SysCoin / Bitcoin

Is it time for Syscoin to wake up?

Have you heard of Syscoin? Syscoin, launched back in 2015, is a fast OG coin built on a Bitcoin codebase with a lot of nitro powered extras. Syscoin features a asset creation platform that allows anyone to create tokens just like on Ethereum, except much cheaper. Syscoin also features a novel zero compromise acceptance mechanism that more or less guarantees that certain kinds of zero confirmation transactions can be accepted immediately, enabling syscoin to be a very fast point of payment token.

Syscoin is something like 99.9% down off of its top of 10,000 satoshi (yes, that line is coming off its peak, to give you a sense of its once-towering grandieur), started out as a blockchain based e-commerce and still is in a lot of ways, but its a whole lot more as well, and the team and Foundation are still chugging forward keeping the project alive and adding features to it on a regular basis.

Syscoin is actually one of the more mature tokens out there, it is certainly an OG token and one which when timed right can bring explosive profits to its holder. You're not going to find a more dedicated community by the way, syscoin holders have held through 99.9% drops and still love the token. Jag Sidhu, the main dev for Syscoin has been working on it full-time since just about 2018, and he's gotten a lot done.

Okay, yes, I'll admit it. I'm the creator of Syscoin, and this must look an awful lot like I'm shilling my own project. But truthfully, maybe it is time for this venerable own coin (probably hundreds of years old in Bitcoin years) to get another life up closer to where it deserves to be. Personally, I own less than 20000 sys left and I don't actively participate in maintenance of the project anymore, so I'm not here shilling it to make a buck. I just think it's about to pop for a few hundred Satoshi at least, and I have a special love for it because it's my baby all grown up.

Or sell it to the ground, I don't give a **** - but it really is a great project and you should buy it because it's about to finally and once-and-for-all bust through a downtrend line established years ago and it is way undervalued and it will make you money.
