Moving Avarage Percentage difference bands It creates a buy and sell signal according to the up and down percentage differences of fast and slow moving averages. Green band breaks are buy and red band breaks are sell signals difference there is a threshold value for optimization, high values generate more signals, but the risk of these signals increases..
hızlı ve yavaş hareketli ortalamaların yüzdesel farklarının aşağıya ve yukarıya kırılımlarına göre alım ve satım sinyali oluşturur yeşil bant kırılımları al kırmızı bant kırılımları sat sinyalidir optimizasyon için eşik değeri eklenmiştir yüksek değerler daha fazla sinyal almanıza sebep olur ama riskli sinyal sayısı artar düşük değerler daha az sinyal almanızı sağlar ama riskli sinyal sayısıda azalır.
Stochastic Weighted RSI w/ Divergence + Signals🐢 Tawtis' Stochastic Weighted Relative Strength Index , aka SWRSI
This indicator combines the Stochastic RSI and the classic RSI we all know and love to create a more effective indication of seller/buyer dominance, and in turn, trend. I have named it the "Stochastic Weighted RSI". The script also includes a standard RSI, so you can use both at the same time!
Loads of customisation, pretty much every input can be changed to fit your preferences, however, the default settings are what I would personally recommend for the best results. Either way, feel free to change them!
By looking at the indicator, you can also establish the trend that may follow in the candles to come.
Typically, an indicator reading of over 70 is considered overbought, and an indicator reading of under 30 is considered oversold.
The calculations for the SWRSI and its signals take into account a multitude of exponential moving averages, a Stochastic RSI and a classic RSI, among other things.
There are 2 types of signals provided by the indicator, being strong and weak. You do not have to follow these, and they aren't always accurate (it's impossible to be accurate 100% of the time), however, they can give a good idea of the trend that will ensue.
Strong buy signals are created when:
SWRSI is under 30
SWRSI is over the EMA (default 2) of the SWRSI
Short EMA (default 20) is under the long EMA (default 50)
Strong sell signals are created when:
SWRSI is over 70
SWRSI is under the EMA (default 2) of the SWRSI
Short EMA (default 20) is over the long EMA (default 50)
Weak buy and sell signals are printed as green and red background highlights, and operate the same as the strong buy and sells, without the short/long EMA criterion. Both of these signal types can be toggled off using the settings if you do not want to see them.
Inverse Fisher Transform on RSI for backtest w/alertsThis version of the Inverse Fisher Transform on RSI comes with support for
1) Backtesting with Gavin's backtest script
2) Bypass, you can use another indicator to pause buy signals from this indicator. Just create another indicator that plots "1" whenever you want to activate the bypass on the IFTRSI signal.
3) Independent buy and sell level thresholds. Some tokens perform better with a higher sell level, even levels as high as 0.996, sometimes the buy level can also be relaxed to even 0.6 and get incredible results on the 5 minute chart.
4) alerts for Buy and Sell signals
Make sure you add Gavin's backtest and select external signal and this indicator as the source.
Ichimoku all signalsIchimoku Cloud All Signals!
This indicator shows all Ichimoku Cloud signals for (entering/exiting/confirming/or even staying) in a position.
you can choose a signal related to your strategy and use it.
you can choose which signals to be shown on the chart by changing the settings.
here are some examples of signals that you can get from this indicator:
Crossover/under conversion line & base line
Crossover/under lead line1 & lead line2
Crossover/under conversion line & lead line1
Crossover/under base line & lead line1
Crossover/under conversion line & lead line2
Crossover/under base line & lead line2
Crossover/under close & base line
Cloud Breakouts in both directions!
and 74 signals more !!!!
Smart EMA SignalsThis indicator starts by plotting each time the price action crosses above or below the EMA, of which you can tune the timeframe and duration.
It then takes it a step further and plots whether or not that indicator would have given you a profitable trade, of which you can also tune the parameters (Max wait time, and % Profit).
Once you have your EMA tuned to your liking, set up alerts to notify you of a golden opportunity.
3GBH - Simple HMA'sIncluded in this indicator:
- 3x HMA w/ cloud
(Slow/Fast HMA)
(Signal HMA)
You can change all the inputs, they are labelled for ease-of-use.
You can toggle On/Off any or all of the options.
RSI ExtendedThis script is intended to print signals on the main price chart and send alerts when the RSI is overbought or oversold.
