[GYTS-CE] Flux Composer🧬 Flux Composer (Community Edition)
🌸 Confluence indicator in GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸
The Flux Composer is a powerful tool in the GYTS suite that is designed to aggregate signals from multiple Signal Providers, apply customisable decaying functions, and offer customisable and advanced confluence mechanisms. This allows making informed decisions by considering the strength and agreement ("when all stars align") of various input signals.
🌸 --------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------- 🌸
1️⃣ Main Highlights
2️⃣ Flux Composer’s Features
Multi Signal Provider support
Advanced decaying functions
Customisable Flux confluence mechanisms
Actionable trading experience
User-friendly experience
3️⃣ User Guide
Selecting Signal Providers
Connecting Signal Providers to the Flux Composer
Understanding the Flux
Tuning the decaying functions
Choosing Flux confluence mechanism
Choosing sensitivity
Interpreting the Flux for trading signals
4️⃣ Limitations
🌸 ------ 1️⃣ --- MAIN HIGHLIGHTS --- 1️⃣ ------ 🌸
- Signal aggregation : Combines signals from multiple different 📡 Signal Providers, each of which can be tuned and adjusted independently.
- Decaying function : Utilises advanced decaying functions to model the diminishing effect of signals over time, ensuring that recent signals have more weight. In addition to the decaying effect, the "quality" of the original signals (e.g. a "strong" GDM from WaveTrend 4D with GDM ) are accounted for as well.
- Flux confluence mechanism : The aggregation of all decaying functions form the "Flux", which is the core signal measurement of the Flux Composer. Multiple mechanisms are available for creating the Flux and effectively using it for actionable trading signals.
- Visualisation : Provides detailed visualisation options to help users understand and tune the contributions of individual Signal Providers and their decaying functions.
- Backtesting : The 🧬 Flux Composer is a core component of the TradingView suite of the 🌸 GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸. It connects multiple 📡 Signal Providers, such as the WaveTrend 4D, and processes their signals to produce a unified "Flux". This Flux can then be used by the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" for backtesting and trade automation.
🌸 ------ 2️⃣ --- FLUX COMPOSER'S FEATURES --- 2️⃣ ------ 🌸
Let's delve into more details...
💮 1. Multi Signal Provider support
Using the name of the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" as an analogy: Imagine a symphony where each instrument plays its own unique part, contributing to the overall harmony. The Flux Composer operates similarly, integrating multiple Signal Providers to create a comprehensive and robust trading signal -- the "Flux". Currently, it supports up to two streams from the WaveTrend 4D’s Gradient Divergence Measure (GDM) and another two streams from the WaveTrend 4D's Quantile Median Cross (QMC) .
Note that the GDM includes 2 different continuous signals and the QMC 3 different continuous signals (from different frequencies). This means that the Community Edition can handle 2*2 + 2*3 = 10 different continuous signals.
As GYTS evolves, more Signal Providers will be added; at the moment of releasing the Flux Composer, only WaveTrend 4D with GDM and with QMC are publicly available.
💮 2. Advanced decaying functions
A trading signal can be relevant today, less relevant tomorrow, and irrelevant in a week's time. In other words, its relevance diminishes, or decays , over time. The Flux Composer utilises decaying functions that ensure that recent signals carry more weight, while older signals fade away. This is crucial for accurate signal processing. The intensity and decay settings allow for precise control, allowing emphasising certain signals based on their strength and relevance over time. On top of that, unlike binary signals ("buy now"), the Flux Composer utilises the actual values from the Signal Providers, differentiating between the exact quality of signals, and thus offering a detailed representation of the trading landscape. We will illustrate this in a further section.
💮 3. Customisable Flux confluence mechanisms
Another core component of the Flux Composer is the ability of intelligently combining the decaying functions. It offers two sophisticated confluence mechanisms: Amplitude Compression and Trigonometric. Each mechanism has its unique way of processing the Flux, tailored to different trading needs. The Amplitude Compression method scales the Flux based on recent values, much like the Stochastic Oscillator, while the Trigonometric method uses smooth functions to reduce outliers’ impact We'll discuss this in more detail in the User Guide section.
💮 4. Actionable trading experience
While the mathematical abilities might seem overwhelming, the goal of the Flux Composer is to transform complex signal data into actionable trading signals. When the Flux reaches certain thresholds, it generates clear bullish or bearish signals, making it easy for traders to interpret. The inclusion of upper and lower thresholds (UT and LT) helps in identifying strong signals visually and should be a familiar behaviour similar to how many other indicators operate. Furthermore, the Flux Composer can plot trading signals directly on the oscillator, showing triangle shapes for buy or sell signals. This visual aid is complemented by the possibility to setup TradingView alerts.
💮 5. User-friendly experience
GYTS is all about sophisticated, robust methods but also "elegance". One of the interpretations of the latter, is that the users' experience is very important. Despite the Flux Composer's mathematical underpinnings, it offers intuitive settings that with omprehensive tooltips to help with a smooth setup process. For those looking to fine-tune their signals, the Flux Composer allows the visualisation of individual decaying functions. This feature helps users understand the impact of each setting and make informed adjustments.
🌸 ------ 3️⃣ --- USER GUIDE --- 3️⃣ ------ 🌸
💮 1. Selecting Signal Providers
The Flux Composer’s foundation lies in its Signal Providers. When starting with the Flux Composer, using a single Signal Provider can already provide significant value due to the nature of decaying functions. For instance, the WaveTrend 4D signal provider includes up to two GDM and three QMC signals in a single direction (long/short). Moreover, the various confluence mechanisms that enhance the resulting Flux result in improved discrimination between weak and strong signals. This approach is akin to ensemble learning in machine learning, where multiple models are combined to improve predictive performance.
While using a single Signal Provider is beneficial, the true power of the Flux Composer is realised with multiple Signal Providers. Here are two general approaches to selecting Signal Providers:
Diverse Behaviours
Use Signal Providers with different behaviours, such as WaveTrend 4D on various assets/timeframes or entirely different Signal Providers. This approach leverages diversification to achieve robustness, rooted in the principle that varied sources enhance the overall signal quality. To explain this with an analogy, this strategy aligns with the theory of diversification in portfolio management, where combining uncorrelated assets reduces overall risk. Similarly, combining uncorrelated signals can mitigate the risk of signal failure. A practical example can be integrating a mean-reversion signal with a trend-following signal -- these can balance each other out, providing more stable outputs over different market conditions.
Enhancing a Single Provider
If you consider a particular Signal Provider highly effective, you could improve its robustness by using multiple instances with slight variations. These variations could include different sources (e.g., close, HL2, HLC3), data providers (same asset across different brokers/exchanges), or parameter adjustments. This method mirrors Monte Carlo simulations, often used in risk management and derivative pricing, which involve running many simulations with varied inputs to estimate the probability of different outcomes. By applying similar principles, the strategy becomes less susceptible to overfitting, ensuring the signals are not overly dependent on specific data conditions.
💮 2. Connecting Signal Providers to the Flux Composer
Moving on to practicalities: how do you connect Signal Providers with the Flux Composer? You may have noticed that when you open the drawdown of a data source in a TradingView indicator (with "open", "high", "low", etc.), you also see names from other indicators on your chart. We call these "streams", and the Signal Providers are designed such that they output this stream in a way that the Flux Composer can interpret it. Thus, to connect a Signal Provider with the Flux Composer, you should first have that Signal Provider on your chart. Obviously you should set it up an a way that it seems to provide good signals. After that, in the Data Stream dropdown in the Flux Composer, you can select the stream that is outputted by your Signal Provider. This will always be with a prefix of "🔗 STREAM" (after the Signal Provider's indicator name). See the chart below.
There is one important nuance: when you have multiple (similar) Signal Providers on your chart, it may be hard to select the correct data stream in the Flux Composer as the names of the streams keep repeating when you use identical indicators. So be sure to be attentive as you might end up using the same signals multiple times.
Also, the Signal Providers have an "Indicator name" parameter (and another parameter to repeat this name) that is handy to use when you have multiple Signal Providers on your screen. It is handy to give names that describe the unique settings of that Signal Provider so you can better differentiate what you are looking at on your screen.
💮 3. Understanding the Flux
Let's understand how the Signal Provider's signals are processed. In the chart below, you see we have one Signal Provider (WaveTrend 4D) connected to the Flux Composer and that it gives a bearish QMC signal. The Flux Composer converts this into a decaying function. You can show these functions per Signal Provider when the option "Show decaying function of Signal Provider" is enabled (as it is in the chart).
In our opinion, of crucial importance is the ability to process the quality of signals, rather than just any signal. In mathematical terms, we are interested in continuous signals as these provide a spectrum of values. These signals can reflect varying degrees of market sentiment or trend strength, offering richer information than binary signals, which offer only two states (e.g., buy/sell). Especially in the context of the Flux Composer, where you aggregate multiple signals, it makes a big difference whether you combine 10 weak signals or 10 strong signals. To illustrate this principle, look at the chart below where there are 4 signals of different strengths. As you can see, each of the signals affects the Flux with different intensities.
💮 4. Tuning the decaying functions
As previously mentioned, the decaying functions are a way to give more importance to recent signals while allowing older ones to fade away gradually. This mimics the natural way we assess information, giving more weight to recent events. The decaying functions in the Flux Composer are highly customisable while remaining easy to use. You can adjust the initial intensity , which sets the starting strength of a signal, and the decay rate, which determines how quickly this signal diminishes over time. Let's look at specific examples.
If we add 3 Flux Composers on the chart, connect the same Signal Provider, keep all settings the same with one exception, we get the chart below. Here we have changed the "intensity" parameter of the specific signal. As you can see, the decaying functions are different. The intensity determines the initial strength of the decayed function. Adjusting the intensity allows you to emphasise certain signal types based on their perceived reliability or importance.
Let's now keep the intensity the same ("normal"), but change the "decay" parameter. As you can see in the image below, the decay controls how quickly the signal’s strength diminishes over time. By adjusting the decay, you can model the longevity of the signal’s impact. A faster decay means the signal loses its influence quickly, while a slower decay means it remains relevant for a longer period.
So how do multiple signals interact? You can see this as a simple "stacking of decaying functions" (although there is more to it, see next section). In the chart below we use different "intensity" and "decay" parameters to discuss how the Flux is created.
Hopefully this helps with developing some intuition how signals are converted to decaying functions, how you can control them, and how the Flux is constructed. When tuning these parameters, use the visualisation options to see how individual decaying functions contribute to the overall Flux. This helps in understanding and refining the parameters to achieve the desired trading signal behaviour.
💮 5. Choosing Flux confluence mechanism
While we mentioned that the Flux is a "stacking of individual decaying functions", in the back-end, that is not exactly that simple. Like previously mentioned, for GYTS, "elegance" is very important. One of the interpretations is "user friendliness" and the Flux confluence mechanism is one of the essential developments for this characteristic. The Flux confluence mechanism is critical in synthesising the aggregated signals into the Flux. The choice of mechanism affects how the signals are combined and the resulting trading signals. The Community Edition offers two distinct mechanisms, each with its strengths.
The Amplitude Compression mechanism is intuitive, scaling the Flux based on recent values, intuitively not unlike the method of the well-known Stochastic Oscillator. On the other hand, the Trigonometric mechanism smooths the Flux and reduces the impact of outliers, providing a balanced approach. It's difficult to convey the workings of the Flux confluence mechanism in a chart, but let's take the opportunity to show how the Flux would look like when connecting both GDM and QMC signals to two Flux Composers with default settings, except the Flux confluence mechanism:
You can notice that the upper Flux Converter (FC) triggered two signals while the other FC triggered only one. There are more nuances, especially in combination with tuning the sensitivity and upper/lower threshold (UT/LT) parameters.
