
Analysis of Sat Industries Ltd

SAT is engage in many business manufacturing, education, leasing, finance, investments, domestic trading, import & export.

Fundamental Analysis
Leading exporters of FIBCs, PP Bags, fabrics and Box bags with exports spread across 28 countries, including USA, Italy, France, Portugal, Greece and UAE.

Company's 3 YEARS OR 5 YEARS Sales 15.4% OR 28.3% ,
Debt/Equity Ratio -0.4% ,
Debt/EBITDA - 1.5% ,
Interest coverage ratio - 7.4 Time ,
Inventory days & Receivable days are higher than 5 year's back.
From 2018 ROCE is getting better ~ 22%
From 2018 ROE is getting better ~ 18%

Technical Analysis
On the charts the stock breakout strongly Rectangle pattern. With good volumes. Now making you all time highs.

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