[DN]DNKUMOThis script draws some of MA line with momentum bar on your chart.
These lines looks like ICHIMOKU. You could use this script like ICHIMOKU, I hope :-)
Ichimoku Cloud
InariN CloudSInariN CloudS (INCS) is my custom model of InariN.
I usually use INCS in 300 ticks (other software) and 5 minutes charts for day trading.
Please read script "InariN simple" for basic usage.
I share background and fundamental ideas of day trading and INCS here.
I start with the practical conclusion and then explain INCS.
Maybe you'll notice that most indicators are unnecessary at the end of this text.
Anyway I compile fundamental ideas that I wanted to know as a beginner.
(I'll update to finish this text, please wait for some time.)
///Premise of trading///
Market's purpose...facilitating trading
Trader's purpose...making money
Market is stronger than trader and trader need adjust to market.
However trader have controllable side.
Market's control...Trend, Volatility
Trader's control...Money management, Making Risk:Reward, Choosing and exercising trading strategy
///Simple rule (Conclusion)///
I made simple rule "Just Do It Now" to check essential ideas on every trade.
Traders can use thousands of indicators but only use three choices "Buy, Sell and No trade".
If you have bad result, you had better suspect not your indicators but your three choices at first.
(This is one of the best advice I have ever heard by N jijii.)
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo + FractalsIn contrast to my Ichimoku ++ Study this is a pure Ichimoku Konko Hyo Study with Bill Williams Fractals (I couldn't leave out the fractals as these levels are too important for Ichimoku trading).
In this study you can find many visualisation options for the Ichimoku Indicator and the signals the Ichimoku Tradingsystem can provide.
Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen are provided optionally as mtf levels.
An mtf price cloud relationship is shown in the upper right.
The included signals are:
B1/S1 is a strong filtered signal. The condition for long entry is:
price > Kumo AND Chikou > price AND Chikou > Kumo AND Tenkan > Kijun AND Komo is green
B2/S2 is a less filtered signal. The condition for long entry is:
price > Kumo AND Chikou > price AND Tenkan > Kijun
IB/IS is a confluence signal. The condition for a long/short entry is: more than 50% of the 8 defined conditions must trigger a long signal. Below 50% long, it is a short signal because more than 50% of the entry conditions have triggered a short signal.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - mtf clustersThis script can show mtf-clusters from higher time frames. Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, Senko-span A and Senko-span B are displayed in the current time frame from higher time frames (the range is from 1 minute to the monthly time frame). Sometimes these levels form clusters that act as strong levels of support and resistance.
Pink panther It is a simple indicator, you can use it with all time frames. So the pink line present the last high potential area that price try to breakout , and to use it you must consider three main things :
1- price on your time frame above Ichimoku cloud.
2- RSI above 50.
3- MACD crossover.
how to execute your order?
when price break the pink line and close 1 minute candle .
InariN BasicInariN is original work by N jijii.
I think InariN is modern interpretation of Ichimoku Cloud.
Please read script "InariN simple" for basic usage.
Multi time flame candles in this script is great work Candlestick Plot MTF by mortdiggiddy.
Supplementary explanation :
N jijii decided basic numbers as Ichimoku.
"I" first swing is 9. Only first swing is 9 because all numbers is consisted of nine numbers except start point 0 (his philosophy).
The second and subsequent is 8 because tangent point of previous swing is not counted (his philosophy).
"V" second swing is 9 + 8 = 17. "N" third swing is 9 + 8 + 8 = 25.
"N N = N2" is 25 +24 = 49. "N4" is 97. "N9"is 217.
He used basic numbers for parameters.
I think his idea is unique but the important point is this basic numbers are about popular numbers traders usually use and we can use as the same.
N2 and N9 spans is slightly difficult to use (Ichimoku lagging span).
Basically N span is used to measure Time Retracement and momentum.
If you want to practice Time Retracement , please check script "Ichimoku Time Retracement".
Ichimoku Time RetracementThis is educational tool for understand pullback measurement .
Price pullback and Time pullback is basic concept for ichimoku.
I change parameters to understand relationship of each line easily and add lines .