💮 6. Choosing sensitivity
Speaking of the sensitivity , this parameters fine-tunes how responsive the Flux is to the input signals. Higher sensitivity results in more pronounced responses, leading to more frequent trading signals. Lower sensitivity makes the Flux less responsive, resulting in fewer but potentially more reliable signals.
You might think that changing the upper/lower threshold (UT/LT) parameters would be equivalent, but that's not the case. The sensitivity In case of the Amplitude Compression mechanism, changing the sensitivity would change the relative Flux shape over time, and with the Trigonometric mechanism, the Flux shape itself (independent of time) would change. In other words, these are all good parameters for tuning.
💮 8. Interpreting the Flux for trading signals
Lastly, the Signal Flux gives buy and sell signals when it crosses the upper/lower thresholds (UT/LT) This can be visualised with the triangles as you may have seen in the charts in the previous sections. For people using TradingView's alerts -- these would work out of the box. And finally, for backtesting and possibly trade automation, we will have the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" that connects with the Flux Composer.
🌸 ------ 4️⃣ --- LIMITATIONS --- 4️⃣ ------ 🌸
Only 🌸 GYTS 📡 Signal Providers are supported, as there is a specific method to pass continuous (non-binary) data in the data stream
At the moment of release, only WaveTrend 4D with GDM and with QMC are available. Other Signal Providers will be gradually released.
Market Sentiment Technicals [LuxAlgo]The Market Sentiment Technicals indicator synthesizes insights from diverse technical analysis techniques, including price action market structures, trend indicators, volatility indicators, momentum oscillators, and more.
The indicator consolidates the evaluated outputs from these techniques into a singular value and presents the combined data through an oscillator format, technical rating, and a histogram panel featuring the sentiment of each component alongside the overall sentiment.
The Market Sentiment Technicals indicator is a tool able to swiftly and easily gauge market sentiment by consolidating the individual sentiment from multiple technical analysis techniques applied to market data into a single value, allowing users to asses if the market is uptrending, consolidating, or downtrending.
The tool includes various components and presentation formats, each described in the sub-sections below.
🔹Indicators Sentiment Panel
The indicators sentiment panel provides normalized sentiment scores for each supported indicator, along with a synthesized representation derived from the average of all individual normalized sentiments.
🔹Market Sentiment Meter
The market sentiment meter is obtained from the synthesized representation derived from the average of all individual normalized sentiments. It allows users to quickly and easily gauge the overall market sentiment.
🔹Market Sentiment Oscillator
The market sentiment oscillator provides a visual means to monitor the current and historical strength of the market. It assists in identifying the trend direction, trend momentum, and overbought and oversold conditions, aiding in the anticipation of potential trend reversals.
Divergence occurs when there is a difference between what the price action is indicating and what the market sentiment oscillator is indicating, helping traders assess changes in the price trend.
The indicator employs a range of technical analysis techniques to interpret market data. Each group of indicators provides valuable insights into different aspects of market behavior.
🔹Momentum Indicators
Momentum indicators assess the speed and change of price movements, often indicating whether a trend is strengthening or weakening.
Relative Strength Index (RSI): Measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions.
Stochastic %K: Compares the closing price to the range over a specified period to identify potential reversal points.
Stochastic RSI Fast: Combines features of Stochastic oscillators and RSI to gauge both momentum and overbought/oversold levels efficiently.
Commodity Channel Index (CCI): Measures the deviation of an asset's price from its statistical average to determine trend strength and overbought and oversold conditions.
Bull Bear Power: Evaluates the strength of buying and selling pressure in the market.
🔹Trend Indicators
Trend indicators help traders identify the direction of a market trend.
Moving Averages: Provides a smoothed representation of the underlying price data, aiding in trend identification and analysis.
Bollinger Bands: Consists of a middle band (typically a simple moving average) and upper and lower bands, which represent volatility levels of the market.
Supertrend: A trailing stop able to identify the current direction of the trend.
Linear Regression: Fits a straight line to past data points to predict future price movements and identify trend direction.
🔹Market Structures
Market Structures: Analyzes the overall pattern of price movements, including Break of Structure (BOS), Market Structure Shifts (MSS), also referred to as Change of Character (CHoCH), aiding in identifying potential market turning and continuation points.
🔹The Normalization Technique
The normalization technique employed for trend indicators relies on buy-sell signals. The script tracks price movements and normalizes them based on these signals.
normalize(buy, sell, smooth)=>
var os = 0
var float max = na
var float min = na
os := buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : os
max := os > os ? close : os < os ? max : math.max(close, max)
min := os < os ? close : os > os ? min : math.min(close, min)
ta.sma((close - min)/(max - min), smooth) * 100
In this Pine Script snippet:
The variable os tracks market sentiment, taking a value of 1 for buy signals and -1 for sell signals, indicating bullish and bearish sentiments, respectively.
max and min are used to identify extremes in sentiment and are updated based on changes in os . When market sentiment shifts from buying to selling (or vice versa), max and min adjust accordingly.
Normalization is achieved by comparing current price levels to historical extremes in sentiment. The result is smoothed by default using a 3-period simple moving average. Users have the option to customize the smoothing period via the script settings input menu.
🔹Generic Settings
Timeframe: This option selects the timeframe for calculating sentiment. If a timeframe lower than the chart's is chosen, calculations will be based on the chart's timeframe.
Horizontal Offset: Determines the distance at which the visual components of the indicator will be displayed from the primary chart.
Gradient Colors: Allows customization of gradient colors.
🔹Indicators Sentiment Panel
Indicators Sentiment Panel: Toggle the visibility of the indicators sentiment panel.
Panel Height: Determines the height of the panel.
🔹Market Sentiment Meter
Market Sentiment Meter: Toggle the visibility of the market sentiment meter (technical ratings in the shape of a speedometer).
🔹Market Sentiment Oscillator
Market Sentiment Oscillator: Toggle the visibility of the market sentiment oscillator.
Show Divergence: Enables detection of divergences based on the selected option.
Oscillator Line Width: Customization option for the line width.
Oscillator Height: Determines the height of the oscillator.
🔹Settings for Individual Components
In general,
Source: Determines the data source for calculations.
Length: The period to be used in calculations.
Smoothing: Degree of smoothness of the evaluated values.
🔹Normalization Settings - Trend Indicators
Smoothing: The period used in smoothing normalized values, where normalization is applied to moving averages, Bollinger Bands, Supertrend, VWAP bands, and market structures.
Like any technical analysis tool, the Market Sentiment Technicals indicator has limitations. It's based on historical data and patterns, which may not always accurately predict future market movements. Additionally, market sentiment can be influenced by various factors, including economic news, geopolitical events, and market psychology, which may not be fully captured by technical analysis alone.
Multi-Chart Widget [LuxAlgo]The Multi-Chart Widget tool is a comprehensive solution crafted for traders and investors looking to analyze multiple financial instruments simultaneously. With the capability to showcase up to three additional charts, users can customize each chart by selecting different financial instruments, and timeframes.
Users can add various widely used technical indicators to the charts such as the relative strength index, Supertrend, moving averages, Bollinger Bands...etc.
The tool offers traders and investors a comprehensive view of multiple charts simultaneously. By displaying up to three additional charts alongside the primary chart, users can analyze assets across different timeframes, compare their performance, and make informed decisions.
Users have the flexibility to choose from various customizable chart types, including the recently added "Volume Candles" option.
This tool allows adding to the chart some of the most widely used technical indicators, such as the Supertrend, Bollinger Bands, and various moving averages.
In addition to the charting capabilities, the tool also features a dynamic statistic panel that provides essential metrics and key insights into the selected assets. Users can track performance indicators such as relative strength, trend, and volatility, enabling them to identify trends, patterns, and trading opportunities efficiently.
A brief overview of the indicators featured in the statistic panel is given in the sub-section below:
🔹Dual Supertrend
The Dual Supertrend is a modified version of the Supertrend indicator, which is based on the concept of trend following. It generates buy or sell signals by analyzing the asset's price movement. The Dual Supertrend incorporates two Supertrend indicators with different parameters to provide potentially more accurate signals. It helps traders identify trend reversals and establish trend direction in a more responsive manner compared to a single Supertrend.
🔹Relative Strength Index
The Relative Strength Index is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between 0 and 100 and is typically used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in a market. Traditionally, RSI values above 70 are considered overbought, suggesting that the asset may be due for a reversal or correction, while RSI values below 30 are considered oversold, indicating potential buying opportunities.
Volatility in trading refers to the degree of variation or fluctuation in the price of a financial instrument, such as a stock, currency pair, or commodity, over a certain period of time. It is a measure of the speed and magnitude of price changes and reflects the level of uncertainty or risk in the market. High volatility implies that prices are experiencing rapid and significant movements, while low volatility suggests that prices are relatively stable and are not changing much. Traders often use volatility as an indicator to assess the potential risk and return of an investment and to make informed decisions about when to enter or exit trades.
🔹R-Squared (R²)
R-squared, also known as the coefficient of determination, is a statistical measure that indicates the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable(s). In other words, it quantifies the goodness of fit of a regression model to the observed data. R-squared values range from %0 to %100, with higher values indicating a better fit of the model to the data. An R-squared of 100% means that all movements of a security are completely explained by movements in the index, while an R-squared value of %0 indicates that the model does not explain any of the variability in the dependent variable.
In simpler terms, in investing, a high R-squared, from 85% to 100%, indicates that the stock’s or fund’s performance moves relatively in line with the index. Conversely, a low R-squared (around 70% or less) indicates that the fund's performance tends to deviate significantly from the movements of the index.
🔹Mini Chart(s) Generic Settings
Mini Charts Separator: This option toggles the visibility of the separator lines.
Number Of Bars: Specifies the number of bars to be displayed for each mini chart.
Horizontal Offset: Determines the distance at which the mini charts will be displayed from the primary chart.
🔹Mini Chart Settings: Top - Middle - Bottom
Mini Chart Top/Middle/Bottom: Toggle the visibility of the selected mini chart.
Symbol: Choose the financial instrument to be displayed in the mini chart. If left as an empty string, it will default to the current chart instrument.
Timeframe: This option determines the timeframe used for calculating the mini charts. If a timeframe lower than the chart's timeframe is selected, the calculations will be based on the chart's timeframe.
Chart Type: Selection from various chart types for the mini charts, including candles, volume candles, line, area, columns, high-low, and Heikin Ashi.
Chart Size: Determines the size of the mini chart.
Technical Indicator: Selection from various technical indicators to be displayed on top of the mini charts.
Note : Chart sizing is relative to other mini charts. For example, If all the mini charts are sized to x5 relative to each other, the result will be the same as if they were all sized as x1. This is because the relative proportions between the mini charts remain consistent regardless of their absolute sizes. Therefore, their positions and sizes relative to each other remain unchanged, resulting in the same visual representation despite the differences in absolute scale.
🔹Supertrend Settings
ATR Length: is the lookback length for the ATR calculation.
Factor: is what the ATR is multiplied by to offset the bands from price.
Color: color customization option.
