Support Levels | Line Volume [dimon1ua]Accurate levels of support - resistance, for accurate entry at turning points.
Fibonacci Camarilla Pivot Points Strategy Prototype
Camarilla pivot points with level 5 and another level 3 based on 1.618 added
Option to toggle regular Camarilla or Fibonacci based Camarilla pivot points
Option to toggle labels, candle overlay, levels, and more
Camarilla pivot points have greatly interested me due to the extremely choppy nature of the cryptocurrency market when it isn't going through a bull run. Camarilla pivot points aren't traditional pivots; the hlc3 of the previous candle close is the basis for each level, as the inventor felt that mean reversion to that previous value was likely.
Last High and Low Level Backtest This script shows a high and low period value.
SelectPeriod - Day or Week or Month and etc.
LookBackPeriods - Shift levels 0 - current period, 1 - previous and etc.
You can change long to short in the Input Settings
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Last High and Low Level Strategy This script shows a high and low period value.
SelectPeriod - Day or Week or Month and etc.
LookBackPeriods - Shift levels 0 - current period, 1 - previous and etc.
- This script to change bars colors
High and Low Levels Strategy This script shows a high and low period value.
Width - width of lines
SelectPeriod - Day or Week or Month and etc.
LookBack - Shift levels 0 - current period, 1 - previous and etc.
- This script to change bars colors.
Linear LevelsThis is a simple indicator that draws linear levels over your price chart.
Enter two price levels and it will draw 10 more levels above/below (depending on the order of Price 1 & Price 2)
Fibonacci Auto ModeThis script is an attempt to display Fibonacci Levels in Auto Mode.
It allows for:
Select Higher Time Frame (HTF)
Indicate How Many Bars from HTF to Use to Find Highs/Lows
Manual Mode: Overrides HTF selections
Number of Bars Back to use in Manual Mode
Show/Hide each one of the Levels
Highlight RLZ
Opening-RangesThis indicator will give you expansion levels of the opening range ( I recommend/use 15 min opening range) to trade futures and stocks. There are two colors used, the Fuchsia(Magenta) colored dots are the opening range added and subtracted from opening price. The Aqua(Cyan) colored dots are the opening range stacked. Like blocks. They are both respected during the day. But not as much as longer time frame fib levels.
Static pivots levels
This tool graphs 3 levels with high pivot probability and each level represents the weighted average of the price during the last period of time.
Weighted average of the last Day
Weighted average of the last Week
Weighted average of the last Month
Each level can represent a level of support or resistance, depending on the case. Also these levels make the function of magnet or price trampoline, it may well attract or repel the price.
Let me know your questions by private chat.
Dynamic Price ClusterWith the Dynamic Price Cluster you can find areas of high commercial interest in any time frame.
Dynamic Price Cluster (DPC) dynamically represent different areas of high commercial interest and it are composed of 3 lines or levels
The set, group or cluster of levels will be maintained as long as the market conditions satisfy or it are in accordance with the current area of commercial interest. Once a new area of commercial interest is generated, a new DPC will be created.
By knowing these areas of high commercial value you will know if the market has a bullish or bearish sentiment, you will know when you are trading for or against the trend and you will be able to manage your operation doing trailing-stop .
If you have any questions, please let me know by private chat.
Bank Levels (Colored)Bank levels - highs and lows - of the previous day, week, and month only, colored in for visual effect. Includes history of past bank levels as opposed to my other bank levels script.
Bank Levels, 6 Previous, D W MIf you trade Forex this is the indicator you need above all. Most recent six highs and lows on the daily, weekly, and monthly (includes current day). Support and resistance isn't quite what it is...until when that's exactly how it often plays out on the lines. They are called bank levels for a reason. *Not every line will support or resist of course*
CMYK HIGH LOW◊ Introduction
This script is intended do display High and Low values, alongside Highest and Lowest of an adjustable period
◊ Adjustments
CMYK color theme applied.
Price color changes if EMA >< EMA
◊ Usage
For those who use Line, Break, or Area Type Charts.
