CRUDEOIL1!trendsignalprouk from Hiuse Rules: All content should be ad-free. This isn't Craigslist, so stop treating TradingView content like your own personable advertising board. All content has to be free from promotion. Here, 'content' includes all types of publications and updates, comments, public and private chat messages, scripts, open-source code, script release notes, and more. For the sake of being absolutely 100% crystal clear, this ban covers: all advertisements, logos, links or references to any website, social media, messaging or email contacts, company names, wallet addresses, giveaways, prize contests or any other kind of announcement or solicitation.
CRUDEOIL1!trendsignalprouk interfering your work ? laughable. . pls note, TV is not your advertisement board and getting password is outrageous .! Be cautious, or you may get banned .I have seen others. Good luck
CRUDEOIL1! Hello User, Monthly plan of Trend Signal Pro is stopped, now only lifetime plan is available with 1 day trail.If you want to trail or purchase lifetime plan then you need to provide TradingView ID and Password