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Sep 14, 2023
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+ 综合风险 (Aggregate)
+ 美式期权 (American Option)
+ 升值 (Appreciation)
+ 套利 (Arbitrage)
+ 周转 (Around)
+ 卖出价 (Ask Price)
+ 资产 (Asset)
+ 最佳价格 (At Best)
+ 平价远期汇率 (At Par Forward Spread)
+ 现价或更佳 (At Or Better)
+ 自设价格止损单 (At The Price Stop Loss Order)
+ 平价 (At The Money)
+ 拍卖 (Auction)
+ 均价期权 (Average Rate Option)
+ 国际贸易差额 (Balance Of Trade)
+ 浮动区间 (Band)
+ 纸币 (Bank Notes)
+ 贴现率 (Bank Rate)
+ 英格兰银行 (Bank Of England)
+ 界限期权 (Barrier Option)
+ 基准货币 (Base Currency)
+ 基准利率 (Base Rate)
+ 基差趋同 (Basis Convergence)
+ 基点 (Basis Point)
+ 基准价格 (Basis Price)
+ 基差交易 (Basis Trading)
+ 基差 (Basis)
+ 篮子 (Basket)
+ 熊市 (Bear Market)
+ 看空者 (Bear)
+ 买入价 (Bid Price)
+ 大数 (Big Figure)
+ 双边清算 (Bilateral Clearing)
+ 二元期权 (Binary Options)
+ 布莱克斯科尔斯期权定价模型 (Black Scholes Model)
+ 帐目 (Booked)
+ 收支平衡点 (Break Even Point)
+ 退出 (Break Out)
+ 经纪商 (Broker)
+ 牛市 (Bull Market)
+ 看多者 (Bull)
+ 猛犬债券 (Bulldogs)
+ 蝶式套利 (Butterfly Spread)
+ CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange)
+ CBOT 或 CBT (Chicago Board Of Trade)
+ CD (Certificate Of Deposit)
+ CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
+ CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System)
+ CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment System)
+ CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange)
+ 差价合约(CFD) (Contracts For Difference (cfd))
+ CPI (Consumer Price Index)
+ CPSS (Committee On Payment And Settlement Systems)
+ 电汇 (Cable Transfer)
+ 英镑/ 美元 (Cable)
+ 买入期权 (Call Option)
+ 看涨期权 (Call)
+ 资本账户 (Capital Account)
+ 结转费用 (Carry Over Charge)
+ 利率差价 (Carry)
+ 现金结算 (Cash Settlement)
+ 现货和期货 (Cash And Carry)
+ 现金交易 (Cash)
+ 中央银行 (Central Bank)
+ 中心汇率 (Central Rate)
+ 存款证明(CD) (Certificate Of Deposit Cd)
+ 图表专家 (Chartist)
+ 关单价位 (Closed Position)
+ 平卖入仓交易 (Closing Purchase Transaction)
+ 同步指标 (Coincident Indicator)
+ 纽约商品交易所 (Comex)
+ 佣金 (Commission)
+ 复合期权 (Compound Option)
+ 确认书 (Confirmation)
+ 合约到期日 (Contract Expiration Date)
+ 合约月 (Contract Month)
+ 合约 (Contract)
+ 代理银行 (Correspondent Bank)
+ 持有成本 (Cost Of Carry)
+ 交易对方 (Counterparty)
+ 对手风险 (Counterparty Risks)
+ 国家风险 (Country Risk)
+ 票面利率 (Coupon Value)
+ 息票 (Coupon)
+ 平仓/补进 (Cover)
+ 抛补利息套利 (Covered Interest Rate Arbitrage)
+ 爬行盯住汇率(可调整盯住) (Crawling Peg Adjustable Peg)
+ 信用风险 (Credit Risk)
+ 交叉交易 (Cross Deal)
+ 交叉避险 (Cross Hedge)
+ 交叉汇率 (Cross Rate)
+ 交叉盘 (Cross Trade)
+ 货币篮子 (Currency Basket)
+ 货币 (Currency)
+ 经常账户 (Current Account)
+ 经常账户余额 (Current Balance)
+ 周期 (Cycle)
+ 当日有效订单 (Day Order)
+ 日间交易 (Day Trading)
+ 交易日期 (Deal Date)
+ 买卖盘纸 (Deal Ticket)
+ 交易商 (Dealer)
+ 履约日 (Declaration Date)
+ 赤字 (Deficit)
+ 交割日期 (Delivery Date)
+ 交割 (Delivery)
