BNB Price Prediction, will BNB’s price hit $528.24?BNB’s price at the same time last week was $307.79. It has moved by 1.24% in the past week and is currently at $308.85. Infact, in the past 24 hours, BNB has dumped by -1.70%. There is a slight bearish sentiment in the crypto market. The long term sentiment, however, remains bullish and BNB could hit $490.92 in 2024.
The total circulating supply of BNB as of writing this article was $157,886,280 and the market cap of BNB remains at $48,765,651,999.
BNB, BNB could hit $528.24 in 2023
BNB’s price prediction for the most bearish scenario will value BNB at $247.08 in 2023
BNB’s previous All Time High was on 10th May 2021 where BNB was priced at $686.31
Salasar Techno Engineering - Cup and Handle Pattern✔️Eveything mentioned in the chart.
You can see a Cup and Handle formation in the chart.
study then invest.
About The Company ✔️
Established in 2006 as a tower manufacturer, Salasar Engineering Limited, has emerged as a fast-growing Steel structure manufacturer & EPC infrastructure company, providing services across telecom, energy and railways sector.
Gulshan Polyols at breakout point✔️You can see breakout point in the chart and it looks good both technically and fundamentally.
→ check the numbers
→ market cap
→ business
→ chart etc etc
study then invest✅
About the company
Gulshan Polyols Ltd is one of the largest manufacturers of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate and Sorbitol in India. It is a market leader with a substantial market share in the respective segments.
Price/Earnings: amazing interpretation #2In my previous post , we started to analyze the most popular financial ratio in the world – Price / Earnings or P/E (particularly one of the options for interpreting it). I said that P/E can be defined as the amount of money that must be paid once in order to receive 1 monetary unit of diluted net income per year. For American companies, it will be in US dollars, for Indian companies it will be in rupees, etc.
In this post, I would like to analyze another interpretation of this financial ratio, which will allow you to look at P/E differently. To do this, let's look at the formula for calculating P/E again:
P/E = Capitalization / Diluted earnings
Now let's add some refinements to the formula:
P/E = Current capitalization / Diluted earnings for the last year (*)
(*) In my case, by year I mean the last 12 months.
Next, let's see what the Current capitalization and Diluted earnings for the last year are expressed in, for example, in an American company:
- Current capitalization is in $;
- Diluted earnings for the last year are in $/year.
As a result, we can write the following formula:
P/E = Current capitalization / Diluted earnings for the last year = $ / $ / year = N years (*)
(*) According to the basic rules of math, $ will be reduced by $, and we will be left with only the number of years.
It's very unusual, isn't it? It turns out that P/E can also be the number of years!
Yes, indeed, we can say that P/E is the number of years that a shareholder (investor) will need to wait in order to recoup their investments at the current price from the earnings flow, provided that the level of profit does not change .
Of course, the condition of an unchangeable level of profit is very unrealistic. It is rare to find a company that shows the same profit from year to year. Nevertheless, we have nothing more real than the current capitalization of the company and its latest profit. Everything else is just predictions and probable estimates.
It is also important to understand that during the purchase of shares, the investor fixates one of the P/E components - the price (P). Therefore, they only need to keep an eye on the earnings (E) and calculate their own P/E without paying attention to the current capitalization.
If the level of earnings increases since the purchase of shares, the investor's personal P/E will decrease, and, consequently, the number of years to wait for recoupment.
Another thing is when the earnings level, on the contrary, decreases – then an investor will face an increase in their P/E level and, consequently, an increase in the payback period of their own investments. In this case, of course, you have to think about the prospects of such an investment.
You can also argue that not all 100% of earnings are spent paying dividends, and therefore you can’t use the level of earnings to calculate the payback period of an investment. Yes, indeed: it is rare for a company to give all of its earnings to dividends. However, the lack of a proper dividend level is not a reason to change anything in the formula or this interpretation at all, because retained earnings are the main fundamental driver of a company's capitalization growth. And whatever the investor misses out on in terms of dividends, they can get it in the form of an increase in the value of the shares they bought.