Ichimoku Cloud - AlertsIchimoku cloud
IC is a trend - following system with an indicator similar to moving averages
It predicts price movements
Offers a unique perspective of support and resistance levels.
Conversion Line (Turning Line)
- Measures Short Term Trend
- SIgnals an area of minor support and resistance
Base Line (Confirmation Line)
Measures Medium term trend
Used as Trailing Stop Level.
Lagging Span (Lagging Line)
Used for Confirmation of signals
Can also serve as Support and Resistance Level
Kumo Cloud
Formed of two lines: Span A (Green Line) and Span B (Red Line)
Dynamic Support and Resistance .
Conversion Line
If the Market Price is above the Conversion Line = Short Term Upward Movement
If the Market Price is below the Conversion Line = Short Term Downward Movement
Increasing Conversion Line = Upward Short Term Trend
Decreasing Conversion Line = Downward Short Term Trend
Base Line
If the Market Price is above the baseline = Medium - term upward trend
If the Market price is below the baseline = Medium - Term downward Trend
Increasing Base Line = Upward Medium term trend
Decreasing Base Line = Downward Medium Term Trend
Lagging Span
The Evolution of the current price action in relation to previous price action
If the Lagging span is above the current price = Bullish Bias
If the Lagging span is below the current price = Bearish Bias
Lagging span near the current price = Trading range
Kumo Cloud
Dynamic Support and Resistance based upon price action.
The longer the price stays below/above the Kumo cloud, the STRONGER the trend is.
When the cloud is wide, the expected support or resistance is strong
When the cloud is thin, the expected support or resistance is weak
Never trade inside the KUMO CLOUD.
Baseline and conversion Line crossover (Lagging Span as a Filter)
crossover(conversion line, baseline) = Buy
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) = Sell
crossover(conversion line, baseline) and lagging span is Bullish (i.e above the price) = Buy
Crossunder(conversion line, baseline) and lagging span is Bearish (i.e below the price) = Sell
2. Baseline - Conversion line crossover (Kumo cloud Filter)
crossover(conversion line, baseline) above the Kumo Cloud = Strong Buy
crossover(conversion line, baseline) below the Kumo cloud = Weak Buy
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) below the Kumo Cloud = Strong Sell
crossunder(conversion line, baseline) above the Kumo Cloud = Weak Sell
3. Kumo Cloud Breakout
When the price enters the Kumo Cloud, and breaks its Upper wall upward = Bullish Signal
When the price enters the Kumo Cloud, and breaks its Lower wall downward = Bearish Signal
4. Kumo Cloud Crossover
When Span A cuts the Span B from below to the upside and prices are positioned above the Kumo Cloud = Strong Buy Signal
When Span A cuts the Span B from upside to the bottom and the prices are positioned below the Kumo Cloud = Strong Sell
When Span A cuts Span B from bottom to the upside and prices are positioned below the Kumo Cloud = Weak Buy Signal
When Span A cuts Span B from the upside to the bottom and the prices are positioned above the Kumo Cloud = Weak Sell Signal.
NOTE:- Some of the signals collide with each other, but they collide for the same call, so shouldn't really be a problem overall. Let me know if you have any suggestions to nullify the trading Range. Though I do plan on adding my Renko code to it for filtering out Trading Range.
2 VWAP with selective timeframe and Display liked Ichimoku CloudSET:CKP
This is my first indicator of VWAP that I fork from the original script by public script "VWAP Periodic".
You can see that original script by type "VWAP Periodic" from "New" in "Pine Indicator".
The reason that I want to share my script is only one thing. That I need to discuss, Is this indicator can identify the trend and can use it to adapt to the "Buy-On-Dip" strategy?
Double VWAP can show you 2 lines of VWAP form different periods as my default is "Week" and "Month" timeframe.
Not at all, it fulfils with the background of the simple colour which can be defined Trend just liked "Ichimoku Cound" (Yes indeed, green is uptrend and red is downtrend).
