Ichimoku w/Heikin-Ashi Ichimoku w/Heikin-Ashi displays the Heikin-Ashi and leading lagging span of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
If you change to Heikin-Ashi as it is, the basis of the calculation of Ichimoku will also use the Heikin-Ashi, so after displaying the Heikin-Ashi independently, then the calculation uses the original candlestick.
Initially, two candlesticks are displayed so that you can switch between candlesticks and Heikin-Ashi. If you uncheck the standard candlesticks check box to hide them, only Heikin-Ashi will be displayed.
In addition, the lagging span is displayed as the leading lagging span in order to align the viewpoint to one current place.
9Week_CandleThe 9-week candle is a candlestick writing method introduced in "Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Weekly”, which creates positive and negative candles at the closing price of the current week and the opening price of 9 weeks ago to know the current state of the market. By combining the period of the basic numerical value of 9 as one candlestick, it becomes easier to grasp the direction and time relationship.
By default, the upper and lower shadows are displayed, but if you set the shadow color to the same as the background color in the settings, you can display the positive and negative of only the body.
I also created a 3-day candle based on the same method, so please use it as well.
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo [DM]Ichimoku Kinko Hyo PineV5
The Ichimoku Cloud is a package of multiple technical indicators that signal support, resistance, market trend, and market momentum. It is one of the few indicators out there that attempts to convey a number of meaningful insights into one. For that reason it can be hard to understand at first glance, but is commonly used among professional traders and market participants.
In the late 1960s, Goichi Hosada introduced the Ichimoku Cloud. It took several years for its adoption and understanding to take off, but today it is commonly known and used as an indicator in the field of technical analysis.
The Ichimoku Cloud can be calculated in several different ways. It depends on your timeframe, needs, and expertise in technical analysis.
The Cloud is an integral part of the technical indicator as a whole and helps traders and investors identify the specific calculations made to the chart. Price below the cloud indicates a downward trend, whereas price above the cloud indicates an uptrend. These trend signals can strengthen if both the cloud and the price are moving in the same direction. Similarly, the signals can weaken if the cloud is moving in the opposite direction.
What to look for
By using various averages, the Ichimoku Cloud indicator gives traders and investors key and extensive data information. Trends are high when price is above the cloud, weak when price is below the cloud, or transitioning when price is seen inside the cloud.
As was mentioned in the Calculation section above, when Leading Span A falls below Leading Span B, we can confirm a downtrend. The cloud, in this case, displays a red hue. When Leading Span A is above Leading Span B, we can confirm an uptrend. The cloud, in this case, displays a green hue.
The Ichimoku cloud can be used with other technical indicators in order to better assess risk. By looking at larger trends, with the help of multiple indicators, traders are able to see how smaller trends can fit within the general market picture as a whole.
With all of the lines and cloud shading and data points, the chart can look a little crowded and stuffy. In order to work through this, there’s software that can hide these lines so the chart looks cleaner for traders and all the information you’d like to see is at the forefront of the chart. At TradingView, we have special features available for all our users. Anyone using our platform can pick which lines and backgrounds they’d like shown and can also customize the color, line thickness, and opacity with a simple click.
more info: ichimoku.org
ICHIMOKU Trading betaIchimoku Kinko Hyo is a trend-following trading system with 5 indicators. All the five indicators have a different purpose and successful Ichimoku trading required in-depth analysis of all indicators. The script interpreted each indicator and develop a score to indicate the overall strength.
I have taken the idea from the book “Trading with Ichimoku Clouds by MANESH PATEL”. The scoring system is mine to get an idea about how all the indicators are performing together.
If most of the indicators are confirming then the score will be high.
I am very new to Pinescript, so waiting for your comments and review.
You can view all comments by turning the comments on.
Equilibriums -- Based on Ichimoku Kinko HyoIntro:
Hello dear traders. Lately I have been studying Ichimoku for trading. Personaly I find myself in a long lasting quest of creating an automated trading strategy that works.