Now, let's discuss how to interpret the obtained P/E value. Intuitively, the lower it is, the better. For example, if an investor bought shares at P/E = 100, it means that they will have to wait 100 years for their investment to pay off. That seems like a risky investment, doesn't it? Of course, one can hope for future earnings growth and, consequently, for a decrease in their personal P/E value. But what if it doesn’t happen?
Let me give you an example. For instance, you have bought a country house, and so now you have to get to work via country roads. You have an inexpensive off-road vehicle to do this task. It does its job well and takes you to work via a road that has nothing but potholes. Thus, you get the necessary positive effect this inexpensive thing provides. However, later you learn that they will build a high-speed highway in place of the rural road. And that is exactly what you have dreamed of! After hearing the news, you buy a Ferrari. Now, you will be able to get to work in 5 minutes instead of 30 minutes (and in such a nice car!) However, you have to leave your new sports car in the yard to wait until the road is built. A month later, the news came out that, due to the structure of the road, the highway would be built in a completely different location. A year later your off-road vehicle breaks down. Oh well, now you have to get into your Ferrari and swerve around the potholes. It is not hard to guess what is going to happen to your expensive car after a while. This way, your high expectations for the future road project turned out to be a disaster for your investment in the expensive car.
It works the same way with stock investments. If you only consider the company's future earnings forecast, you run the risk of being left alone with just the forecast instead of the earnings. Thus, P/E can serve as a measure of your risk. The higher the P/E value at the time you buy a stock, the more risk you take. But what is the acceptable level of P/E ?
Oddly enough, I think the answer to this question depends on your age. When you are just beginning your journey, life gives you an absolutely priceless resource, known as time. You can try, take risks, make mistakes, and then try again. That's what children do as they explore the world around them. Or when young people try out different jobs to find exactly what they like. You can use your time in the stock market in the same manner - by looking at companies with a P/E that suits your age.
The younger you are, the higher P/E level you can afford when selecting companies. Conversely, in my opinion, the older you are, the lower P/E level you can afford. To put it simply, you just don’t have as much time to wait for a return on your investment.
So, my point is, the stock market perception of a 20-year-old investor should differ from the perception of a 50-year-old investor. If the former can afford to invest with a high payback period, it may be too risky for the latter.
Now let's try to translate this reasoning into a specific algorithm.
First, let's see how many companies we are able to find in different P/E ranges. As an example, let's take the companies that are traded on the NYSE (April 2023).
As you can see from the table, the larger the P/E range, the more companies we can consider. The investor's task comes down to figuring out what P/E range is relevant to them in their current age. To do this, we need data on life expectancy in different countries. As an example, let's take the World Bank Group's 2020 data for several countries: Japan, India, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, the United States, and Brazil.
To understand which range of P/E values to choose, you need to subtract your current age from your life expectancy:
Life Expectancy - Your Current Age
I recommend focusing on the country where you expect to live most of your life.
Thus, for a 25-year-old male from the United States, the difference would be:
74,50 - 25 = 49,50
Which corresponds with a P/E range of 0 to 50.
For a 60-year-old woman from Japan, the difference would be:
87,74 - 60 = 27,74
Which corresponds with a P/E range of 0 to 30.
For a 70-year-old man from Russia, the difference would be:
66,49 - 70 = -3,51
In the case of a negative difference, the P/E range of 0 to 10 should be used.
It doesn’t matter which country's stocks you invest in if you expect to live most of your life in Japan, Russia, or the United States. P/E indicates time, and time flows the same for any company and for you.
So, this algorithm will allow you to easily calculate your acceptable range of P/E values. However, I want to caution you against making investment decisions based on this ratio alone. A low P/E value does not guarantee that you are free of risks . For example, sometimes the P/E level can drop significantly due to a decline in P (capitalization) because of extraordinary events, whose impact can only be seen in a future income statement (where we would learn the actual value of E - earnings).