🔹Moving Average Settings
Type: is the type of the moving average, available types of moving averages include SMA (Simple Moving Average), EMA (Exponential Moving Average), RMA (Root Mean Square Moving Average), HMA (Hull Moving Average), WMA (Weighted Moving Average), and VWMA (Volume Weighted Moving Average).
Source: Determines what data from each bar will be used in calculations.
Length: The time period to be used in calculating the Moving Average.
Color: Color customization option.
🔹Bollinger Bands Settings
Basis Type: Determines the type of Moving Average that is applied to the basis plot line.
Source: Determines what data from each bar will be used in calculations.
Length: The time period to be used in calculating the Moving Average which creates the base for the Upper and Lower Bands.
StdDev: The number of Standard Deviations away from the Moving Average that the Upper and Lower Bands should be.
Color: Color customization options for basis, upper and lower bands.
🔹Mini Chart(s) Panel Settings
Mini Chart(s) Panel: Controls the visibility of the panel containing the mini charts.
Dual Supertrend: Toggles the display of the evaluated dual super trend, based on the super trend settings provided below the option. The definitions for the options are the same as stated above for the super trend.
Relative Strength Index: Toggles the display of the evaluated RSI, based on the source and length settings provided below the option.
Volatility: Toggles the display of the calculated Volatility, based on the length settings provided below the option.
R-Squared: Toggles the display of the calculated R-Squared (R²), based on the length settings provided below the option.
The tool allows users to display mini charts featuring various types of instruments alongside the primary chart instrument. However, there's a limitation: the selected primary chart instrument must have an ACTIVE market status. Alternatively, if the primary chart instrument is not active, the mini chart instruments must belong to the same exchange and have the same type as the primary chart instrument.
[GYTS-CE] Signal Provider | WaveTrend 4D with GDMWaveTrend 4D with Gradient Divergence Measure (Community Edition)
🌸 " 📡 Signal Provider" in GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸
WaveTrend 4D (WT4D) is an extension of the incredible WaveTrend 3D (2022, Justin Dehorty) . This oscillator elevates the classic WaveTrend by integrating advanced mathematical models for a multi-dimensional view of market momentum, capturing subtle shifts and trends that traditional indicators might miss. Each oscillator layer uses a combination of normalised derivatives, hyperbolic tangent transformations, and dual-pole filtering (John Ehlers' SuperSmoother), providing normalised and smooth signals with minimised lag.
The name "WaveTrend 4D" is derived from the usage of 4 dimensions, representing different frequencies or timeframes. Next to the "fast", "normal" and "slow" frequency, the fourth frequency is called "lethargic" (very slow). This gives the opportunity utilise more dimensions without having abundant signals, since we quantify and filter the quality of signals.
WT4D strives to help discriminating high-quality signals from the indicator by introducing the Gradient Divergence Measure (GDM) and Quantile Median Crosses (QMC). For simplicity, speed and focus, this particular indicator includes only the GDM part. Check the other 🤲Community Edition of this indicator that focuses on the QMC. For GDM, see below for more information.
💮 Introduction
The GDM dynamically calculates a composite measure based on multiple factors. Unlike traditional binary divergence indicators, GDM employs a continuous value system to capture the nuanced dynamics of market behaviour. This methodology allows traders and analysts to assess the potency of divergence signals with greater precision, facilitating more informed decision-making processes.
💮 Methodology
The GDM is calculated using a composite formula that integrates various market dynamics. At its core, it consists of six components listed below, each weighted to optimize the indicator's responsiveness to market conditions:
The magnitude of relative change between waves -- A larger difference between the waves, i.e. lower high or higher low could signify a stronger divergence.
The absolute value of the latest wave -- The strength of the latest wave provides insight into the extremity of the market conditions.
Slope of the divergence -- The slope between the two points of divergence essentially measures the rate of change in the frequency\'s value over time. It captures both the direction and the steepness of the indicator’s move between two waves.
The magnitude of relative change of the price -- A divergence means that the oscillator shows an opposite pattern than price action. Thus, if the price makes a significantly higher high or lower low, but the indicator does not, this discrepancy can be used to measure the divergence strength. This components measures the price's extrema during the crosses of the indicator's waves.
Higher timeframe's frequency trend -- Similarly, instead of looking at the price directly, this component measures the more general trend of the price by using the higher timeframe frequency (i.e. the slow frequency when looking at divergences of the normal frequency).
Time duration -- Lastly, the time duration between the two points of a divergence can also be an important factor. A divergence that spans over a longer period might indicate a more significant market sentiment shift.
💮 Tuning the GDM
The 6 components discussed above are not independent, e.g. the slope is actually the result of the magnitude between waves, the absolute value and time duration. However, the default GDM is carefully tuned to include all these features without being too sensitive to outliers.
This makes this indicator very user-friendly. The only core parameter is the the "sensitivity". This controls the extent of normalisation between signals, and essentially affects how often strong GDMs appear. At the conservative end (higher sensitivity), the strong GDMs are less frequent but are relatively significant, while with a lower sensitivity the strong GDMs appear more frequent.
💮 GDM on the Oscillator
The GDMs are represented by triangles and their value represents the strength. A value close to `1` signifies a strong bearish divergence and thus a possible reversal of continuation of a downtrend. Similarly, a value close to `-1` signifies a strong bullish divergence.
Note that there are two colour sets which can be enabled and disabled. One uses crosses between the fast and normal frequencies (with the slow frequency acting as the price trend with which there should be an opposite interaction -- hence a "divergence"). Similarly, crosses between the normal and slow frequencies (with the lethargic (the most slow) frequency acting as the price trend) are used to find divergences on a higher timeframe.
Another handy feature is a threshold to more strikingly visualise "strong" GDMs.
As previously mentioned, this indicator is a 📡 Signal Provider, part of the suite of the GoemonYae Trading System (🤲 Community Edition). The greatest value comes from connecting multiple 📡 Signal Providers to the 🧬 Flux Composer to find confluence between signals. Contrary to most other indicators that connect with each other, the signals that are passed are not just binary signals ("buy" or "sell") but pass the actual GDM and QMC values. This gives the opportunity in the 🧬 Flux Composer to more accurately use multiple signals with different strengths to finally give an overall signal. On its turn, the Flux Composer can be connected to the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" for backtesting and trade automation.
[GYTS-CE] Signal Provider | WaveTrend 4D with QMCWaveTrend 4D with Quantile Median Crosses (Community Edition)
🌸 " 📡 Signal Provider" in GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸
WaveTrend 4D (WT4D) is an extension of the incredible WaveTrend 3D (2022, Justin Dehorty) . This oscillator elevates the classic WaveTrend by integrating advanced mathematical models for a multi-dimensional view of market momentum, capturing subtle shifts and trends that traditional indicators might miss. Each oscillator layer uses a combination of normalised derivatives, hyperbolic tangent transformations, and dual-pole filtering (John Ehlers' SuperSmoother), providing normalised and smooth signals with minimised lag.
The name "WaveTrend 4D" is derived from the usage of 4 dimensions, representing different frequencies or timeframes. Next to the "fast", "normal" and "slow" frequency, the fourth frequency is called "lethargic" (very slow). This gives the opportunity utilise more dimensions without having abundant signals, since we quantify and filter the quality of signals.
WT4D strives to help discriminating high-quality signals from the indicator by introducing the Gradient Divergence Measure (GDM) and Quantile Median Crosses (QMC). For simplicity, speed and focus, this particular indicator includes only the QMC part. Check the other 🤲Community Edition of this indicator that focuses on the GDM. For QMC, see below for more information.
💮 Introduction
A powerful approach when working with WaveTrend is to use the frequencies' crossings of the median (zero) line. This would signify a continuation of the reversal. However, not all of those crossings would be trades with a high probability of success. For this reason, we strive to only consider reversals after the most strong trends start to show weakness. We call these reversals the "Quantile Median Crosses" (QMC), deriving the name from the used methodology.
💮 Methodology
To find these "most strong trends", we calculate the integral ("the area") of a frequency between all historical median crosses, and take an upper quantile of those integrals. This means that when the frequency is crossing the median in a period of consolidation, the areas between those crosses would be small. But if there was a strong momentum, and the frequency would separate itself significantly from the median and would do so for a long time, its area would be large.
So after considering all the past integrals, we take the upper quantile of those (i.e. sort all integrals and for example take the top 5%) and if the latest trend's integral was in this upper quantile, it is considered "significant". Hence, the name "quantile" in the name "Quantile Median Cross".
💮 QMC on the Oscillator
The QMC is shown as a label "🔴" above the median or with "🟢" below the median. The normal frequency has a "bronze" colour, the slow frequency "silver" and the lethargic is "gold". In addition to the labels, there are also diamond shapes in the same colour drawn on the median in the oscillator. This represents the previous median crossing, and helps the user to see between which two points the integral is calculated.
As previously mentioned, this indicator is a 📡 Signal Provider, part of the suite of the GoemonYae Trading System (🤲 Community Edition). The greatest value comes from connecting multiple 📡 Signal Providers to the 🧬 Flux Composer to find confluence between signals. Contrary to most other indicators that connect with each other, the signals that are passed are not just binary signals ("buy" or "sell") but pass the actual GDM and QMC values. This gives the opportunity in the 🧬 Flux Composer to more accurately use multiple signals with different strengths to finally give an overall signal. On its turn, the Flux Composer can be connected to the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" for backtesting and trade automation.
MTF Williams Vix Market Bottoms [CryptoSea]MTF Williams Vix Fix Indicator is a dynamic tool tailored for traders looking to capture market extremes with high precision. This multi-timeframe indicator leverages the concept of the Williams Vix Fix to spot potential reversals before they occur.
Key Features
Multi-Timeframe Analysis: Provides simultaneous visibility across multiple timeframes, enabling traders to assess market conditions comprehensively from a single chart.
Advanced Volatility Detection: Utilizes a modified Vix Fix formula to highlight extreme price deviations, which often precede significant market reversals.
Customizable Settings: Offers extensive input options to tweak the lookback periods, percentile thresholds, and visibility settings, aligning with various trading strategies.
Visual Band Indicators: Features upper bands and range highs that signal potential overbought and oversold conditions, enhancing trading decision-making.
Below, you can see how the indicator performs across different timeframes, providing valuable insights into market behavior.
How it Works
Vix Fix Calculation: Determines the worst-case 'panic' sell-offs in price as a percentage of the high, capturing the emotional extremes of the market.
Statistical Bands: Employs Bollinger bands over the Vix Fix values to define normal and extreme volatility conditions.
Color-Coded Indicators: Uses color differentiation to instantly highlight when readings surpass critical upper band or range high thresholds, signaling key trading opportunities.
For instance, in the analysis provided below, notice how the indicator flags significant market moves, allowing traders to anticipate potential entry or exit points.
Risk Management: Aids in identifying extreme market conditions where prices may revert, helping in effective position sizing and risk management.
Strategic Planning: Enhances strategic trading plans by identifying not only when but also where market extremes may occur, considering multiple timeframes.
Customization: Adapts seamlessly to different market environments with adjustable settings for volatility thresholds and visual display preferences.
The MTF Williams Vix Fix Indicator by is an essential tool for traders aiming to leverage market volatility for optimal entry and exit, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle market extremes with confidence.
HTF Candle Consistency [LuxAlgo]The HTF Candle Consistency indicator tracks the most recent candle sentiment in up to 10 Higher Timeframe (HTF) and colors the user chart candle bodies based on the dominating sentiment. Users can weigh specific timeframes more significantly.
