Relationship between USDINR and Nifty is mostly Inversely cor-related? What does this indicate moving forward?
Relationship between Indian G-Sec Bond Yields and Nifty 50. When G-Sec Yields increases, Equities do not do well. In Nutshell, this is inversely co-related.
Relationship between Nifty 50 and BSE 500 (equivalent of US 500). A Perfect Correlation.
Relationship between Dow Jones and Nifty. almost, perfectly correlated.
Relationship between US Dollar Index and Brent Crude Price as it is a Commodity. Also, go through this reference:
Gold and Silver has been mostly co-related historically and are inversely proportional to US Dollar. The Importance of the Gold-Silver Ratio for Investors The practice of trading the gold-silver ratio is common among investors in gold and silver. The most common method of trading the ratio is that of hedging a long position in one metal with a short position in...
Gold is an asset. As such, it has intrinsic value. However, that value can fluctuate over time, sometimes in a volatile fashion. As a rule, when the value of the dollar increases relative to other currencies around the world, the price of gold tends to fall in U.S. dollar terms. It is because gold becomes more expensive in other currencies. As the price of any...
Relationship between US Dollar Index and Metals Index- Totally Inversely Correlated. This should help understand the next move.
Relationship between US- DXY and USD INR is mostly co related. Since they both individually too are inversely correlated to Nifty, the impact on them should have inverse impact on Nifty.
Relationship between US Dollar and Nifty- Mostly inversely Correlated.