I hope this indicator will help :)
Wishing you good health and get wealth too. :) :) :)
สวัสดีครับมิตรสหายทุกท่าน อินดิเคเตอร์ที่ผมจะมานำเสนอมิตรสหายนี้ เป็นอินดี้ที่จะแสดงเส้น VWAP ได้ทั้งหมด 2 เส้น โดยท่านสามารถระบุ Timeframe ของ VWAP ที่ท่านต้องการได้เลยครับ
ก่อนอื่นผมของออกตัวก่อนครับ ว่าอินดิเคเตอร์นี้ผมโฟร์คมาจาก Original Public Script จากใน Pinescript แห่ง Trading View นี่ละครับ จากอินดิเคเตอร์ที่มีชื่อว่า "VWAP Periodic" ซึ่งท่านสามารถ กดดู Original Script ได้จากการกดที่
1) ไพน์อินดิเคเตอร์
2) กดเลือกคำว่า "ใหม่"
3) หาอินดิเคเตอร์ที่ชื่อว่า "VWAP Periodic"
แต่กระนั้นแล้ว ผมจะเปิดโชว์สคริปของผมที่นำมาโฟร์คแล้วให้ทุกท่านได้รับชมกันด้านล่างในส่วนของโค้ดนะครับ
จุดประสงค์ของอินดิเคเตอร์นี้คือได้ฟังแนวคิดของ VWAP จากกัลยาณมิตรเทรดเดอร์ด้วยกันแล้วรู้สึกคลิ๊ก กับอินดิเคเตอร์นี้มากครับ
จะมีอะไรดีไปกว่าการได้รู้ต้นทุนราคาของแต่ละช่วงเวลา ทั้งไทม์เฟรมที่ใหญ่อย่างระดับ "เดือน (เส้นสีเขียว)" และ ระดับ "สัปดาห์ (เส้นสีแดง)" ได้พร้อมกันและดูแท่งเทียนเพื่อ "จับจังหวะซื้อ"(ในไทม์เฟรม ระดับ วัน) ที่ราคาต่ำกว่าค่า VWAP อีกเล่าอรชุน
จุดประสงค์หลักของอินดิเคเตอร์นี้ คือมีไว้เพื่อระบุเทรนด์โดยอาศัยการดูระยะห่างของเส้น VWAP ทั้ง 2 เส้นนี้ และระบุ "จุดกลับตัว" เมื่อก้อนเมฆสีเขียวและแดงเริ่มหายไป เสมือนกับอินดิเคเตอร์ "เมฆหมอกแห่งอิชิโมคุ"
นอกจากนี้เมื่อราคาหุ้นปรับตัวเป็นเทรนด์ขาขึ้นแล้ว เรายังสามารถซื้อเฉลี่ยขาขึ้น หรือใช้กลยุทธ์ Buy-on-Dip ได้อีกด้วยครับ โดยเฉลี่ยซื้อเมื่อราคาตกย่อมาอยู่ที่เส้นสีเขียว แบบนี้เป็นต้นครับ
ผมหวังว่าอินดิเคเตอร์นี้จะเป็นประโยชน์ให้แก่มิตรสหาย และกัลยาณมิตรเทรดเดอร์ทุกท่านนะครับ
ผมขออวยพรให้ทุกท่านมีความสุข ออกจากสนามแข่งหนูนี้ ได้รับอิสระภาพทางการเงิน และ "มีสุขภาพที่แข็งแรง" Work life balance ทุกท่านครับ
ขอบคุณครับ :) :) :)
InariN simpleJapanese legendary day trader's indicator "InariN" .
"N jijii " introduced this original indicator at his ebook and I made it simple for my own use .
This is not original type but I picked up essential elements to practice his idea .
I guess he is real forex day trader and "InariN" is similar to "Ichimoku" .
I have used this at EUR/USD 5 minutes chart for several months and I get basis for judgement .
This is not a magical tool but you can make good reference point to use this .
I think " I " means first swing , " nari " is " become " and " = " , and " N " is third swing .
For example , look at chart , AB is first swing ,BC is second and CD is third .
In many cases ,AB = CD and it called measured move .
"InariN" provide reference point to decide always-in ,entry point , entry timing and exit point.
"InariN" is a trendfollowing tool , you can judge bull or bear by a few lines .
25 ema represent short time frame , 49 (about 4 hour bar at 5 minutes chart ) is middle time frame and 217 (about 18 hour at 5 minutes chart )is long time frame (preset periods is "N jijii" style . please use favorite time frame ).
