Trading indicators Trading indicators are mathematical formulas that give you a way to plot information on a price chart. This information can be used to identify possible signals, trends, and shifts in momentum. In simple terms, trading indicators can highlight when something might be happening.
Learn how to understand the concept of a stock trading indicator, how it affects your trading results and how to use to your benefit during day trading!
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) ...
Bollinger Bands Trading Indicator. ...
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) ...
Fibonacci Trading Indicator. ...
Pivot Points.
Advanced Divergence Trading"Welcome to SkyTradingZone "
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Video Information -
Hello , Everyone lets start the Journey of Advanced Divergence Trading
In this video, we are going to look at divergence.
What is divergence?
Divergence is basically
when the market is creating
higher highs and higher lows, and
the RSI is creating the opposite.
(Divergence can happen in
both downtrends and uptrends.)
Q What divergence does, it's basically
telling you that the trend is weakening.
This is in a downtrend, and the RSI,
the divergence, is basically telling you
that this downtrend is weakening and
there could be a possible reversal soon.
So normally when divergence
is happening, you normally see
The market creates basically a curve.
Structure is always key
It doesn't matter the strategy
you use, structure is always key.
So what you want to see is that
breaker structure to say that the trend
is changing because structure changed.
Note- Normal Tip From our side try to learn Liquidity and order block
BREAKING up the RSI indicator in real - time learning with tradJoin me for a live RSI stock market trading session wherewe'll be using the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to analyze market trends and make informed trades. This is an interactive session, so feel free to ask questions and share your thoughts in the chat. I'll also be sharing my thought process inwe'll analyze real-time data and make informed decisions on the best trading opportunities. I'll share my screen and walk you through my thought process as I navigate the market using RSI indicators to identify oversold and overbought conditions. We'll discuss current market trends and news that could impact our trades. As we go through the session, feel free to ask any questions and participate in the chat. By the end of the session, you'll have a better understanding of how to use RSI in your own trading strategies. Don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe so you never miss a live trading session with me!