Usefull to quickly display proper levels for buying selling on minute-term trading
◊ Future Prospects
Somehow displaying the highest & Lowest values in a large font.
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TradersHunt Buy & Sell LevelsTradersHunt's Buy & Sell Indicator is designed for Intraday Trading for Indian Market but it can also be used for Global Markets and Commodities. It is based on Support & Resistance Levels.
The details are as follows;
Green Level indicates buy price, a trader should wait for 15min candle to close above it and Red level can be used as SL if trader is taking long position. The Black colored levels above Green are Targets for taken Long Position. Similarly red colored level indicates Sell value and levels below it are targets for short position.
visit our website for more information.
X-LinesИндикатор X-lines давно известен для пользователей торговой платформы Metatrader 4 & 5. Он показывает интересные рынку цены (уровни поддержки и сопротивления). Индикатор работает без опоздания и как только бар будет закрыт по интересующей рынок цене, тут же над ним появится символ "X" и начнется прорисовка уровня до следующего важного значения . Уровни (цены) которые указывает индикатор являются истинно важными для рыночного процесса (по ним отрабатывается или отрабатывался в прошлом крупный объем сделок). Соответственно подобные цены в будущем могут быть целью торгового процесса и могут выступать, как поддержкой так и сопротивлением.
Настройка индикатора предельно проста, имеется возможность менять значение только одного параметра: Levels Power (сила уровней), по умолчанию значение равно 9-ти. Чем выше значение тем более слабые уровни показывает индикатор (соответственно уровней становится больше). В случае низких цифр индикатор показывает сильные и более важные цены (соответственно уровней становится меньше). Работу индикатора обеспечивает авторский алгоритм. Индикатор не строит уровни по вершинам цен или по краевым барам он автоматически и своевременно определяет отработку объема по цене закрытия бара тем самым обеспечивая практически 100% точность уровня.
Важно отметить, что в силу особенностей облачного языка PINE индикатор кое что потерял, а кое что приобрел. Для более удобной разметки уровней, просто расставите горизонтальные ценовые уровни соответственно показаниям индикатора.
The X-lines indicator has been long time known by users of the Metatrader 4 & 5 trading platform. It shows interesting market prices (support and resistance levels). The indicator works without delay and as soon as the bar is closed at the interesting price, immediately after that the symbol "X" will appear above bar and the level will be drawn to the next important value . The levels (prices) that the indicator showing are truly important for the market process (according to them, a large volume of transactions is processed or was working out in the past). Accordingly, such prices in the future can be the goal of the trading process and can act as support and resistance.
The adjustment of the indicator is extremely simple, it is possible to change the value of only one parameter: Levels Power, which default value is 9. The higher the value, the weaker the levels, the indicator (correspondingly, the levels becomes larger). In the case of low figures, the indicator shows stronger and more important prices (correspondingly, the levels are getting smaller). The work of the indicator is provided by the author's algorithm. The indicator does not build levels at the tops of prices or on edge bars, it automatically and in a timely manner determines the amount of work to be done at the closing price of the bar, thereby providing a nearly 100% level accuracy.
It is important to note that, due to the peculiarities of the cloud-based PINE language, the indicator has lost something, and has acquired something. For a more convenient level markup, simply place the horizontal price levels according to the indicator readings.
Hawkeye Levels ATR downExit at the right time with Levels ATR!
Levels ATR is a powerful series of user pre-defined levels, which act as both potential exit positions and stop loss management.
The Levels ATR indicator helps traders identify clear exit strategies.
Inexperienced traders can:
spend too long focusing on where to enter the position
spend no time on where to exit or take profits
allow the market to dictate the exit following a particular chart pattern or set up
be panicked into exiting
Few traders concentrate on their exit strategies, yet this is where the big profits are made!
Hawkeye Levels ATR upExit at the right time with Levels ATR!
Levels ATR is a powerful series of user pre-defined levels, which act as both potential exit positions and stop loss management.
The Levels ATR indicator helps traders identify clear exit strategies.
