For anymore whiners in the comments that want to go down the route "you're such a terrible trader, other traders making fortunes etc etc" - thats great and I hope their strategy works well for them, but most of them that post on TV will be looking to 100K or more.
And lets not forget whatever level of trader I am, - these are my charts, this is my learning path and I do have one. You are witnessing it with every thread. So even if I get them all wrong, imo thats still alot better than being a copy whiner.
But anyhow, for me I dont care much about this bounce, its been very risky for many different reasons, and ofc hindsight hodler/traders talk breeze and get 100% of every move, but the reality there was always a trap door, and the fact that BTC hasn't flushed yet has nothing to do with its supposed strength. If you are not aware of this it only means you're not aware of the chart at all really and therefore are not aware of risk.
As it says in my status - I'm only really interested in the bottom. Along the way I am making modest short term trades and attempting to short the top, but its all for my learning path really - 3.5 years in now and I just post what I do and some of it is experimental, not all of it works. But ultimately my strategy for now is value investing and for that you need a real crash, such as the crash I've been saying will come since March to 20K - and that could well turn out to be a line in the sand to judge a tsunami btw.
Anyhow if you think thats missing out - well take it up with Anton Kreil and all the other great value investors that probably spend a lot of their time enjoying their life and doing other things rather than furiously trying to snatch bumps from divots.