You can customize the source of the signal (open, close, etc), as well as oversold/overbought levels, and RSI length.
ADX SignalsThis script uses the Average Direction Index, On Balance Volume, and Exponential Moving Average, Moving Average Cross, MACD, Donchian Channels and two Parabolic SARs for stop loss, a normal one and a line one.
I tried to make the script as straightforward as possible, Buy when there is a buy signal and sell when there is a sell signal. I like using it on the smaller time-frames because I'm a scalper and I like going in and out quickly, but this indicator can be used on any timeframe and works on any instrument. The buy signal is triggered when the DI+ goes above the 30 level, the ADX is not increasing, on balance volume is at it's lowest, the price is above the lower Donchian Channel and last MACD hist bar is lower than the previous one. The sell signal is triggered when the DI- goes above the 30 level, the ADX is not increasing, on balance volume is at it's highest, the price is below the upper Donchian Channel and last MACD hist bar is upper than the previous one.
If you have any suggestions feel free to leave them in the comments below or Message me directly.
This indicator uses the inverse fisher transform on the stoch RSI for clear buying and selling signals. The stoch rsi is used to limit it in the range of 0 and 100. We subtract 50 from this to get it into the range of -50 to +50 and multiply by .1 to get it in the range of -5 to +5. We then use the 9 period weighted MA to remove some "random" trade signals before we finally use the inverse fisher transform to get the output between -1 and +1
Buy when the indicator crosses over –0.5 or crosses over +0.5 if it has not previously crossed over –0.5.
Sell when the indicator crosses under +0.5 or crosses under –0.5 if it has not previously crossed under +0.5.
We can see multiple examples of good buy and sell signals from this indicator on the attached chart for QCOM. Let me know if you have any suggestions or thoughts!
SuperTrend Oscillator [LuxAlgo]This oscillator is made of three components, all derived from the SuperTrend indicator. This approach allows the user to easily determine overbought/sold zones, identify whether a retracement is present or if the price is ranging or trending. It also allows for the anticipation of the potential price cross with the SuperTrend.
We provide additional information including whether a signal returned by the SuperTrend was false, as well as the percentage of false signals.
Length: Period of the "average true range" used in the calculation of the SuperTrend
Mult: Multiplicative factor for the "average true range"
Smooth: Determines the degree of smoothing of the histogram
Fixed Transparency: Use a fixed transparency for the main oscillator
Show Lines: Show the lines displayed by the indicator
Show Labels: Show the labels displayed by the indicator
The indicator is in a range of (-100,100) with values closer to 100/-100 indicating a stronger trend. The main oscillator value above 0 indicates that the price is above the SuperTrend.
It is possible to identify when a retracement is present in a trend. This is often indicated by an oscillator value moving within 50/-50.
Each overbought/oversold level can be used to determine potential exit points.
The indicator also includes two additional oscillators derived from the main oscillator. A smoothed version of the main oscillator (Signal), and a smoothed version of the difference between the Main and Signal oscillators (Histogram), thus making the oscillator part of the indicator more similar to MACD.
One can use the histogram to anticipate when the price might cross the SuperTrend by comparing the sign between the main and histogram. Potential false signals can also be filtered with this method.
Certain crosses between the price and SuperTrend can be filtered out when the histogram and main oscillator have a different sign (here main = 1, histogram = -1).
We include various indications in order to analyze the signals returned by the SuperTrend. The indicator displays symbols indicating whether a signal was false or not.
A cross symbol will be displayed at the top of the displayed lines when the previous Buy signal was false, else a checkmark is displayed. Symbols displayed at the bottom of the lines are referring to sell signals. We also provide a percentage of false signals, calculated over the entire chart history.
The scaling method used is similar to max-min normalization. We first compute the difference between the price and SuperTrend and divide the result by the difference between the upper and lower extremity used to compute the SuperTrend. Values higher than (1,-1) can occur when price crosses the SuperTrend and as such we use the max and min functions to attenuate these.
The filter used to compute the signal line is based on exponential averaging and is fully adaptive. The smoothing factor used for its computation is the squared value of the main oscillator, divided by length . Since higher values of the oscillator are associated with trending markets, the filter will be closer to the main oscillator when the market is ranging.