+ 德尔塔对冲 (Delta Hedging)
+ 德尔塔套利 (Delta Spread)
+ 德尔塔 (Delta)
+ 衍生产品 (Derivatives)
+ 交易室 (Desk)
+ 细节 (Details)
+ 贬值 (Devaluation)
+ 直接报价法 (Direct Quotation)
+ 贴水 (Discount)
+ 国内利率 (Domestic Rates)
+ ECB (European Central Bank)
+ EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
+ EMS (European Monetary System)
+ EMU (European Monetary Union)
+ EOE (European Options Exchange)
+ ERM (Exchange Rate Mechanism)
+ 经济风险 (Economic Exposure)
+ 经济指数 (Economic Indicator)
+ 有效汇率 (Effective Exchange Rate)
+ 汇率风险 (Exchange Rate Risk)
+ 欧盟 (European Union)
+ 行使价格(履约价格) (Exercise Price Strike Price)
+ 外来货币 (Exotic Currency)
+ 合约到期日 (Expiration Date)
+ 到期月 (Expiration Month)
+ 有效期 (Expiry Date)
+ 敞口 (Exposure)
+ FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee)
+ FX (Forex)
+ 速动市场 (Fast Market)
+ 联邦基金利率 (Fed Fund Rate)
+ 联邦基金 (Fed Funds)
+ Fed (Federal Reserve System)
+ 联邦储备委员会 (Federal Reserve Board)
+ 联邦储备体系 (Federal Reserve System)
+ 财政政策 (Fiscal Policy)
+ 固定汇率 (Fixed Exchange Rate)
+ 定盘 (Fixing)
+ 浮动/公开流通 (Float)
+ 浮动汇率 (Floating Exchange Rate)
+ 最低额/交易区 (Floor)
+ 外汇 (Foreign Exchange)
+ 外汇头寸 (Foreign Position)
+ 外汇交易 (Forex Deal)
+ Forex (Forex)
+ 远期合约 (Forward Contract)
+ 远期交易 (Forward Deal)
+ 远期点数 (Forward Points)
+ 远期利率 (Forward Rate)
+ 分数基点 (Fractional Pips)
+ 自由储备 (Free Reserves)
+ 基本面分析 (Fundamental Analysis)
+ 基本面 (Fundamentals)
+ 基金 (Funds)
+ 期货合约 (Futures Contract)
+ 期货交易-交易合约 (Futures Exchange Traded Contracts)
+ G10 (G10)
+ G5 (G5)
+ G7 (G7)
+ 国民生产总值缩减指数 (Gnp Deflator)
+ 国民生产总值差距。 (Gnp Gap)
+ 国内生产总值 (Gross Domestic Product)
+ 国民生产总值 (Gross National Product)
+ 头肩型 (Head And Shoulders)
+ 避险 (Hedge)
+ 对冲 (Hedging)
+ 恶性通货膨胀 (Hyperinflation)
+ IFEMA (Ifema)
+ 国际货币基金组织 (Imf)
+ 国际货币市场 (Imm)
+ IOM (Iom)
+ IPI (Industrial Production Index)
+ 国际证券交易商组织 (Isda International Securities Dealers Association)
+ 隐含利率 (Implied Rates)
+ 价内 (In The Money)
+ 不可兑换货币 (Inconvertible Currency)
+ 指示性报价 (Indicative Quote)
+ 间接报价 (Indirect Quote)
+ 通货膨胀 (Inflation)
+ 信息报价 (Info Quote)
+ 初始保证金 (Initial Margin)
+ 银行同业买卖汇率 (Interbank Rates)
+ 利率风险 (Interest Rate Risk)
+ 利率掉期 (Interest Rate Swaps)
+ 干预 (Intervention)
+ 即日限制 (Intra Day Limit)
+ 即日头寸 (Intra Day Position)
+ Kiwi (Kiwi)
+ 敲入 (Knock In)
+ 敲出 (Knock Out)
+ LDC (Least Developed Country)
+ 伦敦银行同业拆借利率 (Libor London Inter Bank Offer Rate)
+ LIFFE (London International Financial Futures Exchange)
+ 抵消 (Lay Off)
+ 先行指标 (Leading Indicators)
+ 负债 (Liability)
+ 限价订单 - 保留的日间交易 (Limit Order Reserved Day Trading Deal)
+ 有限兑换 (Limited Convertibility)
+ 清偿 (Liquidation)
+ 流动性 (Liquidity)
+ 多头 (Long)
+ 卢尼 (Loonie)
+ M1 (M1)
+ M2 (M2)
+ M3 (M3)
+ M4 (M4)
+ MITI (Ministry Of International Trade And Industry)
+ MM (Mm)
+ 主要货币 (Major Currencies)
