
HCLTECH // levels // 8h

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Levels in HCL Technologies:

Level 1: Associate (A) - ₹12,000 - ₹18,000 per month (approximately ₹600 - ₹900 per hour)
Level 2: Engineer (E) - ₹20,000 - ₹30,000 per month (approximately ₹1,000 - ₹1,500 per hour)
Level 3: Senior Engineer (SE) - ₹30,000 - ₹45,000 per month (approximately ₹1,500 - ₹2,250 per hour)
Level 4: Technical Lead (TL) - ₹45,000 - ₹60,000 per month (approximately ¥2,250 - ¥3,000 per hour)
Level 5: Senior Technical Lead (STL) - ₹60,000 - ¥80,000 per month (approximately ¥3,000 - ¥4,000 per hour)
Level 6: Manager (M) - ₹80,000 - ¥1,20,000 per month (approximately ¥4,000 - ¥6,000 per hour)
Level 7: Senior Manager (SM) - ₹1,20,000 - ¥1,80,000 per month (approximately ¥6,000 - ¥9,000 per hour)
Level 8: General Manager (GM) - ₹1,80,000 - ¥2,50,000 per month (approximately ¥9,000 - ¥12,500 per hour)
8th Hour Wage:

Based on the above levels and salary ranges, a new employee at Level 1 (Associate) would likely earn around ₹600 - ₹900 per hour in the 8th hour.
