S&P500 Long setup


The S&P500 has been 9 days without testing support and saw All Time-Highs. Today, the daily chart has presented a high probability of resuming the trend after a sharp correction.

I already have an existing long that has done well but I'm adding into the position for this setup for icing on the cake.

Long S&P 500 SPY
target 4848.00
Stop 4695

Trade closed: target reached
Finally getting to the computer to update - per the timeline comments, trade closed at 4811 on 12/22. Risk management would not allow me to hold this quickly over the holiday weekend since I already have a full position long but just thankful for +50 points
S&P500 long into the holidays
Chart Patternses!futuresindexIndicesMoving AveragesS&P 500 (SPX500)SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) StocksTrend Lines

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