The Great Reset Episode II : The Dollar, Debt and Demographics

I used to believe in hyperinflation and a dollar reset too

But this isn't going to happen (yet)

For nigh on 40 years, economic growth per capita (nominal AND inflation-adjusted real) has been in a downtrend.

This coincides with the 40 year bull market in long term government bonds.

For around a quarter-century: the GDP generated /dollar of the money supply has fallen; and this demise is accelerating.

The velocity of money (M2V) has crashed post-pandemic, and it is at a 100 year low; this is not consistent with persistent inflation/hyperinflation.

The money multiplier is falling because banks can't lend productively, and are parking cash at the Federal Reserve.

MRDP (marginal revenue product of the debt) is at an all-time low: currently around $0.25 of GDP per dollar of debt.

The dollar itself stays strong because the rest of the world is even more indebted and less productive (with lower MRDPs).

Demographics and Debt will both continue to subsume growth, with the EU especially affected by demographics.

Markets are in a bubble because we are at peak debt and peak growth.

As soon as reality bites: equities will be the first to suffer. The dollar will just get stronger mid term.

G.R.I. Dec 2021

With thanks to Lacy Hunt (Hoisington) and Eric Basmajian (EPB Research) for all their work on the above

NOTE: the views expressed above are my own, AND MUST NOT BE CONSTRUED AS ANY FORM OF ADVICE

We go to 100 soon only question is how high after


trade at your own risk
Beyond Technical Analysisthegreatreset
