Sector RotationThis script is attempt to create and observe the real-time and historical performance of the all major sectors of Indian Market in one screen.
for Data Presentation I used Short sector names so that I can manage to get space and efficient presentable data.
Short Names and Actual Sector Names
You can use this script in 30-min, Daily, Weekly and Monthly Time Frames.
The green Square denotes the current Symbol Performance.
The Blue Border boxes are created when one sector intersects other sector.
In this Update following features are added
Now users have control over sectors, what are all the sectors you wanted to plot you can select from the input menu.
Currently user can highlight any one sector in different border color so that user can easily spot and track particular sector.
This thicker blue line denotes lowest and highest point of the current timeframe.
Liquidity Heatmap (Nephew_Sam_)Liquidity Heatmap
This indicator plots a heatmap of resting liquidity above and below swing lows and multiple timeframes
The darker the color is or the larger the zone is, the more liquidity is lying there. If you think there are too many zones, you can increase the timeframes in the settings or just disable it.
Liquidity simply means orders such as stoplosses, buy/sell stops.
Disclaimer: You are free to use this code but your should be open source too
[FrizLabz]PB OLvlsDisplay Market Open and/or Premarket Open
Labels are offset to the right of Lines
You can adjust the number of opens back to display
If you want to change the format of the label please read the tool tip
Hope you enjoy
Minimalist Doji HighlighterThis minimalism focused indicator was designed specifically to highlight doji candles (gravestone, long-legged, and dragonfly) that generally signal indecision/neutrality within price structure to improve trading accessibility for the disabled/visually impaired, visual charting cues or pattern visibility, and educational/learning purposes.
Highlight doji candles to improve visual cues on chart.
Default size of 0.15-0.02 works best, yet can be modified thus ensuring flexibility of use and experimentation.
Additionally, there is an option to add crosses above doji candles for additional visual cues; this feature is set to false by default to avoid cluttering charts.
All time frames and assets.
All conditions.
KERPD Noise Filter - Kaufman Efficiency Ratio and Price DensityThis indicator combines Kaufman Efficiency Ratio (KER) and Price Density theories to create a unique market noise filter that is 'right on time' compared to using KER or Price Density alone. All data is normalized and merged into a single output. Additionally, this indicator provides the ability to consider background noise and background noise buoyancy to allow dynamic observation of noise level and asset specific calibration of the indicator (if desired).
The basic theory surrounding usage is that: higher values = lower noise, while lower values = higher noise in market.
Notes: NON-DIRECTIONAL Kaufman Efficiency Ratio used. Threshold period of 30 to 40 applies to Kaufman Efficiency Ratio systems if standard length of 20 is applied; maintained despite incorporation of Price Density normalized data.
-Trend strategies, mean reversion/reversal/contrarian strategies, and identification/avoidance of ranging market conditions.
-Trend strategy where KERPD is above a certain value; generally a trend is forming/continuing as noise levels fall in the market.
-Mean reversion/reversal/contrarian strategies when KERPD exits a trending condition and falls below a certain value (additional signal confluence confirming for a strong reversal in price required); generally a reversal is forming as noise levels increase in the market.
-A filter to screen out ranging/choppy conditions where breakouts are frequently fake-outs and or price fails to move significantly; noise level is high, in addition to the background buoyancy level.
-In an adaptive trading systems to assist in determining whether to apply a trend following algorithm or a mean reversion algorithm.
The market is a jungle. When apex predators are present it often goes quiet (institutions moving price), when absent the jungle is loud.
There is always background noise that scales with the anticipation of the silence, which has features of buoyancy that act to calibrate the beginning of the silence and return to background noise conditions.
Trend traders hunt in low noise conditions. Reversion traders hunt in the onset of low noise into static conditions. Ranges can be avoided during high noise and buoyant background noise conditions.
Distance between the noise line and background noise can help inform decision making.
- Set the Noise Threshold % color change line so that the color cut off is where your trend/reversion should begin.
- Set the Background Noise Buoyancy Calibration Decimal % to match the beginning/end of the color change Noise Threshold % line. Match the Background Noise Baseline Decimal %' to the number set for buoyancy.
- Additionally, create your own custom settings; 33/34 and 50 length also provides interesting results.
- A color change tape option can be enabled by un-commenting the lines at the bottom of this script.
Market Usage:
Stock, Crypto, Forex, and Others
Excellent for: NDQ, J225, US30, SPX
Market Conditions:
Trend, Reversal, Ranging
BTC Twitter SentimentBTC Twitter Sentiment - shows the total numbers of all negative, neutral and positive Bitcoin related tweets.