For example , when current price is above 25ema ,49ema and 217 High-low band"s middle line , market is strong bull .
So you can do multi time frame analyze .
Hint ; you also have to check daily chart's trend .
Every line provided by "InariN" tends to become bull-bear battle point , so you can easily check where is support and resistance line .
Hint ; Especially 25ema is important to pullback entry in trend and 217 high-low line is important to do fade trade in range and reversal .
You have to wait entry until touch and stick lines and follow winner (to avoid failed breakout check shrinking bar) .
You can also use lines to except exit point because high-low band is symmetry .
Hint ; I recommend use custom fibonacci retracement tool to measure Risk-Reward Ratio and exit point .
I customized fibo tool to be symmetry .
Entry point ,exit point and loss cut point became symmetry and you can add other symmetry points more .
For example , look at chart , blue lines is fibo tool and you can measure exit point .
Have fun!!
Ichimoku ++ public v0.9Description:
The intention of this script is to build/provide a kind of work station / work bench for analysing markets and especially Bitcoin . Another goal is to get maximum market information while maintaining a good chart overview. A chart overloaded with indicators is useless because it obscures the view of the chart as the most important indicator. The chart should be clear and market structure should be easy to see. In addition, some indicator signals can be activated to better assess the quality of signals from the past. The chart environment or the chart context is important for the quality of a signal.
The intention of this script is not to teach someone how to trade or how to use these Indicators but to provide a tool to analyse markets better and to help to draw conclusions of market behaviour in a higher quality.
A general advise:
Use the included indicators and signals in a confluent way to get stoploss, buy and sell entry points. SR clusters can be identified for use in conjunction with fractals as entry and exit pints. My other scripts can also help. Prefer 4 hours, daily and a longer time frame. There is no "Holy Grail" :).
If someone is new to trading you should learn about the indicators first. Definitely learn about Ichimoku Cloud Indicator.
Integrated indicators are:
Ichimoku Cloud and signals
Parabolic SAR and signal
ATR stop
Bollinger Bands
EMA / SMA and background color as signal
Williams Fractals and signal
Puell Multiple signal
yashi guys
this indicator contain two lines :
the conversion line shifted 17 bar and base line shifted 26 bar
with this indicator u can found where the komo switched and found some potential reversal pivot point
enjoy : Ahmad
Sto RSI and kijun-sen line to determine and follow the trend This script uses 25-75 treshold of stochastic RSI with the help of kijun-sen as confirmation, to find entry points to any trend either newly developed or an established one. I just realized it on the 1 hour SPX chart. Sure it can be used on other symbols. Crossing above/below 25/75 line of sto RSI is considered as buy/sell signal. Signals are evaluated whether price be above/below kijun-sen line. If a sell signal below kijun-sen is generated it is a continuation signal for downtrend, otherwise it is a countertrend signal (maybe a signal for a new downtrend). A countertrend signal must be evaluated carefully and only accepted in the right side of kijun-sen. e.g entering a sell signal generated above kijun-sen should be accepted only below the kijun-sen, vice-versa.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (colorblind friendly)This is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator, using colorblind friendly colors as much as possible so that every line or cloud trend can be identified more easily. It is correctly visible both in bright and dark mode.
Note: I have only tested the visibility on myself (I'm deuter), if anyone with another kind of colorblindness has issues distinguishing lines, I'll happily take any suggestion to improve this script.
Rainbow Gator - EMAs strategy for Binary OptionThis is an EMAs indicator for Binary Option or Scalping Alert designed for lower Time Frame Trend (2-5minutes).
Although you will find it a useful tool for higher time frames as well.
The Alerts are generated when the fast EMA cross over/under other slower EMAs, you then have the chance to wait for the pullback during the new trend then enter for trend momentum (follow the trend).
Beware when the trend is close to EMA200.
You must draw your SRT (Support-Resistance-Trendline) before looking for setups.
Good luck.
Overlay_set by HallyIt is a set of overlay indicators that combine 5 simple moving averages, Bollinger band, and clouds of Ichimoku cloud.