Nevertheless, the P/E value is a good indicator of the payback period of your investment, which answers the question: when should you consider buying a company's stock ? When the P/E value is in an acceptable range of values for you. But the P/E level doesn’t tell you what company to consider and what price to take. I will tell you about this in the next posts. See you soon!
CMP - Rs. 599
Target - 1: Rs. 810
Target - 2: Rs. 1020
Technicals -
1) Bullish Flag BO, supported with high volumes.
2) Historical trend ranging from August' 15 to May' 18 resembles the current trend, indicating a bullish continuation.
Fundamentals -
GM Breweries Limited (NSE:GMBREW) is an Indian company engaged in the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages, including country liquor, Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL), and bulk alcohol. The company operates primarily in the state of Maharashtra, India, and has a market capitalization of around INR 5,570 crores (as of April 12, 2023).
1) Financial Performance:
In terms of financial performance, GM Breweries has been steadily growing its revenue over the past few years. In FY2022, the company's net revenue from operations was INR 1,229.38 crores, up from INR 925.59 crores in FY2021, which represents a growth rate of 33%. The company's net profit for FY2022 was INR 180.72 crores, up from INR 130.13 crores in FY2021, representing a growth rate of 39%. The company's profit margins have also been improving over the past few years.
2) Valuation:
In terms of valuation, GM Breweries has a price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of around 13.27x (as of April 12, 2023), which is below the industry average of around 23.27x. This suggests that the stock may be undervalued relative to its peers. The company's price-to-book (P/B) ratio is around 4.15x, which is also below the industry average of around 6.68x.
This is just a view, please invest at your own risk.
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CMP - Rs. 282
Target - 1: Rs. 380
Target - 2: Rs. 490
Technical -
1) Bullish Flag BO supported by high volumes.
2) Targets set using historical data, price movement, and retracement of the flag pole.
Fundamentals -
1) Financials:
Revenue: For the financial year 2021, the company had a total revenue of INR 2,818.96 crores, a decrease from the previous year's revenue of INR 3,266.04 crores.
Net profit: The company reported a net profit of INR 215.16 crores for the financial year 2021, compared to a net loss of INR 209.43 crores in the previous year.
Debt to Equity Ratio: As of March 2021, the company had a debt to equity ratio of 0.18, which suggests that the company has a low debt burden.
Return on Equity (ROE): The ROE for the company for the financial year 2021 was 4.34%.
2) Valuation:
The share price of FACT on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) is INR 27.05. The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio for the company is 12.05, which is below the industry average P/E ratio of 15.67. The price-to-book (P/B) ratio for the company is 0.60, which is lower than the industry average of 1.48. This indicates that the stock may be undervalued.
Overall, based on the financials and industry analysis, it appears that FACT is facing a challenging market environment. However, the stock's valuation metrics are relatively attractive, which may be indicative of undervaluation.
This is just a view, please trade at your own risk.
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Syngene international fundamental and technical analysis About company
Syngene initiated their operations as a CRO in 1994 with services in chemistry and biology.
Syngene International offers integrated solutions across research, development and manufacturing facilities.
Sector Overview
The Indian pharmaceutical industry is currently valued at $50Bn. India is a large exporter of pharmaceuticals with over 200 countries that receive Indian Pharma exports.
The industry growth has been at a CAGR of 9.43% over the last 9 years.
Sector Outlook
The pharma industry in India is expected to reach $65Bn by 2024 & $130Bn by 2030.
India is the world’s largest supplier of generic medications; which account for 20% of the worldwide supply by volume & supply about 60% of the global vaccination demand.
Company’s business
Syngene International has over 400 active clients and have 15 collaborations with the top 20 pharmaceutical companies.
Their sector expertise includes pharmaceuticals, biotech, nutrition, animal health, consumer goods and speciality chemicals.