On default settings, the tweets are plotted in red (negative) white (neutral) as well as green (positive). The three charts are stacked so the total number of tweets is easily discernible.
Furthermore, there's an optional smoothing setting in the options.
The Twitter Sentiment data is provided daily by IntoTheBlock; Since data is only updated once a day the graph might look chunky on lower timeframes, even with smoothing.
CrypNuevo Market SessionsExperimental script showing a different background color per market session. The session hours and colors can be customized. Note that the session hours can overlap.
Based on a thread by CrypNuevo on Twitter.
TPO Profile with Day StatFirst of all I want to Thank @noop42 for creating this wonderful Market Profile chart in Pine script
I have made some changes to this scripts
This Script can auto calculate the TPO Size for NSE Symbols and MCX Crude oil.
This Script Will only calculate the TPO's for visible range only so that the script use less heap size.
I have added some of the day Statistics to enhance your visualization.
Limitations of this Script
Currently This Script can Plot Market Profile Chart only for Historical Data.
It Can only Plot Market Profile Charts in 30-Mins Time Frame only so that you can't use it for Composite Profile Analysis.
To plot Market Profile Chart in Real Time and Historical please use "Market Profile With TPO by Drother"
timing marketIntraday time cycle . it is valid for nifty and banknifty .just add this on daily basis . ignore previous day data
FOMC & CPI DatesThis indicator plots vertical lines at the scheduled times of US Federal Reserve's FOMC Meeting Dates.
Data is based on U.S. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Meeting Minutes
BTC Miner Netflows with smoothingBTC Miner Netflows with smoothing - shows the difference between Miner Inflow and Miner Outflow.
Miner income, sales as well as holdings, are generally considered to have a huge market impact, by analyzing miner Netflows, users can gauge if overall miners are accumulating or selling; high positive values point to accumulation, while negative numbers indicate net selling.
Data queried from IntoTheBlock.
Pro Trading Art Open Range Breakout StrategyThis strategy is based on Selected Candle High Low Breakout with buffer point.
You can select specific candle from input tab by giving time of that candle.
Default Settings:
Start Hour : Hour of starting candle means from this input you can specify opening candle. Default is 9.
Start Minute: Minute of starting candle. Default is 15. Means Default opening candle is 9:15
Stop Hour : Means After this time no new trade will execute.
End Hour & End Minute & Close All Trade : Means when you specify End Hour and Minute and Close all trade is true then strategy will close all trade on specified time.
Buffer : With the help of this option you can add some point in High and low of Opening Candle
Trade Mode : You can specify Target and Stop Loss in point or Percent
Stop Loss Point or Percent : This will work according to Trade Mode
Target Point Or Percent : This will work according to Trade Mode
Relative Perfomance IndexHello Traders.
Lets keep it simple..
1. Take the major pairs that have USD in them and watch their change over a specific timeframe.
2. Now lets sort these changes of each pair from the most positive to the most negative.
Good, I see you have some ideas already.
This is exactly what this indicator does. You will visualize the biggest change in pairs of the timeframe of your choice and from this you can decide on pairs that you want to trade.
RSI+ by Wilson (alt)Extension of the excellent RSI+ script by Wilsonlibero. I tweaked the parameters to better fit crypto markets, and I added a few more visuals, such as midline, overbought/oversold threshold lines and areas, background coloration depending on RSI trend above or below midline, and a few other tweaks especially colors (fixed the transp parameter deprecation for example). The color theme is by default more optimized for dark mode charts, but all colors can be configured, and all drawings can be enabled/disabled/tweaked in the parameters.
I'm just giving back to the community since I could modify this script only because it was open-source. If you like this script, please don't give me any credit, but please show some love to the original author Wilsonlibero:
MMRIThis indicator is Gregory Mannarino's market risk indicator. It's based on the DXY and TNX . You can see the calculation on his website
I wanted to see the historical movement of the indicator, so I made it here. Enjoy!
RSI mid partition color changeWhen RSI is above 50 our default bias is on buy side and when below 50 our bias is on sell side.
Therefore created 2 zones for easy identification.
Bitfinex Shorts StratOverview
This strat applies the data from BITFINEX:USDSHORTS to the RSI indicator in order to provide SHORT/LONG entries as the number of contracts goes up and down. Although Bitfinex has lost relevance over the years its generally considered an exchange dominated by smart money rather than retail. I'd like to see if any insights can be gained by following their trading behaviour.