+ 做市商 (Market Maker)
+ 管制浮动 (Managed Float)
+ 增收保证金 (Margin Call)
+ 保证金 (Margin)
+ 调至市价 (Mark To Market)
+ 市值 (Market Value)
+ 到期日 (Maturity)
+ 货币供应量 (Money Supply)
+ 共同基金 (Mutual Fund)
+ 五个基点 (Nickel)
+ 不坚守基准的订单 (Not Held Basis Order)
+ 票据 (Note)
+ 离岸 (Off Shore)
+ 卖价 (Offer)
+ 官方清算帐户 (Official Settlements Account)
+ 老妇人 (Old Lady)
+ 非此即彼订单 (One Cancels Other Order)
+ 开放市场操作 (Open Market Operations)
+ 开放的头寸 (Open Position)
+ 期权类别 (Option Class)
+ 期权系列 (Option Series)
+ 期权 (Option)
+ 价外 (Out Of The Money)
+ 直接交易 (Outright Deal)
+ 直接远期交易 (Outright Forward)
+ 直接报价 (Outright Rate)
+ 场外交易(OTC) (Over The Counter Otc)
+ 经济过热 (Overheated Economy)
+ 隔夜限制 (Overnight Limit)
+ PPI (Producer Price Index)
+ 一揽子交易 (Package Deal)
+ 票面价值 (Par)
+ 等值 (Parities)
+ 平价/法定汇率 (Parity)
+ 挂单 (Pending Order)
+ 放开的货币 (Permitted Currency)
+ 基点 (Pip)
+ 点 (Point)
+ 政治风险 (Political Risk)
+ 头寸 (Position)
+ 升水/权利金 (Premium)
+ 优惠利率 (Prime Rate)
+ 委托人 (Principal)
+ 获利抛售 (Profit Taking)
+ 购买力平价 (Purchasing Power Parity)
+ 买卖权等价 (Put Call Parity)
+ 卖权 (Put Option)
+ 报价 (Quote)
+ 波幅 (Range)
+ 汇率 (Rate)
+ 衰退 (Recession)
+ 储备货币 (Reserve Currency)
+ 储备 (Reserves)
+ 阻力价位 (Resistance)
+ 零售价格指数 (Retail Price Index)
+ 升值 (Revaluation)
+ 风险权利金 (Risk Premium)
+ 风险管理 (Risk Management)
+ 风险 (Risks)
+ 滚动 (Rolling Over)
+ 展期交割 (Rollover)
+ SITC (Standard International Trade Classification)
+ 卖出价格 (Selling Rate)
+ 清算日期 (Settlement Date)
+ 清算 (Settlement)
+ 空头 (Short)
+ 疲软市场 (Soft Market)
+ 即期/隔日 (Spot Next)
+ 即期价格/汇率 (Spot Price Rate)
+ 即期 (Spot)
+ 差价/套利 (Spread)
+ 稳定的市场 (Stable Market)
+ 滞胀 (Stagflation)
+ S&P (Standard And Poors)
+ 冲销 (Sterilisation)
+ 英镑 (Sterling)
+ 止损单 (Stop Loss Order)
+ 止损离场价格 (Stop Out Price)
+ 跨式 (Straddle)
+ 履约价格 (Strike Price)
+ 迭期 (Strip)
+ 结构性失业 (Structural Unemployment)
+ 支撑价位 (Support Levels)
+ 掉期 (Swap)
+ 世界银行间金融电信学会 (Swift)
+ 瑞士法郎 (Swissy)
+ 止盈 (Take Profit)
+ 国库券 (T Bill)
+ TIBOR (Tokyo Inter Bank Offered Rate)
+ TIFFE (Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange)
+ 技术分析 (Technical Analysis)
+ 技术调整 (Technical Correction)
+ 进出口交换比率 (Terms Of Trade)
+ Theta (Theta)
+ 不活跃的市场 (Thin Market)
+ 跳动点 (Tick)
+ 明日次日 (Tomorrow Next Tom Next)
+ 交易日期 (Trade Date)
+ 份额 (Tranche)
+ 交易日 (Transaction Date)
+ 交易风险 (Transaction Exposure)
+ 交易 (Transaction)
+ 结算日 (Value Date)
+ 低估 (Undervaluation)
+ 即期交割 (Value Spot)
+ 香草期权/单纯期权 (Vanilla Option)
+ 变动保证金 (Variation Margin)
+ 维加 (Vega)
+ 波动率 (Volatility)
+ 批量资金 (Wholesale Money)
+ 批发价格指数 (Wholesale Price Index)
+ 营业日/工作日 (Working Day)
+ 世界银行 (World Bank)
+ 卖方 (Writer)
+ 收益曲线 (Yield Curve)
+ Z-证书 (Z Certificate)
+ 零息债券 (Zero Coupon Bond)
Beyond Technical Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
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