Market Structure Alignment

M = UP
W = UP
H4 =
H1 =
M15 =
M5 =
M1 =


BB = Bullish BIAS
BRB = Bearish BIAS


b = Bullish
bg = Bullish Range
br = Bearish
brg = Bearish Range


Bimb = Buyers IMBalance
Simb = Sellers IMBalance

Boms = Break of Market Structure
Bboms = Bullish Break of Market Structure
Brboms = Bearish Break of Market Structure


DZ = DemandZONE
SZ =SupplyZONE


H = High
HH = HigherHIGH
HL = HigherLOW

L = Lower
LL = Lowbrow
LH = LowerHIGH

POI = Point Of Interest
IMB = Imbalance
IC = Institutional Candle
MIT = Mitigation

Black = Monthly
Red = Weekly
Green = Daily
Yellow = H4
SkyBlue = H1
NavyBlue = M15
Pink = M5
Purple = M1
Orange = Alerts

NZDUSDTrend Analysis

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