How to pin/unpin tab in Desktop app
The browser “Pin tab” feature is also available in the TradingView Desktop app. You can lock some of your most frequently used tabs to the left of the window, giving you easy access to the tabs you most need and avoiding the possibility of accidentally closing them.
How to pin/unpin a tab
Right-click on the tab title and select “Pin tab” or “Unpin tab”:
- Pin tab: Locks the tab to the left.
- Unpin tab: Unlocks the tab and moves it back to the unpinned section.

How to close a pinned tab
Pinned tabs do not have a close button, so you cannot accidentally close them. The "Close other tabs" or “Close tabs to the right” options do not affect pinned tabs either.
If you want to close a pinned tab, you can use the [Ctrl+W] shortcut on Windows/Linux or [Cmd+W] on macOS to close the current tab, right-click on the tab and click "Close," or unpin the tab and close it as usual.
How pinned tabs work
- Positioning: A pinned tab automatically moves toward the left of the window tab panel. All pinned tabs appear from left to right in the order you pinned them.
- Separation: You can’t mix pinned and unpinned tabs; you can only change the position of the pinned tabs among other pinned tabs on the left side.
- Unpinned tabs: All unpinned tabs appear to the right of the pinned ones. When you unpin a tab, it becomes the left-most of the unpinned tabs.
- Persistence: The tab's pinned state is preserved when it is detached/attached, restored after being closed, or exited/launched the app.