As per recent developements in the HDFC bank, mutual fund houses bought approx 8 % equity in Jan and Feb and management of HDFC bank will hold special meet on 19 Feb 2024 for future growth prespective, so keeping in view of the above mentioned factors, the following can be considered :- 1. Buy 1420 CE Feb expiry @ 29 with 1400 PE FEB expiry @ 14. Or 2. Buy...
As per daily layout of the chart, the following is noted :- 1. Stock standing at centre line of MACD, which is a sign of revershal. 2. The stock in uptrend and whole sector is making higher high and lower low. 3. Stock at its support line 1300, sign of revershal. 4. RSI rising and at 50, shortly 55 and 60 can be crossed. 5. keeping in view of the above...
Reason to buy :- 1. Bullish candel on weekly chart. 2. Stock in rising channel, making lower lows and higher highs. 3. MACD revershal right from centre line. 4. RSI 64 considered to be bullish. 5. IT sector stock which has taken u turn from lows. Trade:- So, 2800 CE option Feb expity availablr at Rs 54, looking good. Lot 275.
As per Daily chart layout, there is revershal seen in the stock, strong upmove can be expected in the stock upto 156 and if the level crossed in the coming days and week then new high will come in the stock, short term level 156, 165 and 180.
Monthly chart of the stock, there is strong possibility that stock can touch its previous high in the comin week, so 280 CE available at Rs 5 can give good returns, or can be look into cash for short term level 310 and 350, 400, 450 levels.
As per the daily chart, there is breakout in the stock keeping in view of MACD crossover, RSI is bullish standing at 64, so in the morning, 340 CE available at Rs 7 can be doubled if price action camr in the stock, stock is going to make new high in the coming days.
Weekly breakout on closing basis seen in the stock in the last month, so one can look for fresh leg of move upto 1200 level and 1500. All technical parameter like MACD, RSI and moving averages in the stock are positive.
As the stock is in bullish trend like SBI and INDIANBANK, the stock can touch its previous high 800 in the coming days, no weakness seen in the past volatile sessions, strong upmove is waiting in the stock.
As the stock has came into uptrend, previous hurdel in the stock was 947, which is sutaining well by the stock, upcoming level 1350 and 1600 can be seen in the stock in the coming days.
As per weekly chart, 1492 is short term hurdel in the stock, watch this level closely, once this level crossed by the stock, the 1550 and 1600 level can be seen in the stock, so call option of 1500 level will be good bet on the day when it will cross 1492 levels.
As per weekly chart in TCS, there is previous hurdel of 4060 crossed by the stock with good price action, in the coming days, once 4170 crossed with good volume, then stock can go upto 4300 and 4500 levels, so Call options of 4200 of Feb or Mar expiry looks good.
As per weekly chart in the stock, trend revershal seen from previous resitence, so one can look fot call option of Feb or Mar expiry of 3900 and 4000 strike price, the stock is heading towards 4200 and 4500 levels in the coming days.
As per weekly chart, clear trend revershal seen in the stock, double bottom seen in the stock, MACD crossed centre line which gives positive outlook in the stock, RSI is bullish, moving averages are positive, so in short term 320 and 350 level can come in the stock.
As per weekly chart, the stock is near to its resistence, which is 596, once this crossed, 650 and 700 level will come in the coming days, 600 call option and 640 call option of Feb and Mar expiry can be monitored closley, or can be bought in cash.
As per weekly chart layout, short term hurdel are 2680 and 2770, keep this stock in radar, as this stock in bullish trend, on the day of price action this stock can go for 2800 and 2900 level in the coming week, call options of 2800 and 2900 of Feb And Mar expiry can be watched closely.
As per weekly chart of DBL, the breakout is visible from MACD and RSI point of view, Daily chart, the MACD revershal seen in the stock, for upcoming week, one can see 100 points rally in the stock with strict stoploss of 420
As we can see negative news going on about Tesla, but, if you see daily chàrt of tesla, there is strong suport at 180 level keeping in view of volume, so, one can tàke risk with isaq, for upcoming days for 50 pts move with stop loss of 175. MACD crossover happened and RSI bounce back.
The stock in the up trend and today crossed 1973 previous high with good volume, so with a stop loss 1900, the next leg of move just started in the stock, so short term level for the stock 2500 and 2800. All technical indicator are positive in the stock.