About the segments
Syngene International has their presence in the following segments:
•Discovery Services
•R&D Centres
•Development Services
•Manufacturing Services
Q3 Numbers
Revenue up from ₹768 Cr in Q2 to ₹787 Cr in Q3
OPM up from 28% to 29%
NPAT up from 102Cr to 110Cr
EPS up from ₹5.53 to ₹2.73
Key Highlights:
Performance is excluding impact of Remdesivir manufacturing which had high sales growth the during first quarter of the last financial year. No sales have been recorded in 9MFY23.
Revenue from operations grew by 23% YoY, excluding Remdesivir; 28% YoY
Revenue growth driven by Discovery Service division & manufacturing division; Biologics.
Capex for 9M at HKEX:50 mn
Started a program of HKEX:30 mn for a new facility & the Capex will be reflected on the books in the next few Qtrs depending on execution
EBITDA up 15% YoY
Effective tax rate up from 19% to 21.5% YoY; however, they have a MAT credit of ₹160Cr that will be utilised over the next few years & will keep cash outflow for income tax at minimum pertained tax level
Depreciation and amortisation up by 21% YoY due to new investments
Recently completed facility will offer end-to-end solutions in drug production development & manufacturing for clinical supplies for small & large molecules
Expect the completion of additional 24,000 sqft of lab space, a new compound & mgmt facility in the current qtr.
Key Strengths
Increase in number of collaborations with emerging biopharma companies
Expect to start GMP production this quarter with the completion of sterile fill-finish facility for small scale clinical manufacturing
FIIs and DIIs have increased holdings QoQ
PAT growth at 5% YoY
Completed the US FDA, EMEA and MHRA regulatory audits for commercial scale biologics manufacturing facility
Received cGMP certifications from regulatory agencies which put them on track to manufacture drug substance on a commercial scale
PAT growth for full year expected to be in single digits
Operating EBITDA margin down from 31.7% in Q3 FY22 to 29.4% in Q3 FY23
EBITDA margin for 9M at 29.7% compared to 31% last year
Hedge losses in Q3 FY23 at ₹16Cr compared to a hedge gain of ₹20Cr
EBITDA growth lower than revenue growth due to low scale and capacity utilisation in manufacturing
Material costs up by 6% YoY
Lowest dividend yield in pharma sector
Finance cost up from ₹9.4Cr to ₹13.7Cr due to rising interest rates;
• Numbers and Ratios
Market Cap: ₹24,076 Cr.
Stock P/E: 55.9
RoCE: 13.3%
RoE: 13.6%
PEG: 7.25
Price to Sales: 8.14
Int Coverage: 14.3
NPM: 13.9%
D/E: 0.31
• Shareholding Pattern
Promoter: 64.86%
FII: 16.87%
DII: 7.03%
Public: 10.77%
Others: 0.47%
The company has expanded its facilities and capabilities, receiving regulatory certifications for commercial-scale biologics manufacturing. While operating EBITDA margin has declined, completion of a sterile fill-finish facility & GMP production is expected to boost profitability.
CMP - Rs 422
Target - 1: Rs. 593
Target - 2: Rs. 806
Technical -
1) Bullish Cypher Harmonic Pattern.
2) The stock is at support.
3) Targets have been set using Fibonacci Retracement.
Fundamentals -
1) Company has opened a new manufacturing plant in Pune.
2) 62.66% YoY growth in EPS.
3) FII holding has increased QoQ.
4) DII holding increased by 8.4% QoQ.
5) The high-value, the high-margin product portfolio is likely to help the company outperform the industry.
This chart is for educational purposes only.
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Price / Earnings: Interpretation #1In one of my first posts , I talked about the main idea of my investment strategy: buy great “things” during the sales season . This rule can be applied to any object of the material world: real estate, cars, clothes, food and, of course, shares of public companies.
However, a seemingly simple idea requires the ability to understand both the quality of “things” and their value. Suppose we have solved the issue with quality (*).
(*) A very bold assumption, I realize that. However, the following posts will cover this topic in more detail. Be a little patient.
