sell if it crosses PDL with a stoploss at PDH buy if it crosses PDH with a stoploss at PDL
sell if it crosses PDL with a stop loss at PDH buy if it crosses PDH with a stop loss at PDL
sell if it crosses PDL with stoploss at PDH buy if it crosses PDH with a stoploss at PDL
it is in uptrend and made an inside bar today so buy if it breaks PDH with a stoploss at 854
sell if it breaks PDL with a stoploss at PDH buy if it breaks PDH with a stoploss at PDL
buy if it crosses PDH with stoploss at PDL sell if it crosses PDL with a stoploss at PDH
buy if it breaks PDH with stoploss at PDL sell if it breaks PDL with a stoploss at PDH
buy if it breaks PDH with stoploss at PDL sell if it breaks PDL with a stoploss at PDH
it made a tweezer bottom pattern buy if it breaks PDH with a stoploss at PDL
sell if it breaks PDL with a stoploss at PDH buy if it brokes PDH with a stoploss at PDL
buy if it brokes PDH with a stoploss at PDl in case of gap up or down follow ORB with first 5 minutes candle
Buy it it breaks PDH with a stop-loss at PDL Sell if it breaks PDL with a stop-loss at PDH
buy if it breaks PDH with a stoploss at PDL sell if it breaks PDL with a stoploss at PDH
buy if it breaks PDH with a stoploss at PDL
sell if PDL is broken with sl at PDH buy if PDH is broken with sl at PDL
it made an outside bar at support being a trend reversal signal we will buy if PDH is breached with sl at PDl. but as its a crucial support so i will short it too if it breaks PDL as then there is no strong support till 320
sell if it breaks PDL with sl at PDH buy if it breaks PDH with sl at PDL
its at support and made a inside bar. sell if it breaks PDL with stoploss at PDH buy if it breaks PDh with stoploss at PDl