Inexperienced traders can:
spend too long focusing on where to enter the position
spend no time on where to exit or take profits
allow the market to dictate the exit following a particular chart pattern or set up
be panicked into exiting
Few traders concentrate on their exit strategies, yet this is where the big profits are made!
Hawkeye Levels ATRExit at the right time with Levels ATR!
Levels ATR is a powerful series of user pre-defined levels, which act as both potential exit positions and stop loss management.
The Levels ATR indicator helps traders identify clear exit strategies.
Inexperienced traders can:
spend too long focusing on where to enter the position
spend no time on where to exit or take profits
allow the market to dictate the exit following a particular chart pattern or set up
be panicked into exiting
Few traders concentrate on their exit strategies, yet this is where the big profits are made!
BANK LEVELSHello Traders,
This is another Indicator following to my Reversal Zones indicator !
This script will display the Buying and Selling levels that the Banks are Interested in.
On current day chart, it displays four Price lines ( Monthly Demand & Supply and Weekly Demand & Supply levels)
Previous levels are displayed as dots and those can be referred for analysis by drawing horizontal lines on top of it.
Displayed on all Time frames.
Colours of lines can be customised.
Happy trading,
Auto DayWeekMonth Fib Levels R2 by JustUncleLThis indicator automatically draws up to Three Sets of Fibonacci Pivot levels based on the previous Candle period's Range (High-Low). The HLC3 is used as the default Pivotal level. Only the most Recent period Candle Levels are displayed. The longer Weekly and Monthly sets are particularly useful in finding long term Supply and Demand levels.
The three sets of selectable periods are spit into the following sets:
Daily Set (1,2,3,4,5,7,10 or 14 Days)
Weekly Set (1,2,3,4,5,10, or 13 Weeks)
Monthly Set (1,2,3,4,5,6,9 or 12 months)
Each set has the option to display Extension levels.
The Pivotal Level HLC3 and Range = (High - Low), are extracted from previous Period Candle.
FIB LEVELS Colours (same in each period set):
Yellow = Pivot and Pivot Zone (HLC3 by default)
Fuchsia = R1,S1 Levels 0.368 * Range
Lime = R2,S2 Levels 0.618 * Range
Red = R3,S3 Levels 0.786 * Range
Aqua = R4,S4 Levels 1.000 * Range
Green = R5,S5 Levels 1.236 * Range
Orange = R6,S6 Levels 1.382 * Range
Black = R7,S7 Levels 1.618 * Range
Maroon = R8,S8 Levels 2.000 * Range
B3 Level_BreakUsable on any style chart, B3_Level_Break is simply a breakout play off the highest high or lowest low of a period. What makes this script slightly different is that it looks forward and backward for the pivotal point. This line is then carried forward with time decay; they will either erase with time, or erase when crossed by price. So many traders young and old like to draw price level lines, and this indicator certainly helps the lazy person do this.
Hedge Fund firms and trading groups around the market use indicators like this one to bring awareness to the last time price failed to reach further. When these levels are approached again, the cloud-fill will highlight the break outs, but a firm trader isn't always trading the breakout. What a good trader will do is look at the Level 3 data and the Time & Sales to determine if the story of supply and demand is pointing to a breakout, or a reversal (like a double-top or double-bottom).
I have automated this strategy to some varying degrees of success, avoiding the range reversal trades. Like any trend finding indicator, a rangy day will be tough to find a good signal from it. However, if you find range with no breakouts in this indicator, an oscillator of your choosing would be appropriate to trade the reversals within the ranges.
On a NQ1! 5m chart I have been using a length of anywhere from 7 to 16, (higher length gets you out of noise). The higher in interval you go, the less length you likely need. I have been looking at Stochastic turns at OVB OVS in combination with stocks breaking out on this indicator length set to 3 with interval Day or 4-6hr charts. Its a good catch for fading an earnings dip or bump after the call, or simply a confirming entry on the old school stochastic swing trade.
It has been some time since I have made a post. I will continue to post anything I find useful. It's best in the market to find things that work and stick with them, so it should make sense that I don't post as often. Enjoy !! :)