SnP 500Following Facts have come into my View on the SnP500 chart. Very interesting observations for now, and the EW wave counts are as below.
1. 667 to 3393 = 2726 is the differential in price for wave 1, and all calculations will be based on 2726.
2. wave 2 = 3392 to 2191 = it went below the retracement of 38.2% but was well above 61.8%
3. wave 3= 2191 to 4818 = Again it overshot the desired 161.8% ( 4410), and made a high of 4818.
4. 4818 to ???? What does EW say about wave 4???? Wave 4 will retrace 38.2 OR 50% of 2721 ( wave 1).
Hence wave 4 can be...... 2726 x 38.2% = 1041....... 4818 - 1041 = 3777( we are well below this already)
The next fib ifor wave 4 is.....2726 x 50% = 1363 .... 4818 -1363 = 3455. ( yet to come and can it overshoot again to 3325 ??)
5, wave 5 will be as follows 38.2% or 50% of wave 1.
2726 x 38.2% =1041.
2726 x 50% = 1363.
Let us take a conservative figure of 50% retrace @ 1363.......... so where will wave 5 end ??????
4818 + 1363 = 6181. This is what I see happening and believe me you...... it will happen soooooooo fast you wont know what HIT YOU.
To the next question then what happens to the Indian markets??????? Can we go to 261.8% RISE ??????? No we CANNOT. 21400 apprxx on NIFTY is my BEST CASE SCENARIO for NOW. We CANNOT OUTPERFORM the Rest of the World when everything is Falling. DO NOT DREAM ABOUT DE-COUPLING AT ALL.IT WONT HAPPEN