FVG MTF II, multiple time frame Fair Value Gap

This is FVG indicator, it outlines the location of the efficiently traded candle.
Areas that were traded in one direction, representing volume and unfilled gaps or hidden gaps in price.
An area where Price pass through long or short only, leaving it inefficiently traded and where the market with high probility might return to trade this area in a later time in the other direction leaving it efficiently traded or to rebalance.
you can use up to multiple time frames, for full market visibility.

Indentifies market impulsive move away from Order Block
This indicator captures 99.9% of FVG on your chart

This indicator works:
on every timeframe (eg. 1M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H, 6H, D, ...) up to 5 at the same time.
on cryptocurrencies (eg. BTCUSD, ETHUSD , ETHBTC, and BTC markets, ...)
on forex (eg. EURUSD , GPBUSD, NZDUSD , ...)
on stocks (eg. NKE, TSLA , AXP, BA, ...)
on commodities (eg. GOLD, SILVER, ...)

This indicator has following options:
edit color and size of label, you can choose your color base on your interedted time frame.
Please Pm me for use of indicator.
Release Notes
updated color to differentiate long and short

Invite-only script

Access to this script is restricted to users authorized by the author and usually requires payment. You can add it to your favorites, but you will only be able to use it after requesting permission and obtaining it from its author. Contact NKYIMU for more information, or follow the author's instructions below.

TradingView does not suggest paying for a script and using it unless you 100% trust its author and understand how the script works. In many cases, you can find a good open-source alternative for free in our Community Scripts.

Author's instructions

Want to use this script on a chart?

Warning: please read before requesting access.

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