So, we know the signs of a high-quality thing and are able to define it skilfully enough. But what about its cost?
"Easy-peasy!" you will say, "For example, I know that the Mercedes-Benz plant produces high-quality cars, so I should just find out the prices for a certain model in different car dealerships and choose the cheapest one."
"Great plan!" I will say. But what about shares of public companies? Even if you find a fundamentally strong company, how do you know if it is expensive or cheap?
Let's imagine that the company is also a machine. A machine that makes profit. It needs to be fed with resources, things are happening in there, some cogs are turning, and as a result we get earnings. This is its main goal and purpose.
Each machine has its own name, such as Apple or McDonald's. It has its own resources and mechanisms, but it produces one product – earnings.
Now let’s suppose that the capitalization of the company is the value of such a machine. Let's see how much Apple and McDonald's cost today:
Apple - $2.538 trillion
McDonald's - $202.552 billion
We see that Apple is more than 10 times more expensive than McDonald's. But is it really so from an investor's point of view?
The paradox is that we can't say for sure that Apple is 10 times more expensive than McDonald's until we divide each company's value by its earnings. Why exactly? Let's count and it will become clear:
Apple's diluted net income - $99.803 a year
McDonald's diluted net income - $6.177 billion a year
Now read this phrase slowly, and if necessary, several times: “The value is what we pay now. Earnings are what we get all the time” .
To understand how many dollars we need to pay now for the production of 1 dollar of profit a year, we need to divide the value of the company (its capitalization) by its annual profit. We get:
Apple - $25.43
McDonald’s - $32.79
It turns out that in order to get $1 profit a year, for Apple we need to pay $25.43, and for McDonald's - $32.79. Wow!
Currently, I believe that Apple appears cheaper than McDonald's.
To remember this information better, imagine two machines that produce one-dollar bills at the same rate (once a year). In the case of an Apple machine, you pay $25.43 to issue this bill, and in the case of a McDonald’s machine, you pay $32.70. Which one will you choose?
So, if we remove the $ symbol from these numbers, we get the world's most famous financial ratio Price/Earnings or P/E . It shows how much we, as investors, need to pay for the production of 1 unit of annual profit. And pay only once.
There are two formulas for calculating this financial ratio:
1. P/E = Price of 1 share / Diluted EPS
2. P/E = Capitalization / Diluted Net Income
Whatever formula you use, the result will be the same. By the way, I mainly use the Diluted Net Income instead of the regular one in my calculations. So do not be confused if you see a formula with a Net Income – you can calculate it this way as well.
So, in the current publication, I have analyzed one of the interpretations of this financial ratio. But, in fact, there is another interpretation that I really like. It will help you realize which P/E level to choose for yourself. But more on that in the next post. See you!
What can financial ratios tell us?In the previous post we learned what financial ratios are. These are ratios of various indicators from financial statements that help us draw conclusions about the fundamental strength of a company and its investment attractiveness. In the same post, I listed the financial ratios that I use in my strategy, with formulas for their calculations.
Now let's take apart each of them and try to understand what they can tell us.
- Diluted EPS . Some time ago I have already told about the essence of this indicator. I would like to add that this is the most influential indicator on the stock market. Financial analysts of investment companies literally compete in forecasts, what will be EPS in forthcoming reports of the company. If they agree that EPS will be positive, but what actually happens is that it is negative, the stock price may fall quite dramatically. Conversely, if EPS comes out above expectations - the stock is likely to rise strongly during the coverage period.
- Price to Diluted EPS ratio . This is perhaps the best-known financial ratio for evaluating a company's investment appeal. It gives you an idea of how many years your investment in a stock will pay off if the current EPS is maintained. I have a particular take on this ratio, so I plan to devote a separate publication to it.
