Pan Pac Intl Hldgs Corp.Pan Pac Intl Hldgs Corp.Pan Pac Intl Hldgs Corp.

Pan Pac Intl Hldgs Corp.

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DQJCY fundamentals

Key facts

Market capitalization

Pan Pacific International Holdings Corp. engages in the retail of home electrical appliances, miscellaneous household goods, food, watches, and fashion-related merchandises. It operates through the following segments: Domestic, North American and Asia Business. The Domestic Business segment operates stores centered on the large discount convenience and discount store Don Quijote, the general discount stores for families MEGA Don Quijote and MEGA Don Quijote UNY and the general supermarket formats Apita and Piago. The North American Business segment operates discount stores and supermarkets in the US states of Hawaii and California. The Asia Business segment operates DON DON DONKI, a store based on the concept of a Japan brand specialty store in the Asian region. The company was founded by Takao Yasuda on September 5, 1980 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.


Fundamental metrics to determine fair value of the stock

No data available
There's currently no market capitalization, revenue or net income data to show.
Valuation ratios

Growth and Profitability

Company’s recent performance and margins


Dividend yield, history and sustainability

DQJCY does not pay dividends
The company has not previously paid dividends and at the moment there is no information about whether it is going to pay them in the future

Financial health

Financial position and solvency of the company