The reason I made this is because I want to make it easier to switch the display of the indicator when trading in a short time.
For example, if you double-click SMA, the setting dialog for this indicator opens. Immediately check the check box of the Bollinger you want to add and close the dialog.
You can quickly switch the display with this feeling and save the amount of mouse movement.
Trend Follow with kijun-sen/tenkan sen for 1 Hour SPX
This script determines, plots and alerts on probable trend initiation and continuation points, using tenkan-sen(conversion line of ichimoku), kijun-sen(baseline of ichimoku) and stochastic RSI, for 1 H SPX.
New long/short trend initiates when prices cross above/below kijun sen. The trend continues when prices cross above/below tenkan-sen or stochastic RSI crosses up/down its signal line, while prices are above/below kijun-sen.
It is good to take partial profit between 10-15 points gain and trail the left with stops below kijun-sen line.
While placing the order, using 2-3 points buffer above/below of signal bars is recommended. Additionally, please be careful about clouds and do not place long/short orders below/above clouds.
Short-Term Ichimoku Kinko-hyo+This Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo is an indicator which has been changed for short-term trading and, It has a “target price theory(one of three theory of Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo) function.”
Also, In this indicator, It can be plotting the “Span model”, “Super Bollinger Bands” which has Invented by a Japanese currency dealer Toshihiko Masaki, And Moving Average.
In addition, you can select setting only “clouds” and “Lagging span” or displaying Default Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo.
This indicator is modified original Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo, but It made based on the true usage of Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo.
For the evidence, I referred to the book supervised by Ichimoku-Sanjin the third generation.
Describe below about features↓↓↓.
- 2nd Cloud to check relation two Lead Lines and Lagging span.
- Background-color for discovering “Three Roles Improvement (In Japanese: 三役好転)” and “Three Roles Reversal (In Japanese: 三役逆転)”.
- Signal of Crossing Base Line and Conversion Line.
- mode selection of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
- Calculation feature for Target Price theory.
- A switch to replace Base Line and Conversion Line with 3 Moving Average lines.
- And others...
Ichimoku Kumo Switch Indicator [Mehdihz]This simple indicator just shows Ichimoku's Kumo cloud status.
Blue for increasing Kumo
Red for decreasing Kumo
Ichimoku with Correct DisplacementThe default Ichimoku Cloud by TradingView is strange. The kumo is only displaced 25 periods forward, and the chikou is displaced 25 periods back. This is because TradingView had the correct value for displacement (26), but they decided to subtract this displacement by 1 when actually drawing the kumo and add 1 when drawing the chikou. This script fixes this and allows for easier customization of each line in the Ichimoku.
Tenkan-Sen Kijun-Sen Distance (TKD) Oscillator - IchimokuThe TKD is the distance between the Tenkan-Sen and the Kijun-Sen, expressed in percentage of current price. The further apart the tenken-sen and kijun-sen are, the more they want to snap back together. This makes for a decent oscillator. When the Tenkan-Sen is above the Kijun-Sen, the TKD is green. When it is below, the TKD is red. At the crossing points, it turns blue.
For those more familiar with Ichimoku Cloud techniques, one might also think of this indicator as a C-Clamp indicator. Bar coloring is supported and enabled by default. There's also an option to flip/invert the green/red colors in case you want to use it to judge pending cycles rather than current ones.
Hakimi - Ichi Based Pivot Time Prediction - V.2This indicator is based on multitime ichimoku and can be used to predict some of pivots .
How to use:
1- Select the arbitrary chart (Candles, Heikin Ashi, Line and Renko) and time frame.
2. Set the “Offset” value. Default value is -1.
3. Set the “Time Coefficient 1” to “Time Coefficient 4”. Default values are 2, 3, 4 and 5.
MTF Ichimoku CloudIchimoku Cloud , Multiple Time Frames, based on the script : MTF Selection Framework functions (PineCoders)
Possible display:
- four differents Ichimoku
- Tenkan, Kijun, Chikou and Kumo (monochrome or not)
- labels : offset from line, color if you change style and with/without abbreviation
Time Frames :
- 1m
- 3m
- 5m
- 15m
- 30m
- 45m
- 1h
- 2h
- 3h
- 4h
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly