
$wing - wakey wakey MM

By CompoundingGain
Hola ,

for the people asking me about wing and usdc fud my bags are down and it is what it is so no point dwelling on it

worse case we lose yellow line and nuke to atl ,i am looking to add to this around yellow line IF we get there or (18600ish for corn)

been in the since 1st week of feb and cutting it now would not be a wise choice imo ( you take a hit and what do you do with the money? another shitcoin? short? cash out?)

Ignore the news and IF possible add to your bags IF we go lower with a long term time frame .

looking forward to see what monday brings with the dixie looking weak :)

as for the USDC fud shit happens and will keep happening we just need a narrative to justify the chart or rather MM need to fill their bags

spot ETH approval most likely next narrative for pump

Trade active
close to tagging range low .IF it holds or reclaims we in for a nice reversion
Trend Analysis
