
BTC 666 MARKs: A must read.

Let's see the Bitcoin MARKs done through the MARKet

This post is written in order to raise awareness about numbers or numerology behind everything about us. It is not about religion or something to do with it. Consider to add gematria and/or esoteric knowledege to your fundamental analysis.

According to the Bible: Revelation 13:18 King James Version (KJV)
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

According to English Gematria:
666 = MARK of the Beast
666 = Receive A MARK
666 = A Satanic MARK

According to the MARKet
02/06 Prices around 6660
04/06 Prices around 6660
06/06 Prices around ¿¿?? See chart.

I think we'll see a correction between 05/29 (Ambarvalia) and 06/06, so Bitcoin will start going up after being touched by the MARKS of 666 on prices and dates.

RSI = Will drop under 33, I'll wait to enter above 33,

This could be funny for some traders, but I've done mine with this knowledge while profesional traders are deceived by bitcoin movements (MARKet manipulators), it has not failed to me until now. As for example I knew we had a correction on 4-09, after this point we saw Bitcoin went up, because of 409 in gematria is Enlightenment, it's correction, 409 is used too as cleaner in USA and is sold in walmart, 409 cleaner kills 99.9% (666) of bacteria and viruses. LOL

No, this is not coincidence, please do your own research before bulling me. Just let the time told us like until now.

Bitcoin is Nimrod, i'ts the Architect of a new world.
Recommended Text: Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation)

This is not financial advise.
Do what ever you want.
Peace and Love.

PD: Let me read your thoughts.
-------------------------------------UPDATE POST---05/27-------------------------------

666 price levels coincide with more commonly aka resistance and support lines.

Regarding to RSI , 33 is key level, because of it's mayor grade on freemasonry.
32 to 33 is death to life, and more things.
Go your self and google -0.33% "33 numerology" and see with your own eyes.

Do you still think satoshi nakamoto is anonymous and bitcoin -0.31% was born from nothing? LOL

Agenda 2030 by UN aims a lot of things, one is to digitalize world money and people id's. (CHIP). So, in this context, we would have something similar to:

--Revelation 13:17
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
--Revelation 13:18 (18=6+6+6)
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six


666 usd levels are shown by numbers itself on the chart (TA), see by yourself

Supports: 6660 - 6999 - 7326
Targets: 7326 if we drop below this level.
7992 - 8658 - 9324 - 9990
If we cross 10000 then targets: 10656 - 11322 and drop by 322 society. LOL.

Once again let me say:

No, this is not coincidence, please do your own research before bulling me. Just let the time told us like until now.

Bitcoin -0.31% -0.44% is Nimrod, i'ts the Architect of a new world.
Recommended Text: Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation)

This is not financial advise.
Do what ever you want.
Peace and Love.

PD: Let me read your thoughts.
- 06/06/2018 = 6+6+2+0+1+8= 23 | 2/3= .666 Thanks to bokeb for update.
- 06/06 = 16/06 for some powerfull groups.
- 16/06/2018 = 1+6+0+6+2+0+1+8 = 24 | 2+4 = 6 | again 6.
- (2017) 11/06 Prices around 6660 USD, so 11/06 is used as 911, it's a code.
- Before finishing week 23rd, we have 06/11, again 911.
- On 06/11 (911) is celebrated a festival to Mater Matuta, Roman goddess of the dawn, it means night to day, darkness falling and light rising up, Will price rise up??
- On 911 US simbols of empire drop, Remember 9/11 (06/11)