Let me tell you it aint easy. On this route I made countless of indicators some of which are worthless, others that have some potential. I did not publish these indicators as I do not want to bother people with sub par indicators that waste your time. My belief is strong and some day I will probably succeed in creating a working strategy.
About the indicator:
While researching Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (thanks chaostrader69 for providing such invaluable knowledge) I came across the numbers that define ichimoku. The Tenkan-sen and Kijun-sen lines and even the cloud are based on these numbers and create market equilibrium. The market always wants to return to this equilibrium. As a pine scripter and curious individual I made this indicator to expand the Tenkan and Kijun lines to more of these ichimoku number periods.
Ofcourse this creates a mess of an indicator especialy when combined with the real ichimoku which is already too much info to grasp and apply correctly for most traders. I can not recommend any strategy with this indicator and that is why I want to deliver this simple script to the public. Opinions and trading theorys regarding these lines are very welcome.
As you can see by the chart on the publication of this script the lines where nice and open and not crossing eachother in a clear uptrend. While when it was trading sideways the lines did not show direction at all and where close to eachother and crossing. Thx for taking the time to read this and possibly giving feedback. Feedback on the colors/line thickness is also welcome as I want my indicators to be beautiful!
Ichimoku [xdecow]The Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (Ichimoku Cloud) is a popular indicator / system.
In this version you will have a panel that shows the main signs of this system.
Each signal can have its status as bullish (weak, neutral or strong), consolidation and bearish (weak, neutral or strong).
Kijun-Sen Cross
Occurs when the price closes above/below the Kijun-sen.
Weak Bullish: Occurs below the Kumo.
Weak Bearish: Occurs above the Kumo.
Bullish/Bearish Neutral: Occurs inside the Kumo.
Strong Bullish: Occurs above the Kumo.
Strong Bearish: Occurs below the Kumo.
TK Cross
Occurs when the Tenkan-sen crosses the Kijun-sen.
Weak Bullish: Occurs when the crossing is below the Kumo.
Weak Bearish: Occurs when the crossing is above the Kumo.
Bullish/Bearish Neutral: Occurs when the crossing is inside the Kumo.
Strong Bullish: Occurs when the crossing is above the Kumo.
Strong Bearish: Occurs when the crossing is below the Kumo.
Chikou Span Cross
Occurs when the Chikou Span crosses the price.
Weak Bullish: Occurs when current price is below the Kumo.
Weak Bearish: Occurs when current price is above the Kumo.
Bullish/Bearish Neutral: Occurs when current price is inside the Kumo.
Strong Bullish: Occurs when current price is above the Kumo.
Strong Bearish: Occurs when current price is below the Kumo.
Kumo Breakout
Occurs when the price closes above/below the Kumo.
Kumo Twist
Occurs when the Senkou Span A crosses the Senkou Span B ahead.
Weak Bullish: Occurs when current price is below the Kumo.
Weak Bearish: Occurs when current price is above the Kumo.
Bullish/Bearish Neutral: Occurs when current price is inside the Kumo.
Strong Bullish: Occurs when current price is above the Kumo.
Strong Bearish: Occurs when current price is below the Kumo.
In addition, Senkou Span B turns golden when it is flat and the cloud is lighter when it is thin (default is half the average of the last 610).
Ichimoku all signalsIchimoku Cloud All Signals!
This indicator shows all Ichimoku Cloud signals for (entering/exiting/confirming/or even staying) in a position.
you can choose a signal related to your strategy and use it.
you can choose which signals to be shown on the chart by changing the settings.
here are some examples of signals that you can get from this indicator:
Crossover/under conversion line & base line
Crossover/under lead line1 & lead line2
Crossover/under conversion line & lead line1
Crossover/under base line & lead line1
Crossover/under conversion line & lead line2
Crossover/under base line & lead line2
Crossover/under close & base line
Cloud Breakouts in both directions!
and 74 signals more !!!!
Now_n_FutureNow_n_Future base on Kumo cloud of Ichimoku Kinki Hyo system with detail below:
1. The Now Line
- When price moving above Kumo, color of now line is green.
- When price moving below Kumo, color of now line is red.