- Gross margin, % . This is the size of the markup to the cost of the company's product (service) or, in other words, margin . It is impossible to say that small margin is bad, and large - good. Different companies may have different margins. Some sell millions of products by small margins and some sell thousands by large margins. And both of those companies may have the same gross margins. However, my preference is for those companies whose margins grow over time. This means that either the prices of the company's products (services) are going up, or the company is cutting production costs.
- Operating expense ratio . This ratio is a great indicator of management's ability to manage a company's expenses. If the revenue increases and this ratio decreases, it means that the management is skillfully optimizing the operating expenses. If it is the other way around, shareholders should wonder how well management is handling current affairs.
- ROE, % is a ratio reflecting the efficiency of a company's equity performance. If a company earned 5% of its equity, i.e. ROE = 5%, and the bank deposit rate = 7%, then shareholders have a reasonable question: why invest equity in business development, if it can be placed in a bank deposit and get more, without expending extra effort? In other words, ROE, % reflects the return on invested equity. If it is growing, it is definitely a positive factor for the company and the shareholders.
- Days payable . This financial ratio is an excellent indicator of the solvency of the company. We can say that it is the number of days it will take the company to pay all debts to suppliers from its revenue. If the number of days is relatively small, it means that the company has no delays in paying for supplies and therefore no money problems. I consider less than 30 days to be acceptable, but over 90 days is critical.
- Days sales outstanding . I already mentioned in my previous posts that when a company is having a bad sales situation, it may even sell its products on credit. Such debts accumulate in accounts receivable. Obviously, large accounts receivable are a risk for the company, because the debts may simply not be paid back. For ease of control over this indicator, they invented such a financial ratio as "Days sales outstanding". We can say that this is the number of days it will take the company to earn revenue equivalent to the accounts receivable. It's one thing if the receivables are 365 daily revenue and another if it's only 10 daily revenue. Like the previous ratio: less than 30 days is acceptable to me, but over 90 days is critical.
- Inventory to revenue ratio . This is the amount of inventory in relation to revenue. Since inventory includes not only raw materials but also unsold products, this ratio can indicate sales problems. The more inventory a company has in relation to revenue, the worse it is. A ratio below 0.25 is acceptable to me; a ratio above 0.5 indicates that there are problems with sales.
- Current ratio . This is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities. Remember, we said that current assets are easier and faster to sell than non-current, so they are also called quick assets. In the event of a crisis and lack of profit in the company, quick assets can be an excellent help to make payments on debts and settlements with suppliers. After all, they can be sold quickly enough to pay off these liabilities. To understand the size of this "safety cushion", the current ratio is calculated. The larger it is, the better. For me, a suitable current ratio is 2 or higher. But below 1 it does not suit me.
- Interest coverage . We already know that loans play an important role in a company's operations. However, I am convinced that this role should not be the main one. If a company spends all of its profits to pay interest on loans, it is working for the bank, not for the shareholders. To find out how tangible interest on loans is for the company, the "Interest coverage" ratio was invented. According to the income statement, interest on loans is paid out of operating income. So if we divide the operating income by this interest, we get this ratio. It shows us how many times more the company earns than it spends on debt service. To me, the acceptable coverage ratio should be above 6, and below 3 is weak.
- Debt to revenue ratio . This is a useful ratio that shows the overall picture of the company's debt situation. It can be interpreted the following way: it shows how much revenue should be earned in order to close all the debts. A debt to revenue ratio of less than 0.5 is positive. It means that half (or even less) of the annual revenue will be enough to close the debt. A debt to revenue ratio higher than 1 is considered a serious problem since the company does not even have enough annual revenue to pay off all of its debts.
So, the financial ratios greatly simplify the process of fundamental analysis, because they allow you to quickly draw conclusions about the financial condition of the company, without looking up and down at its statements. You just look at ratios of key indicators and draw conclusions.
In the next post, I will tell you about the king of all financial ratios - the Price to Diluted EPS ratio, or simply P/E. See you soon!
Wedge pattern breakdown in WHIRLPOOLWHIRLPOOL
Key highlights: 💡⚡
✅On 2hr Time Frame Stock Showing Breakdown of wedge Pattern .