Additionally, the script provides an HTF dashboard that displays the current directional readouts for each selected timeframe to allow for an independent HTF analysis.
Analyzing the movement and direction of higher timeframe candles can help filter out noisy variation from the price, and could be utilized to time trades better. When the majority of recent candles from the selected timeframes are bullish, the candle body will be colored in green, if this majority is bearish it will be colored in red.
Using the "Tricolor" coloring mode introduces a third coloring option, and is used when there isn't a clear sentiment majority across the selected timeframes, this option effectively allows for filtering out unwanted trends.
Users can control the variations to be filtered out depending on their chart timeframe and the enabled HTF's in the settings. Using low timeframes with higher HTF's will gray out a larger amount of candles, disabling these timeframes, changing them, or giving higher weighting to lower HTF's will allow for obtaining more dominance detection, and as such less grayed-out candles.
As seen above, the weight function allows for precise control over the specific elements being analyzed.
This indicator also features a dashboard for viewing each timeframe's direction at the same time. By doing so, it allows for better judgment on the specific elements composing the current HTF majority.
This indicator is only intended for Higher Timeframe Analysis, all the input timeframes should be kept equal to or lower than your current chart timeframe.
NOTE: This is necessary for data accuracy in most multi-timeframe indicators, and is generally a good practice to keep in mind.
As a reminder, the dashboard will display the timeframe in red text if a lower timeframe is detected. It is recommended to change or disable this timeframe for your analysis.
This indicator can support up to 10 timeframes, each with independent weightings.
NOTE: When a timeframe is disabled, the dashboard will no longer display that timeframe, and it will not be used in calculations.
🔹 Candle Coloring
Candle color can be selected between 3 modes.
Tricolor (Default): Changes the color based on a 3-part split of the possible data sum range.
Bicolor: Changes the color based on the sum being greater than or less than 0.
Gradient: Uses a 3-color gradient to determine the candle color based on the possible data sum range.
🔹 Higher Timeframes
Toggle: Enable/Disable the timeframe from analysis.
Timeframe: Select which timeframe to use for analysis. <- NOTE: This input reflects any custom intervals you have created on Tradingview.
Weight: Determines the Weighting (Multiplier) for the timeframe's direction.
🔹 Style
Color Mode: (More details above) Determines the color mode in use for coloring candles.
🔹 Dashboard
General Settings: Control Toggle, Location, & Size of Dashboard on your chart.
Orientation: Choose to display the dashboard in a "Vertical (default)" or "Horizontal" orientation to fit your style.
Multi Timeframe Trend Screener [TradeDots]The "Multi Timeframe Trend Screener" is a trading indicator designed to assist traders in identifying the market trends of multiple assets within a single panel. This tool is invaluable for detecting shifts in trends, enabling traders to easily adjust their strategies under different market conditions.
Upon initialization, the indicator requires users to input two key pieces of information:
The assets to be monitored.
The timeframes to be analyzed.
The tool is capable of simultaneously tracking up to four assets across five distinct timeframes.
By specifying the type and length of the moving average, the indicator uses this data as a baseline to determine the current market trend.
A price movement below the moving average triggers a downward trend symbol (📉), indicating bearish conditions.
Conversely, a movement above the moving average displays an upward trend symbol (📈), signaling bullish conditions.
The aggregation of moving averages across various timeframes provides a comprehensive view of the overall market sentiment.
In scenarios where the market consistently demonstrates an upward trend, each timeframe will display a bullish symbol. Shifts in market sentiment typically start in the shorter timeframes and can progressively affect longer ones if the trend continues.
This cascading effect allows the indicator to show all timeframes transitioning to a bearish orientation when the trend reverses.
The indicator also facilitates comparison between different assets. For assets with high correlation, a trend shift in one can often predict similar movements in correlated assets, thus allowing traders to swiftly adapt their strategies to align with new market conditions.
Trading entails substantial risk, and most day traders incur losses. All content, tools, scripts, articles, and education provided by TradeDots serve purely informational and educational purposes. Past performances are not definitive predictors of future results.
Multi Timeframe RSI Buy Sell Strategy [TradeDots]The "Multi Timeframe RSI Buy/Sell Strategy" is a trading strategy that utilizes Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicators from multiple timeframes to provide buy and sell signals.
This strategy allows for extensive customization, supporting up to three distinct RSIs, each configurable with its own timeframe, length, and data source.
This strategy integrates up to three RSIs, each selectable from different timeframes and customizable in terms of length and source. Users have the flexibility to define the number of active RSIs. These selections visualize as plotted lines on the chart, enhancing interpretability.
Users can also manage the moving average of the selected RSI lines. When multiple RSIs are active, the moving average is calculated based on these active lines' average value.
The color intensity of the moving average line changes as it approaches predefined buying or selling thresholds, alerting users to potential signal generation.
A buy or sell signal is generated when all active RSI lines simultaneously cross their respective threshold lines. Concurrently, a label will appear on the chart to signify the order placement.
For those preferring not to display order information or activate the strategy, an "Enable backtest" option is provided in the settings for toggling activation.
The strategy leverages multiple RSIs to detect extreme market conditions across various timeframes without the need for manual timeframe switching.
This feature is invaluable for identifying divergences across timeframes, such as detecting potential short-term reversals within broader trends, thereby aiding traders in making better trading decisions and potentially avoiding losses.
Commission: 0.01%
Initial Capital: $10,000
Equity per Trade: 60%
Trading entails substantial risk, and most day traders incur losses. All content, tools, scripts, articles, and education provided by TradeDots serve purely informational and educational purposes. Past performances are not definitive predictors of future results.
TradeDots Stochastic Z-Score
[GYTS-Pro] Signal Provider | WaveTrend 4D with GDM + QMCWaveTrend 4D with GDM + QMC (Professional Edition)
🌸 " 📡 Signal Provider" in GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸
WaveTrend 4D (WT4D) is an extension of the incredible WaveTrend 3D (2022, Justin Dehorty) . This oscillator elevates the classic WaveTrend by integrating advanced mathematical models for a multi-dimensional view of market momentum, capturing subtle shifts and trends that traditional indicators might miss. Each oscillator layer uses a combination of normalised derivatives, hyperbolic tangent transformations, and dual-pole filtering (John Ehlers' SuperSmoother), providing a normalised and smooth signals.
WT4D strives to help discriminating high-quality signals from the indicator by introducing the Gradient Divergence Measure (GDM) and Quantile Median Crosses (QMC) -- see below for more information.
WaveTrend 4D is a "📡 Signal Provider" in the 🌸 GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) 🌸. Multiple 📡 Signal Providers connect to a GYTS "🧬 Flux Composer" to find confluence. On its turn, the Flux Composer can be connected to the GYTS "🎼 Order Orchestrator" for backtesting and trade automation. However, WaveTrend 4D is a wonderful indicator on its own as well.
🌸 --- MAIN FEATURES --- 🌸
- The focus is on two type of signals: divergences between the overall trend and the waves (GDM) and the weakening of strong trends (QMC)
- The name "WaveTrend 4D" is derived from the usage of 4 dimensions, representing different frequencies or timeframes. This gives the opportunity to use 2 sets of 3 frequencies to find divergences. Next to the "fast", "normal" and "slow" frequency, the fourth frequency is called "lethargic" (very slow).
- High probability trading involves diligently determining the significance of signals. For this purpose, a novel "Gradient Divergence Measure" (GDM) is developed to signify the strength of divergence signals and are drawn as triangles next to the divergence circles.
- Another and powerful approach is to use the frequencies' crossing of the median (zero) line. We seek to only signal reversals after a significant trend, and call this the "Quantile Median Crosses" (QMC).
More information the GDM and QMC and details of all features are described below.
💮 Introduction
The GDM dynamically calculates a composite measure based on multiple factors. Unlike traditional binary divergence indicators, GDM employs a continuous value system to capture the nuanced dynamics of market behaviour. This methodology allows traders and analysts to assess the potency of divergence signals with greater precision, facilitating more informed decision-making processes.
💮 Methodology
The GDM is calculated using a composite formula that integrates various market dynamics. At its core, it consists of six components listed below, each weighted to optimize the indicator's responsiveness to market conditions:
The magnitude of relative change between waves -- A larger difference between the waves, i.e. lower high or higher low could signify a stronger divergence.
The absolute value of the latest wave -- The strength of the latest wave provides insight into the extremity of the market conditions.
Slope of the divergence -- The slope between the two points of divergence essentially measures the rate of change in the frequency\'s value over time. It captures both the direction and the steepness of the indicator’s move between two waves.
The magnitude of relative change of the price -- A divergence means that the oscillator shows an opposite pattern than price action. Thus, if the price makes a significantly higher high or lower low, but the indicator does not, this discrepancy can be used to measure the divergence strength. This components measures the price's extrema during the crosses of the indicator's waves.
Higher timeframe's frequency trend -- Similarly, instead of looking at the price directly, this component measures the more general trend of the price by using the higher timeframe frequency (i.e. the slow frequency when looking at divergences of the normal frequency).
Time duration -- Lastly, the time duration between the two points of a divergence can also be a factor. A divergence that spans over a longer period might indicate a more significant market sentiment shift.
Note that these 6 components are not independent, e.g. the slope is actually the result of the magnitude between waves, the absolute value and time duration. However, the default GDM is carefully tuned to include all these features without being too sensitive to outliers.
💮 Tuning the GDM
At the same time, different people have different ideas of what factors are important to denote a "strong" divergence. For this reason, in the 🧰 Professional Edition of this indicator, as opposed to the 🤲 Community Edition, the user can select between different "GDM profiles" that resemble a certain approach:
Upon initiating the GDM indicator, users are prompted to select one of six distinct profiles. Each profile adjusts the indicator’s parameters to optimize performance under different market scenarios:
balanced : Offers a general approach, with a balanced assessment of market conditions without specific focus on any one aspect.
regular divergence : Emphasises price action, ideal for identifying classical divergence patterns where price and momentum diverge.
wavetrend focus : Minimises the influence of price action, concentrating on the WaveTrend oscillator’s behaviour for trend analysis.
short-term waves : Prioritises the slope of the waves, targeting traders interested in short-term market movements and potential inflection points.
long-term waves : Extends the analysis period, focusing on longer-term market trends and wave duration for strategic positioning.
overbought/oversold : Highlights extreme conditions in market valuation, useful for identifying potential reversal points from overbought or oversold levels.
The 🎩 Ultimate Edition takes it a step further and gives full freedom to dial in weights for each of the 6 components. The GDM formula is set up in such way to accommodate ease of use and react logically to these parameters. Having said that, the default GDM calculation should be more than sufficient for most cases.
Another way of tuning the GDM is to dial in the "sensitivity". This controls the extent of normalisation between signals, and essentially affects how often strong GDMs appear. At the conservative end (higher sensitivity), the strong GDMs are less frequent but are relatively significant, while with a lower sensitivity the strong GDMs appear more frequent.
💮 GDM on the Oscillator
Coming back to the indicator, the GDMs are represented by triangles and their value represents the strength. A value close to `1` signifies a strong bearish divergence and thus a possible reversal of continuation of a downtrend. Similarly, a value close to `-1` signifies a strong bullish divergence.
Note that there are two colour sets which can be enabled and disabled. One uses crosses between the fast and normal frequencies (with the slow frequency acting as the price trend with which there should be an opposite interaction -- "divergence"). Similarly, crosses between the normal and slow frequencies (with the lethargic (the most slow) frequency acting as the price trend) are used to find divergences on a higher timeframe.
