Dalrada Financial Corp.Dalrada Financial Corp.Dalrada Financial Corp.

Dalrada Financial Corp.

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DFCO fundamentals

Key facts

Market capitalization

Dalrada Financial Corp. engages in the next-generation manufacturing, engineering, healthcare products, and services. It supplies products and services, and also solutions to businesses and consumers worldwide to make an impact in environmental sustainability, healthcare, and business growth leveraging technology. It operates through the following segments: Genefic, Dalrada Climate Technology, Dalrada Precision Manufacturing, Dalrada Technologies, and Corporate. The Genefic segment focuses on health care solutions with dedicated products, services, and systems. The Dalrada Climate Technology segment is involved in energy services and technology within the climate sustainability space. The Dalrada Precision Manufacturing segment refers to total manufacturing solutions that start with the design and development of machine parts and components, and end with global supply chain. The Dalrada Technologies segment provides digital engineering for software systems and offers a host of digital services. The Corporate segment covers the activities which support the entire suite of Dalrada subsidiaries. The company was founded by Brian Bonar in September 1982 and is headquartered Escondido, CA.


Fundamental metrics to determine fair value of the stock

No data available
There's currently no market capitalization, revenue or net income data to show.
Valuation ratios

Growth and Profitability

Company’s recent performance and margins


Dividend yield, history and sustainability

DFCO does not pay dividends
The company has not previously paid dividends and at the moment there is no information about whether it is going to pay them in the future

Financial health

Financial position and solvency of the company