HEX to $29.60 During the PulseChain Sacrifice Phase

On the surface, this appears to be a delusional moon-boy fantasy prediction. Hear me out...

The PulseChain sacrifice event has commenced. What is it, why is it important, and how does it relate to the price performance of HEX?

PulseChain is a fork of the Ethereum network. It is the most important historical event in crypto history since it will copy the exact system state of the Ethereum network and all of the coins that live on Ethereum will be duplicated on Pulsechain. So, this will be the largest airdrop of free money in human history.

You CANNOT buy pulse token since it does NOT exist yet. If you bought a token called pulse then you have been scammed.

The only way to participate in this airdrop is to "sacrifice" your crypto.

Your sacrifice is a political statement. "The PulseChain sacrifice is creating a set of people that believe speech is a protected human right and blockchains are speech. Sacrifice to prove you believe."

Those who are part of the sacrifice set are excellent candidates to receive pulse tokens in the future. Each participant can receive 10,000 sacrifice points for every USD during the first five days. The phase lasts for 19 consecutive days. The cost for 10,000 sacrifice points ratchets up after the first 5 days by 5% per day. One sacrifice point equals one pulse token.

So, the question remains, how does all of this relate to the price performance of HEX?

Thus far, $404,230,901 has entered the sacrifice chamber and we are only on day #5. Market participants are selling their cryptos for HEX and sacrificing those tokens to become part of the sacrifice set before PULSECHAIN launches.

The swaps into HEX are pumping the price of the asset. And, equally important, users are removing their HEX from circulation since it is going into an address that can be classified as belonging to the controlling entity or entities of HEX.

HEX has centralized ownership which controls 95% of all HEX in circulation. The controlling entity has never sold a single hex token to date.

Thus far, users have sacrificed 1,890,145,470 HEX within 5 days. 14 days remain. This implies that none of those tokens will be sold on the market since they are sent to an address that belongs to the controlling entity.

The supply of the users in the HEX network is dwindling. They own less than 28 billion HEX. And, demand for HEX is growing at an exceedingly fast rate. When demand exceeds supply, the price only goes up and to the right. Just look at the weekly chart.

Furthermore, HEX has insanely low liquidity. This means that it does not take much economic mass to push the price up. This is decentralized finance. This implies that we can calculate the exact economic mass or energy required to push the price up. The price is nothing more than the ratio of two assets that are paired together (x * y = k). If you want to multiply the price by a factor of X, then you need only to multiply the liquidity by the square root of X. The math is very straightforward.

Therefore, HEX can go to unimaginable values since it trades on decentralized exchanges in a low liquidity environment where it has perfect product market fit and where the demand exceeds the supply.

And, HEX is the best performing crypto asset since inception. It is slaughtering all other tokens. Furthermore, it is pre-viral. It has been gatekept by the entire crypto community. It has been labeled a scam by all influencers who have caused many people to miss an extraordinary opportunity for life-changing wealth.

These are facts.

The total value sacrificed with the rankings of each participant.

Full history of HEX price performance.


The most accurate price for HEX with the majority of trading volume.

Centralized ownership was fully audited by myself. Search the OA tab.