💮 Introduction
A different and powerful approach is to use the frequencies' crossing of the median (zero) line. This would signify a continuation of the reversal. However, also here, not all of those crossings would be trades with a high probability of success. For this reason, we seek to only consider reversals after the most strong trends start to show weakness. We call these reversals the "Quantile Median Crosses" (QMC), derived from the methodology.
💮 Methodology
To find this "most strong trends", we calculate the integral ("the area") of a frequency between all historical median crosses, and take an upper quantile of those integrals. This means that when the series is crossing the median in often (consolidation), the ares between those crosses would be small. But if there was a strong momentum, and the series would separate itself significantly from the median and would do so for a long time, its area would be large.
So after considering all the past integrals, we take the upper quantile of those (i.e. sort all integral and for example take the top 5%) and if the latest trend's integral was in this upper quantile, it is considered "significant". Hence, the name "quantile" in the name "Quantile Median Cross"
💮 Tuning the QMC
The QMC is easily tuned by its "sensitivity". This basically represents a set of quantile bounds for the normal, slow and lethargic series. We have set these 3 parameters for each sensitivity profile after careful testing. The 🎩 Ultimate Edition gives full control for each quantile bound.
💮 QMC on the Oscillator
The QMC is shown as a label "🔴" above the median or with "🟢" below the median. In the 🎩 Ultimate Edition, the user instead sees the exact quantile and the number of samples. The normal frequency has a "bronze" colour, the slow frequency "silver" and the lethargic is "gold". In addition to the labels, there are also diamond shapes in the same colour drawn on the median in the oscillator. This represents the previous median crossing, and helps the user to see between which two points the integral is calculated.
As discussed, at its core, the main signals are the Gradient Divergence Signals (GDM) and Quantile Median Crosses (QMC). However, there are more very powerful features that this 📡 Signal Provider can include. Below is a list of all features and we differentiate the availability of a feature per 📡 Signal Provider version by using these icons: 🤲 Community Edition; 🧰 Professional Edition; 🎩 Ultimate Edition.
Before going into the features, there are two important aspects to note: As this is a 📡 Signal Provider, it can be connected to the GYTS 🧬 Flux Composer and this is possible for each edition (i.e. the 🤲 Community Edition 📡 Signal Composer works with the 🤲 Community Edition 🧬 Flux Composer, and the same holds for the 🧰 Professional and 🎩 Ultimate Editions). Contrary to most other indicators that connect with each other, the signals that are passed are not just binary signals ("buy" or "sell") but pass the actual GDM and QMC values. This gives the opportunity in the 🧬 Flux Composer to more accurately use multiple signals with different strengths to finally give an overall signal.
The second important aspect is that for the 🤲 Community Edition, there are two versions of this 📡 Signal Provider: one that has the GDM feature and another the QMC feature. Besides that, the list below depicts a fairly complete overview of all the features across different versions:
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) Four Dimensions -- All four dimensions are available for each edition. The input data can also be transformed with an EMA or CoG as in the original WaveTrend 3D.
( -- 🧰 🎩 ) Both GDM and QMC -- Only the Pro and Ult versions include both the GDM and QMC in one indicator
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) Custom indicator name -- There's an option to give a name to the indicator which will be displayed on the chart. On its own, it might not be helpful, but in the GoemonYae Trading System (GYTS) suite, it helps to identify the different Signal Providers.
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) Visual improvements -- As in the original WaveTrend 3D, there are various ways the indicator can be displayed, including emphasising a certain frequency, a "mirror mode" and separating each frequency. We have expanded on some of these options. For example, the divergences, GDMs and QMCs are also displayed when the frequencies are separated, the mirror mode works with the emphasised frequency, there are more options to control the width of the emphasised frequency and each frequency can be enabled or disabled.
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) Support for HTF -- The indicator works on higher timeframes than the current chart and all parameters and calculations are scaled accordingly.
( __ 🧰 🎩 ) Support for other tickers -- There is also an option to select another ticker than the current chart. This especially makes sense in the 🌸 GYTS suite 🌸, where multiple Signal Providers are combined to find confluence. For example, a common approach is to use a certain ETF (or BTC in crypto) on a higher timeframe as filter to determine overall market direction.
( __ __ 🎩 ) Disable "only true divergences" -- In the Ultimate Edition, less signals can be filtered out when disabling looking at the third frequency. In general, this is not the best idea but it can be helpful when filtering signals with other means.
( __ 🧰 __ ) GDM profiles -- As mentioned, the GDM is carefully tuned and we consider it an excellent method to signify the strength of a divergence. Therefore, the standard calculation in the Community Edition is sufficient. Nevertheless, the Pro Edition has profiles (as previously described) so the user can select how (s)he feels a "strong divergence" should be.
( __ __ 🎩 ) GDM weights -- Full control over the weights of the 6 components of the GDM instead of using the profiles. The GDM algorithm is set up in such way that this is possible in an intuitive way.
( __ __ 🎩 ) Disable asymmetric GDM calculation -- Calculate the bullish and bearish GDMs independently (asymmetric calculation) or normalise them altogether (symmetric calculation). This can sometimes be helpful to filter out weaker GDMs depending on market conditions.
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) QMC calculation -- Using the QMC is possible in all versions, and each of the Normal, Slow and Lethargic frequencies can be toggled on and off.
( __ 🧰 __ ) QMC sensitivity -- Similar to the GDM profiles, in the Pro version there are presets to make the sensitivity higher (and thus get more signals) or lower.
( __ __ 🎩 ) QMC quantile threshold -- Instead of the sensitivity presets, in the Ult Edition the quantile threshold for each frequency is set. The user also sees the actual quantile and number of samples in the label
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) WaveTrend 4D settings -- Possibility to adjust the core WaveTrend settings
( 🤲 🧰 🎩 ) Alerts -- When alerts are enabled, TradingView will notify when there is a bullish/bearish strong GDM (i.e. within the zone) and a bullish/bearish QMC.
Fibonacci Adaptive Timeframe EMA (FAT EMA)The "Fibonacci Adaptive Timeframe EMA" is a sophisticated trading indicator designed for the TradingView platform, leveraging the power of Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) determined by Fibonacci sequence lengths to provide traders with dynamic market insights. This indicator overlays directly on the price chart, offering a unique blend of trend analysis, smoothing techniques, and timeframe adaptability, making it an invaluable tool for traders looking to enhance their technical analysis strategy.
Key Features
1. Fibonacci-Based EMA Lengths: Utilizes the Fibonacci sequence to select EMA lengths, incorporating natural mathematical ratios believed to be significant in financial markets. The available lengths range from 1 to 987, allowing for detailed trend analysis over various periods.
2. Multiple Smoothing Methods: Offers the choice between several smoothing techniques, including Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA or RMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), and Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA). This versatility ensures that users can tailor the indicator to suit their analytical preferences.
3. Timeframe Adaptability: Features the ability to fetch and calculate EMAs from different timeframes, providing a multi-timeframe analysis within a single chart view. This adaptability gives traders a broader perspective on market trends, enabling more informed decision-making.
4. Dynamic Visualization Options: Traders can customize the display to suit their analysis needs, including toggling the visibility of Fibonacci EMA lines, EMA prices, and smoothed EMA lines. Additionally, forecast lines can be projected into the future, offering speculative insights based on current trends.
5. Ema Tail Visualization: An innovative feature allowing for the visualization of the 'tail' or the continuation of EMA lines, which can be particularly useful for identifying trend persistence or reversal points.
6. User-friendly Customization: Through a series of input options, traders can easily adjust the source data, Fibonacci lengths, smoothing method, and visual aspects such as line colors and transparency, ensuring a seamless integration into any trading strategy.
Application and Use Cases
The "Fibonacci Adaptive Timeframe EMA" indicator is designed for traders who appreciate the significance of Fibonacci numbers in market analysis and seek a flexible tool to analyze trends across different timeframes. Whether it's for scalping, day trading, or long-term investing, this indicator can provide valuable insights into price dynamics, trend strengths, and potential reversal points. Its adaptability makes it suitable for various asset classes, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
EMA Cross Dashboard | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Cross Dashboard! This dashboard let's you select a source for the calculation of the EMA of it, then let's you enter 2 lengths for up to 5 timeframes, plotting their crosses in the chart.
Features of the new EMA Cross Dashboard :
Shows EMA Crosses Across Up To 5 Different Timeframes.
Select Any Source, Including Other Indicators.
Customizable Dashboard.
EMA is a widely used indicator within trading community, it is similar to a Simple Moving Average (SMA) but places more weight on recent prices, making it more reactive to current trends. Crosses of EMA lines can be helpful to determine strong bullish & bearish movements of an asset. This indicator shows finds crosses across 5 different timeframes in a dashboard and plots them in your chart for ease of use.
This dashboard cuts through the hassle of manual EMA cross calculations and plotting. It offers flexibility by allowing various data sources (even custom indicators) and customization through enabling / disabling individual timeframes. The clear visualization lets you see EMA crosses efficiently.
1. Timeframes
You can set up to 5 timeframes & 2 lenghts to detect crosses for each timeframe here. You can also enable / disable them.
2. General Configuration
EMA Source -> You can select the source for the calculation of the EMA here. You can select sources from other indicators as well as more general sources like close, high and low price.
[AlbaTherium] MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA-Orion for SMC MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA - Orion for Smart Money Concepts
The MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA - Orion offers enhanced insights into multi-timeframe external structure points, swing structure points, POIs (Points of Interest), and order blocks (OB) . By incorporating this enhancement, your multi-timeframe analysis are streamlined, simplifying the process and reducing chart workload, no need for manual chart drawing anymore, stay focus on Low Time Frame and get High Time Frame insights in one single Time frame.
This identification process remains effective even when focusing on Lower Time Frames (LTF), providing detailed insights without sacrificing the broader market perspective.
The MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA – Orion is specifically designed to be used in conjunction with OptiStruct™ Premium for Smart Money Concepts . This strategic combination enhances the workflow of identifying optimal entry points. OptiStruct acts as the analysis tool for Lower Time Frames (LTF), zeroing in on immediate interest areas, while Orion expands this analysis to Higher Time Frames (HTF), providing a broader view of market trends and importants key levels . The integration of Orion with OptiStruct seamlessly merges LTF and HTF analyses, ensuring a thorough understanding of market dynamics for informed and strategic decision-making. This toolkit in one package assembly is pivotal for traders relying on Smart Money Concepts, offering unmatched clarity and actionable insights to navigate the markets effectively.
This tool offers an advanced smart money technical analysis to improve your trading experience. It introduces four key concepts:
Main Features:
Entries Enhancements
Inducements HTF
High/Low Markings HTF
Multiple Timeframes and Confluences on Extreme, Dec and SMT Order Blocks
By integrating these concepts into one, traders can identify high-probability zones across multiple timeframes and develop a thorough understanding of market dynamics. These confluence zones enhance order block skills and potential, establishing them as essential pillars in smart money trading strategies and enabling traders to make more informed decisions.