- When price moving inside Kumo, color of now line is gray.
- When price go into Kumo, now line appear gray dot.
- When price cross over Kumo, now line appear green dot.
- When price cross under Kumo, now line appear red dot.
2. The Future Line
- When Senkou Span A moving above Senkou Span B, color of future line is green.
- When Senkou Span A moving below Senkou Span B, color of future line is red.
- When Senkou Span A cross over Senkou Span B, future line appear green dot.
- When Senkou Span A cross under Senkou Span B, future line appear red dot.
3. Trading
- When color of both now line and future line is green, consider open Long position or close Short position.
- When color of both now line and future line is red, consider open Short position or close Long position.
Multi Timeframe Kijun-sen [Takazudo]Multi Timeframe Kijun-sen implementation. Kijun-sen is a part of Ichimoku Kinko-hyo. This study is intented to be used as a part of buy/sell strategies.
This may be useful for lower timeframe entries.
This Kijun-sen script can be smooth using MA.
Ichimoku Kinkō HyōThe Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is an trading system developed by the late Goichi Hosoda (pen name "Ichimokusanjin") when he was the general manager of the business conditions department of Miyako Shinbun, the predecessor of the Tokyo Shimbun. Currently, it is a registered trademark of Economic Fluctuation Research Institute Co., Ltd., which is run by the bereaved family of Hosoda as a private research institute.
The Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is composed of time theory, price range theory (target price theory) and wave movement theory. Ichimoku means "At One Glace". The equilibrium table is famous for its span, but the first in the equilibrium table is the time relationship.
In the theory of time, the change date is the day after the number of periods classified into the basic numerical value such as 9, 17, 26, etc., the equal numerical value that takes the number of periods of the past wave motion, and the habit numerical value that appears for each issue is there. The market is based on the idea that the buying and selling equilibrium will move in the wrong direction. Another feature is that time is emphasized in order to estimate when changes will occur.
In the price range theory, there are E・V・N・NT calculated values and multiple values of 4 to 8E as target values. In addition, in order to determine the momentum and direction of the market, we will consider other price ranges and ying and yang numbers.
If the calculated value is realized on the change date calculated by each numerical value, the market price is likely to reverse.
転換線 (Tenkansen) (Conversion Line) = (highest price in the past 9 periods + lowest price) ÷ 2
基準線 (Kijunsen) (Base Line) = (highest price in the past 26 periods + lowest price) ÷ 2
It represents Support/Resistance for 16 bars. It is a 50% Fibonacci Retracement. The Kijun sen is knows as the "container" of the trend. It is prefect to use as an initial stop and/or trailing stop.
先行スパン1 (Senkou span 1) (Lagging Span 1) = {(conversion value + reference value) ÷ 2} 25 periods ahead (26 periods ahead including the current day, that is)
先行スパン2 (Senkou span 2) (Lagging Span 2) = {(highest price in the past 52 periods + lowest price) ÷ 2} 25 periods ahead (26 periods ahead including the current day, that is)
遅行スパン (Chikou span) (Lagging Span) = (current candle closing price) plotted 26 periods before (that is, including the current day) 25 periods ago
It is the only Ichimoku indicator that uses the closing price. It is used for momentum of the trend.
The area surrounded by the two lagging span lines is called a cloud. This is the foundation of the system. It determines the sentiment (Bull/Bear) for the insrument. If price is above the cloud, the instrument is bullish. If price is below the cloud, the instrument is bearish.
The wave theory of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo has the following waves.
All about the rising market. If it is the falling market, the opposite is true.
I wave rise one market price.
V wave the market price that raises and lowers.
N wave the market price for raising, lowering, and raising.
P wave the high price depreciates and the low price rises with the passage of time. Leave either.
Y wave the high price rises and the low price falls with the passage of time. Leave either.
S wave A market in which the lowered market rebounds and rises at the previous high level.
There are the above 6 types but the basis of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is the N wave of 3 waves.
In Elliott wave theory and similar theories, basically there are 5 waves but 5 waves are a series of 2 and 3 waves N, 3 for 7 waves, 4 for 9 waves and so on.
