OANDA - how to start trading & how to place orders
- You must have a TradingView account.
- You must have an OANDA live account.
How to start trading
- Go to the TradingView website and log in with your TradingView account credentials.
- Navigate to the OANDA broker page.
- Select TRADE near the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click on Connect.
- Enter your OANDA email address and password. Next, click on Sign in.
Note: OANDA Global Markets clients must use the Continue with one-key login option. OANDA TMS Brokers clients must use the Login for OANDA EU and TMS clients option. - Go to Products > Supercharts.
You will notice OANDA at the bottom of the screen.
How to place an order
- Right-click anywhere on the chart.
- Click on Trade. Next, click on Create new order…
- Alternatively, you can place an order by clicking the Trade button on the panel at the bottom of the screen.
- In the order ticket window, you can define a number of units to buy or sell, switch between Market, Limit, or Stop orders, or assign Take Profit and Stop Loss.
- Once you finish setting up your order, click on Buy or Sell.
For more details about TradingView for OANDA clients, visit OANDA Help Center and type TradingView user guide in the search field.