Angle Attack Follow Line Indicator This indicator works with Follow Line Indicator , evaluates the angle for possible additions or reductions of the position. Many settings to play with:
Roc & Atr
Roc & Atr Orders
My indicator, where I compare the 20 bar change percentage with the 14 bar atr band, I hope it will be useful to everyone. the green zones can be interpreted as BUY and the red zone as SELL zone. In graphs with high motion and low atr, the channel narrowing can be interpreted as BUY and the channel opening as SELL.
No indicator shows you the right way ... The best way is your own thoughts
T3 Gold Sniper [RickAtw]Gold Sniper based on support and resistance looks for a sniper entry for trades. Used together with EMA
Key signal
Buy ------> Green Line
Sell ------> Red Line
The system was made for gold and everything is tuned for it.
I am a professional investor and I test each system for how long. If the system makes an income, it gets to my page. Use it for gold, cryptocurrencies and pairs AUD/USD GBP/USD
TV Community AlgoTV Community Algo is a free TradingView script that I designed from the ground to benefit the traders of this community. It has plenty of features that you will enjoy, and I have included documentation for how to use this below!
Turn the Void Lines on or off
Turn the Dashboard on or off
Turn the Signal Bars on or off
Turn the Support & Resistance Lines on or off
Turn the EMA 8 and EMA 200 on or off
Turn the Buy & Sell Signals on or off
Turn the Fibonacci Retracement Tool on or off
Change the Dashboard's distance from the price action
Change the Dashboard's Color and Transparency
Change the Dashboard Text Color
Change the Fibonacci Deviation
Make the Fibonacci Retracement Tool reverse
Make the Fibonacci Lines extend left, right, both directions, or none
Turn Fibonacci Prices on or off
Turn Fibonacci Levels on or off and change between percent or value
Change Fibonacci Label Position from the left or the right
This algo has many uses including but not limited to:
Finding entries and exits using the EMA 8 and EMA 200 crossovers
Using the Void Lines to identify bounces or reversals
Using the Signal Bars to identify trend and confirmation for entries and exits
Using the Dashboard information for confirmation and informational purposes
In the images below, I give a few examples of the many uses of the TV Community Algo!
The Void Lines are very helpful when it comes to identifying reversals.
The Dashboard is filled with useful information that all traders can benefit from!
The colored candles known as Signal Bars inform you of when the price action is above or below the midpoint of the Void Lines.
These lines help traders find accurate levels of support & resistance on all time frames, and the lines change color depending on if the price is above or below them.
EMA 8 AND 200
The EMA 8 and EMA 200 crossovers can be used as entry and exit signals.
The BUY & SELL signals can be used to find optimal entries and exits for trades on any time frame. Smaller time frames are best for scalping, while larger time frames are more suited for longer trades. When combined with the EMA lines and Dashboard information, these signals can produce incredibly profitable trades.
The Auto Fibonacci Retracement Tool allows you to plot perfect Fib Lines every time.
I truly hope that the TV Community Algo benefits the TradingView community and that you all find some value in it. I worked very hard on this product and I would love to see it put to good use.
with love,
-Lemon 🍋
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
IKH Signals v2Hi,
I'm happy to release this new update after few weeks working.
Fix kumo break-out of Chiku span and close price
Fix buy trigger and strong buy trigger
Signals take now the kumo thickness and kumo angle
Signals does not trigger on doji candles
Multi time frame validation is now available
I hope this fixes and new features will improve the signals for you too.
Let me know if you find strange behavior or possible improvments.
The Bayesian Q OscillatorFirst of all the biggest thanks to @tista and @KivancOzbilgic for publishing their open source public indicators Bayesian BBSMA + nQQE Oscillator. And a mighty round of applause for @MarkBench for once again being my superhero pinescript guy that puts these awesome combination Ideas and ES stradegies in my head together. Now let me go ahead and explain what we have here.
I am gonna call it the Bayesian Q Oscillator I suppose. The goal of the script is to solve an issue both indicators on their own suffer from. QQE signals are not new and often the problem has always been false signals for them. They are good for scalping but the difference between a quality move and a small to nearly nonexistent move following a signal is not so clear. Kivanc made his normalized version to help reduce this problem by adding colors to his histogram type verision that would essentially represent if price was a trending move or in a ranging structure. As you can see I have kept this Idea but instead opted for lines as the oscillator. two yellow line (default color) is a ranging sideways area and when there is red or green it is trending up or down. I wanted to take this to the next level with combining the Bayesian probability oscillator that tista put together.
