zestshowoff3 hours agoNATURALGAS1! Buy@ 360Target open your choiceToday miss 😔deep buying bcoz today I m busy …
pranitp298436 hours agoNATURALGAS1! Sell at 366T1: 357.3 TARGET ACHIEVEDT2: 345.5 TARGET ACHIEVEDMay go bullish next week just a thought
ashok_sbi_aks12 hours agoNATURALGAS1! The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is scheduled to release its Natural Gas Storage Report today, March 13, 2025, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time (8:00 p.m. IST).
mathakala2 days agoNATURALGAS1! would be at 316 by end of March contract.... Its my gut feeling... any say friends!!