HDFC life CMP 541 buy for target 545- 549- 555+ buy @ 540
SPL Industies - Long Term investment CMP 69.9 buy for target 100- 118- 140-180-220-250-300+ add more if get @ 40-50 rs range time duration 3-5 years
Nifty can reach 17500-17600 in August Expiry buy @ dips
Bata India Short @ 1800- 1805 target 1790- 1780-1770+
HDFC bank CMP 1404 buy for target 1450- 1500- 1532- 1600-1700+ Can buy fut or 1500 ce and hold for 1 month Sl below 1333 - daily candle closing basis
NMDC Chart - CMP 112.5 buy for target -132-148-168-190-200+ sl below 100 - candle clsoing basis time durating 5-6 months
Mannapuram finance CMP 97.25 Buy for Traget 107- 115-122- 130-150- 180-200+ can try for August Month
Crude Daily Analysis – Head and shoulder Breakdown CMP 7092 Target 6800- 6500- 6300-6000+ Time duration in 5-6 months SL 8000 above candle closing basis Good shorting levels 7550- 7750 around
Indigo short CMP 1952 target 1930- 1910- 1900-1880+ can short fut or buy 1950 PE
TATA Power - CMP 236 buy for Target 270-290- 330-360-390-450-500+ Can buy 240 ce for 15 days holding purpose CMP 5 rs 2-3 years holding purpose SL 212 below candle closing basis
IDEA Positional Analysis CMP 9.3 buy for target 12- 13-15-18-25-+ sl below 8 rs holding period 3-5 years
Dow Jones Can come down to 32000-31800 buy @ B point of Harmonic for upsite targets of 33000-33500+
IEX - Long Term Investors Good buying levels 150 SIP investors can start accumulation every month Sl below 90 add more if get @ 120-130 Target 300- 400-600-800-1000+ holding period 7-10 years
TATA Motors Buy above 465 - daily candle closing basis Targte 500- 550- 600-650+ Sl 427 below - daily candle closing basis
Gujgas CMP 470.5 buy for target 510- 550- 580- 620- 650-700+ time duration 5-8 months
Dabur buy above 580 - candle closing basis can buy 600 CE or fut Above given levels targets 650-700-750-800-900+ time duration 2-3 months SL below 555 - daily candle closing basis
Voltas cash levels buy @ 935-930 rs levels Sl 930 below candle closing basis - 1 hour
TVS Motor Cash Levels Short @ 900-895 range or short below 883 candle closing basis target 875-865-860+ can buy 900/890 PE once reach to given levels