Even if it keep continuing, it will be based on N wave. In addition, since the P wave and the Y wave are separated from each other, they can be seen as N waves from a large perspective.
There are basic E・V・N・NT calculated values and several other calculation methods for the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. It is the only calculated value that gives a concrete value in the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, which is difficult to understand, but since we focus only on the price difference and do not consider the supply and demand, it is forbidden to stick to the calculated value alone.
(The calculation method of the following five calculated values is based on the rising market price, which is raised from the low price A to the high price B and lowered from the high price B to the low price C. Therefore, the low price C is higher than the low price A)
E calculated value The amount of increase from the low price A to the high price B is added to the high price B. = B + (BA)
V calculated value Adds the amount of decline from the high price B to the low price C to the high price B. = B + (BC)
N calculated value The amount of increase from the low price A to the high price B is added to the low price C. = C + (BA)
NT calculated value Adds the amount of increase from the low price A to the low price C to the low price C. = C + (CA)
4E calculated value (four-layer double / quadruple value) Adds three times the amount of increase from the low price A to the high price B to the high price B. = B + 3 × (BA)
Calculated value of P wave The upper price is devalued and the lower price is rounded up, and the price range of both is the same.
Calculated value of Y wave The upper price is rounded up and the lower price is rounded down, and the price range of both is the same.
Multi Timeframe Silent IchimokuMulti Timeframe Silent Ichimoku
Is an upgrade on my previous Silent Ichimoku indicator witch attempts to filter out the noise from the Ichimoku indicator By only coloring the bars
Green if the Ichimoku spots an uptrend
Red if Ichimoku spots a downtrend
And Gray if Ichimoku spots consolidation
This Indicator adds the ability to filter out some bad signals by taking the Ichimoku from the higher time frame into consideration and providing a visual back test
Huge shout out to fareidzulkifli for the Quick Backtest Framework Awesome tool to add to your framework
Silent IchimokuSilent Ichimoku
attempts to filter out the noise from the Ichimoku indicator By only coloring the bars
Green if the Ichimoku spots an uptrend
Red if Ichimoku spots a downtrend
And Gray if Ichimoku spots consolidation
MTF Ichimoku Signal [Takazudo]A multi timeframe Ichimoku Signal indicator. This indicator shows the status of each Ichimoku Signals.
1. TK-Cross
Tenkan-Sen & Kijun-Sen cross status
2. Future Kumo
The newest Kumo color
3. Kumo & Current Relation
The relation between current price & Kumo.
4. Kumo & Chikou-Span Relation
The relation between Kumo & Chikou-Span.
5. Chikou-Span & Candle Cross
Chikou-Span & Candle cross status
Ichimoku Basic AlertsStarted with Ichimoku Kinko Hyo by Mizuki32. Converted to study and added alerting and cloud confirmation.
Ichimoku BarsThis script follows off the principles of the Ichimoku Cloud indicator. The green zones display optimal time to buy according to the Ichimoku model. The red zones show optimal time to sell according to the Ichimoku model inverse. The yellow zones show where the conversion line meets the base line (potential up or down movement at this point). Feel free to contact me to fix any problems or add additional info.
Ichimoku Trend DirectionThis script will help you detect the current trend of market use Ichimoku trading system. We use the default parameters.
To reduce risk, ONLY trade follow the trend of high time frame!
Very simple to use:
- Green background when market Up trend
- Red background when market Down trend
Have a nice trade! :P
Simple Ichimoku Signal v1Simple Ichimoku Signal v1 - Use Original Japanese Ichimoku System
You can set alert to get notify on your phone when the signals appear:
- BUY signal (green arrow): when all lines of Ichimoku system have bullish
- SELL signal (red arrow): when all lines of Ichimoku system have bearish
Very easy to use for everyone expecially people who has less time for trading. Simple but very effective!
Please remember: all trading system can be right/wrong so the risk management is super important!
Good luck!
