Before you jump on me for being a bear, I am not. I am a chartist and a realist. I am simply bringing you what I see. I am not trading with you, I am charting with you. This is for educational purposes only.
I like Elliott wave, working on that CEWA Level 1. Here is ONE of the possible counts for ETH right now - Theres also a bull argument.
I am thinking we could be witnessing an expanded flat, or a running flat (depending on if/where wave Y will end).
Running flat says we could end anywhere around .618-1.0 of wave W.
Expanded flat says we could end anywhere around 1.0-1.618 of wave W.
Theres a lot of work to do to make this happen, but I will leave you with this; what happened in 2017 during the BTC top? The answer: CME BTC Futures. What just came out today? CME ETH Futures.