goes up and the yellow line stays down, that’s the BUY signal. When the coral line goes down and the yellow line stays up, that’s the sell signal. When the coral line switches direction, the chart generates another signal showing that volume is moving in a direction that supports the price.
The orange line represents the stochastic representation of the difference between the short EMA (27 by default) and the long EMA (108 by default). EMA differences is a method that can be used to define a trend. When a short term EMA is above a longer term EMA, that may represent a bullish trend. When it is below, that may represent a bearish trend. When all 3 lines are rising or falling in the same direction at the same time, it tends to indicate a movement that has the potential to continue.
Other Usage Notes and Limitations
It's important for traders to be aware of the limitations of any indicator and to use them as part of a broader, well-rounded trading strategy that includes risk management, fundamental analysis, and other tools that can help with reducing false signals, determining trend direction, and providing additional confirmation for a trade decision. Diversifying strategies and not relying solely on one type of indicator or analysis can help mitigate some of these risks.
This indicator can be paired with the MW Volume Impulse indicator if it is desired to see the actual buying and selling cumulative volume deltas. Also, in many cases, the BUY and SELL signals tend to correspond with Keltner Bands (ATR Bands) becoming extended. Lastly, volume weighted average price (VWAP) along with other macro events can impact price and negate signals. To view VWAP lines, you may choose to use the Multi VWAP or Multi VWAP for Gaps indicator to help ensure that the signals you see in this indicator are not being affected by VWAP lines.