Specialized Finance
With a market cap of ₹28,037 cr, stock is ranked 174
Current price is less than the intrinsic value
Stock has been generating better return on equity than bank FD
Stock offers good dividend returns
Good time to consider, as stock is not in overbought zone
Stock not in ASM/GSM lists and not a lot of promoter holding is pledged
Buy once it crosses 6121!
Once Target 1 is achieved, hold on and
make it a positional trade for Target 2
Target 1 - 6195
Target 2- 6282
5 mins chart, MACD is building up,
RSI (14) has crossed 50
EMA (7) crosses EMA (21).
Open interest futures for the month of Feb has increased largely too.
Futures- 1 lot (250 shares).
Also if it plunges in the first hour of...