【Super Bollinger】The market consists of three phases: an uptrend phase, a downtrend phase, and a range-bound phase.Furthermore, if we include a trend phase and a correction phase, the market has five phases. In other words, the market is classified into the “five phases” as below:
1) Uptrend market (trend phase, upward bias)
2) Downtrend market (trend phase, downward bias)
3) Upward correction phase (correction phase, upward bias)
4) Downward correction phase (correction phase, downward bias)
5) Range-bound phase, sideways (correction phase, basically not biased)
For your judgment of the above market trends, Super Bollinger is extremely useful and effective. And Super Bollinger has advantage in judging market price level.
With regard to Chikou Span,this span gives very useful information about (1) the direction of the market (being in an upward bias by buying pressure or in a downward bias by selling pressure) , (2) the timing of buying on the dip or selling on the rally, (3) the market’s temporal rhythm etc..
【SpanModel】The Span Model is a very unique chart which shows us especially when to buy and when to sell. And the Span Model has advantage in judging the trade timing.
The Span Model is composed of only three lines (spans).
They are the Blue Span, the Red Span and the Chikou Span.
And a major characteristic of the Span Model is the signals (Span Model Signals) of the two types explained below:
1) Buy signal
The buy signal is lit when the Blue Span sits above, and the Red Span sits below.
2) Sell signal
The sell signal is lit when the Red Span sits above, and the Blue Span sits below.
Dual SuperTrend, Ichimoku and DMI Color Weighted by DGTThis study interprets SuperTrend with Ichimoku Cloud, one of the popular technical analysis indicator, and interprets Directional Movement (DMI), which is another quite valuable technical analysis indicator.
Then combines the interpreted SuperTrend with interpreted Directional Movement (DMI) and Volume Based Colored Bars indicator created by Kıvaç ÖZBİLGİÇ (permission has been granted from the author)
Here are details of the concept applied
1- SuperTrend Line colored based on Ichimoku Cloud
The Ichimoku Cloud, developed by Goichi Hosoda and published in the late 1960s, is a collection of technical indicators that give it a unique capacity to show support and resistance levels, momentum and trend direction
What Does the Ichimoku Cloud Tells?
The overall trend is up when price is above the cloud, known as Kumo Cloud, down when price is below the Kumo Cloud, and trendless or transitioning when price is in the Kumo Cloud
When Senkou Span A (Leading Span A) is rising and above Senkou Span B (Leading Span B), this helps confirm the uptrend and space between the lines is typically colored green. When Senkou Span A is falling and below Senkou Span B, this helps confirm the downtrend. The space between the lines is typically colored red
Traders often use the Kumo Cloud as an area of support and resistance depending on the relative location of the price. The Kumo Cloud provides support/resistance levels that can be projected into the future. This sets the Ichimoku Cloud apart from many other technical indicators that only provide support and resistance levels for the current date and time
Crossovers, also known as TK Cross among Ichimoku Cloud traders, are another way the indicator can be used. Watch for the Tenkan-Sen Line, or Conversion Line, to move above the Kijun-Sen Line, or Base Line, especially when price is above the Kumo cloud. This can be a powerful buy signal. One option is to hold the trade until the Tenkan-Sen drops back below the Kijun-Sen Line. Any of the other lines could be used as exit points as well.
With this study:
Allow Traders to use the Ichimoku Cloud in conjunction with other technical indicators to maximize their risk-adjusted returns
The Ichimoku Cloud can make a chart look busy with all the lines. To Remedy this a different approach is applied in this study showing the Price and the Kumo Cloud relation as well as TK Crosses displayed. The SuperTrend Indicator is chosen to display Ichimoku Indicator, where the SuperTrend is another trend following indicator.
