Want 30% mover then watch this 10min video - Analysis made easy👑 Drop a follow here: @Averoy_Apoorv_Analysis 👑 ----------------------- 🔥🔥 Target: 2000 Followers 🔥🔥
👑 ITs a very good analysis video as I will try to trade this in realtime with you guys of course risk is diff for diff people but trading quality matters, not quantity :)
Good luck keep it in your watch now
⌛ Motivational and psychological area ⌛
✣Trade only if you are in the right mindset, if you have been emotionally weak for some time, take your time and don't trade, trade with a happy and + mindset only.
✣If you want to make money, firstly be prepared to lose it, only that much which you can afford and that much by which you can make a mistake again, learn from them and grow
✣Don't lose hope and keep grinding
✣I have seen my friends on youtube streaming games with watching 10, constantly they streamed for a year or two and now they are buzzing with 1k to 2k watching daily.
✣Focus on the process, you are here to make money not stupid decisions and lose it all
✣No one will help you climb the mountain, few will tell the path, so follow good people, make good mentors and make good decisions and choices in the stock market.
✣Believe in yourself :)
🎓🎓 Some info about me :)
➼My name is Apoorv and I am a 2nd year Engineering student, I want to pursue trading as my career, and thus whatsoever setups or trades I potentially see on my charting platform, I post it here and share them with you all.
➼I hope you will love my simple analysis style.
➼Feel free to suggest your view on this as learning is earning here :)
➼I take my trades on my Zerodha account :)
➼I don't take all the trades I post
➼These charts are my and only my work, my thought process, just from an educational point of view and no calls.
☃☃☃☃ Thank You Have a Nice Trading Day ☃☃☃☃