The Bayesian indicator is the opposite for its issue as it is a probability indicator that shows which candle or price movement is more likely to come next. Red rising means possibly down move soon and green means up soon. I will not go into the complex details of this indicator but will suggest others take a look at his and others to understand the idea behind them. The point I am driving at is that it show probabilities or likelyhood without the most effecient signal device to match it. This original was line form and now it is background filled colors.
The idea. is that you can potentially get some stronger and more accurate reversal signals with these two paired together. when you see a sell signal or cross with the towering or rising red... maybe it is a good jump potentially. The same for green. At the same time it is a double added filter effect from just having yellow represent it is ranging... but now if you get a buy signal (example) and have yellow lines (example) along wi5h a red rising or mountain color background... it not only is an indication of ranging, but also that there is potentially even a counter move coming based on the probabilities. Also if you get into a good trade and see dual yellow qqe crosses with no color represented by the bayesian background... it is possible it might only be noise.
I have found them to work decently in the 1 hour timframe. Let me know your experience.
I hope everyone takes a look at the originals to understand them. Full credit goes to those guys for this to be here. Let me know how it is working out for you.
Here are the original links.
Normalized QQE
Easy TrendThis signal is completely based on analysis and transformation of a single simple moving average. As with all signals and indicators, it should be combined with others.
This is how the signal is built:
1. First it takes the SMA of the closing price.
2. It then takes the ROC of that SMA using a length of 1.
3. It takes an 8-period SMA and also a 64-period SMA of that ROC.
4. These are plotted as follows:
- the ROC is plotted in green when above 0 (trending up) and red when below 0 (trending down).
- the 8-period SMA is plotted as a thin white line within the ROC signal
- the 64-period SMA is plotted as a thick white line within the ROC signal
When the trendline is green, this is a bullish zone. When the trendline is red, this is a bearish zone.
Moving averages (all types of moving averages) are inherently lagging signals. To compensate for that, I am offsetting each SMA series by half of its period. This may be confusing to some, but the end result is a mathematically accurate SMA signal, centered on the signal that it is providing the moving average of. It doesn't stop the lag, but it directly and obviously shows how lagged each signal is, which I personally find better to trade against.
Symbols on the top and bottom of indicator:
Yellow triangle at bottom of indicator shows where a downward trend is starting to bottom out and a buy/long opening may be available soon.
Green triangle at bottom of indicator shows that a downward trend has switched to an upward trend. This indicates a good time to buy.
Yellow triangle at top of indicator shows where an upward trend is starting to plateau and a sell/short opening may be available soon.
Red triangle at top of indicator shows that an upward trend has switched to a downward trend. This indicates a good time to sell.
Note: You may see multiple yellow triangles before seeing a green or red triangle. This can happen when multiple trend accelerations or decelerations occur within an overall green or red zone.
In addition there is a dotted line connecting the end of the 64-period SMA to the end of the 8-period SMA. This indicates the direction the trend is moving towards. When the dotted line crosses the zero line, this portrays a rough estimate of where the trend may switch from a downtrend to an uptrend or vice versa. This is the "best" time to buy or sell, depending on your strategy.
I recommend placing a SMA on your candles set to the same window size as this indicator, and also to offset that SMA to the left by half its window size. For example, a 90-period SMA should be offset by -45 periods. That will cause it to be correctly aligned with this trend signal.
Custom Screener with Alerts V2 [QuantNomad]TradingView just recently announced the alert() function that allows you to create dynamic alerts from both strategies and studies.
So I decided to update custom screener I published before. It was based on alerts from orders in strategies, that was the only way to create dynamic alerts in PineScript at that point.
With the alert() function code become cleaner and more readable.
It works for up to 40 symbols at the same time.
You can create an alert from it easily by selecting screener name from the list and then selecting "Any alert() function call".
No additional configuration is required, message and alert on close I set up in the code.
I created as an example a screener that tracks both overbought (RSI > 70) and oversold stocks (RSI < 30).
To create your own screener you have to change only screenerFunc().
By design it should output 2 values:
cond - True/False Boolean variable. Should this instrument be displayed in the screener?
value - Additional numeric value you can display in your screener. I display RSI level for selected stocks for example.
Link to the old screener:
Please remember that past performance may not be indicative of future results.
