Currently Gold Jag is moving upwards through Solid Orange . Its a long term 'abola brought forward from 2018 year long fit. its not a rooted 'abola. its a clear trend. Above the the current Jag is Solid Green. that is a well rooted ;abola. above Solid green is Solid Gray This is also a well rooted curve. Solid Blue, of interest, converges with Solid red ( well rooted ) and Solid grey . Above that is Solid Purple .
A rally along Solid Blue across Solid Green and solid red, through the middle of march. Has parabolic support.
The intersection of Dashed Green and Solid Red is a psychological threshold for a much larger, longer rally. That would imply lots of monetary instability. ( jun , July '19 ) that is not a unreasonable outcome to our topsy turvy panorama .
otherwise: if the jag top action first part of '18 is the highs permitted, then it will be a repeat. by then the action of not climbing on Solid Blue will have precipitated more local curves and updated drawings. .