Trend Analysis
Simple strategy for investors and long term positional tradersPresenting a very simple strategy for investors and long term positional traders using 200 day SMA and MACD to achieved good returns by riding bull run and cut losses early.
Please share your feedback and suggestions. _/\_
How to use the Groot Indicator
If you are using a black theme as I usually use, You need to use this chart.
If you are using a light theme like all other normal people, You need to use this chart.
Be it Harmonic Pattern or a Price Action Pattern. It is good to have an indicator backing our initial theory to weed out more false positives. But all oscillators are lagging indicators which translates into the fact that your confirmation will come after the trade is triggered and may be done and dusted. If it comes late, Your risk-reward system gets screwed too.
25 indicates overbought.
75 indicates oversold.
But, as it has the impact from the volume of the stock apart from prices, it can not be named as a lagging nor a leading indicator. That's gives it an upper hand.
Use it for divergence testing and as an additional method for confirming Potential Reverse Zones (PRZs)
DAILY MARKET OUTLOOK AND POSSIBLE SETUPSWe have seen some possible setups in the market, So I have decided to share my some knowledge to other traders who want to understand price action analysis and I suggest to the new trader to do not make analysis more complicated, make it simple. I hope it will help and this video is for education purpose only, I do not recommend to anyone for buy or sell, Do your own research before trading.