option chain analysisTo study an option chain, focus on the current market price, displayed in the centre. Analyse the built-up data to understand market direction based on recent changes in open interest and price. ITM call options are typically highlighted in yellow, making it easier to distinguish them from other options.
Nifty option chain is considered to be the best advance warning system of sharp moves or break outs in the index.
option and database trading Options are a type of contract that gives the buyer the right to buy or sell a security at a specified price at some point in the future. An option holder is essentially paying a premium for the right to buy or sell the security within a certain time frame.
When options are better. Options can be a better choice when you want to limit risk to a certain amount. Options can allow you to earn a stock-like return while investing less money, so they can be a way to limit your risk within certain bounds. Options can be a useful strategy when you're an advanced investor.
2 Potential Swing trading stocks for 23 December MarketsI daily make educational content videos for swing / positional trading
Both are Potential swing trading ideas that are not active yet. I have explained the setup, pattern, and line-making behind them with a solid plan. Let's see if the plan gets activated.
2 Amazing swing trading idea for 20 December MarketsBoth are Breakout trading ideas. One has a nice volume cluster concept along with a nearby hidden line. The other seems like a sleek price action pattern on a weekly time frame but needs closing on Friday. Make your journals for the same, and let's observe the charts tomorrow.
Technical analysis MACDMACD is a momentum indicator, which follows trends and belongs to the oscillator family of technical indicators. It permits you to: According to the relationship between two moving averages, determine the current trend direction (bullish or bearish) and forecast where the price is more likely to go.
The 12 represents a moving average of the previous 12 bars. The 26 represents a moving average of the previous 26 bars. The 9 represents a moving average of the difference between the two moving averages above.
Journey of Advanced Divergence TradingCommon types of trading are intraday, positional, swing, long-term trading, scalping, and momentum trading. Trading involves exchanging goods or services. In stock trading, investors buy and sell stocks from companies within regulated markets overseen by Indian regulatory bodies.
Master these skills and then you'll get a genuine shot at being a trading master.
Skills #1 and #2 – Research and Analysis. ...
Skill #3 – Adapting Your Market Analysis to Changing Market Conditions. ...
Skill #4 – Staying in the Game. ...
Skills #5 and #6 – Discipline and Patience. ...
Bonus Skill #7 – Record Keeping. ...
In the End.
How to Journal as a Trader or Investor on Trading View ? Summary of this video
There could be Two types of people Journaling, one who is daily journaling and one who is weekly journaling; both will do the job.
You can make two notebooks for the same: Feelings-based Journal and Stats-based Journaling.
Both serve different purposes.
A feeling-based journal helps you to create a daily habit of writing some compulsory things like pre-market, vix, post-market, and setups, and ask why in terms of positions - if taken and if not taken, whereas to get into the habit of writing a feelings based journal also dig deep into some really important terms like cpi inflation, ppi of some significant economies which effects your markets. These things won't affect your trading, but such add-ons help you give a direction to your journaling power.
A Stats-based journal contains different columns, as told in the video; feel free to add more of your favorite ones and change them as you wish, but every single trade should be respected in such a manner. Journal every single trade like this in terms of numbers. Remars is very important in this journal as it will guide your Fear and Greed.
In conclusion, Finally, if you can do this for at least one month, you will see good results, but what exactly do you have to see?
After one month, read your first-day feeling journal and the first two or three trade remarks. You will be amazed to see how silly mistakes you made in the past or how efficient you were back then and now you are making those mistakes; either will help you grow in mindset and profitability. It enables you to become a better trader by 1% daily.
Feel free to put more ideas and thoughts below in the comment section. Good luck journaling