As per 4hr chart, positive crossover seen in MACD which is strong bounce back area and RSI will follow the move, so the journey for 2300 of CDSL is likely to start shortly.
As per trading setup, clear signals are coming from MACD and RSI and other moving averages, that pull back from 87 can go upto 100 and 120 in coming weeks.
Reversing zone if comfortable for all Adani stocks, ATGL, ADANI PORTS, ADANI GREEN, AWL, NDTV AND ADANI ENT. RSI is stable and next leg of rally starts from here. Please watch closely. Thanks
All of the securities of Dani tocks are likely to revrese from the centre line of MACD and may be go to the highest level by May 24, so be ready for blast.
Dear all, as we can see highest volume in the stock in Feb 2021 and in the stock chart marked in rectangle box is consolidation phase of the stock, MACD is above the centre line which shows positive outlook for the stock in longer time frame, so lesson is, identify such type of stocks to invest for two years. Other parameters are also important, such as moving...
As you can see on weekly chart that when MACD crossover happened in the stock, the price moved ahead, so lesson is, identify such type of stocks is standing below centre line of MACD and came into up trend. See also behaviour of the RSI which is reversed from 50 level three times, you can also plot 20 and 50 days moving avg to make picture clear. I recommend you...
Small hurdel at 17.06, if this broken with good price action in coming week, the stock can come into uptrend, MACD positive and RSI bullish, 20 and 50 days moving avg crossover positive and on monthly chart stock is standing at near centre line of MACD which is likely to cross, so with 14 stoploss, one can look for 20 and 25 numbers .......
Looking good on chart Divislab, positive breakout on weekly chart and likely to open on higher note for upcoming series, so trade 4000 CE Jan expiry 150 looks good.
As we can see the reversal sign from MACD pointbof view where positive divergence is going to happened, and RSI is at 60 which indicates bullish momentum, so can have look for 470 CE jan expiry. Thanks
Sixth attempt to cross hurdel 3962, positive divergence of MACD and RSI bullish on weekly chart, all moving avg are positive on weekly chart. Now trade setup for next month is below :- 1. 3800 CE Jan expiry @ 180. 2. 4000 CE Jan expiry @ 120 to 140. We need to identify the price action of the security which is important for call option buyers. So one can wait to...
Positive crossover of MACD, Bullish RSI with cup and Handel formation, assets breakout above 1300 with strong price action and volume, can look for 1300 ce Jan and 1360 ce Jan series. LEARN AND EARN, Thanks
The stock was in in down trend as u can can see marked with arrow, on the weekly chart, we can see a positive crossover alongwith volume built in next coming days, and stock crossed centre line of MACD, so point is this, we need to identify these type of stocks which can be bought at lower level for next 8 to 10 months.
The stock has seen highest volume, positive MACD crossover, and bullish RSI. The stock can break 533 level to reach 600 in Jan series.
Highest volume ever after listing, positive crossover in MACD resuming uptrend on weekly chart and bullish RSI, the stock can outperform the market in near term, so long term investor can look at the stock.
As the trend of the market likely to be changed for at least three months, upto Mar 2024, So hedge the portfolio with small insurance. Nifty 21000 PE MAR 2024 expiry available at 400 or 450. Bole to jaane to 50 % and Ane ko 500%, one lot only.
As short term bearish mood of the market, moving back to 20700 level, one can take little risk,
Clear revarsal on weekly chart, up trend started, positive on all technical parameters, likely to move 130 level in short term .....
As trend changed in the stock, positive on MACD note, rising chennel made, stock can move towards previous high in coming days.