How to use
Select the underlying security you wish to trade and load the indicator. Select the appropriate short security by searching in the Bitfinex Short Symbol. RSI settings apply to short symbol not the actual asset. Strategy shorts the underlying asset when shorts rise and longs when they drop. The shorts symbol will follow the value of the loaded chart. Works best on 4 hour chart.
Why use shorts only rather than both long/shorts?
Bitfinex longs seem to be on a long-term uptrend accounting for 25x the number of shorts. Might be enormous confidence on part of the whales, but more likely reflects selling spot and buying perp. Given the size disparity and price action I don't think longs info is adding much.
Problems with script:
a) We don't really know the intentions of short players (e.g. speculation or hedging spot)
b) The script uses a decline in shorts as a long signal
c) RSI is a blunt tool there are probably better options for calculating high/lows in shorts
d) Shorts are accumulated both at highs and also when BTC price is already heavily trending down. This suggests some are speculative (at the highs) or protective/hedging during a decline
Based on this strat Bitfinex whales are more wrong than right.
Results don't carry across well into altcoins using the accompanying short symbol. However, what is interesting is that applying the BITFINEX:BTCUSDSHORTS to altcoin charts does work pretty well.
Strat needs some refinement to control for entries under different circumstances.
Probably not a great idea to use this as a strategy in isolation, but highlights how Bitfinex whale behaviour is a good gauge to follow.
HPI for crypto [ptt]The Herrick Payoff Index is designed to show the amount of money flowing into or out of a futures contract.
This indicator uses open interest (from Binance PERP like this BTCUSDTPERP_OI) from during its calculations, therefore, the pairs being analyzed must contain open interest data on Binance.
The indicator only works with USDT pairs! Like RVNUSDT, BTCUSDT... does not work with USD pairs!
The indicator works in two mode.
Index mode - when the values moving 0-100
In this case, if the value below 10, it shows the money is flowing out of the futures contract and near the local bottom. If the value above 90, it shows the money is flowing into the futures contract and near the local top.
(The two trigger can be modified, the default is low:10 and high:90)
Oscillator mode - when the values moving around the origo (0)
In this case, if the value above 0 (green), it shows the money is flowing into the futures contract, this is bullish
If the value below 0 (red), it shows the money is flowing out of the futures contract, this is bearish
Background ZonesThis script provides up to 5 zones to apply background colors. This is especially useful for applying to indices such as USI:TICK , USI:ADD , and USI:VOLD , where certain levels provides significant meaning to market sentiment and directions. This script will give you the visual cue to help with your trading.
All levels and colors are fully customizable.
VIX - SKEW DivergenceThe CBOE VIX is a well-known index representing market expectations for volatility over the next 30 days.
The CBOE SKEW is an index reflecting the perceived tail risk over the next 30 days.
When the SKEW rises over a certain level (~140/150), that means investors are hedging their exposure with options, because they are worried about an incoming market crash or a "black swan". If that happens when the VIX is very low and apparently there is no uncertainty, this can warn of a sudden change in direction of the market. You will see for yourself that an increasing divergence often anticipates a sharp fall of leading stock indexes, usually within two to four months.
This is probably not very relevant for the short-term trader but mid/long-term traders and market analysts may find it useful to clearly visualize the extent of the distance between the VIX and the SKEW. For that reason, I wrote this highly customizable script with which you can plot the two indexes and fill the space within them with a color gradient to highlight the maximum and minimum divergence. Additionally, you can fill the beneath VIX area with four different colors. It is also possible to plot the divergence value itself, so if you want you can draw trendlines and support/resistance levels on it.
Please note that the divergence per se doesn't predict anything and it's meant to be used synergistically with other technical analysis tools.
More informations here:
BTMM|TDIThis is the trader's dynamic index inspired by Steve Mauro's BTMM strategy.
In addition to the RSI, Trendline, Baseline, Volatility Bands I have also included additional trend biases that are painted in the background to provide more confluence when the markets break out in either direction.
For convenience, a position size calculator is included for all users to quickly calculate lot sizes on forex pairs with difference account balance currencies. The calculator works accurately on forex pairs. DO NOT USE for crypto or indices as some brokers have unique contract sizes that could not be fully incorporated into the tool.
There is also data table that displays historical values of the RSI, Trendline, Baseline, and an EMA vs Price scoring procedure that covers the current candle (t0) and up to 3 candles back. The table is meant to provide a snapshot view of either bullish or bearish dominance that can be deciphered with a quick glance.