Price movement show supply and demand stable, buyer on the move slowly, expecting a up trend
For those who understood the tittle and for those who didnt i am sorry. Expecting a rebound on the stock, buyer are picking up, stop loss 5% from CMP. Best of luck. Invest wisely after ur own reseach , (do i need to say it :-))
I wanted to confirm the trend on this one, Expecting a bull move on this, after the rebound from the support !!
Accumalate and hold, a good uptrend expected !! kepp trailing stoploss
Expecting a uptrend in Sun pharama, Its moving away from the Bottom BB, also the candle indicate the sellers are easing on the stock
This can be a big one, once it breaks it consolidation phase, expecting a run up
based on the break out expecting a small up move
Trend on the up move, watch Out!! Agree with my friend
The stock will go up !!! what else can i say ... Buy at your own risk ! stock may stay flat but down side limited , enjoy :-)
5% to 15% up trend expected once the stock in activated. Wait for up to 10 days to see if the stock is started to trend activating.
I am 50-50 on this one but waiting for few days to call it a confirm BUll. Fall has stopped almost. Lets keep an shall we !!
Have a look out for the stock, i strong believe there is a trend here !!
based on back testing, expecting 5% upmove in this stock. may take a week
The is a visible support being created and will get a clear idea in a day or 2
Still time to wait till the price touchs the bottom BB or normally in flat range for a few days before bulls up (5-7%)
All indicator indicating uptrend, may delay a day or 2 but 3-5 % uptrend expected.
As the tittle say, hopeful of 5 % uptrend on this one, BB and RSI support claim, flat uptrend ongoing here.