Due to various factors, including changing market conditions, the strategy may no longer perform as good as in historical backtesting.
This post and the script don’t provide any financial advice.
BOSCILLATOR. A BOSS OSCILLATORI would like to first say I do not the indicator pieces. Would like to personally give thanks and credit to @MarkBench for coding this indicator and helping to get my vision for this system finally able to be published and used by anyone. I would also like the thank @lazy bear and @ChrisMoody for their bringing the Firefly oscillator and the SCHAFF TREND and the PPO price percentage oscillator to trading view. and @scilentor for his version of Godmode with LSMA . Thanks to @Shizaru for bringing Frama moving average (which we have adopted into the PPO as one of the base selections for the first time, as well as the ALMA ). Divergences have also been added. and components of the firefly have been removed such as the histogram. I have added two oscillators in the picture. The bottom is the standard settings. The above is how I prefer mine to look after tweaking the settings.
Before I get into explaining how its used. I want to say all the indicators are open and none privately owned or at least owned by indivduals who brought them to trading view. Any due permission is granted at my disclocsure. I also want to say this is not your typical mashup of indicators as the is a very clear way to view and use this specifically. Also I want to say original tools from their original scripts are also improved. For example the PPO being used we have added the FRAMA and ALMA moving average basis option which it did not have before. And now everything has clear divergences and some other minor changers. but here are the rules and examples.
Some shorthand
(Main oscillator - firefly)
(background wave thing - PPO )
(the red vertical up and down line with red and green dots - STC )
(the blue, yellow and red dots - warning dots)
WHO IS THIS INDICATOR FOR? - This indicator itself is not meant to be a signal giver to buy or sell right now even though it could be and some of the original scripts are used as such. This indicator is actually meant to be a VISUAL CONFIRMATION & FILTER for trades taken in other methods outside of this indicator. What are some of those methods that may benefit from having this? Pivot point traders, FIB traders, Bollinger band traders, Moving average traders.. just to name a few. This indicator itself is meant to in a quick glance allow the trade to see the condition of many different elements outside of the main price and chart, and determine if that trade looks like it has too much risk, or if that trade looks suitable. It also provides a series of confirmations that could be used for adding to a position at different levels at the trade's discretion.
OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSIDERING A SHORT = The PPO is orange/red + the STC is at the TOP + the Firefly is above the midline. The warning dots are being printed at the top. There is regular or hidden bearish divergence present.
OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR CONSIDERING A LONG = The PPO is light/dark green + the STC is at the BOTTOM + the Firefly is below the midline. The warning dots are being printed at the bottom. There is regular or hidden bullish divergence present.
Triggers for scaling/adding into your position = Keeping in mind that this oscillator on its own is not meant to be the sole reason for taking a trade, here are some triggers you will see for getting into position (preferably with the optimal conditions being met) The firefly flips from a green line into a red slide and vise versa. The firefly crosses the midline up or down. The STC begins going up/down and triggers a green or red dot while crossing one of the levels at 20 or 80. The warning dots being made begin to be printed lower/higher than the dot before last. The PPO shift from one color to the next in the favored direction of the trade you wish to make.
Signs for taking profit and protecting your trade = The Dots begin to print, the PPO changes colors at the top or bottom. the STC arrived are the top.
FILTER SITUATIONS TO AVOID TRADES = Wise to not take a trade if the PPO and the firefly do not agree. For example - if the PPO is showing green yet the firefly is still red may be an indication that it is getting a bit late for you to enter the trade. Same with opposing divergences and warning dots contradicting the trade you are looking at. The STC being already on the bottom or top may be a small indication that trade may already have been a little too ripe, but on its own is not always the case.
When selecting the PPO settings and moving average you are going to want it to be in favor of what you are trying to accomplish.IF you are one low time frames and trying to swing or scalp trade... chances are you want a reactive MA setting that iss responsive. Iwould recommend the HULL, ALMA, TEMA DEMA. For the Higher time frame the EMA or the T3 WDma can be wuite patient and helpful for a constant reminder of caution
Some notes - for the swing and scalp trading... in my experience the PPO moving average basis sees more responsive changes with the FRAMA , ALMA , HULL settings. for entering a trade, at least a couple of your triggers being present increases the success rate by a lot.