Settings Overview:
HTF Settings Enable HTF Analysis
Select timeframe {Select or 4H Chart}
Labels Alignment for Lines and Boxes
Inside bar ranges HTF
Break of Structure /Change of Character HTF
Inducements HTF
High/Low Markings HTF
High/Low Sweeps HTF
Extreme Order Blocks HTF
Decisional Order Blocks HTF
Smart Money Traps HTF
IDM Demands and Supplies HTF
Historical Order Blocks HTF
OB Mitigation HTF {touch/ extended}
Understanding the Features:
Chapter 1: Entries Enhancements
In this chapter, we delve into strategies to refine trading entries, focusing on the multi-timeframe analysis of extreme or decisional order blocks in the High Time Frame timeframe as a key point of interest. We highlight the significance of transitioning to the Low Time Frame chart for observing pivotal shifts in market behavior. By examining these concepts, traders can gain deeper insights into market dynamics and make more informed entries decisions at critical junctures.
Practical Example:
We had an Order Block Extreme on the 1-hour timeframe, and currently, we are on the recommended chart for trade entry, which is the 5-minute timeframe. We are patiently waiting to observe a 5-minute ChoCh in the market to enter a buying position since it's an OB Extreme Demand on the 1-hour timeframe. Here, it's crucial and important to focus on the entry timeframe rather than checking what's happening in the higher timeframe. The indicator facilitates this task as it provides us with real-time perspective and visibility of everything happening in the higher timeframe.
Chapter 2: Inducements HTF
It is important and useful to be aware of the various liquidity points across the different timeframes we use; sometimes, a reliable entry point in the Lower Time Frame (LTF) may be surrounded by inducements. Consequently, this point becomes unreliable, and prior to the arrival of this functionality, such anomalies could not be detected, especially when focusing on the market in the LTF. From now on, there will be no more such issues.
Practical Example:
Suppose we identify an Order Block Extreme on the 5M timeframe, indicating a potential entry level. However, when we switch to the 5M timeframe to look for an entry point, we observe an accumulation of inducements around this Order Block coming from a higher timeframe, whether it's M15 or H1. This suggests a potential weakness in the entry point and significant market liquidity, which will act as a trap zone. Before the introduction of this feature, we might have missed this crucial observation, but now we can detect these anomalies and adjust our strategy accordingly.
The only practical way to see theses confluences is to use this Indicator, see the example below
Chapter 03: High/Low – Bos - ChoCh Markings HTF
The High/Low Markings HTF feature in the MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA - Orion provides a comprehensive view into the market's heartbeat across different timeframes, right from within the convenience of the Lower Time Frame (LTF). It meticulously highlights pivotal shifts, allowing traders to seamlessly discern market sentiment and anticipate potential price reversals without needing to toggle between multiple charts. This innovation ensures that critical market movements and sentiment across various timeframes are visible and actionable from a single, focused LTF perspective, enhancing decision-making and strategic planning in trading activities.
Understanding High/Low Markings in HTF Analysis
High/Low Markings in High Time Frame (HTF) analysis mark the market's extremities within a given period, pinpointing potential areas for reversals or continuation and delineating crucial support and resistance levels. These markings are not arbitrary but represent significant market responses, serving as essential indicators for traders and analysts to gauge market momentum and sentiment.
The Role of HTF in Market Analysis
HTF analysis extends a comprehensive view over market movements, distinguishing between ephemeral fluctuations and substantial trend shifts. By scrutinizing these high and low points across wider time frames, analysts can unravel the underlying market momentum, enabling more strategic, informed trading decisions.
Identifying High/Low Markings
Identifying these crucial points entails detailed chart analysis over extended durations—daily, weekly, or monthly. The search focuses on the utmost highs and lows within these periods, which are more than mere points on a chart. They are significant market levels that have historically elicited robust market reactions, serving as key indicators for future market behavior.
Real-world Example:
Chapter 04: Multiple Timeframes and Confluences on Extreme, Dec and SMT Order Blocks Across HTF
The Orion indicator serves as a bridge between the multiple dimensions of the market, enabling a unified and strategic interpretation of potential movements. It's an indispensable tool for those seeking to capitalize on major opportunity zones, where the convergence of diverse perspectives creates ideal conditions for significant market movements.
Designed to navigate through the data of different timeframes and market analysis, Orion provides a clear and consolidated view of major points of interest. With this indicator, traders can not only spot opportunity zones where consensus is strongest but also adjust their strategies based on the dynamic interaction of various market participants, all while remaining within the Lower Time Frame (LTF).
MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA - Orion for Smart Money Concepts as “ The Orion ” indicator captures consensus among scalpers, day traders , swing traders, and investors, turning key areas into major opportunities. It allows for precise identification of areas of interest by analyzing the convergence of actions from various market participants. In short, Orion is crucial for detecting and leveraging the most promising points of convergence in the market.
This identification occurs even while focusing on Lower Time Frames (LTF), allowing for detailed insights without losing the broader market perspective.
This document provides an extensive overview of MTF External Ranges Analysis - ERA - Orion , emphasizing its importance in comprehending market dynamics and utilizing essential smart money concepts trading principles.
SMA Cross Dashboard | Flux Charts💎 GENERAL OVERVIEW
Introducing our new Simple Moving Average (SMA) Cross Dashboard! This dashboard let's you select a source for the calculation of the SMA of it, then let's you enter 2 lengths for up to 5 timeframes, plotting their crosses in the chart.
Features of the new SMA Cross Dashboard :
Shows SMA Crosses Across Up To 5 Different Timeframes.
Select Any Source, Including Other Indicators.
Customizable Dashboard.
SMA is a widely used indicator within trading community, it simply works by taking the mathematical average of a source by desired length. Crosses of SMA lines can be helpful to determine strong bullish & bearish movements of an asset. This indicator shows finds crosses across 5 different timeframes in a dashboard and plots them in your chart for ease of use.
This dashboard cuts through the hassle of manual SMA cross calculations and plotting. It offers flexibility by allowing various data sources (even custom indicators) and customization through enabling / disabling individual timeframes. The clear visualization lets you see SMA crosses efficiently.
1. Timeframes
You can set up to 5 timeframes & 2 lenghts to detect crosses for each timeframe here. You can also enable / disable them.
2. General Configuration
SMA Source -> You can select the source for the calculation of the SMA here. You can select sources from other indicators as well as more general sources like close, high and low price.
Volatility Filter v2VF v2 is a new iteration of my tool designed for traders who wish to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics, specifically to distinguish periods of high volatility, which often correspond to strong market trends. By identifying these periods, traders can make more informed decisions, potentially leading to better trading outcomes.
Understanding Market Volatility:
At the heart of this script lies the concept of market volatility, a statistical measure reflecting the degree of variation in trading prices. Volatility is pivotal for traders; it provides insights into the market's emotional state, indicating periods of uncertainty or confidence. High volatility often correlates with strong trends, making it a critical indicator for trend-followers. By identifying when volatility crosses a certain threshold, traders can discern whether the market is likely to be in a trending phase or a more subdued, range-bound state.
How the Script Works:
The core functionality of the script revolves around a signal line that oscillates around a zero threshold. When the signal line is above zero, it indicates increased market volatility, suggesting the presence of a trend. The farther the oscillator deviates from zero, the stronger the implied trend. This mechanism enables traders to visually gauge market conditions and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Controlling the Indicator:
To cater to diverse trading styles and preferences, the script is equipped with several customizable settings:
Filter Threshold: This 'zero line' acts as the baseline for distinguishing between different volatility regimes. Crossing this threshold is a primary signal for changes in market volatility.
Moving Average Type: With over 30 types of moving averages to choose from, traders can select the one that best fits their analysis style. Each type offers a different perspective on price data, allowing for a tailored approach to trend identification.
Colorize Indicator: This feature enhances the visual representation of the indicator, making it easier to interpret. When enabled, the oscillator's color intensity varies with its proximity to the extremes, providing a quick visual cue about trend strength.
Advanced Settings – Length and Multiplier:
The script introduces an innovative approach to time frame analysis through its length and multiplier settings:
Length: This parameter sets the base period for all metrics within the script, similar to traditional indicators.
Multiplier: This unique feature differentiates the script by incorporating three distinct timeframes into the analysis: a lower timeframe, the main (current) timeframe, and a higher timeframe. The multiplier adjusts these timeframes relative to the main one. For instance, with a daily main timeframe and a multiplier of 2, the lower timeframe would be 12 hours, and the higher timeframe would be 2 days. This tri-timeframe approach aims to provide a more comprehensive volatility assessment.
Volatility Filter Indicators Section:
The script utilizes nine different, undisclosed metrics within its volatility filter. Traders have the flexibility to enable or disable these metrics based on their preferences, allowing for a customizable trading experience. Additionally, the script offers alert functionality for when the indicator crosses the threshold, either upwards or downwards, facilitating timely decision-making.
With better understanding of markets over time, I designed a new iteration of my volatility filter indicator. The second version provides faster, more precise way to analyze markets, but I also wanted to keep my first version untouched in case if some people find it better for their purposes. As I mentioned above, this version is calculated in a very different way from a previous one, so if you never tried it you can do it here
Momentum Concepts [AlgoAlpha]🚀 Introducing the Momentum Concepts™ , a robust multi-layered momentum analysis tool developed by AlgoAlpha . This All-in-One indicator offers a comprehensive approach to understanding market momentum, empowering traders with hyper customizable features to tailor their analysis to their specific trading strategies.
Designed with efficiency and compactness in mind, the script shows momentum regimes on three time horizons: The short-term ( Fast Oscillator ), medium-term ( Scalper's Momentum ) and long-term ( Momentum Impulse Oscillator and Hidden Liquidity Flow ). Additionally, the script also includes reversal signals for traders who prefer to trade contrarian/mean-reversion strategies. By utilizing a blend of advanced algorithms and customizable parameters, Momentum Concepts™ provides traders with a vast array of trading strategies ranging from high frequency scalping to timing better entries on long-term swing and investing positions.
Let's delve into the key features and functionalities of this versatile indicator:
🎯Key Features (summary):
Customizable Fast Oscillator: Tailor the fast oscillator to your preferences with adjustable settings for type, source, trend identification(signal processing) method, length, and more.
Divergence Detection: Identify potential trend reversals with ease using built-in divergence detection for both bullish and bearish signals.
Momentum Impulse Oscillator: Gain deeper insights into trending/ranging markets and underlying market bias with a dedicated oscillator, featuring adjustable trend impulse thresholds.
Scalper's Momentum: Utilize a specialized momentum indicator designed for scalping strategies, featuring agility in signal detection with noise reduction and customizable smoothing parameters.
Hidden Liquidity Flow Analysis: Assess hidden liquidity flows within the market, highlighting excess liquidity and potential squeeze situations.
Trend Confluence Indicator: Evaluate the overall momentum direction with dynamically colored zones, aggregating signals from Momentum Concepts™ components for a holistic view.
User-Friendly Interface: The indicator is presented in a clear and intuitive manner, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels.
All-Rounded Alerts: The indicator comes with a comprehensive alerts extension in a separate script, allowing you to stay informed of important market movements even when away from your trading platform.
🎯Key Features (in-depth):
The Fast Oscillator within Momentum Concepts™ comprises four components designed to provide insights into short-term momentum dynamics:
🔱Price Volume Swings :
This confirmation component uses our proprietary Price Volume Algorithm to analyze price action and volume to identify buying and selling pressure, aiding traders in spotting short-term swings for potential trading opportunities.
⚜️Price Volume Waves :
This leading component also uses our proprietary Price Volume Algorithm but differs from the Price Volume Swings by capturing dominant wave patterns instead. This indicator breaks down price and volume data into a wave-like plot which enables leading insights into market momentum due to the relatively predicable nature of sine-like waves. Leading components such as this and the Alpha Wave are best used with other confirmation components within the Momentum Concepts™ .
