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F1AN34 bonds

Below is the list of DIAMONDBACK DRN corporate bonds. Investors often opt for a company's bonds for their increased stability in times of market volatility. Study prices, yields, and other stats and find a reliable investment.
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FANG5373665Diamondback Energy, Inc. 4.25% 15-MAR-2052
6.47%915 K78.17%4.25%2052-03-15750 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5152186Diamondback Energy, Inc. 4.4% 24-MAR-2051
6.41%1.2 M80.35%4.40%2051-03-24650 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5789671Diamondback Energy, Inc. 5.9% 18-APR-2064
6.20%3.35 M96.54%5.90%2064-04-181 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5789670Diamondback Energy, Inc. 5.75% 18-APR-2054
6.04%15.11 M96.95%5.75%2054-04-181.5 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5508424Diamondback Energy, Inc. 6.25% 15-MAR-2053
5.99%2.12 M102.77%6.25%2053-03-15650 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
QQEP4562432QEP Resources, Inc. 5.625% 01-MAR-2026
5.47%4 K100.14%5.63%2026-03-0113.64 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDQEP Resources, Inc.
FANG5789669Diamondback Energy, Inc. 5.4% 18-APR-2034
5.31%7.86 M100.57%5.40%2034-04-181.3 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
EEGN.HJEnergen Corporation 7.125% 15-FEB-2028
5.26%5 K104.80%7.13%2028-02-15100 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USDEnergen Corp.
FANG5491206Diamondback Energy, Inc. 6.25% 15-MAR-2033
5.17%11.05 M106.16%6.25%2033-03-151.1 B USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5152188Diamondback Energy, Inc. 3.125% 24-MAR-2031
5.14%4.16 M90.68%3.13%2031-03-24766.72 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG4915525Diamondback Energy, Inc. 3.5% 01-DEC-2029
4.94%9.13 M94.47%3.50%2029-12-01914.56 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5789668Diamondback Energy, Inc. 5.15% 30-JAN-2030
4.76%7.17 M101.55%5.15%2030-01-30850 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG4915524Diamondback Energy, Inc. 3.25% 01-DEC-2026
4.57%1.33 M97.85%3.25%2026-12-01749.92 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
FANG5789667Diamondback Energy, Inc. 5.2% 18-APR-2027
4.52%18.5 M101.33%5.20%2027-04-18850 M USD1,000.00 USD2,000.00 USDDiamondback Energy, Inc.
EEGN.HIEnergen Corporation 7.35% 28-JUL-2027
3.72%0120.00%7.35%2027-07-2810 M USD1,000.00 USD1,000.00 USDEnergen Corp.