Suryoday has washed out many investor amount from ipo. I think it is better to average here. It may get reverse in one or two quaters
Muti year break in making. Can take the price easily to 41 and 88. This is an educational purpose
Need to wait if it is bouncing from here. This is for educational purposes only.
HEG Looking Good and Graphite playing major role in EV batteries Chart is self explanatory. This is only for informational purpose. Dont take this as recomdation
This is only for educational purpose. Kindly check the chart for yourself. It speak for itself..
Hindpetro looking good. First t1 = 680 Second t2 = 1080 This is only for educational puporpose. Dont buy or sell based on this
Spic is breaking out after 3 years of consolidation. This is only for educational purpose. Please do your research for Buy/Sell
BPCL - Pole and Flag for long time. along with darvis box setup Chart speak for it self. Min target is mentioned. This is only for education purpose. Don't buy or sell the stock based on this..
Trand reversal in IT Sector can change the difference. Chart is Self Explanatory This is for Educational Purpose
Chart speak for itself Multiyear breakout. Great result. It can double from Here/- This is only for educational Purpose only. Not any recommendation for Buying..
Industowers - Lets Wait and Watch What happens near 250 level Multi Year Breakout Possible This is educational Purpose
Tata Steel in the verge of the breakout. Can go long. If it breaks the channel on the upside. and commodity is cycle business it needs other global market support. Wait for breakout or breakdown. This is for educational purposes
BEPL Looking strong as the volume is building well. Hope it breaks the upper end of the trading range if it breaks on the higher side. immediate target is 170.. If earning season is good then it will blast in next few weeks. This is for Educational Purpose.
Chart is self-explanatory . Target is given.. This is for Educational Purpose.
The chart is self explanation This is for Educational Purpose
POLYPLEX trading in a channel. Took support and moving towords the resistance. THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE NOT AN RECOMMEDATION