🌊Alpha Wave :
The Alpha Wave is a leading non-volume alternative to the Price Volume Waves . It reflects market momentum by analyzing price action only instead of using volume data, resulting in a normalized wave-like plot similar to that of the Price Volume Waves , offering a leading perspective on potential market momentum shifts. Leading components such as this and the Price Volume Waves are best used with other confirmation components within the Momentum Concepts™ .
🐲Dragon RSI :
The Dragon RSI is a confirmation component that determines market momentum by analyzing the directional movement of the Relative Strength Index (RSI). By doing so, users are able to visually identify the current short term trend of the market as well as identify overbought and oversold conditions.
Reversal Signals :
All the Fast Oscillator components come with reversal signals that are based on the respective components being either oversold or overbought.
Divergences :
All the Fast Oscillator components come with bullish and bearish divergences. Divergences within the Fast Oscillator components of Momentum Concepts ™ offer crucial signals for trend shifts. 🔱 Price Volume Swings and ⚜️ Price Volume Waves detect weakening buying or selling pressure, signalling potential reversals or continuations. 🌊 Alpha Wave and 🐲 Dragon RSI identify divergences between momentum and price, aiding traders in anticipating market movements. Leveraging these divergences enhances analysis, aiding traders in formulating meaningful analysis.
Customizable Signal Processing Methods :
All the Fast Oscillator components come with customizable signal processing methods to identify trends on the Fast Oscillator , they include (but not limited to) methods such as Heiken Ashi, and a vast selection of Moving Averages.
Diminishing Momentum Warning :
All the Fast Oscillator components come with a diminishing momentum warning that represents a reducing momentum on the Fast Oscillator . This can act as a take profit signal or as a precautionary warning that the price is about to change direction soon even though the Fast Oscillator has not detected it yet.
Dynamically Colored Reversal Zones :
Last but not least, the dynamic coloring of the reversal zones for Fast Oscillator can be customised based on either the reversal probability of the Fast Oscillator or based on the overall trend confluence of all the components within the Momentum Concepts™ indicator.
The Momentum Impulse Oscillator in Momentum Concepts™ offers crucial insights into long-term momentum trends, aiding traders in identifying the underlying momentum regime and differentiating between trending and consolidating markets.
Underlying Momentum Bias
By default, the Momentum Impulse Oscillator is set to show the longer term trend of price action, this can be used to set the directional bias for the markets and prevent users from trading against the trend.
Trending/Ranging Detection
The Momentum Impulse Oscillator comes with the option to enable trending thresholds, when the Momentum Impulse Oscillator is beyond these thresholds, it indicates a trending market, when Momentum Impulse Oscillator is within the thresholds, it indicates a consolidating/ranging market.
The Scalper's Momentum within Momentum Concepts™ furnishes traders with nuanced signals ideal for short to medium-term trading strategies. It efficiently displays both the medium-term momentum and any emerging divergences towards the opposing direction.
Medium-Term Momentum
The Scalper's Momentum is designed to fill the analysis gap between the Fast Oscillator and the Momentum Impulse Oscillator . Showing momentum insights over the medium-term.
Momentum Convergence-Divergence
The Scalper's Momentum is also capable of showing momentum convergences and divergences, which can be used as take-profit and/or confirmation signals to other components within Momentum Concepts™ .
The Hidden Liquidity Flow component of Momentum Concepts™ is designed to uncover underlying liquidity dynamics. This feature enables traders to anticipate potential price movements based on changes in liquidity flow, enhancing their ability to make informed trading decisions.
Underlying Liquidity Dynamics
The Hidden Liquidity Flow shows the underlying liquidity flow of the market, a positive liquidity flow indicates that liquidity is entering the market and increasing the probability of bullish price action, the opposite is true for negative liquidity flows.
Excess Liquidity Flow
The Hidden Liquidity Flow also indicates when there is an abnormal amount of liquidity flowing through the market, this can indicate the potential for volatility and explosive price action.
🎯Usage Examples:
Now that we have gone through the components and features of Momentum Concepts™ in detail, we'll walk you through the usage examples and strategies that you can utilise to navigate the markets.
Using the Scalper's Momentum and the Fast Oscillator as an example, users can first use the Scalper's Momentum as a directional bias and the Fast Oscillator as a means of timing a more precise entry. Take profits can be based on either the Diminishing Momentum Warnings or the Fast Oscillator flipping signals or the Scalper's Momentum flipping signals.
Buying the Dip/Shorting the Pump
Using the Momentum Impulse Oscillator and the Fast Oscillator as an example, users will need to first determine the underlying trend with the Momentum Impulse Oscillator , after which they can use the Fast Oscillator for entry signals into the trend. Take profits can be based on either the Diminishing Momentum Warnings or the Fast Oscillator flipping signals
Reversal Trading
Using the Momentum Impulse Oscillator on a timeframe roughly 3-4 times greater than the chart's timeframe and the Fast Oscillator as an example, users will need to first ensure that the Momentum Impulse Oscillator signals a ranging market on a higher timeframe, divergence signals from the Fast Oscillator can then be used as entries. Take profits can be based on either the Diminishing Momentum Warnings or the Fast Oscillator flipping signals or the Fast Oscillator reaching the zero line.
(These are just examples for reference, the Momentum Concepts™ offers significantly more possibilities for customisation and fine tuning of your trading strategy.)
In conclusion, Momentum Concepts™ stands as a versatile and powerful tool for traders seeking to decode the intricacies of market momentum across multiple time horizons. With its comprehensive suite of customizable features, including the Fast Oscillator , Scalper's Momentum , Momentum Impulse Oscillator , and Hidden Liquidity Flow , traders can gain deep insights into market dynamics and make well-informed trading decisions. Whether executing high-frequency scalping strategies or timing entries for longer-term positions, Momentum Concepts™ equips traders with the tools they need to navigate diverse market conditions with confidence. By harnessing the power of momentum analysis, this indicator empowers traders to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the ever-evolving financial markets.
0). INTRODUCTION: "MTF TREND-PANEL-(AS)" is a technical tool for traders who often perform multi-timeframe analysis.
This simple tool is meant for traders who wish to monitor and keep track of trend directions simultaneously on various timeframes, ranging from 1MIN to 3MONTHS (or other - 'DIFF')
script enhances decision-making efficiency and provides a clearer picture of market condition by integrating multiple timeframe analysis into a single panel.
-script doesn't make any calculations on its own really but is more of a tool for traders to remember what is happening on other time frames
- use tooltips to navigate settings easier
- Keeps track of up to 7 timeframes. (NUMBER of TimeFrames setting, from 1-7)
- Customizable Display: Choose to display nothing, upward/downward arrows, or a range indication for each timeframe.
- timeframe options: '1-MIN','5-MIN','15-MIN','30-MIN','1H','4H','1D','1W','1M','3M','DIFF'
- Color Coding: Define your preferred colors for each timeframe
- set position of the table and size of text (Position/text)
- Personal Touch: Add your own trading maxim or motto for inspiration to show up when SHOW TEXT is turned on
-NUMBER of TimeFrames setting: from 1-7 - how many rows to show
-SHOW TABLE: Toggle to display or hide the trend table panel.
-SHOW TEXT: Show or hide your personalized trading maxim.
-SHOW TREND: Enable to display trend direction arrows.
-SHOW_CLRS: Turn on to activate color coding for each timeframe.
-position/text size for table
-settings for each timeframe:color,time,trend
-place to type ur own text
5). How to Use the Script:
-After adding the script to your chart, use the 'NUMBER of TimeFrames' setting to select how many timeframes you want to track (1 to 7).
-Customize the appearance of each timeframe row using the color and arrow options.
-For trend analysis, the script offers arrows to indicate upward, downward, or ranging markets.
-decide what trend dominates particular TF (using other tools - script does not calculate trend on its own )
- mark trends on panel to keep track of all TF
-Enable or disable various features like the table panel, trader maxim, and color coding using the ON/OFF options.
6). just in case:
- ask me anything about the code
-don't be shy to report any bugs or offer improvements of any kind.
- originally created for @ict_whiz and made public at his request
MTF Trend Truth [Hubka]A Multi Time Frame Tend table that displays symbols trends for 6 selectable Time Intervals. In addition to the 6 first row color trends, the table also displays the direction of the last 2 candles in each Time Interval in the last 2 rows. This extra interval information displays price trend direction change or may add confluence if the price direction is the same.
The top row of the table has column header names described below:
(TL30) Column 1 - Trend Interval + The Trend Length selected (30 is default). Uses the last 30 candles to determine the trend for this interval. The length number is Editable.
(LCC) Column 2 - Last Closed Candle. This is the direction color of the second last candle on the chart.
(LOC) Column 3 - Last Open Candle. The is the current candle color direction of the last candle on the chart. This candle has not yet closed and will flicker as price changing state.
NOTE 1: (LOC) Column 3 - Last Open Candle - only displays correctly when the market is open and price is changing.
You can adjust the "Trend Length in Candles" which defaults to using the trend of the last 30 candles (TL30). Edit this setting to use any number from 5 to 99 candles back if you want display different trend lengths.
Having a visual table of the price trends from different time intervals can be beneficial to traders. For example... When observing that a symbol has many Bullish (green) price trends on several time intervals and the last 2 candles are also bullish it should afford a trader confluence to trade in that same bullish direction. However I am not a professional and do not offer any trading advice in any way. Use this indicator at your own risk.
NOTE 2: Time interval of 240 = 4 hours. Below 1 day number only is minutes.
[KVA] Custom Sessions Custom Sessions: Multi-Timeframe Analysis & Key Level Insights
Introducing " Custom Sessions," an innovative Pine Script indicator meticulously crafted to empower traders by offering an advanced level of analysis on various global trading sessions. This tool is designed not just to highlight trading sessions but to delve deeper into the nuances of market movements by analyzing candlestick behavior within those sessions, offering a nuanced view of market trends, liquidity, and potential turning points.
Core Features :
Session Customization : Tailor trading sessions to align with your strategy, focusing on the markets that matter most to you. Whether it's London, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, or Frankfurt, you have the control.
Enhanced Market Insight : Beyond session timing, gain a refined understanding of market dynamics through detailed candlestick analysis within each session, providing a granular view of price action.
Comprehensive Analysis Tools : Alongside session analysis, the indicator includes features like VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) and Fibonacci retracement levels, offering a multifaceted approach to market analysis across chosen timeframes.
VWAP : Gain insights into the market's trend and liquidity by viewing the Volume Weighted Average Price calculated for the custom timeframe.
Fibonacci Retracement Levels : Easily identify potential reversal points with automatically plotted Fibonacci levels at 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.618, and 0.782for each candle
Real-Time Updates : As the market moves, so does " Custom Sessions," offering real-time insights that adapt to the unfolding market conditions.
Utilization Guide :
Configure Your Sessions : Begin by setting up the sessions that are most relevant to your trading approach, customizing their times as needed.
Select the Desired Timeframe : Input your preferred higher timeframe to analyze data that is most relevant to your trading strategy.
Dive into the Details : Use the detailed candlestick analysis within sessions to pinpoint potential entry and exit points, supported by VWAP and Fibonacci levels for deeper market insight.
Customize Your View : Adjust the visual aspects of the indicator, including session color coding and which elements to display, tailoring the tool to your preferences.
Acknowledgements :
A special thanks to Aurocks_AIF for their foundational work on "Sessions on Chart" . This project has been an invaluable resource, inspiring the development of " Custom Sessions" and pushing the boundaries of traditional session analysis.