✅ Strong bearish Candlestick Form on this timeframe.
✅It can give movement up to the Breakdown target of 1230-.
✅Can Go short in this stock by placing a stop loss above 1310+.
✅breakout this can give risk:reward upto 1:7+.
Double bottom pattern in BAJFINANCE BAJFINANCE
Key highlights: 💡
✅On 2Hr Time Frame Stock Showing Reversal of Double bottom Pattern .
✅ It can give movement upto the Reversal target of above 5890+.
✅There have chances of Breakout of resistance level too.
✅ After Breakout of resistance level this stock can gives strong upside rally upto above 6255+
Double Bottom pattern reversal in DIVISLABDIVISLAB
Key highlights: 💡
✅On 1D Time Frame Stock Showing Reversal of Double bottom Pattern .
✅ It can give movement upto the Reversal target of above 2935+.
✅There have chances of Breakout of resistance level too.
✅ After Breakout of resistance level this stock can gives strong upside rally upto above 3130+
Financial ratios: digesting them togetherI hope that after studying the series of posts about company financial statements, you stopped being afraid of them. I suggest we build on that success and dive into the fascinating world of financial ratios. What is it?
Let's look at the following example. Let's say you open up a company's balance sheet and see that the amount of debt is $100 million. Do you think this is a lot or a little? To me, it's definitely a big deal. But can we say the company has a huge debt based only on how we feel about it? I don't think so.
However, if you find that a company that generates $10 billion in annual revenue has $100 million in debt (i.e. only 1% of revenue), what would you say then? That's objectively small, isn't it?
It turns out that without correlating one indicator with another, we cannot draw any objective conclusion. This correlation is called the Financial Ratio .
The recipe for a normal financial ratio is simple: we take one or two indicators from the financial statements, add some market data, put it all into a formula that includes a division operation - we obtain the financial ratio.
In TradingView you can find a lot of financial ratios in the section Financials -> Statistics .
However, I only use a few financial ratios which give me an idea about the financial situation of the company and its value:
What can you notice when looking at this table?
- Profit and revenue are frequent components of financial ratios because they are universal units of measurement for other reporting components. Just as length can be measured in feet and weight in pounds, a company's debts can be measured in revenues.
- Some financial ratios are ratios, some are percentages, and some are days.
- There are no financial ratios in the table whose data source is the Cash Flow Statement. The fact is that cash flows are rarely used in financial ratios because they can change drastically from quarter to quarter. This is especially true for financial and investment cash flow. That's why I recommend analyzing cash flows separately.
In my next post, I'll break down each financial ratio from this table in detail and explain why I use them specifically. See you soon!
[INTRADAY] #BANKNIFTY PE & CE Levels(23/03/2023)Today will be flat opening in BANKNIFTY. After opening if banknifty sustain above 40050 level then possible upside rally of 400-500 points upto 40450 Level. And this rally can extend for another 400 points if it gives breakout of 40550 level. Any Major downside only expected in case banknifty starts trading below 39950 level.
Falling wedge pattern breakout in BALKRISINDBALKRISIND
Key highlights: 💡⚡
✅On 1hr Time Frame Stock Showing Breakout of Falling wedge Pattern .
✅ Strong Bullish Candlestick Form on this timeframe.
✅It can give movement up to the Breakout target of 2045+.
✅Can Go Long in this stock by placing a stop loss below 1960-.
✅breakout this can give risk:reward upto 1:3+.
Double bottom pattern breakout in SBILIFESBILIFE
Key highlights: 💡⚡
✅On 1hr Time Frame Stock Showing Breakout of Double bottom Pattern .
✅ Strong Bullish Candlestick Form on this timeframe.
✅It can give movement up to the Breakout target of 1130+.
✅Can Go Long in this stock by placing a stop loss below 1080-.
✅breakout this can give risk:reward upto 1:4+.