
By Asror212
Tillada 99% aniqlikda ishlaydigan indicator. Sizning daromadingizni sezilarli darajada oshiruvchi yordamchi. Ishlatishdan oldin strategiyasi bilan tanishing. Indicatorni aktivlashtirish uchun telegramdan murojaat qling:
Release Notes
Tillada 5m timeframe da biriktirilgan strategiya bo'yicha ishlaydigan indicator. Murojaat telegram: @hodlxl
Bands and ChannelsBill Williams IndicatorsBreadth IndicatorsXAUUSD

Invite-only script

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Author's instructions

Tillada 99% aniqlikda ishlaydigan indicator. Sizga xar kunlik stabil daromad olib kelishi mumkin.ishlatishdan oldin strategiyasi bilan tanishing. Barcha huquqlar himoyalangan. telegramdan murojaat qiling. Sinab ko'rish uchun murojaat: yoki 94

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