Final Thoughts :
" Custom Sessions" is more than just an indicator; it's a comprehensive analysis tool that brings a new depth to the understanding of market sessions. By offering detailed insights into the behavior of candles within these sessions, along with essential analysis features, this indicator is a must-have for traders seeking to enhance their technical analysis arsenal.
Whether you're a day trader looking to capture short-term movements or a long-term investor seeking broader market insights, this indicator offers valuable data visualization to enhance your trading decisions. By integrating highs, lows, VWAP, and Fibonacci levels into your analysis, you gain a comprehensive view of market behavior across different timeframes and sessions
Time Based Comparison Tool [TFO]The goal of this indicator is to show how multiple assets are trading relative to their Previous Highs and Lows. Many traders have probably seen charts resembling this that may plot how asset prices are trading as a percent change over time, or something similar.
The key difference with this indicator is that all prices are normalized to reflect how they are trading with respect to the previous range of a user-defined timeframe. Without the normalization process, we would simply be observing some percent change from a given point in time; but this does not provide enough information to describe where price is trading relative to our desired frame of reference.
For example, if the timeframe setting was chosen to be 1 day, the indicator would plot the Previous High (PH) and Previous Low (PL) of the current symbol on the daily timeframe, denoted here by the black lines and labels. Then, the adjusted price of all selected symbols would be shown to visualize how each one is moving with respect its own PH and PL, using the current symbol's PH and PL as reference points.
In the above chart, we can see that CL was trading below its PDL from about 10:00-11:00 am EST, then broke above and retested it at around 11:20 am EST, before trading higher. To verify that this comparison works as intended, we can check to see that CL did in fact retest its PDL at this time before trading higher. Note that we are using the close price for this evaluation.
Since limiting the output to close prices can leave out some vital information, we can change the Plot Type setting from "Close" to "High to Low," which will instead show the range of prices from high to low instead of just the close.
We can expand on this by detecting when PH's and PL's have been raided (traded through), by displaying the text PHR (Previous High Raid) or PLR (Previous Low Raid) next to the symbol's label on the right. In this case below, where we're using the 1 week timeframe, we can observe that NQ1! (purple) traded through the PL level and thus its label (right) is updated to indicate a PLR.
Similarly, YM1! traded through its PH level and was updated to indicate a PHR; and ES1! raided both levels, with its label reflecting just that.
Due to the native limitation of output series in a single pine script, alerts have been consolidated to "Any PHR" or "Any PLR," meaning these alerts would fire if any of the selected symbols raided a PH or PL, respectively. If one wanted to be alerted for just a specific symbol, this could be achieved by deselecting all symbols except that which is desired, then setting an alert and adjusting its title for easier user recognition.
HTF Candle ProjectionsThe HTF Candle Projections indicator shows a number of candles from a higher time frame (HTF) projected to the right of the candles in the current timeframe. This can be very useful if you want to analyze two different timeframes without the need to switching between the different timeframes.
This indicator is highly inspired by the HTF Power of Three indicator by @toodegrees but is fully free and open source, it also have support for showing more than just one candle in the projection. It is also inspired by the HTF Candle Insights (Expo) indicator by @Zeiierman but differ in the way that it update the HTF candles in real time and also have support for showing Open/High/Low projections that also updates in real time.
This indicator is released under TradingViews default license ( Mozilla Public License 2.0 )
AI SuperTrend x Pivot Percentile - Strategy [PresentTrading]█ Introduction and How it is Different
The AI SuperTrend x Pivot Percentile strategy is a sophisticated trading approach that integrates AI-driven analysis with traditional technical indicators. Combining the AI SuperTrend with the Pivot Percentile strategy highlights several key advantages:
1. Enhanced Accuracy in Trend Prediction: The AI SuperTrend utilizes K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for trend prediction, improving accuracy by considering historical data patterns. This is complemented by the Pivot Percentile analysis which provides additional context on trend strength.
2. Comprehensive Market Analysis: The integration offers a multi-faceted approach to market analysis, combining AI insights with traditional technical indicators. This dual approach captures a broader range of market dynamics.
BTC 6H L/S Performance
█ Strategy: How it Works - Detailed Explanation
🔶 AI-Enhanced SuperTrend Indicators
1. SuperTrend Calculation:
- The SuperTrend indicator is calculated using a moving average and the Average True Range (ATR). The basic formula is:
- Upper Band = Moving Average + (Multiplier × ATR)
- Lower Band = Moving Average - (Multiplier × ATR)
- The moving average type (SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA, VWMA) and the length of the moving average and ATR are adjustable parameters.
- The direction of the trend is determined based on the position of the closing price in relation to these bands.
2. AI Integration with K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN):
- The KNN algorithm is applied to predict trend direction. It uses historical price data and SuperTrend values to classify the current trend as bullish or bearish.
- The algorithm calculates the 'distance' between the current data point and historical points. The 'k' nearest data points (neighbors) are identified based on this distance.
- A weighted average of these neighbors' trends (bullish or bearish) is calculated to predict the current trend.
For more please check: Multi-TF AI SuperTrend with ADX - Strategy
🔶 Pivot Percentile Analysis
1. Percentile Calculation:
- This involves calculating the percentile ranks for high and low prices over a set of predefined lengths.
- The percentile function is typically defined as:
- Percentile = Value at (P/100) × (N + 1)th position
- Where P is the desired percentile, and N is the number of data points.
2. Trend Strength Evaluation:
- The calculated percentiles for highs and lows are used to determine the strength of bullish and bearish trends.
- For instance, a high percentile rank in the high prices may indicate a strong bullish trend, and vice versa for bearish trends.
For more please check: Pivot Percentile Trend - Strategy
🔶 Strategy Integration
1. Combining SuperTrend and Pivot Percentile:
- The strategy synthesizes the insights from both AI-enhanced SuperTrend and Pivot Percentile analysis.
- It compares the trend direction indicated by the SuperTrend with the strength of the trend as suggested by the Pivot Percentile analysis.
2. Signal Generation:
- A trading signal is generated when both the AI-enhanced SuperTrend and the Pivot Percentile analysis agree on the trend direction.
- For instance, a bullish signal is generated when both the SuperTrend is bullish, and the Pivot Percentile analysis shows strength in bullish trends.
🔶 Risk Management and Filters
- ADX and DMI Filter: The strategy uses the Average Directional Index (ADX) and the Directional Movement Index (DMI) as filters to assess the trend's strength and direction.
- Dynamic Trailing Stop Loss: Based on the SuperTrend indicator, the strategy dynamically adjusts stop-loss levels to manage risk effectively.
This strategy stands out for its ability to combine real-time AI analysis with established technical indicators, offering traders a nuanced and responsive tool for navigating complex market conditions. The equations and algorithms involved are pivotal in accurately identifying market trends and potential trade opportunities.
█ Usage
To effectively use this strategy, traders should:
1. Understand the AI and Pivot Percentile Indicators: A clear grasp of how these indicators work will enable traders to make informed decisions.
2. Interpret the Signals Accurately: The strategy provides bullish, bearish, and neutral signals. Traders should align these signals with their market analysis and trading goals.
3. Monitor Market Conditions: Given that this strategy is sensitive to market dynamics, continuous monitoring is crucial for timely decision-making.
4. Adjust Settings as Needed: Traders should feel free to tweak the input parameters to suit their trading preferences and to respond to changing market conditions.
█Default Settings and Their Impact on Performance
1. Trading Direction (Default: "Both")
Effect: Determines whether the strategy will take long positions, short positions, or both. Adjusting this setting can align the strategy with the trader's market outlook or risk preference.
2. AI Settings (Neighbors: 3, Data Points: 24)
Neighbors: The number of nearest neighbors in the KNN algorithm. A higher number might smooth out noise but could miss subtle, recent changes. A lower number makes the model more sensitive to recent data but may increase noise.
Data Points: Defines the amount of historical data considered. More data points provide a broader context but may dilute recent trends' impact.
3. SuperTrend Settings (Length: 10, Factor: 3.0, MA Source: "WMA")
Length: Affects the sensitivity of the SuperTrend indicator. A longer length results in a smoother, less sensitive indicator, ideal for long-term trends.
Factor: Determines the bandwidth of the SuperTrend. A higher factor creates wider bands, capturing larger price movements but potentially missing short-term signals.
MA Source: The type of moving average used (e.g., WMA - Weighted Moving Average). Different MA types can affect the trend indicator's responsiveness and smoothness.
4. AI Trend Prediction Settings (Price Trend: 10, Prediction Trend: 80)
Price Trend and Prediction Trend Lengths: These settings define the lengths of weighted moving averages for price and SuperTrend, impacting the responsiveness and smoothness of the AI's trend predictions.
5. Pivot Percentile Settings (Length: 10)
Length: Influences the calculation of pivot percentiles. A shorter length makes the percentile more responsive to recent price changes, while a longer length offers a broader view of price trends.
6. ADX and DMI Settings (ADX Length: 14, Time Frame: 'D')
ADX Length: Defines the period for the Average Directional Index calculation. A longer period results in a smoother ADX line.
Time Frame: Sets the time frame for the ADX and DMI calculations, affecting the sensitivity to market changes.
7. Commission, Slippage, and Initial Capital
These settings relate to transaction costs and initial investment, directly impacting net profitability and strategy feasibility.
Intraday Fibonacci Levels [Gorb]Welcome to the Intraday Fibonacci Levels indicator, a dynamic and customizable tool designed for traders who incorporate Fibonacci retracements and extensions into their technical analysis. This indicator focuses on intraday price action, allowing you to select a specific candle from any trading session and visualize crucial Fibonacci levels derived from its high and low prices.
Candle Selection for Fibonacci Analysis: Select any candle based on its time to plot Fibonacci levels, giving you control over the period of analysis.
Customizable .236 and .618 Fibonacci Levels: Plot and customize the .236 and .618 Fibonacci retracement and extension levels. Adjust color and line style for each level to fit your chart preferences.
User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use input fields for selecting the candle time and configuring Fibonacci settings. Intuitive toggle options to display or hide specific Fibonacci levels.
Dynamic Updating: The indicator updates in real-time as new price data is received, ensuring you have the latest Fibonacci levels on your chart.
Usage Case:
This indicator is ideal for day traders and technical analysts who utilize Fibonacci tools to identify potential support and resistance levels, trend reversals, or continuation patterns. Whether you are analyzing a high-impact news event candle or a significant pivot point in the trading day, this indicator helps bring clarity to your Fibonacci-based trading strategy.
Guidelines for Usage:
Use the indicator settings to select the candle time and configure your desired Fibonacci levels. You can choose any time you want, in order to use premarket candles you need to enable electronic hours on your chart to have levels plot from pre/post.
These auto plotted levels can act as pivot points or points of support and resistance for traders to make informed trading decisions near these levels. Analyze the plotted Fibonacci levels in conjunction with other technical indicators or price action patterns for informed trading decisions.
This indicator is a versatile and essential tool for traders who rely on Fibonacci analysis as part of their trading arsenal. By offering the flexibility to analyze specific candles and customize Fibonacci levels, this indicator empowers you to make more informed trading decisions. Its user-friendly design and real-time updating capabilities ensure that you have access to accurate and relevant Fibonacci data at any moment of the trading day.
All content, tools, scripts & education provided by Monstanzer or Gorb Algo are for informational & educational purposes only. Trading is risk and most lose their money, past performance does not guarantee future results.