How it works:
SuperTrend Line is colored as:
Green when the Price is above the Kumo Cloud
Red when the Price is below the Kumo Cloud
Black when the Price is within the Kumo Cloud
And Finally Blue when the Kumo Cloud Is not ready to be drawn or not Kumo Cloud available
Additionally intensity of the colors used in all cases above are defined by values of Tenkan-Sen and Kijun-Sen Line, which allows us to detect TK Crosses
2- Plots Colored Directional Movement Line
Directional Movement (DMI) (created by J. Welles Wilder ) is actually a collection of three separate indicators combined into one. Directional Movement consists of the Average Directional Index (ADX) , Plus Directional Indicator (+D I) and Minus Directional Indicator (-D I) . ADX's purposes is to define whether or not there is a trend present. It does not take direction into account at all. The other two indicators (+DI and -DI) are used to compliment the ADX. They serve the purpose of determining trend direction. By combining all three, a technical analyst has a way of determining and measuring a trend's strength as well as its direction.
This study combines all three lines in a single colored shapes series plotted on the top of the price chart indicating the trend strength with different colors and its direction with triangle up and down shapes.
What to look for
Trend Strength : Analyzing trend strength is the most basic use for the DMI. Wilder believed that a DMI reading above 25 indicated a strong trend, while a reading below 20 indicated a weak or non-existent trend
Crosses : DI Crossovers are the significant trading signal generated by the DMI
With this study
A Strong Trend is assumed when ADX >= 25
Bullish Trend is defined as (+D I > -DI ) and (ADX >= 25), which is plotted as green triangle up shape on top of the price chart
Bearish Trend is defined as (+D I < -DI ) and (ADX >= 25), which is plotted as red triangle down shape on top of the price chart
Week Trend is assumed when 17< ADX < 25, which is plotted as black triangles up or down shape, depending on +DI-DI values, on top of the price chart
Non-Existent Trend is assumed when ADX < 17, which is plotted as yellow triangles up or down shape, depending on +DI-DI values, on top of the price chart
Additionally intensity of the colors used in all cases above are defined by comparing ADX’s current value with its previous value
3- Volume Based Colored Bars indicator created by Kıvaç ÖZBİLGİÇ
Volume Based Colored Bars colors the bars into volume weighted signals increasing the visibility of the Volume changes. Intensity of the colors of the bars varies according to average value of the volume for given length of bars (default value set to 30 bars)
Disclaimer: The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitutes professional and/or financial advice. You alone the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd tradingview user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo (colorblind friendly)This is the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo indicator, using colorblind friendly colors as much as possible so that every line or cloud trend can be identified more easily. It is correctly visible both in bright and dark mode.
Note: I have only tested the visibility on myself (I'm deuter), if anyone with another kind of colorblindness has issues distinguishing lines, I'll happily take any suggestion to improve this script.
Ichimoku Bollinger BandsThis indicator is a standard set of Bollinger Bands with some functionality borrowed from Ichimoku Kinko Hyo. There's an added SMA (9) that gets shaded green when it's above the basis line of the Bollinger Bands (SMA 20) and turns red when it falls below. No, it's not remotely where the Ichimoku Cloud would appear, but it's a decent trend indicator regardless.
You also get Ichimoku's Lagging Span to help verify the strength of the trend. When the Lagging Span rises above the price history, the trend is up. When the Lagging Span rises above the Bollinger Bands, the uptrend is super strong. And the opposite conditions signal downtrends.
Short-Term Ichimoku Kinko-hyo+This Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo is an indicator which has been changed for short-term trading and, It has a “target price theory(one of three theory of Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo) function.”
Also, In this indicator, It can be plotting the “Span model”, “Super Bollinger Bands” which has Invented by a Japanese currency dealer Toshihiko Masaki, And Moving Average.
In addition, you can select setting only “clouds” and “Lagging span” or displaying Default Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo.
This indicator is modified original Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo, but It made based on the true usage of Ichimoku Kinko-Hyo.
For the evidence, I referred to the book supervised by Ichimoku-Sanjin the third generation.
Describe below about features↓↓↓.
- 2nd Cloud to check relation two Lead Lines and Lagging span.
- Background-color for discovering “Three Roles Improvement (In Japanese: 三役好転)” and “Three Roles Reversal (In Japanese: 三役逆転)”.
- Signal of Crossing Base Line and Conversion Line.
- mode selection of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
- Calculation feature for Target Price theory.
- A switch to replace Base Line and Conversion Line with 3 Moving Average lines.
- And others...