Producer Manufacturing

Sri Lankan companies engaged in producer manufacturing sector

These Sri Lankan companies operate in the same sector, producer manufacturing. They're equipped with price, change, and other stats to help you get the most details. The list contains stocks for any strategy: giants with large caps like HAYLEYS PLC, top gainers like BUKIT DARAH PLC, and more. Filter the list and check companies' performance in a convenient way.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
HAYL.N0000HAYLEYS PLC78.75 B LKR105.00 LKR+0.48%213.056 K0.867.8813.32 LKR+429.92%5.10%
BUKI.N0000BUKIT DARAH PLC50.796 B LKR500.00 LKR+4.17%110.007.0770.75 LKR+35.21%2.14%
RICH.N0000RICHARD PIERIS PLC48.841 B LKR23.9 LKR0.00%62.357 K0.3120.891.14 LKR+407.95%2.50%
RCL.N0000ROYAL CERAMICS LANKA PLC37.114 B LKR33.4 LKR−0.30%671.747 K0.655.585.99 LKR+20.75%8.66%
CIC.X0000CIC HOLDINGS PLC28.02 B LKR57.6 LKR−0.52%110.879 K0.382.0528.10 LKR+124.18%4.36%
CIC.N0000CIC HOLDINGS PLC28.02 B LKR77.6 LKR+0.26%145.498 K0.492.7628.10 LKR+124.18%3.17%
DIPD.N0000DIPPED PRODUCTS PLC25.022 B LKR41.9 LKR+0.48%284.136 K0.215.497.63 LKR+48.37%3.47%
HAYC.N0000HAYCARB PLC23.324 B LKR78.7 LKR0.00%455.816 K3.476.5512.01 LKR+7.40%5.99%
AACL.N0000ACL CABLES PLC22.784 B LKR95.5 LKR−1.24%111.011 K0.255.9416.09 LKR+1.20%1.31%
Strong buy
LWL.N0000LANKA WALLTILE PLC14.005 B LKR51.5 LKR−1.34%133.501 K1.166.757.63 LKR−10.05%9.16%
TILE.N0000LANKA TILES PLC13.714 B LKR51.7 LKR−0.19%7.524 K0.105.928.74 LKR−7.07%11.03%
KCAB.N0000KELANI CABLES PLC7.684 B LKR352.00 LKR−0.85%16.235 K0.454.1485.08 LKR−10.21%2.84%
BPPL.N0000B P P L HOLDINGS LIMITED5.83 B LKR19.0 LKR+1.06%74.437 K4.641.74%
BOGA.N0000BOGALA GRAPHITE LANKA PLC4.968 B LKR53.0 LKR+0.19%23.725 K1.2925.542.08 LKR+32.37%0.00%
REXP.N0000RICHARD PIERIS EXPORTS PLC4.421 B LKR399.50 LKR−0.06%4540.5458.546.82 LKR3.03%
CWM.N0000C. W. MACKIE PLC3.527 B LKR97.5 LKR−0.51%690.018.0312.14 LKR+7.43%8.16%
DOCK.N0000COLOMBO DOCKYARD PLC3.435 B LKR47.9 LKR−0.21%1.22 K0.05−113.39 LKR−206.50%0.00%
CIND.N0000CENTRAL INDUSTRIES PLC2.843 B LKR118.50 LKR0.00%22.658 K0.324.5326.17 LKR+2.86%5.11%
COCO.N0000RENUKA FOODS PLC2.037 B LKR11.0 LKR−3.51%125.273 K1.85−4.53 LKR−44.22%0.00%
COCO.X0000RENUKA FOODS PLC2.037 B LKR10.2 LKR+2.00%9.543 K1.18−4.46 LKR−45.19%0.00%
LITE.N0000LAXAPANA BATTERIES PLC1.219 B LKR19.0 LKR−1.04%23.56 K0.774.963.83 LKR+191.26%8.15%
ACME.N0000ACME PRINTING & PACKAGING PLC465.5 M LKR4.9 LKR+2.08%2.601 K0.31−2.64 LKR−268.63%0.00%
PARA.N0000PARAGON CEYLON PLC51.414 M LKR51.5 LKR−0.96%1300.3223.422.20 LKR0.00%
CCSLK.N0000CABLE SOLUTIONS9.9 LKR0.00%247.054 K0.36