This chart illustrates the usefullness of having a Zero lag function for the firefly. The firefly should not be taken for signals or trades itself. However it is the most precise finder of divergences within the system. It is aways good to flip on and off zero lag just to take a quick look for divergences you might have mixed.
In this chart illustrates the general visual look and order of events to guide you along your way. Starts with the PPO turning green or red or orange which is potentially time to get out of your current trade. Then it switched colors when reversal begins and that is when you want to at the same time see the STC, the firefly, and lower caution dots coming in around the same area (highlighted in blue squares). Now near the end you see a red box. This is a filter aspect. The PPO is green, yet the others are saying down/short. This does not mean it must be a long, however it is great warning to maybe avoid getting to bearish for the downside in that time. You want the PPO and line up with the others and it should be visually apparent that they all want to go the same way.
Here is a list of some key elements (before changes this script made) of parts this oscillator includes. My original publication of my oscillation setup was blocked by the mods here.. this one however includes a large variety of items that have been altered from their original formats and a well-explained trading system to use it with.
// Firefly
Firefly Oscillator
// PPO
PPO PercentileRank Mkt Tops & Bottoms (@PuppyTherapy)
// Divergence
Divergence Indicator (any oscillator)
// Godmode
// Schaff
Schaff Trend Cycle
// Frama
(FRAMA) Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
LordPepe Stochastic SignalsThis is the Lord Pepe. Howdy. Basic buy/sell indicator to accumulate along a downtrend and release your stack during the uptrend and oversold levels of the stochastic. The buys should be used to stack, and sells indicate levels of profit taking, they do not signal a long term reversal, only < 25% of stack should be released on "OB" signals.
OB - overbought (sell)
OS - oversold (buy)
MACD signal with alert (long/short/close) for TV free accountSend MACD alert through email (available for free/pro user):
// 3 - buy
// -2 - short
// 0 - close position
// 1 - ignore
Example buy signal
Alert: STRAT3. BINANCE:BTCUSDTPERP, price = 31080
Example sell signal
Alert: STRAT-2. BINANCE:BTCUSDTPERP, price = 31080
Example close signal
Alert: STRAT0. BINANCE:BTCUSDTPERP, price = 31080
Example ignore signal
Alert: STRAT1. BINANCE:BTCUSDTPERP, price = 31080
Precise_SignalThis signal combines a portion of Chris Moody's 2014 SlingShot and my 2017 MTF Indicators. Both of our prior scripts over indicated Buy and Sell Points. This signal indicates a buy or sell point much less than our prior scripts did but with absolute precision.
I would say it is 100% accurate, but that is because I am yet to find a timeframe and symbol where the Buy signal failed to see the equity move up or the Sell signal failed to see the equity move down over the next 5 bars. I have tested 2000 charts so far. To be safe, I would rather state this indicator is accurate nearly 100% of the time.
The indicator is made up of 2 main portions and both of them have to agree on a buy or sell in order to indicate such with a vertical green or maroon bar beneath the chart. If there is a failure to agree, nothing is signaled.
Indicator 1 combines a stochastic of a 3 hour chart and a daily chart to determine when the stochastics are in agreement on direction. When there is agreement, both of them MUST cross from a buy state to a sell state and vice versa at exactly the same time. This is difficult to achieve and it is already rare for this occurrence to produce a signal. When a signal is produce it is combine with Chris Moody's 2014 SlingShot Indicator which conservatively determines Buy and Sell signals based on EMAs and market direction. Signals from his SlingShot are infrequent.
BUY Signal
When my MTF signals Buy at the same time that the SlingShot signals a Buy, a vertical green bar will appear in the window containing this script. The vertical bar is based on the close price of the equity and is only final when the close price is final. A BUY signal means the equity will move up potentially as early as the next bar and achieve a higher value from the close price on the signal bar.
SELL Signal
Likewise, a sell signal from the MTF at the same time as a sell signal from the SlingShot will create a maroon bar in the window containing this script. The vertical bar is based on the close price of the equity and is only final when the close price is final. A SELL signal means the equity will move down potentially as early as the next bar and achieve a lower value from the close price on the signal bar.
The default values for this script are hard-coded into this script. You can edit any of the value you would like to play with other timeframes, stochastic, and moving average lengths.
I have played with these values and have hard-coded the ones that are most accurate. Please let me know if you find others that work.
Hopefully this becomes an extra tool in your technical trading toolkit.