Running Alpha's Momentum Perception Maps (MPMs) indicate an imminent surge is likely in EOS. The launch of the new decentralized exchange -- called the Bullish Exchange -- is going to be using the EOS token, which has the potential to serve as a catalyst for EOS to rise dramatically. For high definition trading market intelligence on EOS and other crypto-tokens...
Running Alpha Capital Markets Momentum Perception Maps indicate surge in Bitcoin is imminent -- wants to launch new highs. For a total list 2Gain Alpha is your solution. https://launchpass/runningalphainc/capitalmarkettrends
Running Alpha's Global Crisis Alert System has flagged the S&P 500 multi-fractal market structure on 3 axes of change ( Valuation, Liquidity, and Volatility ) for severe instability ahead. The S&P 500 Market Meltdown is extremely near and in clear visibility across all time-frames from micro-structure to longer tail-horizons we focus on; once price breaches the...