The rotation of money

Here's how I know there will be an inevitable rotation of money by this chart I made.

The world has over-invested in technological advancements for a very long time. This was much needed to shape the world we live in today. The whole world was built on stable sources of reliable energy such as fossil fuels and oil to allow these technological advancements to grow. Combine that with lower interest rates and inflating the money supply and you have an overshoot of investment in the technological space- IMO crypto was the last projection of these technological investments.

We are now in a world of climate change, energy shortages and inflation. Usually, the biggest problems that humanity faces are normally the best investments.

I have compared major players on the ASX that are in a prime position in the LNG and Uranium space. Let's see how they could perform in the next couple of years. Australia is in a good position to help export energy and raw materials to help other nations reach the carbon emission goals.
