Library "Drawing" User Defined types and methods for basic drawing structure. Consolidated from the earlier libraries - DrawingTypes and DrawingMethods method get_price(this, bar) get line price based on bar Namespace types: Line Parameters: this (Line) : (series Line) Line object. bar (int) : (series/int) bar at which line price need to be...
Library "Waves" Methods for elliot wave detection method delete(this) deletes the subwave drawing Namespace types: Subwave Parameters: this (Subwave) : Subwave object to be deleted Returns: deleted subwave object method delete(this) deletes the wave drawing and the corresponding subwaves Namespace types: Wave Parameters: this...
Library "Graph" Library to collect data and draw scatterplot and heatmap as graph method init(this) Initialise Quadrant Data Namespace types: Quadrant Parameters: this (Quadrant) : Quadrant object that needs to be initialised Returns: current Quadrant object method init(this) Initialise Graph Data Namespace types: Graph Parameters: ...
Library "InsertionSort" Library of sorting algorithm for binary insertion sort and related methods method binary_insertion_sort(sortedArray, item, order) binary insertion sort - inserts item into sorted array while maintaining sort order Namespace types: array Parameters: sortedArray (array) : array which is assumed to be sorted in the requested...
Library "divergingchartpattern" Library having implementation of converging chart patterns getPatternNameByType(patternType) Returns pattern name based on type Parameters: patternType (int) : integer value representing pattern type Returns: string name of the pattern method find(this, sProperties, dProperties, patterns, ohlcArray) find...
Library "convergingpatterns" Library having implementation of converging chart patterns getPatternNameByType(patternType) Returns pattern name based on type Parameters: patternType (int) : integer value representing pattern type Returns: string name of the pattern method find(this, sProperties, dProperties, patterns, ohlcArray) find...
Library "simpletrade" Library with Simple Trade types and tracking mechanism method evaluate(this) Evaluate current trade and update status Namespace types: SimpleTrade Parameters: this (SimpleTrade) : SimpleTrade object that need to be evaluated Returns: current SimpleTrade object method erase(this) Erase SimpleTrade drawings Namespace...
Library "basechartpatterns" Library having complete chart pattern implementation getPatternNameById(id) Returns pattern name by id Parameters: id (int) : pattern id Returns: Pattern name method find(points, properties, dProperties, ohlcArray) Find patterns based on array of points Namespace types: chart.point Parameters: points...
Library "abstractchartpatterns" Library having abstract types and methods for chart pattern implementations checkBarRatio(p1, p2, p3, properties) checks if three zigzag pivot points are having uniform bar ratios Parameters: p1 (chart.point) : First pivot point p2 (chart.point) : Second pivot point p3 (chart.point) : Third pivot point ...
Library "ohlc" Library having OHLC and Indicator type and method implementations. getOhlcArray(o, h, l, c, barindex, bartime, indicators) get array of OHLC values when called on every bar Parameters: o (float) : Open price h (float) : High Price l (float) : Low Price c (float) : Close Price barindex (int) : bar_index of OHLC...
Library "chartpatterns" Library having complete chart pattern implementation method draw(this) draws pattern on the chart Namespace types: Pattern Parameters: this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn Returns: Current Pattern object method erase(this) erase the given pattern on the chart Namespace types:...
Library "LineWrapper" Wrapper Type for Line. Useful when you want to store the line details without drawing them. Can also be used in scnearios where you collect lines to be drawn and draw together towards the end. method draw(this) draws line as per the wrapper object contents Namespace types: Line Parameters: this (Line) : (series Line) Line...
Library "ZigzagLite" Lighter version of the Zigzag Library. Without indicators and sub-component divisions method getPrices(pivots) Gets the array of prices from array of Pivots Namespace types: Pivot Parameters: pivots (Pivot ) : array array of Pivot objects Returns: array array of pivot prices method getBars(pivots) Gets the array of...
Library "arraymethods" Supplementary array methods. delete(arr, index) remove int object from array of integers at specific index Parameters: arr : int array index : index at which int object need to be removed Returns: void delete(arr, index) remove float object from array of float at specific index Parameters: arr : float...
Library "Zigzag" Zigzag related user defined types. Depends on DrawingTypes library for basic types method tostring(this, sortKeys, sortOrder, includeKeys) Converts ZigzagTypes/Pivot object to string representation Namespace types: Pivot Parameters: this (Pivot) : ZigzagTypes/Pivot sortKeys (bool) : If set to true, string output is sorted by...
Library "cphelper" ACPU helper library - for private use. Not so meaningful for others. calculate_rr(targetArray, rrArray, breakevenOnTarget1) calculates risk reward for given targets Parameters: targetArray (float ) : array of targets rrArray (float ) : array of risk reward breakevenOnTarget1 (simple bool) : option to breakeven Returns:...
Library "ReversalChartPatternLibrary" User Defined Types and Methods for reversal chart patterns - Double Top, Double Bottom, Triple Top, Triple Bottom, Cup and Handle, Inverted Cup and Handle, Head and Shoulders, Inverse Head and Shoulders method delete(this) Deletes the drawing components of ReversalChartPatternDrawing object Namespace types:...
Library "TradeTracker" Simple Library for tracking trades method track(this) tracks trade when called on every bar Namespace types: Trade Parameters: this (Trade) : Trade object Returns: current Trade object Trade Has the constituents to track trades generated by any method. Fields: id (series int) direction (series int) :...