U.S. Dollar / Turkish Lira

Most boring week of 2018

"Summer being slow is a myth" they said...

No trades? Just watch more charts.

Sweet lord even the Lira is not trending.
Of course there was the 4rth of July making it worse, but seriously, WHAT A BORING WEEK!

I cancelled my challenge of growing 5000 exponentially, I started it too early at at a bad time, my FX & futures system still needed some tweaks, I actually made less than during the month before that "challenge" lol.

I will disclose what was my idea basically:

First I start by taking risks slighlty under $100, don't mind about losing that. With that I can grow decently $100 per trade or more.
Week 2 increase sizing/leverage to risk 1/3 of last week profit on each trade, so no money will truly be lost, only profit so in a way it is "free".
Just keep going as long as there's no week blowing the previous week profit. By being very picky and looking at several factors a high winrate is possible, so having 3 losses more than wins in a week or even a red week will be very rare.

Also I had figured, but I forgot: The Lira has high spreads, but no surprise it is going to have a higher spread that EURUSD... EURUSD does not move 10% in a couple of days.

Very volatile! Well not these boring days, but it usually is.

I already trade 3 exotics on top of majors (SEK CNH MXN) I am going to add TRY NOK ZAR.
And I only trade 4 minors, maybe I'll add a few. Maybe NatGas too even thought the spread is so damn high. NatGas more volatile than crypto and high spreads often, this is silly.

All I want is 5 trades a week. 20 pairs + a couple futures got to be enough right?

5 trades a week (not counting crypto & stocks this is separate) ain't overtrading, plus here is my advice:
- Watch Plenty of charts, and be super picky on your trades ;) Can't go wrong if you only choose the once in 10 days trade for each one :)

And about the USD/Lira ... It has been bullish (the dollar) for years almost always. Just going to assume it is perma bullish with some corrections for the time being lol.

* If the whole summer is like this I will get a despression. Ok it's not that bad I had 3 trade opportunities this week (1 clear long on gold I missed) and probably 1 more if I watched more charts. That is 1/day it's fine.
Perfect time to do some research, enhance a system (unless you wanted some holidays thought).

I am 99% done... so clooooose.

All I need now is to check a couple more charts take notes to help me figure out how I spread my orders. I am going to enter a trade in 3 times, less will leave me open to luck and I am not good at randomness, more than 3 orders gets complicated to handle. 3 is just perfect.

I have made a model where I risk 40% of what I made in profit every 5 winning trades, which lets me grow crazy exponentially with no risk.

I have been trading Forex for 3 months with very high success, going slowly watching charts, testing and backtesting strategies, now it's time to go craaaaazy and get rich quick.

I have 0 reason to care about crypto now, it's just a boulder holding me back and has been since April.

I have been recommending abandonning crypto for a while now, and it has not really moved since, cash allocated to crypto is simply wasted. Just set some alerts, and when Ethereum falls below $100, Litecoin hits single digit, and BTC goes 3000$ or lower, just pop a bottle and celebrate the fall of the naked emperor.
With my model not counting big winners, my profit will be 9% bigger each week if I get 4 trades a week, 40% bigger if I get 5, 75% bigger if I get 6 ... etc crazy.

Should I trade wheat sugar and other random stuff to get more trades?

Starting at 500$ profit week 1 and getting 4 perfect trades a week (I have 16 trades in my FX log over a period of 4 weeks so that is exactly 4 per week, they are all wins, so it is definetly possible & I improved since then maybe I can get 5 a week); I would after 12 weeks get 1.09^12* 500 = 1400/week at least.

I want to make this work so I ignore crimecoins, will trade stocks sporadically & fully focus on making my system work in FX. If it goes as I want I'll just get to the point I am making 5 figures daily... and then I'll decide what my next move should be.

Waiting is the hardest part...
Watch out for the leverage cap thought, as regulators know what's best for us...
I need to get rich quick because if I don't my system will stop working before I get there and I'll have to spend another 6 months doing research...idiots.
Oh how I hate these monkeys. kys.

So I made literally 0 profit in FX last 3 weeks still at same point, all I did was do maths maths more maths. Fine by me.
And it is not over I need to do 3-4 more hours of maths to set my entry orders perfectly according to probability risk and other stuff. So clooose.
Well maybe I don't need to be 100% perfect about that it's ok.

Going to make an idea "when to quit your job" and stick to that.

"August is not always the worse month of the year for trading that is a myth"
"Sometimes July is worse, for example in 2017 with Brexit..."
lol good one...


FIngers crossed for USA to start a new Oil - mb meant democracy - way and get things moving.

You people became traders to be free and take holidays whenever you want, and yet it's just following the masses :(


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